SX:2 The Antiques Roadshow (Keia judging)-Completed

El Jefe

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Salix said:
The monitors light up behind them showing the front doors of a building.
Avatar instantly recognized the building. The OI! He'd spent many long hours there as an undergrad, studying under the guidance of the great Dr. Braidwood. A tinge of sadness passed through him as he recalled that "Dr. Robert" had passed away a few years ago...he would have loved meeting with his old mentor again.
Salix said:
The hooded figure reappears, melts through a display case long enough to grab whatever is inside, and disappears again.
Of course, a thief. Avatar's jaw tightened. He couldn't make up his mind whether the hooded intruder was one step above a grave robber or one step below. One thing was certain...this super-stealer had to be stopped!
Salix said:
"Here’s the deal, you need to get on the jet in five minutes, go to Chicago, and talk with the director of the Museum, Dr Lisa Theodopolis...
Theodopolis...Theodopolis...Avatar couldn't place her. Maybe that guy from Northwestern didn't work out? Or jumped on an even jucier job than running the's a revolving door at the top, he thought. It was a shame he couldn't introduce himself as Henry Johnson, that would break the ice with her rather quickly. Of course, the scandal would send shock waves throughout the profession...better not.
Salix said:
The flight is uneventful, and soon they are at the Museum.
"Now, was that Theodophilus or Theodopolis?", Avatar wondered. He checked his PDA to be certain.

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El Jefe

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Bront said:
[sblock=Avatar]Psyren's silky voice enters your head, 'You'll me know if you want me to look into some mind, k?'

You feel a gentile prying, as if someone is trying to get into your thoughts.

OOC: You can technicaly shut her out, and she can't hear your reply if she doesn't read your thoughts. The prying is her wondering if you're going to resist or not, and she won't push it if you do.[/sblock]
[sblock=Psyren]Avatar felt someone trying to push into his mind, and resisted for a moment. Psyren? She had admitted to having mental powers, who else could it be? A quick glance at the questioning expression in her eyes confirmed his suspicions. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained", he thought as he allowed her intrusion. "Uh, yeah...sure", he thought back to her.[/sblock]Avatar wondered if he, that wouldn't be proper, and besides, there was work to do. Maybe later.

El Jefe

First Post
Velmont said:
He takes his PDA and connet it to the central computer and download the camera footage. He then follow teh group up to the hangar.
On the plane, Avatar retrieved his PDA and handed it to Sergeant. "Hey, could you give me a dub of that movie file you got back there? Wouldn't hurt to have two copies of it", he suggested.
Velmont said:
"We should take a look at the site of the crime and question the head of museum."
Avatar nodded his assent wordlessly. He turned to face the prettiest member of the group. "Uh, Psyren?", he asked, then gave a quick and perhaps cryptic nod when she faced him.[sblock=Psyren]Avatar waited for her to pick up on his thoughts again, and then thought to her, "Make sure this Dr. Theodopo...Theodopho...make sure she plays straight with us, OK?"[/sblock]Avatar made small talk on the plane, offering to share what he knew about the OI.


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In the briefing room:
"Ahh, a wizard has stolen some artifact?! Dangerous it is to fight a foe who can go unseen."

'I just hope that I am wrong about it being a wizard', Paladin broods. 'The last thing which I need now is Merlin or his sorcerous ilk interfering again.'

On the way to the plane:
"Avatar, what does he mean that we are going to FLY to another city?! No, let me guess: you have mechanical birds to carry you aloft to and fro no doubt... By the gods! Why could Merlin not have seen fit to implant knowledge of this modern land within me so that I do not startle like a baby at each new shock!? He is surely watching from somewhere and enjoying every moment of my discomfort."

On the plane:
"Seargent, is there any way to make the picture of that wizard bigger? I would be interested to see any details of his mask that I can make out."


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The heroes arrive at the museum and are greeted by a striking young woman of obvious Greek heritage and two security guards. “Thank Goodness you’re here!”, she says her eyes moving from one hero to the next. Settling on Psyren she says, “ I didn’t realize there were many women in this line of work. Please follow me, the chamber is inside.” The heroes pass through the melted front doors, and follow her past many historical treasures. “The item taken was the Amulet of Nanna. It is one of the Four Great Treasures of Ur, along with the Prayer Stela of Nanna, the Winged Disk Tablet, and the Sacrificial Bowl of Nanna. The items date to 2000 BC. They actually launched my career when I located the amulet in Iraq*. I have no idea why someone would want the amulet, other than to put it in their private collection. There are a lot of seedy types in the archaeology business, “treasure hunters “ they call themselves. Of course, treasures like these belong in museums where they can be studied and shared with the public” , you can hear the contempt for private collectors and purveyors of stolen artifacts in her voice. “Well here we are, this is the chamber where the crime was committed”, she says as she waves her hand toward the case.

*Avatar remembers this series of papers now. Although middle eastern, they are slightly on the periphery of his area of expertise, and he has been busy. To get the curator’s job at such a young age indicates that she is a rising star in academia.

OOC: [sblock=investigate check 15] the case and door were corroded rather than melted[/sblock]
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-=-=-= In Plane =-=-=-

Sergeant take out his PDA and replay the video. He answers to Paladin "I have a photoshop program on my PDA, in case I need to draw the portrait of a criminal... I can try to do something with it, but I am no wiz kid, so don't expect too much." Sergeant take a creanshot of the best image in the video and try to work from there, and seems to improve the quality of the image. (Computer check: 23)

-=-=-= In the Museum =-=-=-

While the group walk up to the exposition room, Sergeant hands his PDA to Paladin. "That's the best I can do." Sergeant stop and strt to take a look at the door, and quickly notice the rust on it. (Investigate check: 22) "Rusted. Our super can turn invisible, dazzle people with bright light and rust metal... and like to collect artifact." He turn his attention to the head of teh museum. "Dr Theodopolis, you told that there is three other items related to the amulet. If he is a collector, he would likely have the other three. Have you them here or are they kept in another musuem?"
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The man with the probe
------In HQ
Psyren blushes slightly.
[sblock=Avatar]'Of course mon'ami. I will try. I sorry if this make you uncomfortable, this strange for me too. I promise not to force myself in.'

If Avatar is finished, he can feel her withdraw.[/sblock]

[sblock=Avatar] 'Let me smooth things over, first. Try not to give you know much of this stuff, k? She may feel less threatened by me, no?'

OOC: say what you want in your mind to reply, she won't hear you, that was brodcast only.[/sblock]

Psyren greets the woman, "Dr Theodopolis? I am Psyren, and this iz Avatar, Paladin, and Seargent."

"Is dere legends of Ur you can tell us about?" Psyren asks.

[sblock=Salix]Psyren, while being diplomatic (1d20+12=24)*, telpathicly probes (1d20+10=17) into the Dr's mind, hoping to see if she can read what she's thinking.

*An additional +8 if her looks help her.

OOC: Telepathy (Mind reading). She will try again if she's unsuccessful. (DC17 will check, since I rolled a 17) She won't notice anything either way, unless I wanted her to, or at least that's how I read the power.[/sblock]

OOC: FYI, Psyren's only a DC 15 check on Pop Culture to recognize in some way, 10 by name.
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El Jefe

First Post
Salix said:
"The item taken was the Amulet of Nanna. It is one of the Four Great Treasures of Ur, along with the Prayer Stela of Nanna, the Winged Disk Tablet, and the Sacrificial Bowl of Nanna.”
Avatar noted with some satisfaction that the woman's attitudes matched his own, although he thought she was a little hard on private collectors. The best of them were valuable research partners, but the worst were little different from her stereotype...more concerned with impressing someone with a trinket than in understanding what sort of person would fashion such a thing or why.

More to the point, he wasn't so sure that the item was stolen just add to a gaudy collection. He racked his brains trying to remember anything special about the stolen item and its 3 historical companions. Did the myths of the Sumerians ascribe any great powers to the objects?[sblock=Crunch]Knowledge(History) check was d20+18=19. The dice hate me![/sblock]

El Jefe

First Post
Bront said:
[sblock=Avatar] 'Let me smooth things over, first. Try not to give you know much of this stuff, k? She may feel less threatened by me, no?'[/sblock]
[sblock=Psyren]Avatar thought back to her, "Split the difference. Let me ask some of the questions, and you ask some for me. I don't mind her thinking that we know our stuff, so long as I don't blow my cover."[/sblock]


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Paladin also searches his memory for any mention Merlin might have made of such artifacts.

Knowledge(History) 1d20+5=9

Unfortunately, due to Merlin's manipulations, his memories seem to resemble swiss cheese with large holes here and there throughout...

"Verily, I belive Sir Seargent mayhap have the right idea. If the villain has sought out this item, he may yet seek out the others as well. If they are also located in other facilities such as this then we should make haste to the next such location and catch the villain when he strikes!"

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