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5 out of 5 rating for Syrinscape

I've been using Syrinscape for about six months now, and it has become a staple at my game table. With the recent addition of the mixer to the application, which allows users to pull tracks and sounds from various sound sets to create their own ambient mix, the true power and flexibility of this program has been realized. I highly recommend it!


5 out of 5 rating for Syrinscape

I keep reading how there are a lot of free sound boards out there and that paying for something doesn't make sense. If that's you, okay, great! I'm not someone who can make sounds or soundtracks. My attempts to have background music usually meant playing my medieval bands, or perhaps old drinking songs, from my CD collection and hoping that they weren't too distracting at the wrong time. Such as a slow song during battle or a quick song during role playing.

Enter Syrinscape.

This isn't just a soundboard. It's a sound board made specifically for RPGs and tabletop gaming. It has fantasy and SciFi sounds all done. All of the sounds can be customized. I can add in effects, such as a blaster, fireball, or character sounds. I'm especially lucky to have three computers and a tablet at the table. (The way they intended DND back in the 70s. :) ) So I can dedicate the tablet to it without effecting my other machines. Not everyone can do that, and I understand it.

If you do want sounds, I think you should at least download the free demo and try it. Try it at a session and play around with it. If it doesn't work for you, okay. You are out some time. If, like me, you want to add sounds but aren't sure where to start, this will get you going.

That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.



3 out of 5 rating for Syrinscape

This is good, but it's a little pricey for what you get. The monthly price is analogous to, say, Netflix. And the sounds for a Pathfinder adventure are more expensive than the adventure itself, at $16. It's fairly easy to use, though you need to put it through some kind of sound system as an iPad isn't loud enough to make it worthwhile. Nice interface, polished looking app. I found it could be a little unresponsive at times on an iPad 3, so it may need something a bit beefier.


5 out of 5 rating for Syrinscape

I've been using the Syrinscape Fantasy Player and it's great for providing an atmospheric background that you can just leave running while you GM. It's hugely tweakable, with the ability to adjust the relative volumes of individual elements (a crackling fire, distant growls, birds tweeting, etc.).

Although many of the Syrinscape sound-sets are designed for Pathfinder adventure paths, don't let this put you off it you don't run Pathfinder, or are not running the adventures in question. All sound-sets elements are usable in any fantasy campaign, and you can mix and match sounds from different sets to create your own moods (the music from the woodland set, footsteps from the dungeons set, and the sound of the sea from the shore set, for example).

There is undeniably some prep time in creating your own moods, but once you have created a few, you will probably return to them regularly. I have created a few sets for different locations in my game (specific towns, dungeon settings, rural journeys, taverns, etc.), and I use these all the time.

When a new sound-set is released, I always look forward to going through all the moods and listening out for things I can use in my own custom sets. All of the provided sound-sets are good, but some are astounding. For example: I used the sounds and music in the Siren set to build an increasingly tense series of moods as my players explored a ruined fort. As they got nearer to the siren (harpy in my game), the sinister whispers, taunts and enchanting songs got louder. By the time they encountered the harpy, my players (and me) were totally freaked out, making this an encounter we all remember.
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5 out of 5 rating for Syrinscape

I've subscribed to the Syrinscape app and have used it during the last 2 sessions on my ipad, bluetoothed to a bose speaker and had various background sounds going when needed to add ambiance. Busy town sounds, light then heavy rain with an occasional clap of thunder. I've used the battle sounds of sword on sword, thwacks and arrow thuds as well. I asked the group if they thought it added to the session and all said yes so I'll keep working it into each session. I add all the sounds I think I'll need to the custom sound set so I have them all in one place although I haven't figured out how to add the sound triggers to that set so I still have to jump over to be able to hit a scream or thunder clap. Email questions are answered pretty quickly too which was nice to see!

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