TableSmith 3.95 and 3E Magic Generator


I've posted version 3.95 of TableSmith to my web site. New features are listed below:

* New functions added: Count (gives you the number of entries in a group), MinVal (returns the minimum value required to generate a particular entry), MaxVal (like MinVal, but for the maximum value), Ceil (returns the next highest integer for the given number), Floor (as Ceil, but next lowest), UCase and LCase (convert a string to all upper or lower case), Unlock (Unlocks a "flagged" entry in a non-repeating group), Param (returns the text value of a particular entry in a list-style parameter), and Loop (loops through desired code 'x' number of times).

* Enhanced the "If" function to work as you'd expect it too (i.e.; it only performs one of the two given actions, rather than both and then returning the results of one).

* Removed group call group call functionality for conditional calls and looping, since they were made obsolete by the enchancement of the "If" function and the additional of the "Loop" function.

* Added truncation division (via '\') to the "Calc" function.

* Miscellaneous bug fixes.

* Allowed for the display of square brackets (precede them with '\' in the same manner as '%').

I've also uploaded a basic 3E Magic Generator (feed it a gp value and a degree of power - Minor, Medium, or Major - and it will give you a list of items, total worth not in excess of the gp value you entered). The Magic Generator can be found in my Table Gallery.

Download them at:
3E Generator:

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