Tabletop Scotland 2019, Perth UK, 24-25th August


Tabletop Scotland & Polyhedral Press Overlord
In 2018 over 1,000 different people came to play board games, card games and RPGs and on the 24th & 25th August 2019 we're expecting more!

RPG wise in 2018 we had 14 tables on average in each of the 5 slots with the majority of those being D&D Adventurers League.

For 2019 we've expanded the space available to RPGs and we're aiming to have 20 tables on average in each of the 5 slots, with approximately 50% of those tables being for D&D Adventurers League.

That's in addition to having lots of open play space for gaming of all kinds and having lots of exhibitors, demos and a board game library.

If you want to know more about the convention in general then check out our website -

If you want to see what RPGs we currently have schedule then check out the listing here -
If you want to run RPGs at the convention please use the RPG Submission form on our website -

If you have any questions let me know!



Convention Director

Tabletop Scotland: At the heart of gaming in Scotland.

2019 Dates : 24th & 25th August 2019, Dewars Centre, Perth.

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We have over 100 sessions of RPGs planned for this year's convention as well as lots of open gaming space, exhibitors, seminars, events, bring & buy and many other things.

You should come. No really, you should!

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