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Tablets/ipad of your role playing???


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basically i am thinking of buying a tablet for surfing the internet and and role pplaying perhaps. does anyone have a tablet they would recommend for these purposes?

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Staff member
I used to keep my characters on my Palm Tungsten, but when it died, I moved onto an iPod Touch. It's just character sheets made in the default Notes App, nothing special.

And since the iPad is essentially a scaled-up version of the iPod Touch, I'd have to say it's up to the task. There's also a whole thread about it in this forum: http://www.enworld.org/forum/4e-discussion/310398-itunes-store-apps-d-d4e.html

There are also several threads about other electronic devices in general here as well.
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two of the players in my group use them..much handier than carrying around multiple books to references things


I have an iPad and have been using it for over a year. I use it to take notes, occasionally draw a map. At table, I don't use it (I have a 2 monitor setup there) but I've thought of using it to pass around with a piece of artwork or NPC portrait, etc...


First Post
Get an iPad. Without question. There are tons of awesome apps for it, the iOS is so much better than Android imo, and you can get 5 gigs of storage on iCloud for free which is more than enough (for me anyway) to store most of the pdfs I need to play.


I have an iPad and I strongly recommend it. A friend of mine brought an Android tablet and he now admits it was a bad purchase, despite the fact he really enjoy his Android phone.


First Post
I use my iPad heavily. I've got PDF's of pretty much every source book (running 5-20 Mb each) queued up in Goodreader, and this is a HUGE help at the table. I also keep some character info in the Notes app but although it's easy to edit and never gets lost, it's not an ideal way to organize anything. Lately I've started keeping a few DOCX char sheets in Dropbox and that's handy too but not a game-changer like the PDF source books.

I've looked at a bunch of the iOS utility apps for D&D, including initiative trackers and mapping tools but so far haven't seen anything that feels like it solves a real problem for me at the table.

As far as *which* device to get, imho the tablet form factor is PERFECT for the table. Take a look at the iOS apps available for RPG play in iTunes... if those things make you drool, then an iPad is going to be a clear win. Otherwise I think the main differentiators for brand of tablet will be screen size and battery life... and on that score, the iPad wins again.

I'm a big fan of Android, but the Android tablets aren't there yet. Samsung Galaxy 10.1 has the right hardware specs, but TERRIBLE battery life and the charge ratio is insane, takes over 8 hrs to charge from ~20% to 100% and then only 3-4 hrs to go back down to ~20%. The Kindle Fire looks like it could be a great PDF reader for the source books but I haven't held one in my hands so your guess is as good as mine.


If you have money to burn the iPad is an incredibly efficient and cool toy. But if you are willing to wait for some competition for it to form and normalize (i.e. cheapen) the market on these devices, you will probably be able to get a better product cheaper. This technology is in its infancy, but it has enormous potential. They use them on Star Trek all the time.

The Kindle Fire looks like it holds a lot of promise, and at a price tag of $199 I am extremely tempted to get one. But I am going to wait. I like to stay a step or two behind the latest technology. It's more affordable that way and usually the kinks are worked out into a superior product.

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