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Pathfinder 1E Tactician not a power gamer


You Scored as Tactician
You're probably a military buff who wants to have the chance to think through complex problems. You want the rules, and your GM's interpretation of them, to match up what happens in the real world or at least be consistant. You want challenging yet logical obstacles to overcome.



Method Actor






Casual Gamer




Power Gamer


We all come from different places in the game. This shows a lot where I come from in my gaming attitudes. Sort of a mix, but definitely not a power or casual gamer.

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I guess I'm just the opposite of some of you...and more of a powergamer than I would have thought...

Butt-Kicker 100%
Storyteller 92%
Power Gamer 58%
Specialist 50%
Method Actor 33%
Tactician 33%
Casual Gamer 8%


You're all different than me. :3

You Scored as Storyteller
You're more inclined toward the role playing side of the equation and less interested in numbers or experience points. You're quick to compromise if you can help move the story forward, and get bored when the game slows down for a long planning session. You want to play out a story that moves like it's orchestrated by a skilled novelist or film director.

Power Gamer67%
Method Actor67%
Casual Gamer33%


First Post
You Scored as Tactician

You're probably a military buff who wants to have the chance to think through complex problems. You want the rules, and your GM's interpretation of them, to match up what happens in the real world or at least be consistant. You want challenging yet logical obstacles to overcome.

Tactician 75%
Method Actor 67%
Butt-Kicker 67%
Storyteller 67%
Power Gamer 67%
Specialist 25%
Casual Gamer 8%

nice mix in there. all over the board


Took the test again:
Method Actor 92%
Storyteller 92%
Tactician 67%
Specialist 58%
Power Gamer 50%
Butt-Kicker 33%
Casual Gamer 25%

Not quite the same as the result in my sig, but close enough.


Hm, I'd say I'm a bit of a combination of...
Butt-Kicker (I enjoy overcoming things - not just monsters, though)
Power Gamer (I like leveling up and getting new stuff to use)
Tactician (I enjoy the tactical aspects of combat) and..
Method Actor (despite all the gamist things I have, I do enjoy having a good character to play as)

Followed by..
Specialist (I like to change things up when playing a new character, but I've noticed I lean to nature-orientated characters) and..
Storyteller (I'm not a good talker, so I feel awkward with heavy roleplay, though the actual story of the adventure is something I really like)

I can't say I'm much of a Casual Gamer (when it comes to D&D).

The poll doesn't have enough questions to give an accurate reading, IMO (and I suck at getting a true reading because I tend to go "meh" on many things, and not forming a strong opinion on a certain point - while I otherwise might feel strongly about something).

Sage Genesis

First Post
For some reason it claimed that I am a Specialist.

"You favor a particular character type that you play in most campaigns you're involved in. Ninjas are quite popular. You want the rules to support your favorite kind of character, but otherwise, it's not a big deal. And, you want to be able to do your cool things in a game, like climbing on walls."

I find that a strange result as that doesn't really describe me. The one question that explicitly addresses this style (#15, "I like to play the same kind of character in every game.") I graded very low. I'm not sure why it thinks that I play one type in most campaigns.

Voidrunner's Codex

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