This blog post got me hyped! Everything in here looks awesome, especially the formatting of the spells, which is very nostalgic for me as a 4e fan.
"Wish" in Pathfinder has a material cost (a diamond worth 25K gold) and not an XP cost. "Wish" in 5e has no associated cost other than a 9th level spell slot.Mostly this:
In my experience (sic!) players were quite reluctant to cast spells with an xp cost.
Mostly this:
In my experience (sic!) players were quite reluctant to cast spells with an xp cost.
My guess is
Bard:Mental or Mental/Vital
Cleric: Spiritual/Vital
Druid: Material/Vital
Paladin: Spiritual
Ranger: Vital
Sorcerer: Material/Mental
Wizard: Material/Mental
Once they add psychics, they’ll be Mental/Spiritual. That leaves Material/Spiritual as an unused combination and I’m not really sure what class might use that. I guess maybe Sorcerer, but I’m expecting they’ll share the same spell list as wizards.
I would venture that Material/Spiritual or Material/Vital fit the sorcerer better.
You're probably right, but I'd love to see Sorcerer as Material/Spiritual just to give a different take on the class than the 3e/PF sorcerer.I’m assuming Vital will be where the majority of the healing spells fit, and sorcerers are not traditionally healers. And I’m guessing spiritual will be where you get you detect alignments, your protection from [whatever]s, your banes blessings, your consecrates and desecrates, etc (which is why I peg Paladins as having Spiritual rather than Vital), and that doesn’t seem particularly Sorcerer-y either. Conversely, I’m guessing Material is where you’ll see most of your blaster-caster spells and Mental will be where most of your charm, dominate, control, and illusion spells come from, all of which are very much in the sorcerer’s wheelhouse.
You're probably right, but I'd love to see Sorcerer as Material/Spiritual just to give a different take on the class than the 3e/PF sorcerer.
It would certainly be an interesting combination if my assumptions about what kinds of spells fall under which Essence are correct. Elemental and shapechanging magic combined with protective and blessing magic. Kind of a battlepriest type thing.
You're probably right, but I'd love to see Sorcerer as Material/Spiritual just to give a different take on the class than the 3e/PF sorcerer.
Well, that's a bit harsh considering some of use used to work for WotC and designed some of that source. Just say'n.
I would also challenge anyone to say that I either spin or am not honest...but you know, your feelings are your own, and I hope that we will regain you as a customer some day. In the end, the only thing we really want to do is make fun.
Stephen Radney-MacFarland
Pathfinder RPG Senior Designer
Paizo, Inc.