Tales from 'Novos Ordo' ( Warning maybe NSFW )


Before we begin the this tale of lies, deceit, thievery and murder let us pause and breathe for a second and begin by setting the scene. Let me introduce myself, the world and the party that has allowed me to tell this amazing tale. I've been playing Dungeon's and Dragon's for some time now. I usually play using 4th Edition (even this tale had its backbone formed from the the various books of 4th edition).
<I will be updating the story as it progresses or maybe weekly once>

I was the DM for this game, The world is my own creation and is called Novos Ordo Seclorum. It contained Three Islands (you could consider it one as only rivers separate the three, they together form a somewhat oval shape) surrounded by an ocean.
<Pictures will be soon added for reference>

The Party contained Orrinhatch (Half-Orc, Barbarian) a ship captain transporting his fellow adventurers to a new continent, Traxxex (Drow, Ranger) a well known adventurer in her city sent to find an old Drow artifact, Bootymahn (Drow, Sorcerror) a lecherous Sorcerror sent to aid Traxxex, Marcus (Long-tooth, Invoker) a guide the party hire to help navigate in the continent, Sappattack (Half-ling, Rogue) the first-mate of the captain who holds a mutiny before they land causing chaos on the deck and thus making the ship crash on the rocks, Drakon (Dragonborn, Wizard) a friend of the captain and fellow crewmember,Carca (Half-Elf, Warlord) another adventurer who hires the service of the captain and his ship.
<Orrinhatch's other half was Dragonborn and Carca's was Human>

The story begins with the adventurers shipwrecked and washed up on the shore close to one another with only the items that they could grab (basic adventurer's starter kit and and old map of the continent/islands) the first ones to get up were Orrinhatch and Traxxex who on waking looked around seeing the mutineer and others decide to leave them be and went into a nearby structure. The structure was a ruin which on a glance revealed nothing so they both decided to instead look for civilization by going into the forest. As Orrinhatch and Traxxex reached the edge of the forest Sappattack wakes up and on seeing the two stealthy walks along the coast to take another path to avoid the others. Next to wake up are Drakon and Bootymahn who follow the trail of Orrinhatch and Traxxex.They soon meet up and together walk through the forest for a day without encountering anything but birds and trees. Running out of water they desperately looked for civilization. Their prayers were answered by the sight of smoke on following which they entered Morc Town home to the Ogres. They looked around getting to know the infrastructure of the town. They then entered a tavern&inn and talked to the owner, they tried convincing him to let them stay in a suite for a week without any advance and take payment only after a week. With their intimidating and charming voices they managed to convince him, thus began the slow birth of an evergrowing empire. Happy with their first success the 4 (Orrin, Trax, Drak & Booty) entered an armor store upon seeing that they didn't have enough money to buy wares the party decided to take a darker path. Three of them quickly closed the blinds and changed the sign to closed as Orrin distracted the Armor/Blacksmith (a dim-witted Ogre named Thrum), then by casting clouds of darkness the party showered Thrum with attacks killing him in one round, the party then looted the place with better equipment and fuller purses. With the party now believing itself to be unstoppable started dreaming bigger they looked for a new store to sate their new found hunger, next stop was the weapon's shop where again only one store owner was present upon seeing this the troop began to do the same as before with Orrin distracting and the rest shutting everything down,they again proceeded with the same attack style, clouds of darkness followed by everyone attacking.This time the owner (Sunma, an ex-warrior) was able to survive two rounds with him damaging Orrrin a bit. The group cleans the place of its valuables and leaves it the same as the previous crime scene ransacked and with a body. With another beautiful success the gang now proceeded to become the first serial killers, they now headed for an alchemy shop run by an old Onii mage by the name Kuhnee helped by his assistant an Onii brute Thyn. The gang waited for the apprentice to grab some wares from the back room and then proceeded on doing their trademark closed robbery , this time Orrin distracted as usual while Trax waited by the door of the back room to surprise Thyn, while others closed everything and changed the sign and proceeded to kill Kuhnee on seeing them closing in to attack Kuhnee shouted and Thyn barged into the room Trax put clouds of vision on him while Booty put it on Kuhnee and then they attacked them, they were left bloodied by this encounter but still succeeded, they looted alchemical potions from here. Now happy from their riches they proceeded to the chief's house to pay him a visit......to be continued.

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Tales from 'Novos Ordo' Part-II

The party (Orrinhatch, Traxxex and Drakon) leave Bootymahn in the tavern to rest before they headed to the Ogre Chieftain. They were stopped at the entrance of the main gate by two guards but used diplomacy to convince them enter.
Inside they met the chief of the town who was presiding over a small council meeting. On seeing the newcomers he got excited and called for the guards to constrain them, but once again being diplomats worthy of balancing the song of ice and fire, they calmed him down and managed to convince him to give them services of the town's army to help them capture the supposed serial killer of the town's shops which they had themselves heisted the day before (1 success before three failures).

They proceeded to visit a second tavern at the edge of the town wall, and conspired to kill the inn's keeper. Upon showing them their rooms, Orrin beckoned the keeper to a window to have a look at the scenery. He complied and duly became the fifth Morc town resident to witness a new breed of darkness, thrown from the window he screamed for help, wondering where these Jokers had come from. As the world came crashing up, he realized he had seen the look of their eyes before, eyes that were burnt with madness, and wanted to in turn see the world burn.

Paralyzed on impact, the last thing he saw was the monster now crashing down on him with a knee burying into his chest and an axe slicing through his face.

The screams had brought the guards to the scene but both Orrin and Trax ready for them. On the first sight of guards they screamed "murderer" while pointing at the forest. The dim witted guards (ogres) immediately chased after a "ghost" serial killer in the woods.
They then report to chief of the new victim of the killer, and the guards arrive empty handed from the duck chase in the woods. They now convince the chief to lend them the entire army to capture the killer.

Bootymahn (who was partying with booty and siestas in the tavern) now returned. The chieftan had a quest for them if they wanted further services of the army. He wanted a monster ( known as the Cycloptic Ball) that terrorized a mountain which was home to their allies (the Ettins) to be killed.

The party rested and started the quest, going up to the cavern which was rumored to be haunted by the monster. Cautiously using scouts, they did a reconnaissance of the area, though they lost 5 units in the process. Forming a tight unit the charged into the cavern with the army and came face to face with the an Abyssal called Eye of the Beholder. Using the army as their meat shield,they rolled till they killed the beast. Casualties now increased to 15, but they had successfully finished their first quest. Happy with their victory over a level 20 monster, the army swore fealty to their new lords, after being subjected to an epic speech (natural 20).

While the party rested, Orrin took the army and went upto Ettin town, which rested in a cavity in the mountains.
He met the village elders and learnt that there was a flight of white dragons who haunted the peaks, and had eaten the able bodied youths of the town. On hearing this Orrin smiled like the Joker and whispered "Butcher them all!" to his generals. Only two escaped the massacre that followed- a child and his mother.

Collecting all the meat in carts, he went to the peak with the army.Smelling the fresh cut meat, an Elder White dragon cam to them. Orrin offered the dragon the meat in return for favours. The dragon, amused by the tiny creature's valour, promised him eggs in return.
And thus Orrin came to be known as "Lord of Bacon and Eggs".
...to be continued


The maps of the Promised land

Theses are the detailed maps of the story. Each page is detailed with monsters and positioning. There maybe a few unanswered questions still.


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