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Tales of the Eldeen Reaches: The first night : a lot of questions & skill checks


The man with the probe
I got some of the character worked out. I am not entirely sure if he'll end up taking any barb levels or not, but I'm leaning more towards not, and going eventualy towards Reach Runner and Weretouched (Tiger) (Using the erratad version most reciently published). And yes, I do like to plan where I'm going even if I have no expectation of getting there anytime soon, as it gives the character a bit of direction.

Is the non-casting Ranger from the CW ok to take instead of the casting one? Only difference before 11th is at 6th he gets fast movement +10.

Name: Still pondering, leaning towards Stulgar or Tridel
Type: Longstrider

Ranger who grew up in the area outside of Sylbaran. He trained as a wilderness warrior, defending his home from intruding goblinoids from Droaam while learning and trading from nearby friendly orcish tribes. Having just passed his right of becoming, the tribal elder, a druid and old friend of Scarfang, sent him to Scarfang as the most promising youth of his tribe (Unbeknownst to him).

If that premise doesn't work, let me know and I can adjust

Edited concept... You posted while i was typing/browsing

Ranger who grew up in the area outside of Sylbaran. He trained from a young age as a wilderness warrior, defending his home from intruding goblinoids from Droaam while learning and trading from nearby friendly orcish tribes. At age 10, the tribal elder, a druid and old friend of Scarfang, sent him to Redstone Spring to learn under the tutalidge of Scarfang as the one of the most promising youths of his tribe (Unbeknownst to him).

I can have some fun with this and probably write a long and indepth background from that :)
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A somewhat odd feature of Redstone Spring is that it was chosen to be the retirement community of Anders Marrillian, a former member of House Deneith and the Sentinel Marshals. The human Marrillian discovered the thorpe on his many travels throughout the Reaches, and he was welcomed in the shifter community when he solved a number of problems they were having with a band of the Children of Winter. Upon his retirement, he moved to Redstone Spring and has become the unofficial marshal of the town.

Because he's been getting up in years, he has taken a young shifter under his wing, by the name of Roral Parl. Roral is a youth of quite prodigious strength and health, and has spent the better part of four years training with Marrillian in the aspects of fighting, combat, and law. Although other members of his community prefer the lightness of foot as they sneak throughout the forest, Roral has found he feels more at home encased in armor, and wielding weapons larger than most. Roral hopes that now he's completed his Rite of Becoming, Marrillian will recommend him to the Defenders Guild of House Deneith and that he'll eventually be able to become a Sentinel Marshall himself. The idea that he'll be able to journey from village to village as a shifter of the law is an enticing one.

Roral Parl - Male Shifter Fighter [1] with Beasthide Shifter Trait
Feats - Beasthide Elite / Exotic Weapon Prof. [Bastardsword]


I figured that with a cleric, sorcerer, ranger, and rogue/scout that a tank character might be a good fit. Hopefully the plot device of Anders Marrillian helps explain why Roral is a fighter rather than a barbarian character. Having a shifter trained in stylized combat while still living in a shifter community is not the easiest thing to justify. :) Hope you like it!
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Prof Yeti

First Post

Well this the idea I had for a character. Strangely enough Bront and I have very similar thoughts on character ideas. :D But then I figured 2 rangers in a party of shifters wouldn't be to strange an idea. I also plan to eventually take the Reach Runner PrC but not the Were-Touched. I thought that I may add some Fighter levels to give a little boost later with feats.

Trait - Razorclaw or Wildhunt (Not sure yet)
Gr'une born in the small thorp of Whisperlight not far from Redstone Spring. His parents were killed by a raiding band from the Demon Wastes in one of their many raids for slaves and food. Hidden by his parents he avoided the fate they befell many that day. He was found the next day by a ranger traveling thru the area who had stopped to investigate the disturbance. The ranger took him with him to the nearby village of in hopes of finding care for the whelp and assistance in the hunt of those responsible. As a result he was taken in by the local druid and his wife and raised as their own. It was from him that Gr'une learned his first lessons of hunting and woodslore.

For most of his childhood Gr'une spent in the forests running among the trees. Though warned of the danger it did little compared to the freedom the forest offered. As he grew older he prefered to hunt with his friends rather than with the older (adult) members of the village. And while this attitude angered some of the older members of the hunt, the friends additions to the food stores couldn't be overlooked. For many months before and after passing his Right of Becoming Gr'une felt a compulsion to see the open road. To help curb this wanderlust (or possibly feed it) his mentor sent him to Scarfang the Druid for his answers and counsel. With his few meager possesions Gr'une stands at the crossroads.
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Mista Collins

First Post
Character Concept: Selvaggio is nature's warrior. Selvaggio is a 1st level shifter druid. He will probably stay the path of druid and not take a prestige class (unless something comes up in game that would make sense for him, as things always come up in game).

Appearance: Selvaggio is young shifter who is obviously uncivilized and in love with the wild. He stands tall for a shifter at 5'10" and weighs in at 145 lbs. A beard that could use some trimming covers his face and his arms are even hairier. Beyond all the facial hair his eyes are large light pools of yellow that seem bottomless when staring into them. He walks hunched over, almost appearing as if he would rather be walking on all fours. His teeth are stained yellow and he has an earthly smell about him. He wears what appears to be hide armor, made out of the skins of various animals. In one hand he holds a shield made out of wood, and in the other he holds a club. A small sickle is strapped to his side and the points to two shortspears can be seen over his right shoulder.

Personality: A very quiet individual because he has grown up in the wild not talking, he does know the common tongue and the tongue of the druids. He will talk when he sees it is important to, but would rather remain silent. In battle he is ferocious and very capable.

BACKGROUND: Not born in Redstone Spring, Selvaggio was born in the hamlet of Meadow Glade. Fleeing from Meadow Glade due to the ridicule of many of the people due to him being a shifter, Selvaggio was on his own for some time as a young shifter. Trying to survive, Selvaggio came across an Ashbound Druid in the woods who saw the natural ability of nature within Selvaggio. This druid taught Selvaggio how to harness some of this ability in the Ashbound way, and informed the young shifter he should seek out Scarfang in the thorp of Redstone Spring. On his travels to Redstone Spring, Selvaggio found his animal companion.

Once the green light, I will add the background stuff dealing with Redstone spring (and flesh out the other stuff). This is going to fun.


First Post
Ok guys, as to training with scarfang : he's a wandering druid, commands respect from everyone because he scares the living :):):):) out of everyone. Noone knows how old he is. He rarely speaks, but when he does everyone listens. He is shorttempered, grumpy and doesn't take apprentices.

Mista Collins : Scarfang is a gatekeeper druid, so he wouldn't be recommended by the ashbound.

Mista Collins, Prof yeti : Your characters should grow up around Redstone spring. The characters should know each other fairly well before the adventure starts.

Mista Collins

First Post
DrZombie said:
Mista Collins : Scarfang is a gatekeeper druid, so he wouldn't be recommended by the ashbound.

Mista Collins, Prof yeti : Your characters should grow up around Redstone spring. The characters should know each other fairly well before the adventure starts.

Ok, that can easily be changed (but will have to do it tonight once I get out of work).
I was just hoping to be able to take the Ashbound feat. Any suggestions?


First Post
OK, here is the character... I made some modifications from my original concept. Now her name is "Silver".

Character Concept: Silver was raised as a barbarian, but rejected her tribe's violent ways. She killed her tribe's chief and fled for her life, and came to Redstone Spring to study under the druids there.

Description: Silver is a slight female shifter with a streak of white through her otherwise brown hair. Her distinctive shifter traits are fair and almost unnoticeable, leading some to mistake her for human.

Personality: Silver is quiet and withdrawn, but harbors a violent inner rage that is usually directed towards those who threaten her sense of well-being. She is repelled by violence and ashamed at her capacity to engage in it. She blames her tribe, and by extension any violent or barbaric humanoids, for the hurt she has lived with all her life, and views the natural world of animals and plants to be a pure expression of harmony. She seeks to learn more about druidic magic and to find peace within herself and with the world. She has come to view Redstone Spring as a relative oasis of harmony where she hopes she can find the peace that she seeks.

History: Silver was born with the name Palai, in an evil barbarian tribe called the Rageclaws. The Rageclaws are evil and violent savages, who wander in the northern region of the Eldeen Reaches. They value strength and combat ability above all else, and are known to prey on travelers, even at times eating the bodies of other humanoids.

Palai was born with the rare dreamsight trait, and did not exhibit pronounced shifter racial traits. She was also much weaker than everyone else in her tribe, and was tormented constantly. She endured constant insults and ill treatment. She tried to earn the respect of her tribe by becoming a warrior, but always failed. She grew to despise their violent ways, and yearned for a more peaceful life and some measure of acceptance. The tribe's chief in particular treated her cruelly, but took a perverse liking to her, and vowed to make her his wife when she came of age.

The only shifter she respected was a wandering druid who came to visit the tribe every summer. The druid helped her understand her rare gift, and explained how her dreamsight could give her the ability to speak with animals. She yearned to go with him and learn the ways of nature, but the village chief kept a close eye on her. The chief was a powerful warrior, touched with the spirit of lycanthropy, and she could not escape him.

Then one day the tribe's warriors ambushed a traveling party of adventurers, including holy warriors of the Church of the Silver Flame. After a terrible battle, the adventurers were slain, and many warriors were wounded, dead, or dying. The tribe's chief was wounded, and Palai came upon the scene of the battle. Siezing on the opportunity, she picked up a silver-bladed axe and attacked the weakened chief, killing him. The other warriors screamed their rage at her cowardly betrayal, and they rushed at her to kill her. But she escaped into the woods, and never returned.

She fled as far south as she could. She lived off the land, and by talking with various animals, she eventually made her way to Redstone Spring. There she took the name "Silver", and settled in to a nicer community than any she had ever known. She met some druids and began to ask them to teach her their ways. She found shifters living together in respect and love, and found a world unlike any she had ever dreamed could exist. She has made many friends (other PCs?) in the community and finally found acceptance.

She recently completed her Rite of Becoming and is excited to be traveling with the Druid Scarfang. Perhaps she'll be able to impress him and he'll recommend her to a druid circle for initiation?

[She may already be "apprenticed" to a druid in the community - perhaps even another PC? My plan is to develop her as a druid from level 2 on, but I suppose Moonspeaker is not out of the question. It is very much dependent on how she grows as a character in the campaign.]

[Oh, and I thought she might start with a silver battleaxe (100gp), but that's probably more than the average barbarian can afford. If not allowed, that's ok. The background works either way.]

Ozmar the Wandering Shifter
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First Post
Mista Collins said:
Ok, that can easily be changed (but will have to do it tonight once I get out of work).
I was just hoping to be able to take the Ashbound feat. Any suggestions?

Sorry, no ashbound druids or supporters

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