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Talisman which one to buy?

Kwalish Kid

Scott_Holst said:
Hi all-

Thanks for the replies, I'll go with 4E since it is alot less then the other versions. BTW, does FFG have plans to reprint the 4th edition version? I'm kinda surprised Black Industires lost the rights, they do a great job on the WFRP line of books.

Honestly, I would have to recommend the 3rd edition. I haven't played the 4th, but if it's almost identical to the 2nd, then there are a few problems.

First, I have to mention that I do really enjoy the 2nd edition. I even played it about three months ago. The problem with that edition is that there is a huge discrepancy between some of the characters. Almost to the point that the winner of the game is almost certain with certain characters on the table.

I say almost certain, because there are a lot of random events in the game that can really crush your game. Really crush it.

And the 2nd Edition game can go on for hours longer than the 3rd edition. Hours. (I think I once played a long game that never finished with more than 8 players once, but that was really an abberation.) And, if you have certain 2nd edition supplements, you can finally get to the square where you "win" only to draw a random card where your character dies. (Unless you have yet another supplement...)

3rd edition has much cleaner rules and is better balanced. It might not have some of the charm of the other editions, but it's easier to play and I suspect more satisfying for beginning players.

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First Post
Actually, thats what we are playing this friday is Arkham Horror. Never played it myself, but the guy who owns it, swears by it being a real fun board game.


rushlight said:
This is just personal opinion, but I'd suggest... none of the above! Instead, I suggest Arkham Horror!

Recently, a friend picked up the new 4th edition of Talisman. We were all excited to play it, given the nostalgia from playing lo those many years ago. Let me tell you, I found it *boring*! I guess when you're young, you don't notice that the only thing to do in Talisman is roll a dice, and choose left or right. A review on Board Game Geek nailed it: Talisman is Advanced Chutes and Ladders.

Granted, this is personal preference - I'm sure that I am probably in the minority. But, since you seem to be looking for a good boardgame to play, I figured I'd plug Arkham Horror, since it's one of the best boardgames I've played in a *long* time! Who couldn't have fun struggling to keep the Elder Ones in their place? :)



Eternal Optimist
Scott_Holst said:
Actually, thats what we are playing this friday is Arkham Horror. Never played it myself, but the guy who owns it, swears by it being a real fun board game.

It's very nice. :) I play it a lot solo, but it's good with friends as well.

Watch out for the playing time! ;)



Exploring Ptolus
MerricB said:
It's very nice. :) I play it a lot solo, but it's good with friends as well.

Watch out for the playing time! ;)

Arkham Horror rocks! You will enjoy it immensely (Cthulhu commands it!)... :D


First Post
I'd suggest 2nd edition Talisman, but that's because I have it plus all expansions but two... City and Dragon... does anybody have them expansions??? just thought I'd ask...

but 4th edition is a nicely updated reprint of 2nd edition, with just a nicer presentation, and even i'm tempted to purchase it, especially if FFG releases expansions for it.

Arkham Horror fans, I have a question for you... I've played it a couple times, once owned it but one thing always confused me about it... how do you determine who a creature who is flying attacks if there is someone or more than one someones out on the streets during the monster attack phase? I know there is that little box where flying creatures go to at the bottom of the board, but my group was never able to figure out what to do with them once they are down there, or who they'd attack, etc...

just a quick question to ask


Roll for Initiative!
Acid_crash said:
Arkham Horror fans, I have a question for you... I've played it a couple times, once owned it but one thing always confused me about it... how do you determine who a creature who is flying attacks if there is someone or more than one someones out on the streets during the monster attack phase? I know there is that little box where flying creatures go to at the bottom of the board, but my group was never able to figure out what to do with them once they are down there, or who they'd attack, etc...

just a quick question to ask

Ah, that's simple! The flyer goes to the person with the lowest Sneak. If there's a tie, then the First Player (the token that passes around each turn) chooses. This also applies to the monsters with the "Stalk" ability.


I have the Black Industries Talisman, and its identical to the one I used to have (except the pieces are better made).

I enjoyed playing it, but some of my group didn't. You guys have got me wondering whether to try and track down Arkham Horror in the hope its a game everybody can enjoy.


Roll for Initiative!
Oh yes, everyone will enjoy Arkham Horror! Or else the Elder Ones will visit you! :D

Seriously, it's a great game. One of my favorite aspects is that it's the players vs the game. Some people in my group don't like very competitive gaming, and they all love this game. Also, some groups have the occational "rules lawyer" who can cause problems - especially if they like to try and twist rules to their benefit. Given that the players are all on the same side, these people are much less annoying. In AH, either the players win, or the game wins. There's no way to "steal" victory at the last minute for yourself or anything.

Besides all that, the game is *super* fun. In my group, we do have a few houserules, however. In the official rules, the game ends when a predetermined number of gates opens. (Gates open often, according to card draws.) This leads to a mad-dash sort of game, and keeps game time down - both of which are desirable traits - since you've got to "beat the clock". However, we enjoy longer games, and the "character development" of AH. So we've eliminated the predetermined gate number from the end-game conditions. Of course, there's still a number of *other* methods for the end-game to occur.

What our rule does is allow more time to be spent "building" your character through various fun, but not *required* activities available. In the regular game, you might do one of these - but rarely. Often you'll be obsessed with beating the clock. So we have more time to wander a bit. The down side is that as more gates open, you'll have more and more monsters to deal with. This has occationally created situations where virtual floods of critters hit the board, causing quite the chaos and panic - but also leads to more monster bashing, which is a hoot!

So, I highly suggest this option to any AH group who has a bit more time (usually another 20-30 minutes extra, depending on the Old One faced). You'll love it!


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