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(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn II

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Living EN World Judge
Silver Cat nods at Gur Chuck-Chucks logic 'Aye, I'll try my hand at Golems, or whatever else this job entails. I am getting a bit ansy waiting around the Inn like this. Let's see if there are any others who wish to set off on this one.'
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Telerin eventually finds his way down the stairs to the main area of the tavern. He keeps Whitefang close, as usual, and while he knows the animal won't attack anyone, he makes sure but keep a close eye on the wolf...just in case.

Finding a small table near the back, he sits down and watches the other people. Laziness was something that only appeared in him when he was 'pampered' like this. When he was out in the forest, he wasn't at all the same person. But, oh well...everyone need a good rest, sometime.


Living EN World Judge
Clearing his throat, Silver Cat speaks up, so that all in the Red dragon could hear him 'So, my good Lords and Ladies! Who would venture with Gur Chuck-Chuck and I on this most grand and perilous quest, eh?'


First Post
*corixs ears ring as he hears the spoken words of a golem.....*

"A golem! How wonderfull!!! Maybe after we disable it.. I can tinker with and figure out how it works!"

"Count me IN!"

*And with that Corix the gnome waddles over to Gur and gives him a looking over......*

Wippit Guud

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The door to the inn slams open - although due to some enchantment or other on the door, it stops a mere hair away from hitting the wall - heralding the entrance of a leather-clad dwarf. Wild hair seemed to erupt from his head in all directions, and his beard exactly the same. But his deep brown eyes hold a twinkle, and his face is beaming with a smile.

"Ho there, lads and lasses, Argus be me name. I'm pleased to make mesel' known to each an e'ery one of ye, and hope that we can be talking on a more personal note as the day wears on."

With axe over shoulder, he proceeds directly to the bulletin board, where he scans the list of jobs.

"Golem's, eh? I ha'e some knowledge on what they be. E'en more if they're made o' metal. I' any of ye lads be heading in that direction, I'd be happy to come along. 'Sides, I could use the cash, I could...
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You hear the squeek of a door moving on his hinges, but turning to see who the new commer is you notice noone entering the Inn. Turning to the bar, you see the all too familiar bob of a blad head floating just above the bar line. Hopping up into his seat at the bar, Tiggle surveys the area then grumbles rubbing his eyes. "Whats going on Joe why you have to wake me up. What do these people want so early in the moring blast it to early for drinks. Oh well, customers always right I suppose. Lets see what we got.

Sharriff Slvershields
"Might I get a mug of tea and some scones?"

"Well at least my first order is a normal one for the hour. Cooks starting up on the scones, and here is a purple tea for you to try. Not much of a tea drinker myself but I don't recall a purple one before, must be new."

"Morning, Sir. Tea sounds about right for this today." To the bartender, he adds "Could I have a mug as well please?"

"Ewald welcome back, must be nice not having to pace the wall real early eh? Here your tea do enjoy don't know how you can stomach the stuff."

"I'll have a mug of dwarven stout and a plate of whatever is hot. After that I'd appreciate directions to the nearest bath-house and a room."

"Dwarven Stout at this hour, must have been as tuff a road as it looks like it was travler. Welcome to the Red Dragon, don't worry about the charge today newcommers always welcome on the house. You do look like you need to freshen up a bit, while the cook is getting breakfast head up to the next floor and draw yourself a warm bath why don't you."

"Hello! I'd like you attention please. I was told by the fine owner of this establishment that I should introduce my self!" Gregorian has brown hair, and brown eyes, but has striking bone structure that makes him... almost too good looking. "Well, now that I have your attention, my name is Gregorian Windfall, and it is a pleasure to meet all of your acquatences!" His eyes seem to touch each persons in the room in a manner that seems to hint at knowing each of you personnally, and liking what he knows. Withthat last, he looks to Joe to see if he's met the barkeepers expectations, and seeing the nod, turns his attention back to the patrons a last time. "I thank you for your time and patients! Thank you!" With that, he steps down with a chuckle.

"Right fine to meet you sir, but pray tell how in the bloody hell are you so damn chipper this morrning. Believe me stay till tonight and I will be smiling and laughing with the best of them. Ask me to do it before high sun and yer in for a bit of trouble."

Tiggle sets about his work getting the bar ready not knowing what to expect since the day is starting so much earlier than usual. He trots off a while later to wish farewell to the crew retriving his shipment.


Living EN World Judge
Silver Cat looked from oneto the next of those standing nearest him. Himself, a rogue, a woodsman of some sort in Gur Chuck-Chuck, a Dwarf who looked able to handle himself in Argus,a Gnome of unknown skills, but an inquisitive one, nonetheless.
An able group was shaping up.


First Post
Devlin makes his way down the stairs to the common room and maneuvers his way through the ever groing crowd to the bar.

"Mornin' Tiggle, and you too Joe, if you can hear me. AND DEVLIN MAGRUDER WISHES A GOOD MORNING TO THE REST OF YOU, AS WELL!" Devlin adds in a shout as he faces the rest of the patrons.

Turning back to the bar, Devlin checks to make sure Tiggle hasn't wandered off to another customer. "Tiggle, what do you recommend for breakfast here?"

While he waits for Tiggle, Devlin turns his attention back to the crowd. Thinking he overheard someone discussing the golem job posted last night, he turns his concentration that way.


Living EN World Judge
Silver Cat smiles at the man just arrived 'Greetings, Devlin. I am known as Silver Cat, though I must admit it is as much for my affection of that beloved metal as it is for the color of my hair. We are gathering a group of fellows for this Job, what say you?'


First Post
Devlin moves away from his place at the bar and approaches the silver-haired elf and blunt outdoorsman, trusting Tiggle to find him to take his order, "A fair morning to you Mr. Cat. I am always interested in an opportunity to learn new things, and an adventure dealing with golems is sure to be ripe with such opportunities. I would be delighted to join your band, if that was in fact an invitation you were extending."

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