(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn V

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Kahuna Burger

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Sara glances around the small (no pun intended) group gathered around the notice. "Well, I can hit an ogre... sounds like fun. But I can't find an ogre and I can't help anyone who gets hit by an ogre survive it... which would maybe be important parts of the whole ogre killing... journey... quest... thingie."

She looks over at the newest arrival with mild scepticism. "The eyes glow by magic. If we understood it it wouldn't be magic... or something. And I recomend the drinks.The late Bs and early Cs were particularly good."

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Kahuna Burger said:
Sara glances around the small (no pun intended) group gathered around the notice. "Well, I can hit an ogre... sounds like fun. But I can't find an ogre and I can't help anyone who gets hit by an ogre survive it... which would maybe be important parts of the whole ogre killing... journey... quest... thingie."

Finding the ogre I hope to handle, but you are right, someone with healing skills would be most useful.

Hopefully there is someone around to join us, or at least to provide some means of healing to take with us.


Ghostknight said:
Glancing at the two goblins and Sara, Harwin reflects a bit.

The language is a bit obscure but I doubt that we have to pay anything, the deposit is likely to come to us if we do not die.

I for one would be glad to do this job, it would be an intersting group eould it not, a human, two goblins and a halfling!

Laughing to himself he walks over to the bar keep

So who do we see to secure this job?

4-6 characters, or multiple groups of 4-6 characters need to tell me that they plan to go see the city council. Then I'll start a side-bar thread that could turn into the adventure.


First Post
Groggnir shakes his head dismissively at the idea of a healer. "Why we need one of those? If you as strong as me then you won't get hurt! So we have four anyway, let's sign up!"

OOC: So Groggnir, Avlogg, Sara, and Harwin are in? Maybe Aranel?

Sleeping Dragon

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Avlogg looked over at his brother. “It would probably be a good idea to have a healer along, in case one of us takes a hit,” he says gently, used to his brother’s inspiring but unwise enthusiasm. “Or at least, we can pool together what money we have and buy a few potions.”


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'Karcer' slipped off the high chair and landed heavily on the ground. She'd heard something about hitting ogres. That sounded like fun. Ogres were those big stupid things were they not?
"Yeh goin' where now?" She asked reaching for her axe, "All I 'eard waz sumthin' about hittin' ogres."
Despite that she wanted in. "I can hit anythin'." She added watching them all, a curious, intense look towards the halfling. "Ye don't even haf teh pay me. I like hittin' things." Karcer went on sincerely.
Then there was something about potions to heal...she'd never heard of them before. "I 'ave some potions."
They were deliciously violent potions, she'd found them on a body once, opened one and nearly lost her face and hands. Karthis had been keeping them for special occasions since.


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Aranel said:
'Karcer' slipped off the high chair and landed heavily on the ground. She'd heard something about hitting ogres. That sounded like fun. Ogres were those big stupid things were they not?
"Yeh goin' where now?" She asked reaching for her axe, "All I 'eard waz sumthin' about hittin' ogres."
Despite that she wanted in. "I can hit anythin'." She added watching them all, a curious, intense look towards the halfling. "Ye don't even haf teh pay me. I like hittin' things." Karcer went on sincerely.
Then there was something about potions to heal...she'd never heard of them before. "I 'ave some potions."
They were deliciously violent potions, she'd found them on a body once, opened one and nearly lost her face and hands. Karthis had been keeping them for special occasions since.

Harwin looked over at Karcin and the axe, probably as big as himself.

Yeah, ogres are big and stupid. But strong and powerful. I would rather be prepared to face them with some healing available than just wade in. Those potions of yours, got anything to do with healing?

Turning to Avlogg, Harwin nods.

Sounds good to me, we can then reimburse as appropriate each persons share. Only thing is, is there anywhere around here to buy potions?
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Karcer laughed, a high 'heheheh' more a giggle than a laugh. "Heal? Naw, why'd I wanna do that? These things-" she paused to shape the air in a sort of explosion (with one arm still holding her axe)-"Big mess, lots of pain. Don't much know of any others." she added, eager for the chance to learn.


First Post
Aranel said:
Karcer laughed, a high 'heheheh' more a giggle than a laugh. "Heal? Naw, why'd I wanna do that? These things-" she paused to shape the air in a sort of explosion (with one arm still holding her axe)-"Big mess, lots of pain. Don't much know of any others." she added, eager for the chance to learn.

With a sigh Harwin glanced over at the rest of the assembled group.

We can go ahead and do this, but right now we have very little in the way of magical or clerical support. It would be better if some were available. I for one relish this opportunity, I specialise in creatures of giant size and enjoy bringing them down. Still, I would like to get some means of healing at least before we take on an ogre!

Sleeping Dragon

First Post
“Perhaps we can ask for some of our pay beforehand, enough for each of us to buy a potion,” Avlogg suggested. He had very little money on him at the moment, certainly not enough to buy such an item.

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