(Tavern) City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VII

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"Heh... well, this place is damn almost empty. I wonder if anyone's ever going to come in with some work..."

Gur goes to the bar and gets himself another glass of muddy water in a dirty glass, just the way he likes it.

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First Post
*After several hours of being gone Azaroth walks in with a puzzeled look on his face*

Hello! Does anyone have a map of the world? *he calls out*

He waves to Rose but then goes back to reading his journal

He sits down at a bar writing in his journal
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Banion Lorish

A quiet voice near the bar orders a glass of mead. Looking over, you see a young halfling wearing an especially nice set of dark grey studded leather, with what looks to be a pouch of rocks at his waist. He doesn't appear to have a weapon on him, though one of those cords around his waste might be a sling. No one saw him enter, but he must have followed Azaroth into the Inn. He sets down a backpack and turns to the room, clearing his throat.

"People call me Banion. Pleased to meet you all. I hear that this is where the mercenaries and would be heroes gather, and I'd um..." he blushes "like to make myself usefull. That is, I hope to. I'm, ah, rather new at this."

His shade turns a deeper and deeper red, and he takes a long sip of his mead as if trying to hide inside it. Gathering his courage, he glances over towards the house of cards that Rosemarie is working on. He's obviously curious, and seems to be trying to gather up his nerve to walk over and take a closer look.


First Post
*Azaroth jumps a little and spins to meet the gaze of Banion*
Heh you surprised me, Thats quite the trick. I didn't hear you come in.

Hello Banion. Pleasure to meet you.
*holds out his hand for a shake*

My name is Azaroth an acolyte of the Blood Magic arts.

This is indeed a place to find work, however for the moment. Work is scarce. Perhaps somewhere on the horizon work is waiting, all we can do now is wait, I'd suggest getting a room here. The rates are not bad for the type of quality the rooms are.

*Azaroth kind of shuffles in his chair uncomfortably, and looks to a far door then back at Banion*

Perhaps we can talk more when I get back from the little gargoyle's room. Hastur you stay here and guard my book.

*shuffles off to the far door and opens it, its a closet. Proceeds to open two other doors to no avail until finally Joe, directs him to the bathroom*
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Banion takes Azaroths hand with a shy smile.

"I am pleased to meet you as well... but what is blood magic?"

Banion thinks Blood Magic sounds dangerous and scary, and also thinks insecurely that it's probably a lot more usefull than anything he can do.


First Post
*after a few minutes of being gone he comes back*
*sits down*

Heh sorry but when natures calls you have to answer. You were asking what blood magic was, perhaps you have heard of the term sorcerer, that is what a blood caster is.
It has been my experience in the towns I have visited that when I say to people I am a sorcerer they look at me untrustingly, I don't know why. Perhaps people have begun to associate the term sorcerer with evil. So I call myself a blood caster.
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Rose Marie has been totally wrapped up in her attempts at building a house of cards. Only when the 2-layer structure collapses in a shuffle does she blink and look up, eyes watering. She giggles. "That's fun, but boy is it a challenge!!"

Glancing around, she notices Azaroth is back, and waves excitedly at him, then, in her enthusiasm, waves excitedly to the complete stranger who is talking to him (Banion).


"Really? I've heard of sorcerors, of course, but I wasn't aware they had such a bad reputation. 'Blood Caster' sounds a lot scarier to me, anyway. I have a bit of magic in my blood, too, or something very like it. It's very limited, though." Banion glances down, embarassed to have mentioned it.

Rose Marie Lightstar said:
Glancing around, she notices Azaroth is back, and waves excitedly at him, then, in her enthusiasm, waves excitedly to the complete stranger who is talking to him (Banion).

Banion hops up and quickly joins Rose Marie, curious about the house of cards. Like many halflings, Banion is clever with his hands, but card houses are new to him.

"Nice to meet you." Banion says shyly. "Do you think I could help?"

Rose shuffles back in her chair and glances over at Gur. "Actually, they're his cards, but if he says it's okay, I don't mind if you try. My eyes are watering too much to try any more today."


Banion blinks, and gives Rose Marie a quick look. Why are her eyes watering? Is she crying, tired, or has she been cutting onions?

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