Tavern Thread: The Hanged Man


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Merenwen watched the others go out... She was unsure, the chance to do a little work would be useful. Not to mention the excitment, besides one could effectively work with those they disliked... It was a bit more lonely in such a group but then.

Her mind made up the elf slipped from the bar, not even waiting for the humans reply to her angry statements. She wasn't interested in those who insulted her in such ways.

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The minotaur stood aside as the elf passed through the doorway, then stooped low to fit his large horns through the opening. Glancing upward, he noticed the sign, and said, "Kilbeth Serral, scout and ranger. And if anyone's heard the name Kalrun Barrowhelm, I'll be wanting to talk to ye."

With that said, he takes a seat at the far end of the bar, taking in his surroundings.


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A tall, thin elf entered the bar. A drab olive cloak hung around him, and you could see ha slightly lighter green leather armor underneath. He glanced at the minotaur, as if confirming something to himself, and walked to an empty table and sat down. Now that he was in out of the doorway, you could see a large scar that ran from his jaw up into his hairline. Traces of a bow and a quiver of arrows could be seen poking out from under the cloak. He adjusted a strap across his midsection, however, and a beautiful gray hardwood lute slid onto his stomach.

He began to play a somber tune, beautiful but haunting. Noone seemed to mind as it was not loud enough to disturb, but filled the quiet when noone was talking.

The song reminded you of lost love, and after a few minutes, the bartender gave the man a glass of wine. The elf smiled slightly and nodded appreciation to the bartender, and you're not sure whether the bartender gave him the glass out of appreciation for his playing, or pity for whatever happened to him.

But the lute continued to play, beautifully.

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Welcome to the boards and to L4W, LightRailCoyote (mind if I call you LRC?) and Balth! I'd do some interacting with both of your rather interesting PCs, but mine just left the tavern to start his first adventure. ;) I believe you're welcome to come aboard, if you wish. [/sblock]


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The bartender, after several songs, waits for a pause and then yells out to the Elf playing at the table.

Oy, Elf! Ye play a melancholy tune. Perhaps some adventure be what ya need. I can see ye have a bow, a group of adventurers just left. Perhaps if ye hurry, ya can catch up with em, lads.

Same for ye, if ye be wishin, Minotaur.

The elf at the table seems to be thinking intently as he finishes his wine. He nods to himself, reattaches the lute to the strap on his chest and slides it around behind him.

He stands and says, "Thank you for the information, good bartender." He turns, his cloak furling about him, and strides out of the bar.


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Kilbeth nods, and throws down some spare coin for the bartender, quaffing the last of his ale as he straps the two swords to his back. He leaves after the elf, heading for Lauto's cathedral. "Adventurers, huh."

[sblock=OOC] Hey Sessadore, LRC is fine :D [/sblock]
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Seven Rabbit has lapsed into deep thought. Suddenly he looks up in surprise as the room clears out. "Hey!" he says, "I was getting ready to tell the story that Les Ghental asked for!"

"Oh well. I should have been faster, I guess."
He takes another pull of his beer and thinks some more. After a moment he pulls out his scrolls and quills again and starts scribbling. Before too long he has a makeshift sign perched on the table in front of him:


[sblock=OOC]Gonna be pretty busy until Christmas. Back in January.[/sblock]
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A young human male enters the tavern with a smirk expression

” The rumour of this Inn goes far and wide, and now that I am here I can finally be at ease. The name is Atreus and I am looking for work, so come to me if ye need a hand for I have one to lend, but ya better have some sort of payment that's worth my while, for as many good things in this world, nothing comes for free "

He sits down at the bar and signals the bartender with a gesture of his hand that he would like something to drink.

“I’d like something refreshing, perhaps your best beer"
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Shorrin heart pounds as he enters the tavern, he was sure that there were people after his own heart here, but he had no idea how to tell the potential adventurers from the simple frequenters. "I am Shorrin." he says with a slight hiss on the "s". He looked around at the room, and decided to end his required announcement there.

He crosses the tavern confidently, sitting in a chair near the corner of the room. He preferred his back to the wall, since it kept most people in front of him. He sat quietly, listening to the patrons' conversations. The more he heard, the more he thought he was in the right place.

His armor was colored to match his scales, a rust color with a golden hue to those who viewed it at the right angle. The silvered colored warhammer etched with draconic runes rested comfortably across his back, while his shield (emblazed with a picture of a dragonborn holding it's ground against an abolith) rested comfortably on his arm.
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Shorrin looks around, the tavern was shockingly quiet. Shorrin looked up at the barkeep, then decided to move up to the bar. The bar was almost creepy like this. He was expecting it to be hopping, full of life. Perhaps everyone was out on their adventures.......

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