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Tell me your great campaign ideas!

Old Drew Id

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1) Gurps got the license years ago for War against the Chtorr
http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/books/chtorr/ but if you just do some Googling of the term Chtorr, you can get the basic idea and come up with your own stats for the worms and worm-related creatures without needing to buy a new book. Add Set the PC's in a small town in Kansas, maybe somewhat near a military base, and you've got an entire campaign.

2) Based on a supers campaign that we've been running off and on between other campaigns, you could do the tour of the 20th Century and do it just as well without superheroes. It goes like this:
Start as level 1 characters sometime in the five-year window between 1901 and 1905. Have a brief adventure with some kind of pulp or supernatural undertones, enough to be self-contained and to get you enough XP to level.
Jump ahead five years, to some point between 1906-1910. Use the same characters, who are now five years older and are level 2, or bring in some new characters (a mixture of old and new works pretty well as the older ones age.) Have another adventure enough to get to level 3.
Repeat each adventure with the PC's gaining a level and jumping ahead about 5 years. You can use any year and location within that five-year window, so you can hit major historical events or skip them entirely depending on your wishes. You will reach the end of the 20th century when the characters reach level 20. Eventually the older PC's will be forced to retire from their age and newer ones will come in, so using some sort of institution to maintain a continuity is a good idea. The campaign should gradually shift from pulp adventures in the early years to gangster-era adventures, world war i and ii military adventures, 1950's and 1960's spy epics, 1970's blaxploitation stories, through 1990's anti-terrorist adventures. We've been running this same thing with the addition of superpowers, and it has been really fun. Obviously, you want recurring villains, NPC's, settings, and themes to connect the entire century, and to watch how the culture changes along with the technology and the heroes themselves.

3) We did a fun one-shot adventure unrelated to the above campaign that was just a 1980's cop action movie cliche adventure. Check out pierceatwork's story hour for part of that.

4) Check out the Medallions story hour for our x-files-ish campaign.

5) Any type of invasion and/or resistance scenario; from movies you could do something similar to Independence Day, V, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Red Dawn, Terminator 3, etc.

6) Night of the Living Dead works great for short campaigns

7) Warlocks: This is an idea for a campaign that I've toyed with for a while but have not run. The PC's are all adopted children scattered around the country, with the youngest being about 18, with no knowledge of each other and with different birth mothers. They all receive notice that their biological father has passed away and that they should come to New York to receive their inheritance. Once there, they find out their biological father was a very wealthy tycoon/philanthropist who left them his mansion and his money (in a trust fund). They get a steady income from the trust fund at first and will get the whole thing if they live together in the mansion for the next 2 years and "continue his work". What they uncover, however, is that he was a warlock, and they have each inherited some portion of his powers, plus his basement laboratory, his secret attic library, his enemies and his debts, etc. They gradually get pulled into the New York occult underworld and adventures await.

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I recently thought about using d20 Modern / Future to do one of the following:

1) A campaign based on the TV series "Supernatural". Every session the group hunts down some supernatural threat but there would be an overarching storyline as well.

2) Never had the chance to play the Dr. Who RPG and I thought it would be a blast to do something based on it. Go forward and backward in time and to different dimensions. It would give the GM the opportunity to run whatever kind of game they want without having to switch characters. The rather eccentric "Doctor" would be an NPC as a story mechanic to prevent the group from just jumping back into the Tardis and passing up an adventure. It could also be done as Sliders where the party doesn't really know where they are going.

Karl Green

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The few that I have tried and REALLY want to run again at some point (once I have fleshed things out better ;))…

1.) Warhammer Fantasy: Chronicles of the Witchhunter – the characters start out the game in jail, accused of various crimes and are awaiting execution (the players get to decide if they are guilty or not). The morning of their executions they are given a choice, join a local Witchhunter on a ‘dangerous’ mission or get taken out and hung right then and there. They are then given tokens by the Witchhunter and made to swear an oath over them. Then they are told that if they ever break their vows to the Witchhunter they will be killed on the spot… by some kind of curse?!?!
a. Some of the various missions the ‘heroes’ must go on are – to seeking out a necromancer in the Hollowing Hills, which are actually huge burial mounds of ancient kings… some of whom where giants! In a plague ravaged town on the Reik, they are sent to seek out a chaos cult that might be responsible for the plague and rumors of vampires!
2.) Stargate – Magik! I like Stargate and all and think that they have some good ideas for adventure BUT I want to run it with a completely different take on things. Instead of the system lords I thought it would be a cool twist if instead it was something like Dragonstar setting, with Dragon lords ruling the systems. They presented themselves as gods and still war with one another in the universe. Magic and fantasy races exist, and most serve the Dragon lords.
a. The game would start with the idea that in the original movie, instead there is a Red Dragon whom is the ruler of the world and they sealed the gate at the end. Then a White Dragon emperor would have sent an expedition of creature (like of polar-bear like men) through the gate into Stargate Command and grabbed a bunch of prisoners to take back to her frozen world. Instead of supertech, the Dragon lords rely on super-magic-tech. The group must return to this frozen world to rescue any hostages that they can and get back alive.
3.) Spellslinger – Fortune Rangers – based on the Spellslinger minigame by Horizon Games, I expanded the world a lot to add in the ’13 Colonies’ on the East Coast, and the ‘Territories’ in the west where the game is based. The players are all young heroes come to join the Fortune Rangers a guild that acts as a pony-express, investigation and trouble shooting agency (and their motto is “Fortune Favors the Bold”). The players must compete with a number of other youngens whom wish to join the guild and then are sent out on various investigations like jobs (like to look into the rumors of the Headless Horsemen of Red Mesa, or the Werewolves of Skulls Bluff, etc).
4.) Hollow Earth Expedition – ok not an original campaign, I am a big fan of this game and really want to run a game of Pulp 1936 to the Center of the Earth!


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Ion said:
So though a series of unfortunate events, I'm thinking about taking a break from my D&D game, and running a D20 Modern game.

Unfortunately, I don't really know what kind I want to run. Which is my biggest problem with the system...one can run anything with it, and so I have so many half developed ideas that I have a hard time picking one and running with it, without second guessing myself and going "..but that would be really fun too...."

I think if I came to my players and had a solid "This is the sort of game I'm pitching, I want to use the d20 modern rules" it might help us come to consensus sooner than "Do you guys want to play D20 modern?

So I though I'd run my problem by you guys and see if you would brainstorm with me.

[As an aside, I own the D20 modern core book, Menace Manual, D20 Future, D20 Future Tech, D20 Apocalypse, D20 Past, and Elements of Magic, Mythic Earth.]

But I guess to get to the point of the thread:
What ideas have made for great d20 campaigns, and what sort of adventures did your heroes have?

What are your interests/hobbies/etc? Not trying to get personal, but it might be easier to design an adventure around something you're familiar with.

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