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Terra Nova Cancelled


First Post
The pilot was pretty good, I thought, as was the 2 hour season finale.

However, in between, it was pretty bad. Just standard family drama with a bit of Sci Fi thrown in here & there. Plus, wasn't really sold on the chemistry between the lead actor and his wife.

And, this was Spielberg and it had almost no dinosaurs in it? WTF?

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Zelda Themelin

First Post
Wouldn't it be lovely if we could get a weekly, one hour science fiction (not sci-fi) TV series of high quality that explored the nature of humanity as it conflicts and co-exists alongside technology, ala "Moon"?

It's about as wishful a thought as wanting a Zombie Apocalypse series with intelligent characters.

Yes. yes. But sadly almost every time they try to follow "social stuff" like in real-tv (may it rot in peace) and combine it with really hollow plot and characters, should be whole family series, so nothing "too deep or morally grey unless it's too deep in pop culture there is some bad-ass ex-bad-gay that is fighting alongside but causing problems". Human characters are cheeper than creating some alien/historical cgi animals. I bet we get more "found footage" type of suckness. I really liked Chronicle movie, too bad it was ruined by that. Not a fan. I find River unbearable to watch. And Blair Witch thingies and followups were stupid and cheep looking not scary. We have woods here, not impressed. I just mention since this is where that movie/tv style started, that and real tv. I hope they didn't get that idea from that movie way back. It was supposed to be imagination. I guess we are getting "Idiocracy" live version too. Wait... did we already. ;P

But yes, it would be great to have zombie series with intelligent people and well, you know actual zombies. Budget saving after 2 first episodes is just sad.

I would like to have many other series, like Outer Limits esque modern series that uses short stories of real scifi/modern horror writers. With some quality control.

I also liked Moon.

Sniff no, I don't think we will have them. But doesn't stop us from dreaming, right?


I'm really glad it got cancelled.

Hmm. I try not to actively hope for shows to be cancelled (since other people may well like them). But for Terra Nova...

The thing is, Terra Nova was a show with a great concept but a lousy execution. That makes it ideal fodder for use as an RPG campaign. And like "Firefly" and "Crusade" before it, it now finds itself in a place where there is just enough material out there to get players onto the right page quickly, without there being so much that you can't easily take it in your own direction.

This cancellation is a bit of a win for me.

Hand of Evil

Getting on cable could be a good thing...you would not see Justified or the Walking Dead on Network TV but the show just did not have an edge to it nor anything to really interest me as a viewer.


First Post

I disagree with this vehemently. Alien Nation, Sliders, The Lone Gunmen, Dark Angel, Firefly, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Futurama -- just to name a few of my favorites (most of which Fox abandoned to crappy tv nights--the Friday night death slot is less stereotype and more complete fact--and seemed to want to actively kill).


First Post
I disagree with this vehemently. Alien Nation, Sliders, The Lone Gunmen, Dark Angel, Firefly, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Futurama -- just to name a few of my favorites (most of which Fox abandoned to crappy tv nights--the Friday night death slot is less stereotype and more complete fact--and seemed to want to actively kill).

I never watched Alien Nation, Futurama or Lone Gunman. But, most Science Fiction fans I know love Firefly. Plus, Sarah Connor was pretty good, and Sliders was strong in its prime. So, I'd have to disagree about Fox Sci-Fi being terrible.

They aren't very nice to a lot of their Sci-Fi, I'll give you that...


Staff member
To expand on this- Fox has actually seemed a bit...schizophrenic*...on sci-fi. They've made some excellent shows, but as noted, tend to treat them poorly.

Part of this has a real reason, though. When Fox launched, it threw a lot of stuff out there to see what worked for them. One of their major successes was X-Files, which not only got good ratings on Fridays, it dominated. And so it became an anchor for their sci-fi themed Friday lineup. For a while, that lineup bucked the death-slot trend. But as X Files aged and then disappeared, Fox was unable to keep that trend going.

But they keep trying...

* in the popular, misused sense of the word (referring to multiple peronality disorder), not the actual medical term.

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