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that special time of night


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There is a specific time of night when anything can happen. It changes each day, and is never the same twice, but we have all been there. the coffee ran out hours ago, the DM tells you that the battle that just took you 3 hours just to survive wasn't the boss, the warrior starts calling his +2 bastard sword of great cleaving the +2 bastard with great cleavage, and the minotaur is flirting with the gnome. What kinds of things have happened in your games at that special hour? did someone find the +5 rod of menstral bleeding? Did anyone get dubbed the evmo? (evil emo) how does your group deal with sleep deprivation?

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Spelljammer PCs (all halflings) Can we mine the asteroid and make +3 shortswords for each of us?"
Me (mostly asleep) "Sure"
PC" can I make mine vorpal?"
Me" What? No!"
"Shut up! a giant blue smurf eats your character"
the game, such as it was, did not recover with more sleep.

the saying did become our version of "rocks fall, everyone dies."

Clefton Twain

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The group I was playing in got stuck in a demiplane filled with jell-o (TM) like water where wild magic ran...well, wild. :)

We find a huge turtle shell with lots of air underneath. The resident wizard starts casting spells and wild magic takes over. He first gives himself a stench. Then the turtle shell lights up like a beacon. Then he turns himself into a woman.

If that wasn't bad enough, he then switches bodies with my dwarf. A chase ensues and a successful dispel magic sets us back in the right bodies.

We were all laughing pretty hard. We then found an inn floating in the middle of nowhere so I swam inside and positioned my character just inside the window with his axe ready...


Two sentences from a high-level game:

"Let's go ask Cyric for his help."
"Sounds like a good idea..."

For Forgotten Realms buffs:
We were playing during the time period when he was still certifiably insane. Well, he kinda still is, but you get the idea.

For non-Forgotten Realms players:
Cyric is the god of Murder, Lies, Intrigue, Deception, Illusion, and, well, he was insane on top of that. Plus, he is CE.

By the way, the PCs knew all of that, and our alignments were good to neutral, not evil, and no-one in the group worshiped him (in fact, my character worshipped one of his arch-rivals). So we went to visit his Realm on the Planes to talk to him.

What can I say, it seemed like a good idea at the time…. :D

The shifter wanted to infiltrate an enemy area by becoming a horse and so to better prepare how a horse would/should act he shifted into one and asked the Ogre beserker in the group:

"I need you to ride me as hard as you can for practice."

He's never lived that down

Jolly Giant

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The most absurd moment in my DM career must undoubtedly be the time the party's barbarian quite seriously tried to pull Yggdrasil up with its roots. :eek:

Yes, he was incredibly strong. And yes, his size was colossal+ at the time (don't ask!). No, he still didn't make it. :p


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In my group... almost every single hour is "that time of night". We are a bunch of nutjobs with a love of dysfunctional characters.

Some things off the top of my head...

- The time in an SF campaign that we spaced a bunch of invaders in the Engineering section of our ship by convincing the computer there was a horrible plasma fire in Engineering.

- The time in the same campaign that the party's droid decided to attack a bounty hunter that was after us by throwing two crates of root beer at him. He then had my engineer throw his droid at the bounty hunter as well, since we decided were on a roll.

- The time again later in the same campaign that we needed to escape a barfight to reach a starport, so the droid convinced my engineer to hotwire one of the police cars that came to stop the fight.

When we reached the starport, he parked the police car in a handicapped spot, then, after we all bailed out, proceeded to slash the tires, drink the battery dry, write "Cobalt was here" in the side of the car with a laser torch (Cobalt being the bounty hunter that got the root beer thrown at him), smash the car repeatedly, and finally set it on fire.

My engineer doesn't let him steal cars any more.

- The time another campaign party's ranger decided to go off alone and raid the storeroom of a known zombie-infested bar for liquor, and got attacked by two barrel-wielding zombies. The cleric and beguiler ended up having to chase after her and save her from undead doom.

- The time in the same campaign that we came across a large, slick, ice patch that we needed to get across with our wagon. This ice patch was on a mountain. With a metric crapload of snow.

The same ranger proceeded to pull out a very powerful horn we had obtained earlier in the adventure. The sonic force *did* crack the ice... but it also caused a massive avalanche that we only escaped from by the skin of our teeth.

- The time we had a huge fight where we encountered several Orcs, a sorceror, and their leader, and proceed to burninate their fort and kill almost all of them. That wasn't the weird part.

No, the weird part was when that same ranger decided to try to convince the sole surviving Orc to join our party. This after we gouged out his eye with an arrow and beat him quite a bit, so he's standing there bleeding and throwing insults and "Death first!"s at us and still trying to attack us. While she's doggedly trying to give him speeches about the employee benefits of joining us. *shakes head*

There's plenty of other things as well. The two sessions spent on a massive PC vs. PC snowball fight; the time we met up with a Surfer Cleric of Pelor and went surfing; the time the ranger got put on trial by the entire cast of Half-Life; the Christmas session where we got a tour of Santa's workshop, with the crankiest, snarkiness Elf ever as our guide; the town with 57 people, 3,000 cows, one goat, and no milk available in the restaurants; the time we had to escape from a tornado...

Yeah, life in our RP sessions is rarely boring.

Peace & Luv, Liz


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A Few Oddities

There have been a few oddities that have occurred in my game.

Back in college, two PCs/Players got into an argument. (It was basically a both in and out of character thing.) The group of PCs had been digging in the loose soil at the bottom of a pit with shields, trying to unearth something or other. The argument ended with the dwarf PC swinging on another PC with her shield. Combat ensued. The rest of the party quickly joined in. I finally had to shout over everyone to point out that the fight could NOT have started because the dwarf wasn't even in the pit in the first place. (She'd stayed out because the loose soil was over her head in places.)

Oddly enough, their reaction was basically to go "Oh" and go back to proceeding forward with the adventure as if nothing had happened.

The wizard PC who (for whatever reason) decided to try and use Polymorph Other on a fallen demigod the party was facing off against. He choose to turn the demigod into a guppy. A natural 1 was rolled on the saving throw. The demigod, still alive if having problems breathing, put up a darkness area. This resulted in a party of high level adventurers running around the darkened area stomping the ground as hard as they could in hopes of stepping on the guppy and killing the demigod.

This resulted in the wizard's later battle cry of, "I turn gods into guppies!".

And we just won't go into the time the dungeon (and the DM) when horribly wrong and the party ended up dealing with full-sized cartoon characters. (No, dear, that isn't a man in a big rat suit, that's the actually character...) *sigh* I really have no idea what possessed me. I plead insanity, stress, and frustration with the players. :)

For other gaming systems, I had a Shadowrun game I ran where the team was hired to deliver "a message" to a local gang. The group, punchy and feeling they outclassed the gangers too much, had their rigger drop them in the middle of the street. They then proceeded to sneak along the fronts of buildings - or where the fronts would be when there was an alley or something - like something out of a bad cartoon. They actually told the gangers who asked them what they were doing, "Shh, we're hunting wabbits." (Totally different group than the one attacked by a cartoon, I swear.)

In Star Wars, when trapped on a world and about to be arrested by Imperial forces, we came up with a plan to fake our own capture and then try and take over the Star Destroyer for our own uses. (I'm still not sure which is worse: That we tried it, or that it almost worked.)


I just found an old adventure writeup
The 'B' quest - no sleep dep was required to write this adventure which featured every monster
that started with a B in my monstrous compendium .. badger, barracuda, beholder(watcher type) boar, ....
the Players caught on about the fourth monster - then groaned at each subsequent encounter.


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Evilhalfling said:
I just found an old adventure writeup
The 'B' quest - no sleep dep was required to write this adventure which featured every monster
that started with a B in my monstrous compendium .. badger, barracuda, beholder(watcher type) boar, ....
the Players caught on about the fourth monster - then groaned at each subsequent encounter.
Did it involve an inheritence?

Voidrunner's Codex

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