The Battle of Flint Bay


I'm prepping for the big naval battle in Act 3 of The Last Starry Sky, and I have some ships printed to scale and laminated. Any tips for making it a memorable engagement?


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Y'know, it's been so long I don't actually remember how they battle plays out. I recall being self conscious because some perlite had criticized the naval combat rules, and I was worried the fight wouldn't really work.

I'll have to reread the module. How have your players responded to the naval encounters so far?


They are open to enjoying them, I just don't think I've done a great job so far presenting naval combat. The rules can be a little cumbersome, and it's difficult to represent the scale of the encounters. Whereas most combats occur within a 100 ft or so range, naval combat is just so much BIGGER.

The idea is so cool, I'm really trying to do it justice. For this battle, I'll be using a smaller mat to represent a zoomed out overhead view of Flint Bay, to show the general geography, points of interest, and locations of enemy vessels. For short range/boarding action combat, I'm going to use the ship models I've printed out and laminated. . . but as you can see, they are really too big for a regular battle mat. I plan to push all my furniture back, stack pillows around the edges of the room for the players, and use my hardwood floor as the open sea. I hope it works!


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Rereading it, I just realized I have Princess Leia as a force ghost in ZEITGEIST, which won't ever happen in Star Wars.

Whyever not? They reanimated her for real in Rogue One. If anything a ghostly version should be easier to do (because any resulting weirdness could be handwaved as... ghostliness).

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