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The Celestial Empire (Romance of the Three Kingdoms-ish, Updated 12/09/05)

As something to look at while I work on the next update... here is the province list I'm going to be providing to the players, considering their rather 'aggressive' attitude of late. This is best paired with the maps linked right here.


Military Districts
Ruled by the Military Governor of the Western Military District, General Lin Zexu, who styles himself Emperor Liundi. The Military Districts are normally barren wastelands, whose major population consists of or depends on the massive military presence there related to the construction of the Desert Wall. These regions for the most part are parched steppes at best, and desert at worst.

General Lin has so far been able to procure a surprising amount of food for his living soldiers by making treaties with the cities of the Slave Coast. However, his military power continues to grow as he creates and enlists more, darker forces that do not require food and water to function...

Ruled by the Hu family, known as the Princes of Langya. Langya is a province filled mostly with fertile farmland, timber rich forests, and a burgeoning population. Mingzhong, her capital city, boasts over 250,000 inhabitants, making her the 5th largest city in all of the populous Empire. The provinces strategic location at the mouth of the mighty Huang Ze river also makes it a home for an immense amount of trade, both east west and north south. Her grain fields can provide the food to support tens of thousands of civilians, as well as massive armies, making her a rich prize for any willing to take her.

Langya’s new Prince, Hu Shikai, has so far proven both ruthless and brilliant. An army under his command smashed a lead invasion force of vaunted Shu cavalry, and with his White Wolf allies, he has systematically executed all potential threats within his borders... save two now beyond his reach... for now.

Ruled by the Hao family, known as the Princes of Shu. Named after the infamous desert to its north, Shu for many years was a military outpost, until the completion of the so called “Fur Road” linking Ak Konylu with the Slave Cities to the north, and the Forest Kingdoms even further into the icy beyond. Her capital, Changsha, sits along the Huang Ze river, providing traders with an outlet downstream to the sea. Rich deposits of copper lie here, making coining money easy, as well as providing a key component for bronze. Additionally iron is easy to come by.

Shu province itself is rather inhospitable to large armies; the province north of the Huang Ze is mostly steppe. This disadvantage has been turned by succeeding princes into an advantage, as excellent grounds for horsebreeding. The Princes of Shu thus possess some of the most formidable cavalry in the Empire, and have aggressively been raiding into Langya to disrupt the Hu family claim. His initial raids have been rather lackluster.

Ruled by the Yu family, known as the Marquises of Liao. Liao is a comparatively small, comparatively rural province to the west of Shu. Her main sources of income come from trade heading down the Huang Ze river from Taisho and locales further east. There are many fields here that lie undeveloped. The famed Pao monastery also lies within this province.

The Yu family so far has stayed mum in the current crisis within the Empire, content to wait and see who will emerge victorious. With their northern borders close to the lands of the Kara Kitai, the Yu family usually uses many of these nomads as mercenaries. Liao horse archers are especially dangerous.

Ruled by the Jade Emperor, Yuandi. Xiang is the capital province of the Celestial Empire, which has its seat in the Jade City, in the heart of the massive capital of Liaoxiang. The massive bureaucracies needed to run the Empire move this city, which relies on seaborne trade to provide not only its luxuries, but also its necessities. Liaoxiang is home to the central School of Virtuous Thought, the main training center for scholars across the Empire.

Xiang is the home province of the Dowager Empress, and thus closely aligned to the claims of the Princes of Shu. It is here that Shu’s main recruiting base lies, and where the seat of their power resides. While Xiang will not provide the excellent cavalry Shu enjoys in their home province, the sheer population here would supply an endless amount of foot soldiers.

Ruled by the Ho family, known as the Princes of Dai. Dai, like Langya, is a very large province that has been blessed with rich fields and abundant timber. Additionally, large quantities of iron, copper, and even gold have been found along the Shinmao Range, a group of low hills near Lo-yang. The gold from these mines can easily fund armies, the iron can equip them, while the fields feed them. Its capital at Xianfung is slightly larger than Mingzhong, with some 260,000 inhabitants.

The Ho family, especially the current governor, seem aloof about Imperial politics, more prone to indulgence and ruining their own budget than bringing their realm to heel and turning it into the power it can be. Dai in the past was renowned for its armorsmiths and heavy cavalry.


Huiji is ruled by the Ma family, known as the Marquis of Huiji. Officially, the Ma have stayed neutral in the current conflict over the Imperial Throne, but unofficially, they have extremely close ties to the Imperial family, especially the Dowager Empress. Like Xiang, this region is full of rich farmland, and prime area for recruiting large numbers of soldiers.


Nan has fallen into chaos, as the ruling family, the Zhou family, perished in an outbreak of plague in the capital of Weiyang. At present, the late governor’s advisor, Master Yu-ling Chao, is temporarily in charge until an edict replacing the governor’s family comes from the Jade Throne. Given the current chaotic circumstances, such an edict is unlikely for quite some time.

Nan is almost a mirror of Huiji and Xiang, filled with rich farmland. Weiyang also is one of the largest ports within Ak Konylu, having connections with the Frozen Wastes, the Slave Coasts, and the distant island realms of Kubalia and Casalad.


Stranded on the farthest eastern edge of Ak Konylu, Taiyuan shares more in common with her quasi-independent neighbor, the Kingdom of Taisho, than with the Imperial government in Liaoxiang. In fact, rumors about that the impoverished Quan family, leaders of Taiyuan, are willing to sell their provincial loyalties to the highest bidder...

Taiyuan is a wild and wooly place, full of deep forests, many of which remained unexplored. Archery is almost required for hunting in these regions, and as a consequence, some of the best archers in the Empire come from here.


Beidi, until barely ten years ago, was a military outpost district like those along the Empire’s northern border. The Ha family has only recently taken their charge in this region, and thus they are very cautious with regards to backing a claimant to the throne. Marquis Ha Ii remembers clearly life as an itinerant general, and wishes for his family to avoid this fate.

Small and poor, there is little Beidi can offer other than yet another route to the important trade routes that lead to and through the capital of Taisho, Yakuza.

Ruled by the Royukgan family, known as the Princes of Han. This province, the largest within Ak Konylu and also the richest, is surrounded on three sides by naturally defensible mountains. These mountains also contain some of the richest mines of all kinds in the entire Empire, and it is said the diamonds Qianlong can move even the greediest of Kara Kitai horselords.

The Royukgan family are distant cousins of the current ruling Emperor, and have asserted their claim to the Imperial throne. They have since peaceably seized nearby Nanhai, and are quietly biding their forces, content to hold back their massive armies to keep both Bei and Taisho in check. Their forces seek balance, with equally strong cavalry, infantry, and archer units.

Ruled by the Shi family, but now under the military control of the Huo family. The Shi have fled north into Taiyuan for refuge, and even now seek others to drive their enemies from their ancestral lands.

Xue is a rich province whose income comes mostly from rich farmland and trade.

Ruled by the Wu family, known as the Marquis of Liaoxi. This land has plentiful farmland and timber, but unfortunately lies directly between the two menaces of Han and Bei. The current Marquis, Wu Shih, is desperately searching for allies to help him counterbalance these two behemoths on either side of him.

Liaoxi weaponsmiths have been known to make some of the farthest reaching and most powerful crossbows in the world.


Nanhai has been annexed by the Royukgan family of Han, and has been integrated into their domain.

Ruled by the Huo family, known as the Princes of Bei. Bei is a small, heavily populated province in the south of the Empire, dependent on mining and trade coming down from the great Balarac Mountains. Its central location between the Yang Gi and the Me-Ho rivers makes it a vital crossing point for trade.

The Huo family have so far proven among the most aggressive of the princes now claiming the Imperial throne, seizing Yuyang and Xue. The seizure of Xue especially threatens to boil into an all out war, as the Huo are now in a position to completely cut off their rivals, the Royukgans of Han, from trading down the Yang-Gi river.


Chen province, centered on the city of the same name, is ruled by the Wei family, who have closer ties to the ruling family of the Kingdom of Chosun to their west than the Jade Emperor. As chaos erupted, the Wei took in their options, and decided rather than choosing between being cut off from the rest of Ak Konylu or joining their rivals, the Huo, they cemented a close alliance with the King of Chosun, formally joining his kingdom, and seceding from Ak Konylu entirely.


Yuyang is a border province, covering much of the southern border of Ak Konylu. Sparsely populated, it is rumored that deep in the mountainous spurs here reside huge deposits of gems and gold. The Huo, eager to seize this source of income, have seized this area from its weak provincial government, annexing it to the banner of Bei.
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Cousins Meet, and the Party Sets out for Mingzhong

Felonca apprehensively looked at the door, its brass knocker reflective her own frightened face.

What if Nayu was wrong? part of her mind insisted, What if Meiji duped him? Slowly, her hand hovered in front of the instrument, indecision wracking her mind.

Nayu, duped? another part of her mind laughed. Felonca, the man was the son of a merchant, arguably a merchant himself. He can catch someone’s bluff and likely spin it back towards them! For a few more seconds, indecision stayed her hand, then with a sigh, she finally knocked.

“Just a minute!” a familiar voice she hadn’t heard in years called. The request was followed by a few final clearings of a throat, and a voice singing an tone-perfect scale. With a creak, the door opened just as the voice reached high C.

For Meiji, there was no pause as he saw his cousin for the first time in eight years. Felonca stood in slight shock as the bigger man literally leapt forward, putting her in a huge bearhug. The almost crushing nature of the hug dispelled the last of Felonca’s doubt, and she soon was clasping Meiji as close as ever before.

“Felonca! How are you doing?” he sweetly said after the embrace ended. “I was told you were in town! How are things? Why aren’t you at the Academy?”

The barrage of questions ended a moment later, when she looked down.

“I’m not doing too good, Meiji,” she confessed, before giving an ironic, sharp laugh. “Though considering people are out to kill me for what happened at the Academy, and that the White Wolves are after me, I guess I’m not doing too bad at all!”

“What in the name of nine lives did you do to get the White Wolf Clan after you?” Meiji asked, his voice slightly hushed in semi-awe. With a quick, gentle push, he urged her to head towards a chair in the room, shutting the door behind them.

“I...um... did a bad thing at the Academy,” Felonca said slowly, her mind wrestling if she should let Meiji know what happened... if he could be trusted, but more importantly, if telling him would put him in danger too.

“One of the instructors? I heard you and some Quan-Shi were close...”

“NO!” Felonca snapped after a minute of staring at him in shock, mouth agape. Nothing of the sort happened! “All that happened was I stole some... stuff... from Master Hsiu when I ran away!”

“Ah... the infamous big general is ticked at you?” Meiji replied rather calmly with a smirk. “I’d personally be more worried about him than the White Wolf. He and those ruffians haven’t been on good terms for a long time... I’m kind of surprised he’d send them after you, instead of hauling after your behind himself...” The grin told her that he hadn’t changed much since the last time they’d met. Still cheeky, immature...

“Um...” she paused, weighing again before blurting out the truth. “I stole something that concerns the Imperial Court also... in additional to Master Hsiu...”

Meiji’s smirk suddenly disappeared, and his eyes widened, thoughts running together, his mind piecing things together.

“So... are you the cause for all of those signs outside?” the bard asked slowly, now having realized how grave the situation was.

“Um... yes... in a way,” Felonca looked down awkwardly. I helped get Prince Shikai into Langya, and with this dagger now free from the Academy... When she found the nerve to look back up at her cousin, she saw his eyes blazed with a certain fire... the determination she’d seen in so many of her family in the past.

“I’ll escort you back to the family home! They’ll make sure you are safe!” he growled, even his thin, effeminate features taking on the bristling form of his warrior ancestry. Always Wa-Feng!

“They probably wouldn’t want me around! I fled from the Academy, I brought shame on their names!” Felonca moaned, looking immediately back to the floor. I’m not worth protecting...

She felt an arm grab her shoulder, the grip comforting and fierce at the same time. “Sure, my father and your dad will be angry to no end, but you are Wa-Feng! Do you really think your family would abandon you when you are in such danger?”

Felonca looked up at him, and read the look in his eyes. Her mind rushed back to the family sayings, the admonishments and warnings from her mother, father, uncles, aunts and cousins on the family honor, that honor was above all... a creed that she’d broken the day she fled the Academy...

“I... I couldn’t bring all of that danger down on them, Meiji,” she said finally, arriving at an excuse. “I...I can’t go back, at least while this... mess... is going on.”

“Then let me help!” Meiji replied, his voice gentle, encouraging. “Where are you headed, after you leave Mafeng?”

Should I tell him? I’d put him in danger! For a minute, her mind pondered the thoughts, wrestling with each one... if she said no, she realized he might just come anyway, and another person along her side couldn’t help, especially with Cho staying behind to help the village...

“We’re going to Mingzhong. It will be safer there,” she said finally, and she saw Meiji start to grin.

“Why, I’m going there too, after this gig!” he positively laughed.

You probably made that itinerary in the last minute, Felonca thought, wryly acknowledging the other universal Wa-Feng trait, it seemed: stubbornness.

“So... this is the person that will be accompanying us?” Liu said with a tone of judgment some hours later. Spiced wine flowed as the townspeople celebrated their liberation from fear, and around the party’s island of somberness, there was a sea of revelry. Meiji had sung beautifully and now was taking full advantage of the town’s hospitality. He staggered and stumbled until he was in front of them, a bumper of wine precariously held in each hand.

“He seems most... ineffective,” Liu added, a sour look on the monk’s face. Felonca looked at Nayu, and saw the sorcerer was merely holding his head.

“Um... how are you, Meiji?” Felonca asked, knowing the question was rather redundant considering the circumstances. He is still the same... hard party-goer...

“Exshellent!” Wine sloshed out of one of the bumpers as he motioned extravagantly towards Nayu and Liu. “Your friendsh! They needa drink!” The other bumper sloshed as Meiji thrust it forward. Suddenly, the hengeyokai spun around, looking into the crowd.

“I gots ta go... It looksh like a horse... uh...woman,” he laughed uproariously at his own joke, “has decided to shower me wit attenshun!”

“Go have fun... but remember we are leaving at dawn!” Felonca called as her cousin already started shoving through the crowd, towards some prey yet unseen. As he vanished from sight, she turned back to her friends. Nayu had his head buried in his hands even more, while Liu had the same stern look, only now the monk had crossed his arms.

“Is your whole family like that?” Nayu asked from behind his palms.

“No,” Felonca said quietly.

“He will not be awake at dawn tomorrow,” Liu said simply.

“Dammit,” Felonca growled the next morning as Liu’s prediction came true. “Meiji!” she shouted, shoving the covered form of the young man. “Wake up! We need to go, NOW!” She then reached over towards the window, and pulled wide the blinds, showering the room with morning light.

“But it’s light... and light hurts,” a weak voice complained from under the covers. Slowly, sluggishly, the amorphous object underneath shifted and shuffled away from her grasp.

“Meiji! Move now, or I’ll smack you worse than any of your mother’s cuffings!” Felonca snarled, giving him a shove before looking about the room. Idiot! He knew we had to leave, and he still got drunk! Her furious gaze looked around the room,,, and saw his clothes laying scattered about. She grabbed one rather fine silk shift, and tossed it towards his traveling pack.

“Hey!” a tired Meiji complained, his head finally poking free of the covers. “That shift was – “ he paused, as he flailed an arm about to block the light streaming into his eyes, “-given to me by Lady Wen for a good night! It’s –‘pensive!”

“If you don’t want Lady Wen to be upset, then hurry up!” Felonca huffed, storming towards the door. “You’ve got five minutes to be downstairs! Five... not six, but five!”

Huffing, Felonca stormed out of the inn and into the street, her eyes avoiding the smirks she knew Nayu and Liu were sporting.

“Was he awake with someone, or was he too hung over?” Nayu smirked.

A few minutes later, a rather haggard looking Meiji stumbled out of the inn, his pack and other belongings hung from his back, a scimitar hanging from his hip. As he came into the light of the still rising sun, his entire face became one gigantic squint.

“I... need... to... fetch... my... friend...” he said slowly, the light obvious destroying what little thinking ability his hangover rattled brain possessed.

“What?” Felonca glanced over to Nayu... the sorcerer had returned to a standard pose... head in hands. “Who? Why?”

“I... promised... her...” Meiji said slowly, shuffling away from the inn and up the street.

“Who?” Felonca groaned. Another hanger on... probably a flunkie of some kind... stupid bards and their stupid following hangers-on...

“I...don’t...remember...her...name...” Meiji groaned in return, his free hand clawing towards the sun as if to remove the offending orb from the sky. “She’s a handmaiden,” he said, his voice returning to a strained normal as his blocking efforts were finally partly successful, “she worked in the Imperial Household. In return for her, um... assistance... last night...”

“Gah!” Felonca spat. I knew it! She crossed her arms and huffed for a minute, before giving a reluctant sigh. If it’ll get him moving faster...

“Fine... make it quick,” Felonca snapped, hoping she wouldn’t have to groan much more the rest of that day.

About thirty minutes later, she was disappointed yet again.

Meiji had lead the party to one of the less well kept regions of the town, to a rather run-down inn... the first sign in Felonca’s mind that there was a major problem. He then went to a door that was part-way off of its hinges, a second sign in her mind. However, when he knocked, and a soft voice called for “Mei Mei,” she couldn’t help herself, and a loud groan came from her lips as she rolled her eyes.

“Mei Mei... by all the ancestors,” she hissed, hand to her head as the door opened.

A young woman peeked her head out, her raven black hair a disheveled mop on her head. Her similarly dark eyes went wide when she saw Felonca behind Meiji, and she wrenched the door shut just as Meiji put his foot in the way. The hengeyokai yelped, but the door stayed open just long enough for Meiji to tell her who Felonca was. The rogue merely crossed her arms in annoyance.

“Who are you? Meiji can’t seem to remember,” Felonca turned to her cousin and scowled.

“I... I’m not sure it would be safe to tell you,” the woman replied in a quiet voice. “I’m... in big trouble. I don’t want to bring it on anyone else!”

It was then that the door creaked just wide enough that Felonca could see into the room. It was spartan, with only a tiny traveling pack and a rather ornate cane standing out as the only objects obviously belonging to the woman. Felonca also for the first time saw the woman’s dress... the remains of what was once an elegantly decorate silk gown, the brown of cranes embroidered into it mixing with the brown of dust and travel.

I can see why Meiji went for her... if she had a bath and her hair was done better, she’d be quite stunning... Felonca thought, before noticing something else. From underneath the silk, she noticed the girl’s arms. Rather than being waif thin as one would expect from a delicate handmaiden, they seemed small, but rock hard, wiry with power.

She’s not as she seems...

“Dear...um...” Meiji stalled, looking down in embarrassment, before blurting out, “dearest flower! This is my cousin, Felonca! She’s in trouble also!”

“You don’t have to tell everyone!” Felonca snapped, an elbow finding its way into Meiji’s rib. She then turned back to the girl, only to see the young woman almost shaking with fear.

Poor thing... she’s frightened to death... The anger in her heart melted away in concern. I remember being this scared one, several months ago...

“He speaks the truth,” Felonca sighed quietly. “I am in trouble as well, and by that point, we are in a similar situation. If you will tell me your name and your story, I shall tell you my tale.”

“My... my name is Yari Ai,” the girl said, stammering. “I...I don’t feel... safe... telling you more,” she said, her voice dropping to the merest whisper.

Felonca gave her a quiet smile. “Maybe, on the road to Mingzhong, we can learn to trust each other, then.” The girl looked, and returned the barest, shiest of smiles.


drag n fly

First Post
Maybe it's my slight fever and stuffed-up head, but I'd COMPLETELY forgotten that Meiji and Yari Ai....you know..."hooked up"

BTW, in our last session, the PC's leveled up TWICE, and I am now looking for a good Prestige Class for Felonca. Since more people seem to read this story post than the Messageboards (wink wink), anyone have any ideas?


First Post
drag n fly said:
Maybe it's my slight fever and stuffed-up head, but I'd COMPLETELY forgotten that Meiji and Yari Ai....you know..."hooked up"

BTW, in our last session, the PC's leveled up TWICE, and I am now looking for a good Prestige Class for Felonca. Since more people seem to read this story post than the Messageboards (wink wink), anyone have any ideas?

What direction do you want to take the character? I assume Felonca is a rogue, right?

Yeah, most of the NPCs are unique... that’s my goal. And yes, Meiji and Yari Ai started out that way, but as things go on, well, they get kinda... grouchy... :) (ie. she has to slap him every five minutes... drag n fly laughs quite a bit at this. :) )

And yes, Felonca is a rogue, specializing in the use of warfans (according to the vanilla rules, they aren't rogue weaponry, but as the party is small, I gave her the okay anyways). The last time I talked to Felonca's playuer, she was looking for a class that was roguish, but helped her either a) use poisons (they came in handy in a couple adventures), or b) focused on bladed weapons that could be modified to take her warfans into account. I've trolled around here and the WotC boards, and offered a few suggestions, but can't really find anything yet.

Either way, on with the story...

The Tale of Yari Ai, and Felonca Suspects Something from Nayu

To Felonca’s surprise, it only took Yari Ai less than a minute to gather her things, and be ready to go. Within fifteen minutes, the party, along with four other traders from Mafeng, were on the road towards Mingzhong.

At first, Felonca found Yari Ai to be quiet, distant even. As they all rode through the late summer weather, she merely stared off towards the south, as if she was gazing at something long lost, long destroyed.

Felonca made a specific effort to stay on watch with the young woman, and ever so slowly, the barrier between them melted, to the point Felonca herself felt confident enough to speak about her own troubles, some four days into the journey. Of course she left out exactly what the dagger did, and above the snores of the other travelers, trust was gained.

“So... that is why that the huntress was running about Mafeng a few nights ago, as if she was looking for someone,” the young woman said. Felonca was thankful the darkness hid her look of embarrassment at inflating her own abilities.

“Yes... and she never found me... not before that monster came,” Felonca finished the tale. No reason to tell her I unintentionally brought that beast into Mafeng!

“Your predicament sounds close to mine, then,” the other young woman sighed. Despite her youthful features, for the first time, Felonca noticed the age, the weariness in her eyes.

She has seen much...

“Would you mind sharing what you have gone through? We can share comfort in our troubles,” Felonca pressed gently yet again. Someone is being chased like me! I’ve been chased alone long enough! The woman looked off into the distance for a few moments, before she looked down at the ground.

“Hai,” she sighed, “it is time someone knew what I know. I am terribly afraid of what harm what I’ve seen will do... but someone must know!” A despairing, sharp conviction was in the woman’s voice, as she hissed her demand. Felonca nodded slowly.

“Tell me.”

“I was one a handmaiden, in the Imperial Court,” Yari Ai began slowly, haltingly. “I was trained as a Maiden of the Four Winds, the last line of defense for the members of the Imperial Family in case of assassination.”

“But... I thought the Emperor couldn’t be assassinated, so long as he has Heaven’s Will on his side...” Felonca’s voice petered away as she realized what she’d just blurted out. He’s immune except for my damn dagger!

Yari Ai stopped, a look of mistrust growing on her face again. For a second, there was a wrestling of thoughts in her mind, before she shook her head. “Yes... that is true,” the maiden replied, “though his family members still can be injured.” Her voice suddenly grew wistful, and she looked down, rubbing her hands together nervously. “It was my job to stop that.”

And she failed? But I haven’t heard of any members of the Imperial family dying... Felonca’s puzzled look finally urged Yari Ai to continue.

“I was originally to guard Lady Hao Jin, the second cousin of the Dowager Empress. I did this for three years, with no problems. I then was assigned to guard the Dowager Empress herself. That is how I received this,” she motioned towards her elaborate cane.

“No one has attacked the Dowager Empress?”

“No, not while I was there,” Yari Ai replied. “But... but... I...” she stopped, a tear starting to form, “I saw things!”

“What? What did you see?” Felonca whispered, reaching to reassuringly touch the young woman’s shoulder. The rogue recognized the look of remembered fear in the woman’s eyes. They tortured her... abused her! Like I was abused at the Academy!

“I...” she started, before stopping to compose herself. With a sigh, she continued, “I saw him!”


“Hao Yu, the Prince of Shu! The Empress’ brother! Going into her chambers that night!” Tears began to come from her eyes... guilt, pain and shame boiling from her.

Instinctively, Felonca had encircled the girl in an embrace. “Please... tell me what happened. I want to know!” What did they do to you! Why do they hunt you like they are hunting me!

“I...I heard noises!” the girl sobbed.

“What... what kind of noises?” Felonca asked guardedly, her mind having an inkling of something, but her heart and her logic rebelling against the conclusion. No... not in the halls of the Jade City...

“I... I was curious,” Yari Ai continued, “and then... I...I saw them!”

Felonca’s heart plummeted. She was no scholarly sage, no purveyor of arcane knowledge, no trader in secret tomes, but she understood the depth of what this young maid was implying.

Depravity like that in the Jade City... Heaven’s Anger falling on the people...

As long as the rulers of Ak Konylu were virtuous and true, it was well known that Heaven’s blessings flowed onto the people. Crops flourished, the rivers stayed within their banks, and blessed rain fell from the skies. But when the rulers became dark and depraved, focused on immoral acts and debauchery instead of their duties, Heaven vented its anger. Crops died, the clouds dried up, and the great rivers overflowed, destroying noble and commoner alike.

Yari Ai continued the shudder, and a dark shadow seemed to fall on Felonca as she realized there was more. “I saw the Emperor Yuandi the next day, visiting his mother’s chambers... and I noticed the young boy looks exactly like his uncle!” the maid shook as a leaf.

The Emperor did not come from his father, Beiyan-di? Then... then the Imperial line died...

...there is no Emperor!

“How did they find out you knew this?” Felonca asked gently, her mind shuddering at this new implication. There is no Emperor... and surely this girl was not the only witness! Once the nobility, once all the princes and their followers find out... Images of blood rising from the land as a terrible tide flooded her mind.

The girl’s hug on Felonca grew fiercer, and anger seeped into her voice. “I told someone I thought I could trust! But he revealed my secret, and I had to flee north to stay alive! I... I went through so much!”

“I’m sure you did, Yari Ai... I’m sure you did,” Felonca whispered quietly. When I ran away, leaving everything behind, I was alone! You won’t be alone... not at all!

Nayu hunched over his pack, as the bonfire in the center of their camp continued to crackle and sizzle. The young maid had gone to sleep long before... when he’d awoke to take his watch, Felonca had still been consoling her. As soon as she was asleep, his friend had quietly told him what the young girl’s demons were.

So the Emperor is a bastard child... Nayu thought. All the more reason to go to Langya. Prince Hu has a legitimate claim now, and he’ll be inclined to remember us fondly for helping him...

Absently the young sorcerer poked the fire with a stick, other thoughts also rumbling through his head.

No. Why, Nayu?

Because... it is YOUR birthright too! a part of his brain snapped. The Military Governor is undoubtedly evil! The Dowager Empress and her brother engaged in debauchery inside the very halls of the Heavenly Palace!

Would you do any better?
He sighed, doubts coming back.

Of course you would! You would rise just as General Qiling so long ago, just as Xua, who went from a basket weaver to Emperor Xuande! A commoner rising to the throne, bringing peace!

But you know nothing of rule! You couldn’t even head your father’s merchant business!

Arguments raged within his mind as the minutes of silent darkness ticked by. Finally, quietly, he reached down into his pack, his fingers silently twisting around spell components, rations, and even a few trinkets, until he felt the same coldness of ivory he’d felt a week early.

Father, what would you have done? Nayu looked up towards the stars, twinkling in the midnight sky above. Gently, he pulled the seal from the bag, and cradled it in the light. Father... tell me what Heaven wishes me to do! he closed his eyes tightly, memories flooding back. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Ancestors, give me guidance! I don’t know!

Felonca looked at Nayu, and though she could only see his back, she could tell by his shuddering that he was crying. She gave a quiet sigh.

I’d cry for all of us too, if Yari Ai speaks the... What is that?

He’d turned, and slipped something back into his travel bag, even as he wiped the tears of confusion from his eyes. She’d caught only a glimpse of it, but even her inexperienced thief eyes recognized the sheen of polished ivory, and the flash of a large ruby.

His father’s thing... Felonca thought, consciously not stirring. He doesn’t want me to know what it is... I’ll respect that.

But if it tears him up like that, you should help!
another part of Felonca chimed in. He’s crying! He needs your help! You just need to have the courage to go over there!

Felonca rolled over, but couldn’t sleep, instead cursing her cowardice.
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First Post
Emperor Valerian said:
And yes, Felonca is a rogue, specializing in the use of warfans (according to the vanilla rules, they aren't rogue weaponry, but as the party is small, I gave her the okay anyways). The last time I talked to Felonca's playuer, she was looking for a class that was roguish, but helped her either a) use poisons (they came in handy in a couple adventures), or b) focused on bladed weapons that could be modified to take her warfans into account. I've trolled around here and the WotC boards, and offered a few suggestions, but can't really find anything yet.

From Oriental Adventures:
Blade dancer (p. 38): probably too high end, as it requires 9th level, at least some ability to cast spells and bab +7, but it allows wire-fu ass-kicking. Just swap 'swords' with 'warfans'.
Ninja Spy (p. 43): poison and lots of odd abilities, plus she probably already qualifies. However, the acrobatics ability may be out of scale in 3.5E.

From Complete Warrior:
Dervish (p. 26): a departure from the roguish path and may require a level of fighter to secure the prerequisite feats, but all the puns about the "dance of the Flensing Fans of Doom" would be well worth it.
Exotic Weapon Master (p. 30): a slight detour that would provide a couple tricks up her sleeve, without making her skills suffer too much.

From Complete Adventurer:
Tempest (p. 81): in case she already went down the spring attack/two weapon fighting route; at least take the dual strike feat into consideration. :p

From Serpent Kingdoms (Forgotten Realms):
Fang of Sseth (p. 162): just remove the evil prerequisite, rework the background and voilà, a poisoner and serpent-fetishist; is Felonca into snakes?

Well that's all I got. :cool:

Oh, and the Frenzied Berserker. Just because. After all, everything in D&D can be solved by applying enough brute force; remember: if all else fails, sunder the plot! ;)

drag n fly

First Post
Thanks for the various ideas Owl, I'll look into them and post again if I find anything cool.

I spent a little bit of time last night browsing Prestige Classes and this is what I found.

http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=349445 Counter-Assassin. I may take just the first two levels to get the poision stuff and one of the trap skills.

http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=169552 Ultimate Rouge. This also looks cool, because I can sculpt a bit more to get the poision use without going totally assassin or counter-assassin.

http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=316340 Kensei. This could also be cool because of the Ki damager. However, it doesn't help me as much in other areas, so I probably won't pick it.

Of course, I have to ok everything with Valarian first ;)


First Post
HalfOrc HalfBiscuit said:
I was wondering how long it would be before you started dangling real temptation in front of Nayu. I look forward to seeing him succumb :D .


I'm the real Nayu (just ask Emp). I haven't had a chance to read through all this, but I'm not sure what this "temptation" is that you speak of. If by temptation you mean "obtain the dagger through not entirely wholesome means that would require a possible alignment change in order to weild absolute power"....... then yes, that would be temptation :D

Not that Emp has to TEMPT me do do this per se, other people involved with the campaign just don't like me playing evil characters - I'm supposedly far too well suited for the role, and I'm trying to continue playing a somewhat good-aligned character:D

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