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The Chaos Effect updated 10/11/05 Exit the Dungeon + New Players intro

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Jaskin rings a bell and a human servant comes out from a side room hidden by indoor bushes. He whispers something (Kerrick catches a few words of it [observer / outside/remove ] to the servant whom nods his head and goes outside to speak to a guard.

Jaskin and Glamour lead you to the door. Tamin, Vander and Clang catch a visual of outside through the magical windows. They spot a guard go to a man outside and hand him a feather. Words are spoken and a sharp "thumbing" is seen suggesting the man needs to go. The man almost runs off. Vander recognises the man as Brom's aid.

Outside, the courtyard is open and you wait few a mere minute before a sky coach hovers to a stop. "You rang Jasky." says as much questions the young 1/2 elven female. She is all smiles and wears bright red and yellow cloth. Her coach is outfitted to resemble a leaping tiger complete with purple strips on a white body.

"This young lady is Delay. Despite the name, she has never been late. She will take you to any stops you need to make. The Captain awaits you and sets to air in one hour. (about the 4th bell).

Let me know if you get on or have further stops. If not then we pick up at the Air ship to leave the city.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Tamin considers the offer, "No, I don't think I have any stops to make. I'm just anxious to be on our ways."


First Post
"I will of course need to gather some items for an extended journey. We will need to stop both at my apartment and to purchase some travelling supplies." After giving Delay the directions to his residence the cleric sits back and mentally forms a list of what all he will need to pick up for an extended trip out of the city.

To pick up from residence: Mithral Shirt, Scholar's Outfit, Wand, Travelling Papers
To purchase:
Parchment (for scrolls) x10
Vial of Ink
Scroll Case
Lantern, Hooded
Oil, 1 pint
Flint and Steel
Horse, Light (Magebred)



Delay asks each of you to hold on. All of you notice many ropes that may act as hand holds tied along the rail and the few seats availible. The two warforged are surprised as the air craft simply cuts gravity and drops. The others all feel sickly especially once Delay kicks in the gravity magics again and turns the craft abrubtly. She cuts off two other coaches on the way and nearly forced a Griffon to ditch its rider. She has many colorful and less than polite greetings and curses at other drivers.

She stops first at Rashleigh's apartment. She is impatient and paces for a few moments.

[if anyone wants to ask questions they can]

She then races off to the merchant quarters. Here she stops and lets any off to buy any goods they need. She will wait only 30 minutes. She turns over an hour-glass type time piece and pulls out her lunch. The cheese on the sandwich is so rank in aroma that it makes you prefer the sudden drops to her eating. If any stay nearby, she will begin to talk to you. If within five feet you may have food spat onto you (including the nasty cheese).

[ if anyone has questions they may ask ]

Once the thirty minutes are up she will proceed to the stables. She will wrinkle up her nose at the thought of a horse being on board but can be heard sputtering about this will cost Jasky more money.

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