[sblock=new adventure?]
So, I've been improvising in this adventure for a long, long time -- planning ahead too far doesn't pay, with creative, proactive players like you guys -- but up until not too long ago, I had a long-term plot in mind: the whole Closed Eye cult, nasty ritual that Arnest wants you to stop, yadda yadda. But as you may have noticed from the Screamer, that particular horse has left the barn, and while I'm sure that there will be fallout, I envision those consequences as being more of a paragon-level challenge.
Part of my recent plot-blockage was due to the fact that we'd basically run out of plot in this adventure, and I hadn't noticed. In coming up with Karse's background and what he wants from you, and especially in typing it up, I noticed that what I was typing seemed an awful lot like the typical NPC infodump at the beginning of a new adventure. Which, I realized, this basically is: new major quest(s), new NPC...
My question is, should we treat it as an actual new adventure, closing this one out officially, and starting a new thread and all that? With, possibly, another PC or two? Or should we just continue along in this thread, as we are? It doesn't greatly matter to me. I think adding another PC or two would improve the survivability of the party, but would be... challenging... from an RP perspective.
Anyway, throwing that out there. What do you guys think?
So, I've been improvising in this adventure for a long, long time -- planning ahead too far doesn't pay, with creative, proactive players like you guys -- but up until not too long ago, I had a long-term plot in mind: the whole Closed Eye cult, nasty ritual that Arnest wants you to stop, yadda yadda. But as you may have noticed from the Screamer, that particular horse has left the barn, and while I'm sure that there will be fallout, I envision those consequences as being more of a paragon-level challenge.
Part of my recent plot-blockage was due to the fact that we'd basically run out of plot in this adventure, and I hadn't noticed. In coming up with Karse's background and what he wants from you, and especially in typing it up, I noticed that what I was typing seemed an awful lot like the typical NPC infodump at the beginning of a new adventure. Which, I realized, this basically is: new major quest(s), new NPC...
My question is, should we treat it as an actual new adventure, closing this one out officially, and starting a new thread and all that? With, possibly, another PC or two? Or should we just continue along in this thread, as we are? It doesn't greatly matter to me. I think adding another PC or two would improve the survivability of the party, but would be... challenging... from an RP perspective.
Anyway, throwing that out there. What do you guys think?