The Closed Eye, part II (DM: covaithe, Judge: garyh)


[sblock=new adventure?]

So, I've been improvising in this adventure for a long, long time -- planning ahead too far doesn't pay, with creative, proactive players like you guys -- but up until not too long ago, I had a long-term plot in mind: the whole Closed Eye cult, nasty ritual that Arnest wants you to stop, yadda yadda. But as you may have noticed from the Screamer, that particular horse has left the barn, and while I'm sure that there will be fallout, I envision those consequences as being more of a paragon-level challenge.

Part of my recent plot-blockage was due to the fact that we'd basically run out of plot in this adventure, and I hadn't noticed. In coming up with Karse's background and what he wants from you, and especially in typing it up, I noticed that what I was typing seemed an awful lot like the typical NPC infodump at the beginning of a new adventure. Which, I realized, this basically is: new major quest(s), new NPC...

My question is, should we treat it as an actual new adventure, closing this one out officially, and starting a new thread and all that? With, possibly, another PC or two? Or should we just continue along in this thread, as we are? It doesn't greatly matter to me. I think adding another PC or two would improve the survivability of the party, but would be... challenging... from an RP perspective.

Anyway, throwing that out there. What do you guys think?

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[sblock=New Adventure?]
Well, I have been having the achy feeling that we failed, as soon as Atreus read that screamer article. Even though if we treat this adventure as a new one or not, I hope that there is a possibility to conclude " The closed eye " at some other point, when we are at higher level.

So far, I must say I haven't been disappointed by your outstanding work Covaithe and I am looking forward to see what you have planned for us this time.

I say, YES, lets treat this as a new adventure, especially if it doesn't have anything to do with the " Closed Eye " Plot .

New Players: Well, it could be nice with some new friendly faces. So I say YES to have some new PC's into the group but my decision really depends on the others. So guys, what do you say?


First Post
The vampire is quiet for a moment, then answers in bright, cheerful tones, "Then my unlife would indeed be a twisted mockery, a cruel joke by the uncaring gods. I believe I would likely go mad. But, that is a risk I shall have to take, is it not?"

[sblock=Streetwise DC 15]The L'irkash are indeed a human family, though occasional infusions of eladrin blood in their past have led to predominantly high cheekbones and pale skin and hair for most of the family.

The L'irkash are one of Daunton's founding families, and unlike many of the families, are actively involved in trade. They have fallen on hard times in recent years, and while still influential, are far from their peak of wealth and power.
The merc makes a mental note to consider contingency plans, in case Merith’s romance doesn’t turn out well.

“Riiight then, moving on to business.”

“You want us to find out how your plans were nick-of-time thwarted, with worse timing than a noble household throwing a surprise birthday party for their daughter, only for them to discover that you’ve been giving her presents all morning...”

Woe starts to realize that he’s getting sidetracked, and focuses on picking his questions carefully.

“Uh... nevermind that. So the classic case would be that you were betrayed. Whatever became of Bagger and Father Serevas? Perhaps a member of your crew got ambitious and/or didn’t like you getting involved with Aleana? Someone mumble about a change in priorities or unhappy with how things were run?”

“Who were your more competent rival gangs? Which L’irkash family members might’ve found out? Anyone else you haven’t mentioned that got close?”

Streetwise 14
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First Post
[sblock=New Adventure]
Karse seemed unconnected to the Closed Eye, though I wasn’t sure until now. Mostly because there might still be a number of loose ends, such as the “veil” from Yarg’s notes, post-Arnest dealings with the Glasstons and/or Open Eye cult, bounty on the Punishment Patrol, etc. I considered that Karse might actually be the Unseen Lord, for instance, whose “entrance in the world” really amounted to finding a suitable host (he’s powerful, spooky, and as an incorporeal spirit could have gained followers as an “Unseen Lord” via Kraschek).

Now that we know there’s no connection, it does make sense with a new adventure. Is there some way to split off the last few buckets of posts to a new thread?

I wouldn’t mind another party member, though I don’t think we really need one. Then again, it does seem that encounters keep getting tailored to murder us really really hard. :p If so, I’d prefer we ask for someone that matches the general pace and style of the group.[/sblock]


[sblock=Loose ends]
...there might still be a number of loose ends, such as the “veil” from Yarg’s notes, post-Arnest dealings with the Glasstons and/or Open Eye cult, bounty on the Punishment Patrol, etc.

Oh, I haven't forgotten the loose ends. ;)


First Post
Kathalia listens with great interest to the vampire's story of love lost. Her eyes begin to glisten, and a moment later, she is weeping openly at the tale.

"Oh Hacker, have you ever heard anything like it in your life? It sounds like enough material for three new songs at least!"

Kathalia straightens up, wiping tears and snot from her face.

"OK mister vampire sir, we'll do it!"

[sblock=New Beginnings]
I'm pretty easy going - new players, old players, new adventure, old adventure - sounds good.

Given how much work our DM has been putting in here, I'd put in a vote for whatever is easiest for covaithe.


OOC: Ok, let's call this thread finished, as far as IC events go. Continue IC over here.

If we're going to recruit someone, we can do it here or in the discussion thread, though. Have you guys been watching the tavern thread and spotted any promising recruits? Or, is there anyone lurking who thinks their character would fit in well?

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