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The dangers of DnD

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I did just read this comics about Halloween. It was so strange, I mean, being so naive. I couldn't know if I found it hilarious or pathetic.

Knowing what I know of modern psychology, finally I pity this Jack Chick guy. His own life must be a hell. Fear and suffering constantly sips from his unconscious to his consciousness, and to alleviate them he only knows about continuously seeing evil all around.

I think that when he dies, he will be granted access to heavens since he has already so much suffered and feared during his life. Mmmmh... it's not like us here on Enworld, who have had so much good time playing RPGs...

K'Plah Q'Houme

First Post
These people are stupid and narrowminded, and worst af all they seem to belive that devils, angles, hell, Satan and so on, are real and excisting. I'm quiet sure that none of us belives that dragons excist, and trolls roam the forests. Hwo's the fool then? It's quite beyond me to understand, that some people in this world are so naive as to belive that some "thing" other than them selves have some kind of power over our lives, and quite frustrating to find, that these naive and superstitious people seem they have the right to judge me.
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First Post
Funny thing is...

Before he moved to Baltimore*, our next door neighbor was our Luthern pastor who loved to play D&D and Magic. He always loved playing the raging half-orc barbarians.

*Unrelated anecdote: After he moved out to Baltimore with his family, we drove out there to visit them. That sunday, we stopped by his church to sit in on a service, since he was an excellent speaker and gave great sermons. After the service, the fellow sitting in front of us turned around and asked if we were new members. We told him we were just visiting the pastor's family. He said that was too bad, complimented my singing, and said that I should have otherwise joined the church choir.

Later that day, the pastor's wife says, "Oh, I saw you talking Sid, he's such a nice guy. He sings in choir and volunteers for all the church programs." I relate our encounter with 'Sid' to her. She replies, "I thought you'd like him, Greg says he writes some kind of computer programs." Oh really? What kind of programs I wonder. "Computer games, I think," she says...

Just then I realized that I'd unknowingly met Sid Meyer, creator of Civilization.
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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
K'Plah Q'Houme said:
These people are stupid and narrowminded, and worst af all they seem to belive that devils, angles, hell, Satan and so on, are real and excisting. I'm quiet sure that none of us belives that dragons excist, and trolls roam the forests. Hwo's the fool then? It's quite beyond me to understand, that some people in this world are so naive as to belive that some "thing" other than them selves have some kind of power over our lives, and quite frustrating to find, that these naive and superstitious people seem they have the right to judge me.

But you obviously have the right to judge others, eh?

"Naive and superstitious," right? Because they "belive that devils, angles, hell, Satan and so on, are real...."

I guess it is mildly impressive that this thread went 35 messages before someone decided to to tar and feather Christians in general rather than just a single, admittedly poor, example.

For a board that forbids religious discussions, this particular religious discussion seems to come up a lot. For example:

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First Post
Mark Chance said:
... angles [acute, right, or obtuse?] ...

A cute angle? ;)

Hey, he's not a native english speaker, some spelling errors like this are just natural.
Give him a break, ok? :)


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