The Dungeons and Dragons II: Wraith of the Dragon God spoiler filled thread.


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KenM said:
No exercise ads here. Is the elf magic user a wizard or socerer? I don't see Her with a spell book.

She was a wizard. She specifically mentions only having prepared 2 teleport spells for the adventure.

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Olgar Shiverstone said:
LOL! And the familiar is toast! Typical mage, only pulls the familiar out in a last pinch ...

Nice teleport mishap, too.

At first, that was reaction to the bird. As soon as she produced it, I said that the elf wizard was about to lose an experience level as I foresaw roasted dove. However, hubby reasoned that the dove was probably just a summoned animal from an astral plane, similar to Drzzt's beloved Gwenhyvar, to include the figurine. So not a true textbook familiar and no experience loss incurred. Still, it was rather funny. :)


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The movie was definitely better than the first -- and pretty good as far as Sci-Fi movies go, better than Earthsea for example.

I missed part of the movie, so I had a question: Where did the main character get his sword, and from a rules perspective, what kind of sword was it?


First Post
My reaction was that D&D2 was about as good as an average episode of Xena. That's about what I had expected. Certainly it was better than D&D1, but I can't rate it as "good", just "average". Not sure whether it was the acting or the dialog, but my main issue was that I never felt any connection to any of the characters. Except maybe Nim. The plot was actually pretty good (at least nothing immediately springing out as stupid), and it was fun to have the references and to have it track the rules pretty closely. And horay, a real dungeon with a history, hidden entrance, and traps! But the dialog and acting, although not actively bad, were pretty wooden.

Favorite touches
-When the elf cast detect magic, there's a brief shot of everyone in the party with one or two things that glow
-Ring of the ram!
-"You still have a pulse. But if you turn undead, I'll disintergrate you."


GreenLantern said:
The movie was definitely better than the first -- and pretty good as far as Sci-Fi movies go, better than Earthsea for example.

That's probably because it's not really a Sci-Fi movie. They bought the rights to show it first after the fact; they had nothing whatsoever to do with making it. It was intended as a straight-to-DVD movie here in the States, and is actually getting theatrical release in some other countries.

I missed part of the movie, so I had a question: Where did the main character get his sword, and from a rules perspective, what kind of sword was it?

You didn't miss it. It was cut. There was a scene filmed where he gets the sword, but it didn't make the final print. And I believe it's a vorpal blade, if I'm remembering the GenCon seminar correctly.


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Does anyone know where they have the stats for the characters and creatures? I'm curious on the class break down of the lord. Fighter? or Swashbuckler? or something strange. They seemed to be a party of decent level unlike the first movie. The stuff seemed a bit more plausible.. as far as DnD goes.

I was surprized at the amount of violence in it compared to the first move. They killed off characters left and right. The begining was kind of forced and cheesy with the king and all. However, the movie was fairly entertaining. It wasn't anything huge but still fun to watch.

Lord Wyrm

First Post
I think the lord was a fighter... a stupid fighter who doesn't do his job of letting the dragon stomp him and not the casters, but a fighter.


They really only killed off one (besides the bird). The others were just maimed a bit.

It would be cool if the DVD came with stats and such for the characters, or sort of a mini-adventure based on it. Maybe as a PDF on it. But probably asking too much.


Ivan Alias
Okay, since this is a spoiler thread, I'll lay this out here.

At the time I didn't notice or care, but this morining looking back it hit me as odd.

They go into the goblin shaman's hut, which was a wood and thatch affair up on stilts. Searching around, the rogue finds a trap door in the floor, which drops down into a secret space deep enough to hold a small chest. Remember the hut is on stilts. How thick was that floor again?

They set off a trap, wherein several blades (apparently 3 or 4 feet long from the camera angle) shoot up out of the floor in the area around the secret compartment. The floor of the hut which is up on stilts.

Wouldn't all of this be obvious from ground level? Where the hell were those blade hiding?

That aside, the party acted as a party would: the mage casts Detect Magic while the rogue and the rest toss the place looking for loot. I missed what the wizard said when she found the ring, but was that where she found the Ring of the Ram?

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