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The eConic Human Fighter


The EN World kitten
The eConic Human Fighter is the first product in the eConic line of products from Creative Mountain Games. Long a company known for publishing products designed to directly aid the GM (and the players) with running the game - instead of adding yet more crunch - the eConic Human Fighter is perhaps the first true d20 plug 'n' play product.

The product is a zipped bundle of a series of twenty-one short PDFs. The first PDF is the cover image, OGL, and table of contents. The other twenty are each a full character sheet for a human fighter; one each for every level from first to twentieth. All of the crunch here is already done - the hit points are noted, the feats are chosen, and the equipment is picked out, while all of the fluff entries (such as name, height, etc.) are open and waiting to be jotted down at your convenience. And if you want to change some out a feat or a weapon to customize a character, doing so is much easier using these characters as a template, instead of designing a new character from the ground up. This is especially convenient because the PDFs are formatted to allow you to type information directly into the fields on the character sheet prior to printing if out. So if you want to make some stat alterations to a character, you don't need to scribble out the information and make a change in the margin. It is worth noting, though, that you can't save any of these changes directly to the PDF - the only way to keep a permanent copy for your records is to print it out.

While each of these characters is designed as an NPC, the table of contents notes this, and has a simple listing for what to do if you want to use any of these as a PC instead. Since the only real difference between a PC and an NPC is the level of wealth, the table of contents just lists the amount of wealth you'll need to add (or subtract, for a very low-level PC) to bring their wealth level in-line with what a PC would have. Again, plug 'n' play at its finest. The one thing I would have liked to see here is a few epic level fighters given, if only for the sake of convenience. Not too many would have likely been needed (since epic level play tends to remain comparatively low); giving us fighters of up to level twenty-five, for example, would have been superb.

To summarize, the eConic Human Fighter is a product that has basically done all of the actual work for you, leaving you to fill in the details or make an adjustment or two as necessary. There's no attempted fluff here, just a set of pure mechanics that you can flesh out and use however you need to. The eConic Human Fighter is the simple answer for what to do if you need a quick fighter of any stripe for your game.

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