D&D 5E The Evolution of RPGs with some great speakers like Shawn Merwin and Rich Lescouflair


I crit!
The evolution of 5e featuring: Shawn Merwin, designer of Acquisitions Incorporated, Eberron, & Ghostfire Gaming 5e content; Alan Tucker, designer of 5e content; Alphinius Goo, designer of Gooey Cube 5e; Rich Lescouflair, Designer of Esper Genesis 5e; and Dave Friant, host of Nerdarchy. Host: Zac Goins, designer of Adventurer's League 5e content. https://tabletop.events/conventions/midwestgamefestonline2023/schedule/42

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The evolution of 5e featuring: Shawn Merwin, designer of Acquisitions Incorporated, Eberron, & Ghostfire Gaming 5e content; Alan Tucker, designer of 5e content; Alphinius Goo, designer of Gooey Cube 5e; Rich Lescouflair, Designer of Esper Genesis 5e; and Dave Friant, host of Nerdarchy. Host: Zac Goins, designer of Adventurer's League 5e content. https://tabletop.events/conventions/midwestgamefestonline2023/schedule/42
Interesting panel! I wasn't familiar with Alan Tucker (a fiction author who also publishes on DMs Guild) or Alphinius Goo (an advertiser who writes adventures).

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