The Fall of Plaguestone


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1940
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

“Oh, yes! Please! Please!” Phinnick begged, breaking down, sobbing goblin tears. “I didn’t mean to kill Bort! Hallod made me! He gave me a vial of spices to put in his food, said it would just make him sick. He said Bort had screwed him on a deal! If I didn’t do it, Hallod said he’d put a knife in me! Slowly! So I put the spice in Bort’s porridge. I didn’t know it was poison! The fight broke out, and I got outta there, ‘cause no one minds takin’ a shot at a goblin in a bar brawl! Then I heard Bort was dead, an’ I knowed I’d get blamed, so’s I hid out! But Hallod made me do it!” the goblins stammered out, falling to his knees and grabbing onto Silvi, blubbering goblin snot and tears all over her.

OOC: Galahad found his H! Party gets 30 XP for discovering Hallod’s involvement.

Find the killer
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
  • Question Trin

Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.
Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.


Silvi AC 13 HP 1/19(1) (drained 7, wounded 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 16/17 (wounded 1)

Party XP: 210

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Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1945
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

“Hallod. Big human man. Bully!” Phinnick stammered out, eager to please. He gives a description of the man, and some in the party may remember seeing him talking to Phinnick at the Feedmill before all the fighting. “Dunno what he does. Shady stuff around town. Not good to cross ‘im. He’s mean. Dunno wot he would want with reagents. He ain’t that bright.”

Find the killer
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
  • Question Trin

Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.
Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.


Silvi AC 13 HP 1/19(1) (drained 7, wounded 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 16/17 (wounded 1)

Party XP: 210


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1950
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

“Hallod lives at Dead Willow, on north side of town,” Phinick stammered. “Please don’t tell him Phinnick told you!” he begged.

Find the killer
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
  • Question Trin

Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.
Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.


Silvi AC 13 HP 1/19(1) (drained 7, wounded 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 16/17 (wounded 1)

Party XP: 210


Etran’s Folly (Plaguestone)
Summer/Day 2/1955
Weather: 10 degrees cooler than normal (warm), no wind, light rain
Round 0

The goblin shook his head, cowering before them. “Phinnick not know. Don’t mess with Hallod if can help it! Bort brings in anything town needs, can get anything.”

Gallahad recalls from his investigation of the ledgers that Bort made frequent deliveries of alchemical reagents to this H person over the last several years.

Find the killer
  • Question Amora
  • Question Phinick
  • Question Trin

Clue: Someone with the initial H took deliveries of reagents from Bort.
Help Sir Lawrence quiet Talmore’s ghost.


Silvi AC 13 HP 1/19(1) (drained 7, wounded 1)
Galahad AC 18 HP 12/15
Hiromi AC 17 HP 16/17 (wounded 1)

Party XP: 210


Hiromi narrowed her eyes into a steely look of determination and said, "Let's go find this Hallod who lives at Dead Willow. He has some explaining to do."

As she turned to leave, Phinnik whined about how dangerous it would be. Hiromi said to Galahad and Silvi, "The others seem to have left this investigation to us three. Maybe we should go see if we can find some locals or visitors who can back us up?"


Galahad nods in response. "We'll need to bring him with us to talk to the sheriff. It'll clear our names and he'll likely ask us to deal with Herod for him. He's not the most 'reliable' person I've met."

Pak had arrived in Etran’s Folly only a day before the caravan. It's arrival was fortuitous. He could sign on as a guard and gain some coin for the next leg of his journey. Pak had meet with Bort, the caravan leader. He was I nice man, they had agreed on pay and the tengu was looking forward to getting on the road.

That never happened. Bort was murdered that night and the sheriff has locked down the town until the magistrate could arrive. This is why Pak was idly browsing through the town market instead of getting ready to leave with the caravan.

"How much for the raspberries?" Pak asks the vendor pointing to some fruit on the stall.

The vendor smiles and nods. "Good eye, just picked those berries fresh this morning. 1 silver for a pint."

Pak nods at the woman. "I can do 7 copper."

The woman smiles getting into the bargain. "Make it 9 copper and I'll throw in a couple peaches."

Pak is about to accept the offer when a goblin vaults onto the stall and runs across the produce. It leaps down and races on. Pak barely has time to exclaim about the rush when he sees the group chasing the creature. Recognizing some of the pursuers as members of the caravan Pak is intrigued.

"Excuse me mam, I must see what this commotion is about."

Pak turns and follows the path of chaos left in the wake of the goblin and his pursuers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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