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The Game of Kings

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika gives a short laugh at the archer's comment, and raises her cup briefly to the others. "May we ever be the predators, and not the prey!" she says and gulps down her ale, emptying her cup for the toast.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Parlinor said:
Partash passes his empty plate to the half-elf sailor while keeping an eye on the kobold. "Indeed, Sir. However, I'm more of a field researcher in all matters arcane and divine, though my faith certainly lies with the great Sovereign Host."
[OOC: A Bluff check might be in order on this one. Partash is stretching the truth concerning his faith a bit]
The kobld arches the flesh over one of its eyes a moment. "Really? A follower of the Nine? Interesting. Then, I will assume you will grant us your blessing, whether negotiation goes good or ill."

[ooc: Assuming 10's everywhere, that kobold probably saw through your ruse. Though, with his Bluff, you probably don't know it. ;)]

Parlinor said:
He raises the glass once more clear for everyone to see. "To us", he smiles.
Dragen said:
"Here's to the successful negotiation through force that is always inevitable. And to whatever is in our cups, may it squash the nightmares of our youth and become the indiscretions of our future."
Morika said:
"May we ever be the predators, and not the prey!"
Carver said:
Carver sits in on the dinner discussion quietly listening, which is a little odd for Carver, but he seems quote intent on listening.
Nodding only slightly at the offered toast and its response, tipping its untouched glass a fraction, the kobold addresses the construct. "And now you, Carver. What will you bring to this endeavor? You have experience in Port Verge. What can you tell us about it and its ruler to make negotiation and what happens afterwards, more successful."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika listens to the kobold, then turns her attention to the warforged. Vhir seemed to have a good and solid head on his shoulders, and his words were probably worth listening to. Most of the time. Unless he said something stupid.


First Post
stonegod said:
"Really? A follower of the Nine? Interesting. Then, I will assume you will grant us your blessing, whether negotiation goes good or ill."
"Of course", Partash says while he's grabbing the silver holy symbol of the Host which hangs around his neck. He closes his eyes, makes some gestures with his left hand and utters: "Bless us, high lords of valor, wisdom and strength. May we be met with success on this most important of missions."


First Post
Glasia found the captain in his well-lit and richly decorated quarters, hunched over a large oak writing desk cluttered with parchment, rolled maps, ink bottles and small assorted boxes. The ornate lamp on a corner of the desk illuminated a miniature, strange-looking brass instrument sitting before him, which was comprised of several slowly rotating and clicking parts. The captain kept looking up at it and then marking careful notes on a map of the bay, apparently reading the device to plot his navigation across the open waters.

He looked up from his work, surprised to hear the soft voice for the first time. He politely introduced himself in return, speaking to the young woman with finer manners than he had used when she first encountered him. After hearing her questions, Gorbrekken leaned back in his old leather chair and inspected her honest-looking face a second time, now more seriously.

“Ah… well, yeh see Miss, mah ship is ‘ardly a ferry, by any means. She’s eh transport vess’l most ah thuh time, but ‘onestly, we’s just carry ‘enything tha Prince needs moved fast.” Smiling proudly, he waved his hand towards the planked wood floors. “The Thresh’r’s the finest ship en all ah Lhazaar, an’ the fastest.

“Tha point, though, is that I don’ z’actly sell tickets tah sail aboard ‘er. At least, nah very of’en, or very cheaply.”
He suddenly perked up again, leaning forward in his chair and smiling, only somewhat falsely, at Glasia. “’owever, you ‘n yehr friends are ‘n luck. Werr gonna be spendin’ three nights anchored in Port Verge, an’ then tha next morning we sail for Tantamar again, to bring theh dwarves ‘ome. An’ since that’s a ‘nother pass’nger voyage, I could arrange to ‘ave you sail with us ag’in. If yeh’d like…”

He abruptly began pushing the map and brass instrument aside, and rooted out a piece of parchment that appeared to be a ledger. After looking it over carefully, he looked back up at Glasia, his expression all business now.

“Yer friend who bought ya yehr way onto this voyage, ‘e paid a fair sum ah gold fer the priv’lage. An’ since I don’ have a usu’l price for the journey, it seems fair enough tah charge theh same amount again, aye? So… it’ll come tah forty-five gold ah head, plus… Oh, ‘ow about only ten gold fer yer cargo?” By this point, he had already picked up his scraggly quill again, and dipped it into the black inkpot. Captain Gorbrekken looked up expectantly at the young wizard, quill-tip poised to enter her purchase into the ledger, hoping to hurry the transaction along.


Glasia grimaces at the quoted price. "That is many times the price I had expected," she says with a shocked expression on her face. "There are many of us. Seven travelers at 45 a head is over 300 gold! A bit steep considering the space would otherwise be wasted. After all, you stated the intent of your journey was to bring the dwarves back, not to carry cargo or a full tally of passengers. It would be a shame to sail with empty space available," she states, attempting to appeal to the merchant that lurks beneath the sailor. She leans forward in her chair, smiling.

"If we can settle on a more reasonable price, we may be able to reach an agreement. Unfortunately, I know not if we need to return in such a manner tonight. I'll discuss it with my companions."


The man with the probe
stonegod said:
odding only slightly at the offered toast and its response, tipping its untouched glass a fraction, the kobold addresses the construct. "And now you, Carver. What will you bring to this endeavor? You have experience in Port Verge. What can you tell us about it and its ruler to make negotiation and what happens afterwards, more successful."
"Well, I don't personaly know the ruler, but I know my way around the streets fairly well. I mean, I did spend almost all of my life there, a whole 10 months!" Carver says. "It has been a long time since I was there though, a lot can happen in 2 months. I've been mostly wandering Korvairre and crafting things. And I think pretty soon, I'll be able to invest a personality into my morningstar. It will be so exciting to have a companion on my travels."

"But you want to hear about the Port, don't you? Well, there's a great Seafood place called the Silver Tide. Bim used to go there all the time. He must have done something for the owner, because he was always nice to me after Bim died. And then there's this blacksmith who makes some of the finest iron bars I've ever seen. Oh, and..." Carver will go on unless someone stops him or everyone leaves.

OOC: Carver does know who the ruler is, I don't have the book to look it up at the moment.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The kobold listens patiently as the warforged prattles on. After about a minute, it raises its hand. "So, Port Verge is a relatively stable port, and the Prince allows free travel about the town, it appears. That is good to know; will make our activities easier. Thank you, Carver, that will be enough."

With that, the kobold stands. "I will retire for the evening. We shall continue this business tomorrow."

[OOC: Mein gott! Put Tondrek and Carver in a room and they'd never shut up! ;)]


First Post
[sblock=The Kobold]While the archivist's profession is certainly what Parlinor says it is, Vhir finds his declaration of faith in the Host insincere.[/sblock]


First Post
"Excellent, Carver. Your knowledge of the area will come in handy without a doubt. Is there anything else, you can tell us about the city?" Partash sounds genuinely interested in whatever knowledge Carver might have.

Voidrunner's Codex

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