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The Game of Kings


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As the others begin to go up the gang-plank, the kobold notices the young girl keeping herself to the back, not going up immediately with the rest. It purposefuly makes its way over the the obviously young one, looks intently at her, and crooks a finger at her. Should she lean over, the kobold has a soft word in her ear.
[sblock=Whispered to Glasia]"Best be careful. All these strange others, how unusual they must seem. More violent, more aggressive than what you are used to, are they? Do not fret. They will not hurt you. I will make sure of it. Consider it... a favor."[/sblock]The kobold then straightens out, and begins to board the ship, not waiting for a reply.

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The man with the probe
Carver smiles at Glasia and then smiles at the bird, waving at it, "That's an unsual color. Did you make it? I've heard of hair dye, but never of feather dye. Though I suppose it's similar and would be easy to..."

He looks back up at Elinvath when he hears his name, his expression lightening a bit when he hears about his home town. Once the man leaves, he does not hesitate to walk over and pick up the bag, examining it's contents, though it seems someone beats him to it.
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Deuce Traveler

As soon as the tickets are shown and access is allowed for, Doral follows Dragen on board. As he counts his money he says, "I feel I must agree with you. This gentleman of ours certainly knows how to speak our language."

As Doral gets on board the boat, he will look for the captain or first mate and make friendly conversation with him, attempting to ascertain the crews instructions from Elinvath. He'll also mingle around with the crew, offering an occasional hand for simple tasks, but otherwise not getting in their way. In this manner he'll try to pick up on any rumors of interest.
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First Post
Partash walks on board as the last person. The chill obviously hasn't left his body or mind. Sargessean left us with pretty much all the important questions unanswered. Either he really didn't have time to answer them or he's not telling us everything he knows. Either way, his gold is still good and I'll only find out what is going on by playing along.

I would very much prefer to bring the Baron back alive and in one piece, though some of my companions seem to care little for his condition. They could possibly turn the entire thing into one giant slaughter if left unchecked.

Everybody seem to be getting along fine, so I'll just keep a bit to myself until I figure out who I can truly trust, though my true heritage must remain a closely guarded secret. Sargessean isn't the only one who can run the secrecy game...

Partash wraps his grey traveler's cloak tightly around his slight frame seeking whatever protection from the wind there is to be found in it. His magical heavy mace hangs from the belt around his waist and he starts wondering whether he'll have to ever raise it during this rescue mission.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morkia will dole out the fifty platinum for those that ask, but if anyone forgets, she's not above "keeping it safe until later." Money taken care of, in one way or another, the shifter puts the remaining platinum in her haversack, along with her shield. Those that are watching will notice that there are no tell-tale bulges from her additions. That done, she walks over to the slight Glasia.

"Who's that in the cage?" she asks, her stance one of challenge, though her face is actually more curious than hostile.


The man with the probe
"What else is in the bag? He said our provisions, so there must be more than just coin in there." Carver says, after he catches up with Morkia.


First Post
For a few quiet moments, the group digests their employer's words, but with Morika taking the lead and toting Elinvath's bag, they advance on the ship's gangplank. The two soldiers guarding the ramp look nervously at each other as the seven approach. The half-orc on the left, a heavily scarred sentry with a brutish look and a scimitar, sets his big foot firmly in the middle of the plank, barring their way. "What's th' name y'here under, miss?" he asks the wild woman stalking towards him.

"We're just waitin' on the Kundarak company, as I remember, Rognal," the other guard says skeptically.

"I dun' reckon' we had 'nother six," Rognal mutters slowly. "Uh. Or's it seven?" He turns and speaks up at the party: "The 'forged, izhe passe'ger or cargo?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika stares at the man for a moment, her gaze flashing dangerously. "Morika, that's what I'm here under," she says sullenly, and fishes in the bag for the promised tickets to hand over to the guard.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The kobold makes its way besides the irritable shifter, and addresses the guards. "Our way has been prepared. The shifter has our tickets, and will kindly give them over. Now." The kobold stares intently at Morika.


First Post
"In here," he continues, pointing to the sack at his feet, "I have packed your tickets and provisions for the trip, which I have not chartered exclusively for this excursion--the ship is Prince Kolberkon's, you see, and he wishes to impress some visiting merchant or or House representative with it."

If you'd like to edit your post in light of the fact, go ahead.

Voidrunner's Codex

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