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The Game of Kings

Deuce Traveler

Doral smiles in amusement to himself over the captain's preference for Vhir, "It's so nice to have some influence and yet remain unnoticed." He looks for a place out of the way to sit down that is hidden in the shadows, and also stares at the door downstairs as he considers using it.

Doral will look for a place that is hidden from the eyes of the others, trying to ignore anyone who tries to strike up a conversation. If he has to, he'll open the door to the downstairs as if he is going to descend, but not close the door. As soon as he is confident no one can see him, he'll cast comprehend languages and then invisibility on himself, then move silently so that he can get closer to the group of dwarves. He'll listen in to the conversation between the captain and the group and between the group members when they speak in dwarven. If they switch to a language other than common or dwarven, Doral will touch the speaker gently on the elbow or anywhere else that might be noticed so that he may understand the tongue.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Dark_Jackalope said:
“an’ maybe even someday passing it. So, yeh can see why I’m so worried at th’ momen’ about getting’ this right. An' if you want the be ‘elpful, either take yer luncheon below, or stay up on deck if ye must, but remember yah c’rtesy an’ good manners. These ah members o’ the House itself right ‘ere.”
The kobold nods to the captain, its expression unreadable. "By all means. We would not want to interrupt." Turning to those packing, it examines their work for a moment, then turns away. Making for a place to sit on the deck, it states, "I will dine later. Continue as your were."

The kobold then sits down, places its fine cane against its leg, and continues to read its copy of the Inquisitor.

[OOC: The kobold has very pointedly not stated its name yet, FYI. It will stay on deck a bit to observe nonchalantly. This observation will include both the crews, dwarves, and parties actions, of course.]


Glasia lets out a sigh of relief after the captain leaves, intimidated by his blustery manner. "Maybe we should find our quarters? I would like to set down my gear. Be back in a few minutes, Morika." She smiles at a passing sailor.

"Excuse me! Can you show us our quarters? It would be most appreciated."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika simply stands at the deck rail, stroking Cloudchaser for a bit, then freeing him go back to flying. She ignores the captain and the dwarves on deck, simply staring at the wharf and the people on it, occasionally looking back over her shoulder at her erstwhile comrades.


First Post
"May il-Yannah guide our efforts..." Partash mutters in Quor under his breath as he makes his way below deck to his quarters. He seemingly has no interest in the House Kundarak representatives unlike some of his other companions.

[OOC: Partash finds his room, sits down and meditates until dinner is served.]

James Heard

Dragen enjoys the fresh air, and tries to be somewhere close to a railing for when the ship starts moving and the inevitable happens.

"Boats... Bah!" he mutters under his breath, and tries not to think about how much he drank last night.


First Post
[sblock=Jackalope Only]I have MSN Messenger running on my dad's PC. Sign on so we can discuss updates. Assuming you get on at all tonight. Should talked it over earlier, but that's life.

I wonder if there's any way to see who opens an sblock. See if any of the players aren't trustworthy...

At any rate, if I don't see you in a half hour or so, I'll just write up a post myself.[/sblock]


First Post
On his way to greet the dwarves, the last of which whom had just stepped heavily onto the deck, Captain Gorbrekken stopped as he passed the inquisitive warforged. He gave him a quick looking over, and apparently deciding he was alright, replied,

“I’d be quite glad tah give ye one, uhh… sir. I’ll find yeh later, then,” he answered quickly, but not impolitely, before hurrying off to the dwarves.

Meanwhile, the crewmember Gorbrekken had called aside motioned to those who had chosen to go below to follow him. They went through a pair of ornately painted doors and down the wide and well-lit steps to the level immediately below deck. The three cabins Elinvath’s gold had secured them were grouped together at the end of the passageway closest to the steps to the deck. Further down the hallway, towards the bow, were the cabins in which the three dwarves entourage would sleep.

The cabins themselves were simple, with walls and floors of bare planking, and tiny glass windows up near the ceiling. Each held one bunk bed fitted with clean pale-colored bedclothes, two lockable chests, and a small table. From the ceiling gently swung an oil lamp, unlit in the noontime sun filtering through the thick glass windowpane.

“Yous-all can split up the rooms how ye likes,” said the shy and nondescript crewmember. “I knew yeh’ve got seven, but the ‘forged can just take that trunk at the end o’ the hall an’ put it ‘n one o’ the rooms, since he don’t need a bed.”

Those still on deck can only hear small snips of the Gorbrekken and the dwarves’ conversation, which was being held barely within earshot of the would-be picnickers. The captain, who spoke with near-fawning gusto, was the only one clearly audible over the perpetual sound of the waves against the ships hull and the creaking of wood.

“Welcome aboard, me good sirs. It is both meh honor and pride to have yeh sailin’ to Port Verge on mah fine ship. I’d be Captain Gorbrekken, under service of his lord and mastership Prince Kolberkon, and under yer service as his esteem’d guests. If thar’s anythin’…”

[sblock="Doral"]As the captain made his introductory speech, Doral managed easily to slip aside, and then ready himself to better listen in on the dwarves’ conversation. He walked back quietly towards the three dwarven officials and the captain, this time invisible and taking extra precaution not to be heard. To his good fortune, none seemed to notice his arrival, and he hovered cautiously a few feet away from the small group.

Just as Doral arrived, the highest-ranking dwarf stepped forward and shook Gorbrekken’s hand briskly, introducing himself as “Kinndareck, of the Department of Expansion.” The other two dwarves then also shook the captain’s hand, introducing themselves as Iytin and Bourstrart, also of the Department of Expansion.

Speaking in dwarven, Kinndareck bluntly stated, “I’ll tell you now, I don’t like the sea, and should like to be shown to my quarters immediately.” He was obviously speaking simply and clearly so the captain could understand, but Gorbrekken still looked slightly confused and alarmed, but managed to say haltingly and in a poor accent,

“Of course. I show you there I-self.” He turned towards the double doors at the stern of the deck, and the dwarves moved to follow, Iytin and Bourstrart obviously amused by the captain’s attempt at dwarven, but Kinndareck showing no opinion. “You things will be already arrived, of course. Would you like to eat dinner in you rooms also?”[/sblock]

Though their voices became too soft to distinguish, the conversation between the captain and his dwarven guests was very short. After introductions and formal handshaking, Gorbrekken began to lead them towards the even-more ornate doors at the stern end of the deck. Awkwardly attempting to speak in dwarven to the highest-ranking dwarf, the other two followed a step behind and snickered amusedly. Gorbrekken signaled towards the vapor-tower, then the group disappeared below deck, as the captain showed them to their rooms.

A sudden harsh clanging of an iron bell rang from the toward at the stern of the ship, and the first mate hollered, “All free hands on the deck! Prepare to sail! Raise anchor! Haul in the gangplank!…” Almost magically, there was an explosion of activity on the ship, as a dozen or so crewmembers darted about following Wilsbree’s orders, though none bothered to unfurl the sails. In a handful of minutes, the ship was completely detached from the pier, and the first mate stopped shouting commands as he focused on carefully manipulating the mysterious column of vapor. The ship began to glide smoothly towards the bay and eventually the open sea, its pace increasing to an enchanted clip beyond what any normal ship could reach.

[sblock="OOC: Carver"]Don't worry, we'll allow you what crafting time you need. (Within reason and realism.) And as for the little wooden carvings he does, thats no problem either, he can go ahead whittle all he likes. (And hopefully you'll have a HHH for all that soon.)[/sblock]


The man with the probe
Once the Captain says he'll get the tour, Carver follows his new companions down to the quarters. "Parlinor, might I stow my chest in your room? I think that's the right term for a ship? Or is it port? Anyway, I don't think I'll be needing it much. Nothing wrong with carrying my stuff around anyway. Besides, I wouldn't want to wake you up at night, I know Bim didn't like that. In fact, no one I've met realy liked that. How odd. Is there a place I can do a little work around here without disturbing the others at night?"

By the time he's finished, he's facing the crewman.
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First Post
"D'pends. What kinda work d' you be doing?" the seaman asks with a worried look, rubbing his hands together. "We 'ave room on deck if y'like. No one's a-sleepin' there, an' th' lookout ain't gonna b'grudge 'nother body 'round on 'is watch."

Voidrunner's Codex

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