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The good, bad and weird of PC names:


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Names of current and recent characters include...

Ansley Greenshields- a personal favorite used for a 3.5 human scout and a 4E halfling ranger (think hobbity style halfling by the houserules)

Sillita "Sil" Ederus- a halfling wizard in Pathfinder Society games

Denerii Breezechaser- an elven rogue (with ranger multiclass feat) in LFR play

Anneke Bjornsdottir- another PFS character, a human bard who has not yet seen play

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Kmart Kommando

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My first 3.5 character was a rogue named Malik.

I have trouble thinking up names sometimes, so I've had about 15 Maliks of various classes and levels.

Though I had one dwarf barbarian that died before he was even named. he was a backup character not even fleshed out, and was a captive the party freed. 2 rounds and 1 grey render later...

he was the red shirt barbarian. :eek:


I had an incredibly powerful sorcerer named John. Just John. John the farmer, if you wanted to be precise. "That cynical drunk," if you went by what the party mostly called him.


Voice Over Artist & Author
I have a horrible time with names, in general, though I always seem to pull good ones out when it matters.

Haplo Happymeadow - A standard halfling name I use. I usually envision him as someone who left the homestead to making something of himself in the adventuring world 'cause he didn't want to be a farmer. Perhaps he has some militia training, but decided regimented life wasn't for him so he went to the city and plies a roguish trade?

Tallow Wolfbrother - This was one of my more recent characters: an anti-social, tall-people hating halfing druid raised by faeries whose animal companion was a wolf. He actually wasn't a lot of fun to play as written 'cause I couldn't think of many reasons for him to actually hang out with the rest of the group (all tall people). He did have the dubious honor of wild shaping into a gorilla and throwing barrels filled with gunpowder at river bandits, though. Good times.

Toluene Silverbow - One of my standard elf names. Most of them have some measure of archery ability, but the last one was an Unfettered (from Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved) who had been run of out several cities for being a gold-digging womanizer.

Oopterbevny - A gnomish first name I like. I don't remember the last name I used, but this was the name of the gnome necromancer BBEG in my last FR campaign. He killed himself during the climatic battle taking several PCs with him by breaking his Staff of the Magi.

Seth Blackthorne - My first 3E character. He was a human Paladin of Heironeous. He had a major crisis of faith when a grey ooze nearly dissolved his sword. Another player called for me to fall from grace when I ran from that combat, but I played the shaken faith part well enough that the DM gave me a pass. That player later rooted for the BBEG to summon demons to devour me when I went chasing him after we finally encountered him face-to-face. Seth was nearly dead when the session devolved into an f-you shouting match because some of the players took exception to the guy wishing death on my character because I chased the bad guy and was fighting him single-handed.

Tor - A half-orc fighter/sailor who was thrown into irons for urinating in his captain's soup for a slight. He was the son of wharf whores and liked big axes. Not too bright, though. I think he had a 6 INT. Playing someone THAT dumb for an extended campaign was hard.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
I still can't remember what I intended to call him, because the "Nine" stuck :erm:

There's a warforged PC in my campaign called "Number 9"; he was originally a petrified NPC that they found and saved in Tamoachan. A new player joined the game later on, so I handed over #9 and decided on the spot that he was the ninth warforged ever made and had been petrified since shortly after his creation.

Voidrunner's Codex

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