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The Heretic of Wyre - Part II


I LUVVVVVVV Gate. - Say the Players.

I HATE Gate and you're all dead. - Says the DM.


Actually, it's one of the coolest story devices there is that a PC can actually of his own power do. (Even if it was an NPC at this point) It just will make just about any amount of combat planning moot as the game completely changes. :)

Very well handled. Very well done.

He critical hit the sword on a sunder? I thought items just like constructs were immune to critical hits...?

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Re: The Nodality - Part 2

Sepulchrave II said:
"As have many others," the Celestial replied sympathetically. "Except in unusual circumstances, death tends to be final."

Bugger that, thought Nwm.


"Mmm," Ortwin looked in the mirror. He was a satyr.

"It could have been a lot worse," Nwm said. "A badger, or an owl, for example. Mulissu is willing to return you to your original form – for a hefty price, no doubt. I think you look quite dashing, and you must admit – it has a certain appropriateness."

"Yes, yes," Ortwin agreed enthusiastically. Mmm. Nymphs, he thought.

Dang, I've run out of ways to praise this Story Hour! Fantastic will just have to do again...

Nwm makes a very good conterpoint to Eadric and the rest of the paladins. And I'm sure Ortwin will be very happy in his new form :D

Ridley's Cohort

First Post
The Great Demon spoke a single word of power, and another Balor appeared.

"Oh, for heaven’s sake," Ortwin moaned, before he imploded.

It can be very inconvenient to not have a good Fort save in high level combats, as demonstrated here. There are a lot of Save vs. Doom effect available that have a minimum DC of 20-25.

There are a lot of nasty Will effects, too, but those usually don't kill you outright.

Fabulous stuff, Sep.

This little combat had five Gates. Normal yardsticks of power fail at that point.

Not commanding the second Solar was very astute. It is very politic to show some trust towards beings you Gate in . . . unless you are Shomei, I suppose.


Re: The Nodality - Part 2

Sepulchrave II said:

Seeing his chance, and drawing on the power of his God, Eadric yelled, hefted Lukarn, and brought it full force down upon Ainhorr’s flaming sword. The Balor turned it with contemptuous ease. Eadric struck again, and a splintering sound was heard, sparks flying as the blades crashed together. He struck again, and Ainhorr’s ten-foot greatsword shattered, hewn at the hilt.* Shards flew across the chamber. Eadric smote the demon, and he screamed.

My favorite part in the battle, but then again I am partial to paladins!

Did the big bad fiends get away?

Sep...I hope the next post shows the bad guys licking their wounds. Feezu...gone...Uzemi...gone...Ainhor and Graz'zt hurt.....
Seems the only demon that got away was the succubus....

Can't wait until there is more!

Letting them find Ortwin's body after it got imploded.

Not sure about the relevance of this. If you are criticizing creative license when describing the death of a summoned devil mook well, that's your call. There is nothing in the spell description itself which implies that the body disappears when the target fails its save.

Mass Manifest blocks plane-travelling abilities until the duration expires. I wonder if that includes abilities that span the Astral plane, like Teleport?

That is certainly questionable. I had to make a snap decision, and I ruled 'No.'
Maybe I'm wrong.

Dan complained, as well.

Doesn't it [Discern Location] have a 10 minute casting time?

Maybe that's why Dan didn't complain too much. This was a genuine error - for some reason, I had it in my mind that it had a 1 action casting time, didn't check it, and when I was browsing a few days later I thought...'Doh.'

It happens.

There again, when all's said and done, I won't loose any sleep over it. And I wouldn't let the rules get in the way of the roleplaying experience.

Would you, Cheiromancer? ;)


Next time I should not post so hastily. I realized just now that that was a summoned devil- when killed, it naturally disappears. My bad. :(

And even if it were called instead of summoned, the Implosion that killed took place in Limbo, of all places. A certain variability in effect is practically mandatory!

Graz'zt was using Mass Manifest to get a lot of demons onto the prime at once. Preventing demons from using their special abilities is definitely not his intention, so perhaps he tweaked it a bit. I think the standard form of the spell is intended to drag those sneaky extra-planar creatures onto the prime where they can be disposed of- the intention is definitely *not* to let them escape via teleportation effects.

I think your rulings were eminently sound. Far better than I would have made in the same situation.

Now about the discern location. Would Mulissu ever have traded limited wish to Mostin? That would be one way he could have tracked her down so fast. He could just say "I wish I knew exactly where she went."- then he would have the information needed to teleport or dimension door to that location.

I think, though, if I ever play let my players ambush a group of demons, I'll have them all teleport away, and stage a counter-ambush when the party's buff spells have expired. The succubus can spy on them with clairvoyance or something.

BTW, I'm very pleased with the way the Solars acted. I don't think they would be so helpful to PC's for just any old encounter. But Graz'zt had celestial retribution coming to him, and the angels were happy to dish it out to him.

Another fantastic story.


Yet again Sep, you and your players astound me! Great updates as always.

As for the bungle with Discern Location, chalk it up to some random critical fumble on Oronthon's part.

He makes the 'rules' after all,


First Post
My favorite bit:

He crashed through a door, straight into the Goristro.

"Oops," he said. Fortunately, the Demon was even more surprised than he was. Mostin quickly summoned a trio of Pseudonatural Dire Bears.

"Kill," he pointed, and waited for a chance to sneak past.

I can see Mostin pulling this off with kind of a bored why-are-you-bothering-me-I-have-bigger-infernals-to-fry attitude. Made me laugh, at least.
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