The hidden

Tactorn the master of the oversized flying carpet to the rescue.
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BARRAKAS 9, 1000

It is late in the day when they arrive in Yrlag. Though safer, the five of them still faced a threat in the form of a hippogriff with tentacles for legs complete with small pincers for hoofs.

Kyr is very sick. He has possibly the Filth Fever. Luckily, Tactorn has several potions including one to neutralize poisons and diseases. Even then, he needs help getting off the carpet as it hovers about a foot off of the docks of Yrlag. When placing his arm around the summoner, Zig thinks he felt something…weird under the summoner’s shoulders. When Zig begins to ask, he is rebuffed with a series of coughing. It is forgotten shortly later as they get him back to the Salt’n’Peppa.

Tactorn leaves with a wave and a great big smile. He told them some of his recent and it was not pleasant. He and three able adventurers went into the Hidden several days ago but they were attacked by a huge flying blob that had tentacles and eyes. Too big to be a Beholder but like one. He is returning to Aundair and the family grain business.

BARRAKAS 10, 1000

While Kyr recovers under the careful watch of Zig (no Hidden Butter for either one today) Ayur steps out with her bag of holding. Feldrix remains behind also. He is tired of the undead fear so he will remain out of sight here and make sure no one bothers the two would-be magic dapplers.

Ayur is in deep thought and retrospection as she makes for the Old Town in the west. She remains alert for trouble with the locals. Several goblins do watch from the safety of the shadows as she goes by but none bother her. It is as if they understand what she is going to do and that she is in no mood for their activities and fell ambitions.

The roads are muddy and rough but she continues along the shore as the road slowly drifts to the north. Leaving the area of shanties, she begins to walk into the forest up a steep hillside.

Finding a clearing between the forest and the cliffs overlooking the river Yrlag lays on, she sits down and meditates. She recalls why she is here.

She was working on the family business. It was at times boring but she did get to travel across the five nations. As an heir of House Medani, the dragonmarked house of protection, she was a bodyguard to the rich. Generally the work was indeed simple. Walk with them, check the doors and rooms. Check the food. Simple. The hardest part was the clients themselves.

Frome ir’Coldstone was one of these difficult ones. He had no use for precautions. He dared assassins (literally) to attack him while in my care. As it turns out, he was also involved in illegal affairs. Illegal trade and sales of certain ore with magical properties.

She remained quiet about it. It was part of her job. She had been witness to many things she detested before as a body guard. Affairs, theft, poor treatment of others, even one spouse abuse. She did not approve but it was none of her business. Frome ir’Coldstone changed all of this….. forever.

They were traveling to Korth when their coach was stopped within the small town of Pearlman. Armed bandits, a dozen or even a score. So into doing her job she never considered why there were so many bandits waiting for them.

The battle spilled into the populace of Pearlman. She dropped many bandits while Frome took cover between the carriage and herself. A bandit got past her and he fled even as she took him down from behind. He ran to a small barn hoping to hide there. Several bandits chased after him. He found himself trapped. A young human child collecting eggs from the back of the barn walked into the middle of the bandit charge. Frome grabbed the innocent child and successfully used her as a meat shield even as she caught up with them.

She was appalled by what she saw. A ten year old girl with multiple spear and dagger wounds. Frome smiling as he hid behind the corpse.

She declared him an animal,,,, a soulless fell creature. His answer….. he thrusts the dead child at another bandit’s dagger. He suggests the girl’s life meant nothing. As a commoner, her life had little value and she would sacrifice herself willingly again. HIS life was more important and had greater meaning.

As the last four bandits attacked she saw red. Enraged, she attacked and attacked with no sense of personal being. She stopped only when no else was there standing. This included Frome and the child. She has somehow swung her short spear to the side and struck the despicable dwarf in the eye….. and into his brain. She had killed him. By accident or unaware purpose she was not clear herself.

She was recalled to the Medani House. Behind the commander stood a House Kundarak member. Frome had strong connections with the dwarven house of Warding …. And money.

There was talk of removing her mark. There was talk of handing her over to the dwarves. There was much talk about how to punish her but none of the dead innocent child. Cindy-Lou.

Disgraced and looking to a life of punishment and pain she fled.

Tyson never fled. He always saw it through.

She tried to become a private bodyguard for hire within Wroat but this failed as word was put out by both the houses that bad things happened to them if they hired her. This continued for the better part of six months before she went (fled) west. Maybe people of the forest and swamps needed protection and hopefully, Medani and Kundarak would not follow. They didn’t but there was no one looking for help either.

Perhaps further west. Perhaps within Yrlag. On her way is when she met Tyson.

Removing a tear from her eye, she sighs long and hard. “I should have been there for you Tyson. I failed you also.” Minutes go by before she moves again. “I failed to shield you then….. I do not deserve this.” She glances at her house shield. The second of two things that mark her a Medani. “Perhaps I can reverse this. Perhaps I can begin to regain my pride and self-respect.”

She slowly glides her hand over the shield. It saved her and many clients in the past. It did. Not her. “Perhaps I can still shield you. Will you hold onto this for me until I have regained my worthiness.” She places the shield onto the body of Tyson, now removed from her bag of holding. She moves the earth back covering up both the inquisitive and her shield.

She stands up and looks over the river. She watches as a ship sails in. Minutes later, the river’s namesake surfaces and dives (Ganhir a Dragon Turtle) to sleep on the deep river’s bottom once more.

She removes the glove from her right hand. She turns and looks the hand over as she often did as a teenager. Her blue and purple dragonmark seems to pulse to encourage her.

“I will redeem myself. First I will finish what you started. Then Lady Silvermane and Trust’s situation will be resolved. Then I will return to protecting the innocent and poor. The unable and the weak.”

She takes a few moments of respectful silence and meditation before turning and walking back down the hills into Yrlag.

In her grief, she did not notice she was observed from the safety of the woods.


BARRAKAS 10, 1000

Ayru arrives in Yrlag later that afternoon. Wishing to be alone for a while longer, she decides to try to sell some of the goods she found and procured within The Hidden. It is hard. Most of the merchants here are low grade pawn shops. Bringing in artifacts worth thousands of gold overwhelms them. Worse, Ayru sees in their eyes rising greed and dark thoughts of theft and harm. When this happens, she thumps her spear twice on the floor. Sometimes she even then motioned to tap her shield but can not now as Tyson is holding onto it for her to reclaim later.

She finds a few that buy her glass beads and other Hidden specific trinkets. A few weapons taken from would-be killers.

She has learned not to flash Emerald Claw items. Merchants fear them and repercussions if they sell the goods of their dead comrades.

Returning to her room, she checks on Kyr. It is hard to say if he is delirious from the fever or back to his normal unstable self. He speaks of meeting father and spending quality time with him. Strange.

Feldrix is quieter and more solemn than ever before.

Zig is happy in the kitchen experimenting. He is experimenting on food flavoring. Many of his favorite cooking fruits and spices are not available here. He is having some success. Especially with citrus flavors.

BARRAKAS 12, 1000

Zig goes out to sell goods. He needs to get out from the kitchen. Even the two Ghallanda halflings suggest he gets out for a while. Who can argue with them? They are so cute!

He first goes to the Hidden Museum. He had heard sales of expensive goods are hard to do. Jassa, the leader of the building greets the changeling cook. “I always love return customers.”

“I have something I found within the Hidden. He removes the harp with a beholder carved into the wooden frame. Zig fails to spot her eyes light up.

“What are you asking for this? It would look perfect in the museum.” She asks while hefting up the musical item and looks it over.

“I have idea what it is worth. It is too big and bulky for me to carry it around. I thought it would look good here.”

“Free for the museum?!? I can’t. Will 20 gold be good enough?”

“Ah….okay.” He had intended to sell it and hoped for more but this should be enough to buy some spices and alchemy ingredients he needs. And push comes to shove… that is all that is important.

Jassa gives him a warm hug and then leaves to catalogue the new artifact for display.

Next Zig works his way to the Cannith building. It is not what he expected. It is small and shares the dock area with another House. Still he goes in hopes of selling more goods and at a better coin.

The husband / wife team runs the Cannith facility. Frodrik and Darlah d’Cannith cleaning up the shelves and display areas for their goods when the Changeling cook arrives. She goes up first. “Welcome. What may we do for you?”

“I have some goods to sell and hope you may be looking.” As he places his bag on the counter they look at each other and roll their eyes in exasperation. Another adventurer looking to get rich.

He places down a Black Garnet first. Frodrik looks at it first. He is impressed on its level of perfection and quality. “100”.

“As in 100 gold or platinum?” asks the Changeling with his own level of aspiration and disbelief.


“I had hoped for more. But that is more than I started with. Okay.” Darlah leaves the room and returns shortly with a bag of mixed silver and gold coins. 100 gold in value.

Next he tries to sell the Violet Garnet. They won’t even touch it. Too expensive for them to purchase. Frowning, the changeling takes it back and tries to sell something else. Nothing.

“Do you have any alchemical goods?”

“Some. What do you want?” asks the Lady.

He buys goods to create safe flavoring and spices then additional goods for making fire and acid bombs.

Satisfied, Zig closes up his bag and leaves.

Kyr has also decided fresh air is needed and gets up. He travels to the market where he hopes to sell his plunder. (yes… the market. Best yet…. He rolled a low number for Gath Info) Once in the center of the market place he begins to question each person passing him. “Do you know where I can sell…… opp excuse me a pleasah…..Can you direct me……. Ugh. Yes…. I like to think I am #1 also.”

It goes on like this for several minutes until there is a gentle tug at his pant leg. He looks down and there is a smiling goblin there. “Maybe I can help” offers the less than innocent looking goblin.

“Oh boy oh boy oye oye boy…. I hope so. I have a buncha gems and possibly expensive stuff I am looking to sell then go show father what we got for him. “We?” thinks the unwavering street rat. “ I may know of a place. It is not around here however.”

“Oh. Where is it?”

“Old Town.”

“That is so far –“

“NOT far away at all. I give instructions to Golden Coin if you wishes.”

“ I do! I do wish.”

“Go west into Old Town. At the third building with green shutters enter the ally.”

“Ally? Will it be safe?”

“Oh yes it will. Too close to main road…. Even as a big person. Go downs the ally and turn left at the guano heap.”


“Bat crap. Some use it to cook their foods and warm themselves on damp days. So…. Ah yes- ,” he pauses and looks around to see if anyone is watching or listening….especially the three times damned Tharashk patrols.”- go down first alley. It will be dark but still close to road. There you find the Golden Coin.

“That easy. Thankyou friend goblin. I am sure… ever so sure…. Father will approve of you.” The goblin scratches at an imaginary (or is it?) flea and moves into the crowds to the west.

A woman clad in a dress and breast plate armor watches him from the other side of the crowd. A serious looking man with long hair and armor over leather armor says something to her. She says something back to him. He reacts as if insulted as she walks directly to Kyr.

“Hello. I over heard you talking to the goblinoid. I would not trust him. His aura speaks of ill.”

“Ill? I have been ill too long now. Filth Fever….. bad case. Either nasty smelling rats or nastier smelling three legged carrion eaters.”

The intense man joins them silently. She continues on. “I am Lendys and this is Gilad Annipadda. We just arrived two days ago.”

“Hello, I am Kyronael Ladepoer. They call me Kyr.”


BARRAKAS 12, 1000

They stand there in the middle of the busy market talking. Kyr is often distracted by the colorful bright beetles that seem to climb on his feet and her especially. Everyone needs friends. That is what his father always says, Kyr is certain of it.

They seem most curious about the events of New Water and The Hidden. That is okay. It has to be special. Father lives there.

Two others spot them in the market. Zig and the bored Feldrix. The warrior couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to get out. It didn’t take long for him to locate Zigland. It’s the market after all. The reactions to Feldrix are as expected.

Many people avoid his path. One makes religious marking in the air to ward off evil (or undead?). The locals look and ignore him. He doesn’t buy merchandise or food.

Lendys looks sharply at the undead as if reading his soul. In truth, she is reading his aura. Gilad however has no such supernatural power. There is a sound of metal on metal and Kyr is surprised to see the warrior now has a flail in his clenched hand.

“Hi Kyr how goes….OH!” begins the startled changeling. “No NO! Don’t start anything.” Many people move away but far away. This could be a good battle. They have not had a great battle on the docks since RAF and Truth took on Zap. Some refer to it as the Battle of Heavy Metal.

“What…. Is your… issue?” growls the undead honor guard.

The flail is now whirling in an obvious magical way. “Undead creature- You face Gilad Annipadda- The Fist and Steel of Urth. Move away from the shapeshifter.”

Zig is offended by being referred to as a shapeshifter instead of cook or alchemist. He stands firmly before Feldrix. “My friend has done nothing wrong. Begone.”

Lendys also moves between Gilad and the two new arrivals. “This will not help us or our mission. Senseless combat is not advantageous. Stand down.”

“He is of the undead. He is an enemy of the living.”

“His aura tells me he means well. Do not let this fight occur.”

“Yeah. Feldrix is my friend and teacher. He is a good guy…. He just has a really bad skin condition…like the lack of.”

“Teacher? You do not look like a warrior.”

“I am many things. Cook, Friend, Rescuer, Adventurer…… You?”

“You are no warrior.” Gilad declares.

“Perhaps but I am learning.” And the changeling places his hand on the grip of his weapon. Gilad smiles at the pitiful gesture and attempted imtimidation.

“Fine. Prove your worth.”

“I ah…. How?” and he places his bag of food and alchemy goods on the ground.

“Zigland. Do not….” Begins the undead warrior and friend.

“I will make this fair. I will not use my sword or flail. Your sword vs my fists.”

“GILAD. ENOUGH.” Demands Lendys.

“I…. this is not my way.”

“You are no warrior. You are merely a deceitful shapechanger.”

“Okaaaaay. Enough. How do we do this? First blood?”

“First five hits, no blood required.”

Zig looks in disbelief at this guy. He takes up a pugilist stance. Feldrix glares and reaches out with his fear aura. No effect on either one. The female gives a look of stern disapproval, “Do not kill him Gilad.”

Zig waits for the man to make his first move. He merely bounces his weight from one foot to the other…. Smiling.

Kyr smiles at the absurdity of it. Clearly Zig is outclassed…. Even when allowed a weapon. He silently (with a quiet giggle) thanks his father for this display and gift.

Zig swings and misses with a clumsy thrust. Gilad leans back and sweeps his foot tripping up the changeling. Zig grumbles at the clumsy strike.

“Why no weapon?” he taunts. Maybe he can distract this guy.

“I am the Fist and Steel of Urth. She will see to my victory.”

“Fist and….. oh.” The taunt is reversed.

Instead of punching him, Gilad slaps him. The changeling sees stars.

Feldrix stiffens up. Kyr has a gleam in his eyes. Lendys looks saddened and grips softly a symbol on a necklace. It glows lightly. The market place crowd encircles them with mild interest.

A second slap makes Zig’s right eye swell.

The sword swings back and the series of stone pieces attached to Gilad’s left arm acts as a buckler and pushes the sword aside. Once more Zig stumbles to regain his balance. The reality that this guy is playing with him sets in. The changeling cook even wonders how Feldrix would fare against this Fist and Steel of earth guy…. Still with no weapon.

Gilad takes a moment to look at the woman he is traveling with. His eyes suggest a happiness because of her. This time he punches Zig when stepping into his thrust. Zig can’t breath. Instead of finishing the contest he turns his back on Zig and walks over to Lendys and leans over to whisper in her ear. She smiles and quietly and humbly answers- “I try”.

“She fancies you “warrior”. Perhaps I will go easier on you from here on out.”

“Really?” comments Zig with annoyed disbelief.

Gilad ends it quickly with Zig nearly knocked out. Lendys calmly leans over the changeling and caresses his swollen check and eye. “Easy little warrior. You did well. You stood up against a worthy foe.” Her touch closes the small nicks from the spikes from his glove. “He means no harm and in his own way he is looking to teach you a lesson. He rarely does this for anyone.

Feldrix steps over to check on his friend. Gilad steps over quicker. Looking at the undead first then to Zig, he holds out his hand to aid him getting up. “You over step your thrust. He has greater strength than you. He can recover he swing easier. Use your finesse.”

Zig smiles the easy warm smile he is known for. “Hungry?”


BARRAKAS 12, 1000 Sugga & Peppa’s

“We travel often.” Answers Lendys.

“We have been to every major nation and most of the continents just within the last two years.” Gilad follows up with.

Kyr is lost in thought and stares at his drink. They came here for Zig to cook them a good meal. Why? The guy nearly beat you to death. Should’ve perhaps. Maybe he’ll beat ol’ miss judgmental Ayur. This stray thought brings a smile to the summoner’s face.

[ DM NOTE: When did CN become CE ?]

“I have been to most of the five nations. Cooking and learning recipes. I spent a lot of time in Talenta and in Sharn. I did a lot of training and cooking there.” Recalls the changeling.

“We have traveled within Sharn several times. Perhaps you cooked for us then.” Offers the faithful woman.

“Tameo taught me the most. We cooked at Tameo’s Taste.”

“Pepper Steak!” Gilad blurts out. This is the first time he has reacted like this. It startles the Changeling and summoner.

“Yes. I did cook pepper steak there. So you have eaten there before. Just wait until I bring out lunch.” Says the changeling with pride. Some warriors use blades…. Other’s use stirring spoons and grills.

The changeling gets up to check on the simmering vegetables. Kyr feels uncomfortable with them. Feldrix is still outside as the two halfling still are very uncomfortable with undead being within their establishment. Ayru is not back from where ever she wandered to.

Gilad stares at the summoner. It is clear the warrior doesn’t approve. That said, Lendys gives a stare of distrust also. Do they know of Kyr’s extended family? Do they know about father? Do they know he is also a powerful summoner? Hee hee hee

Zig comes out with appetizers. Fruit cocktail in a slightly alcoholic mix. It is good. Ayur arrives now. She is taken back by Zig’s newest guests. Introductions are made. Kyr makes a comment of “Fist and Steel of the earth.” To mock him. Lendys makes a reference to her obvious sense of lose and family.

Zig returns with food before anything else happens. Roasted Spiced Sweet Crayfish. [DM NOTE: Cook roll = 26] Then as the mood lightens up (even Sugga and Peppa pop out to say hi) Zig brings out desert. It is Lemon Cakes with spiced frosting [Cook roll 30…. Guess his experiments were a success].

“I did not know you could get lemons this far west” says Lendys as she eyes a second piece.

“And I couldn’t. I am also an alchemist. I have been experimenting on food possibilities.”

“Artificial coloring and flavoring?!?” comments Gilad as he looks at his piece with suspicion.

“Yes yes. Good food to do as we do. I have things to do and things to sell.” Mumbles the summoner as he gets up.

“Yes- about that. When walking to the market I saw a place called Mary’s Mystics. Would you like to know more?”

After getting detailed instructions on how to get there (how did they know the town better than them within only two days?) Kyr leaves. Ayur takes his vacated seat and fingers off some icing from a plate before Peppa politely takes it.

Kyr uses Auseil to scout ahead. He doesn’t trust goblins or Lendys’ aid. Doesn’t like anyone that can read one’s aura.

He finds the place easily. The aura reader’s instructions were perfect. He enters the place and looks around. There are various trinkets with an xoriat style to them. There are books, tomes and scrolls cluttered on shelves that are not straight…. However they look like they were designed this way. There is even a poster sized map that resembles one seen at Grotto’s. In theory it is a map of the Hidden. Small pins are pushed in as if to mark certain areas of interest.

Kyr looks to the ceiling and there are strange markings here including a jagged line that swirls to the center colored in strange metallic light purple. A young female elf saunters from a back thru a beaded veil. “I am Mary. How can I help you?”

“I have good goodies I want to sell.” Offers Kyr with some attempted restraint. He believes this is the place. It looks…. It even smells good.

“What do you have to offer?” she asks as she bats her eyes and leans on the counter. The robe opens some but as is often the case with elves, she has little cleavage to expose proudly.

“I have……”, he pads a lot of pockets in an embarrassed and rushed moment. “Heh…. I got it-it. “

He then gives a loud “Ah!” and produces a few glass beads. After he slaps them on the counter. “Oh! Not for sale. I like them. Especially the ones with tentacles.”

Patiently she eyes him. “They all have tentacles.”

“Heh. Well yes yes yupper.” He begins to check the inner pockets now. Smiling he produces a Moonstone Comb.

“It is beautiful but not something I would buy.”

He begins to list everything he has, Xoriat in origin and otherwise. This does little to impress Mary however. He then begins to list his teammate’s goods. The Frog statue gets her attention. “I know someone whom may have interest in these.” She purrs stroking his cheek and trying to force eye contact. “She only comes to Yrlag once or twice a month however.”

“When next?”

“I never ever know my prince. Where are your friends?”

“Eating cake. Will you contact her for mini-me-me?”

Though clear he not the least bit aroused by her actions, she still taunts and tries to seduce him. “If I knew where you lived I may be able to direct her to you….. quicker.”

With slight hesitation, he agrees and tells her they live at the Sugga & Peppa’s place and who his friends are by name (fails to mention one is an undead)

To keep him happy and trustful, she agrees to buy the comb.



Feldrix stands outside the tavern portion of the halfling’s tavern. Though there are few stars and only two moons out (thus darker than normal) he watches the dockway.

Ayur sleeps well enough within her room. She has minor troubling memories of House Medani but nothing that awakens her.

Zig and Kyr still share a room with the Hidden Berry plants. Kyr can’t sleep. He misses his Hidden father so much. Did she want to have sex? Hidden Butter? Berries?

Kyr awakens with a grin. He rolls his head to the side. Zig is asleep. He quietly and slowly gets up and out of bed. With a snicker he creeps to the Hidden Berry Plant Zig has to make his Hidden Butter. He plucks one berry and at that point Zig says in his sleep- “Kyr- what are you doing? Go to bed and leave the plants alone.” And snores all within the space of one breath.

With his one berry, Kyr gets back into bed. “Tomorrow I see father again. Again. Again and again.”

He returns to a deep sleep with a content smile. Maybe with him he thinks.

Feldrix misses the rats now.

In the beginning the rats would come at night. They were attracted by the food within the kitchen. As part of his payment and in an attempt to befriend the halflings, he would kill any vermin that got close to him at night. His dark vision saw them so clearly at night and he did not smell of a living thing, it was easy.

Tonight, even the bugs are not present. Where are the bugs? His supernatural hearing (being he has no ears) would hear them buzzing and chirping to each other. Now, instead, he hears….. people calling out with some sounds of conflict? His red pin-light eyes flash brightly and he turns to the east and looks down the walkway. He is concentrating on the activity when suddenly he senses something behind him.

Six Sin Spawn rush up at him. One tries to steal his shield as two others try to grapple him. The other three attack with axes and their strange mandible claw mouths. He tries to call out a warning but the grapples pull at the sides of his helmet making it hard to call out. He throws one off and pushes another into tables and chairs where customers used to eat and drink. The creature is tangled up in the chairs. With freedom to see now, Feldrix sees something new to him. A giant crayfish only it stands more upright and has tentacles.

Ayur awakens slowly. She thought she heard a cracking sound. No. No she did. She wanders if Zig is up to something now. She slowly gets up. Still in her night clothes (loose bra and PJ bottoms) she shuffles to the door of her room. Another solid thud but splintering in sound. Absent- mindily she graps her spear in her wrapped hand. She hears Kyr’s raven squawking now very loudly.

Feldrix cuts down one aberration and stabs another as the swamp monster that Zig may cook later reaches out for him. He pushes aside the massive claw but realizes he may be in trouble.

Ayur opens her door to yell at Kyr and zig and spots something is cutting through the roof. Two sin spawn drop from the hole and she rushes them in anger. Isn’t this supposed to be safe ground. They are supposed to stay in The Hidden. With her anger rising she charges and kills one aberrational humanoid in the first blow.

“ummmm…. Shut up your eye lovin’ bird” mumbles Zig as the raven goes hysterical from the sounds of the roof being attacked. The bird flies about loosing a few feathers then flaps down onto Kyr. It side steps up his leg and onto his side. It begins to peak at his shoulder and squawk at him. He awakens with threats of being cooked by the halflings. “loud bird. Loud in hallway also. Kyr stumbles out of the bed and makes way to the doorway. He opens it and peers out and sees Ayur, in her sleep wear, pushing a dead creature off of her spear as another hisses at her.

Feldrix kills off another sin spawn then uses the others as a meat shield against the large aberrational crayfish monster. The creature grabs and crushes the metal and bone of his shoulder of his sword arm.
He yanks free with a crinkle and loud screech of metal. He repositions himself to block the creature and takes down another humanoid. Crunch and crunch. The thing is powerful and smarter than he figured them to be. The sin spawn are also forgoing their own safety and attacks to give the beast room. He pulls free one arm but not the leg. Great pain as the claw begins to crush the leg and armor.

Though Kyr isn’t really compelled to aid Ayur, he summons up a creature. The tentacled large gorilla appears behind her. More creatures drop from the hole in the roof and ceiling and attack her. She does her best to strike them as they land and have not prepared for an attack yet (sneak atts) The floor is slick with pink blood from her stabbing and killing them. As the ape swings and crushes another target, Zig falls out of bed and rolls under it grabbing some of his clothes and armor pieces. Tricky to get dressed under the protection of a bed especially when he refuses to alter his body to make the process easier.

[DM NOTES: House Rule- if a nat crit of a 20 is rolled and confirmed with a nat 20 it is instant death / destruction]

Ayur blocks a shot with her short spear and follows the motion into the next creature. She is then struck and bitten and becomes incredibly angry that this is happening. One could even say she becomes enraged. She screams at the ceiling and steps up to attack. She bares down on the target whom then tears out her throat with their strange sideways hinged jaws. She drops with blood spraying everywhere. Kyr ignores it and looks on.

Zig rushes out of the room and around the unmoving summoner. He mistakes this action as shock as he sees the last of her heart’s push of blood. “Nooooooo!” the cook screams out.

“Nooooo!” the honor guard screams out. This damned creature will be his destruction yet. Even activating his cursed (harm instead of heal magic items) belts and equipment, he barely keeps up with the damage being done to his bones. He has yet to hit the creature. Its shell is thick. At this point Sugga cautiously peers through his cracked door and witnesses the dire plight of the undead. Though he is wielding a butcher knife he stays where he is.

The summoned ape grabs a sin spawn by the head and squeezes until the head explodes. This action makes blood also spirt out of two spear wounds it had from the fallen protector prior. Kyr finds it amazingly funny and laughs. “This is no time to laugh! She is dead! Ayur is dead! Where is Feldrix?” Kyr shrugs his shoulders and begins to summon another creature. Zig leaves her. Covered in her blood, he hurries to the exit to see to Feldrix. The summoned giant wolf appears and blocks his way. “Dammit Kyr! Get with the program! Feldrix may be in trouble or worse.”

More strange pain. Feldrix doesn’t feel pain like he did before the war…. It is more of knowledge of the damage taken. He has taken a lot. Suddenly a large black Dire Wolf with purple and pink lumps of extra flesh sticks it’s head through the door. It struggles to push through but does. The clawed swamp creature ignores him as once more Feldrix is caught and hears bones snap and grind under compressing metal armor.

Kyr watches as his ape and one last creature trade blows and kill each other. “No big deally-do-deal.” He whistles as he steps through the blood casually. A drip of splattered blood on the ceiling falls onto his shoulder. “Annoying. Even in death-death. She spits on me.” He steps to her and looks at the numerous wounds and the visible bones of her neck. The blood glistens and slowly moves with gravity from her breasts and arms. “Never real-realized she had such…. Well flat boobi-boobies.” He kneels down next to her. “Got my statue bitch?”

Being between a magical wolf and the undead warrior, the Chuul’s attention is split. Since it likes the sounds the boney thing makes it continues against him. Zig ducks and dives around the swooping tail of the wolf and spots the halflings. Peppa gives a supporting nervous wave from the safety of the door.

Kyr isn’t deterred to search her when she is wearing only a loose shirt and PJ bottoms. She doesn’t even have boots on. He looks at her right arm. “Why is this wrapped? You would’ve healed an injury by now. He spots a ring on her hand. Shield engraved onto a small gem. He pulls it off. Doing so removes a layer of skin at the knuckles but that’s okay. “Hee hee hee….. She’s dead.” Finding nothing else of use he decides to look at this wrapped arm. “Tatooed a-roode.” On the palm and spreading up the inside of her arm is a grey and light purple tattoo. Looking at it he whispers…. “protection.” He pulls out a knife and giggles wildly. “Pro-protect me oh wonderful tattooey.” It takes over a minute to hack off the Dragonmark then attempts to rewrap the arm. In his excitement he does a poor job of it.

“I’m sorry…. This needs to end quickly and I have the means.” Declares Zig to the halflings. The crayfish is bitten by the wolf and circles about. Shortly the wolf is gone. “Step back Feldrix!” calls out Zig as he pulls a potion from his jacket pocket. He shakes it and removes the cork and throws it at the creature. The creatures screams and hisses in pain as its thick chitin shell dissolves and cracks. The sidewalk, made up of a mixture of wood and crushed sand and stone sizzles also. Though the stones and sand ignore the powerful acid, the wooden understructure does not. It collapses and the half existing creature falls into the water with a hiss. Through the bubbles and fumes, a single claw reach up and closes one last time before sinking into the murk.

Kyr is going through her stuff now. He wants that wonderful statue. She has a few possessions but nothing he wants. “Oh-Oh-Oh ….. the bags! She has two bags. They hold many things old and more things that can be sold.” He sings. He finds to canvass bags that look empty but he has seen her use them. Both are magical and have items within them that give no size or weight. Can’t empty unless he knew exactly what was inside. Frowning he thinks quickly. He has to finish this and leave quickly. Tell them the sin creatures did it. Did it all!

Feldrix pushed very hard. The remaining two sin spawn try to push him into the hole. One takes an elbow to face and the other a head butt. The elbow dislocates one hinged jaw making it slump and wave limply as the creature goes onto a defensive stance. Feldrix destroys both easily.

Zig tries to comfort the two halflings that suggests he will pay or at least help to pay for the repairs. New dock, runway, door, pitted walls from acid splash, hole in ceiling and roof….. blood stains to wash. “Feldrix…. I have bad news.”

Screams in the distance can be heard and even glows that can only be fires appear in a short distance. “Others …need help also….” Comments the honor guard as he searches for his oils that may repair his armor that now prohibits moving much. Damned claws.

Zig stands up. “Its Ayur. She’s dead.”

Inside the chaotic summoner stuffs a bag of holding into another bag of holding. Bright light and rippling energy pulse. The bag flings itself from his hold then empties everything onto the floor. It is mainly money. Kyr picks up the best coins then turns to reverse the bags. Again, the bags violently spit out their contents. Pieces of crystal armor. “Statue! I want my statue! Father wants me to have the statue!” Kicking aside a blanket, he finds it. The black obsidian fiendish frog-like statue. He feels good holding it, He leans over and hugs it and licks it. “creatures did this also.”

He steps out the door and spots Zig sobbing. He is leaning over her dead body gently holding her defiled arm.

“what have you done?”



“what have you done?”

Kyr slowly side steps the grieving changeling. He can not help himself…. He giggles at his triumph of getting past him and Ayur.

“No! Stop Kyr!”

Feldrix hears the outburst and moves into the doorway. He arrives just as Zig has black tentacles erupt up through the wooden floor. They grapple the changeling easily. Feldrix steps up confused but trusts Zigland over Kyr. He moves up and easily grapples the summoner. “What is going….on?”

Zig points through the tentacles at the dead and bloody body of Ayur. “He killed her!”

“Did not!” and Kyr sticks out his tongue.

Outside the halflings are looking at the damaged floor and walls of their courtyard. Suddenly Peppa stops and gets up adjusting and tightening his grip on the butcher’s cleaver. He runs at into the building and takes a bad swing at the undead warrior. “What….? What do you wish…. To accomplish…..?” He asks. As he looks down at the mere annoyance of a halfling Kyr pops free and runs for the door. Seeing this, Zig rips and squirms free and rushes after the summoner. Kyr, with several bad injuries, stumbles and falls into the hole and the murky swamp water. Zig leaps after him while he activates the flames on his sword.

Zig tries to hit the summoner but misses. Suddenly…. Zig has no idea where he is. Who he is. What he is. Nothing. He begins to drown in his confusion. The glow of his sword reveals little. Rotting ropes, pillars and a large somewhat triangular object before him. He tries for that.

Feldrix comes out. He spots a fireball nearby and more screams of pain and panic. It is like war.

Suddenly Zig is thrust out of the water. He is flung onto the damaged dock before the stunned Feldrix. Zig rolls over and sees an undead in armor reaching for him. “YAAAAH! Get away you undead monstrosity!” And Zig the not-knowing scrambles to escape.

Kyr surfaces under the dock. He holds onto some slimy ropes (feels like tentacles me so happy) to stay above the surface. Looking back he sees some of the strange triangular shaped creature at the hole. It is a beautiful thing to witness.

Feldrix and Zig roll and tumble in and out of each other’s grasp. Finally Zig breaks free and flees. Feldrix gives chase. This is why they miss seeing the new comers. Four Emerald Claw soldiers and a cleric / mage arrive fleeing from the fires nearby. There is a faceoff between the creature (Yithian) and the Claw. Suddenly the leader attacks his own men. The creature hesitates and looks at its strange tentacled claws as if seeing them for the first time. The Claw then castes a Flame strike onto himself…. Twice. He doesn’t cry out or defend himself but the creature climbs out of the water and tries to reach the magic caster. Both hesitate then the creature’s large claw reaches out and snips off the head from the eyes and up.

The halflings have long ago gone to hiding so the creature is by itself. Seeing no one else to attack, it turns and moves back into the water and leaves.

Zig is hurrying down the docks across a bridge and spots three figures running to him. Two are tall and gaunt figures with a strange mouth. To avoid crashing into them he tries to stop on the graveled bridge. This causes him to slip and fall. One creature dodges him by leaping over him. The second one trips on him. Zig feels he is being attacked and tries to escape. Enter the third figure.

This one is just as tall but massively wider and made of raw muscle. The orc has dreadlocks and weilds a nasty large double bladed axe.

It is too much for the changeling. He passes out as he witnesses the axe cleaving through the air downwards to his own head.

Feldrix reaches the base of the bridge and spots the big Orc carrying the frail and unconscious changeling. “This one belong to you?” it asks with amusement.

Feldrix returns to the Sugga & Peppa’s Tavern and spots a strangely dressed elf standing over the body of the dead Emerald Claw. Another figure arrives. He looks like a barbarian in garb. He is also checking out the burns from fires and acid. The halflings have stepped out and are looking around. Peppa wonders how they will ever pay for these repairs without their friend Zigland. Then an idea crosses their minds. The Claw can pay for it.

The mage is dead but most of his packs and bundles are intact. “Looks good….. many coins here.” The two new comers look on saying nothing. Oh hey now…. Potions.

They pull them out one by one calling out the labels. “Cure Light Wounds……Another Cure Light Wounds…. A Restoration….. Cure Moderate Wounds……. That’s it.”

Feldrix returns with the changeling. He carefully sets him down and looks warily at the two new comers. The fires and aberrant attacks are bringing everyone out today.

“What is wrong with Zig?” the female halfling nearly cries.

“Don’t know. Heard him say…. Something about not…. Knowing…..”

“Will he recover?”

“Don’t know. Not cleric.”

“Would these help?” asks the male halfling as he holes up several of the potions.

Feldrix gives him one. The scratches on his face disappear. He gives him another one. Suddenly Zig jerks about. A warm smile crosses his face. “Hi Feldrix. What happened?”



“I forgot the face of my father.”

[DM NOTE: Sorry- just finished Dark Tower]

“No you did….. not friend.” Answers the undead warrior to the changeling cook. “Magically… surpressed your…. Memories.”

“It doesn’t matter. I came here to learn and honor my father. Tameo. Father not by birth but by spirit.”

The halflings look to the broken ground. They stand by him in support but fear what with conclude this conversation.

“I need to return. I need to return to Sharn. I need to return to Tameo’s Taste. I need to return… to father.” Tears well up in his pupil-less eyes. Even without detailed facial features, one can tell the changeling is in pain. Feldrix places a hand on his shoulder. His best friend is in grief.

“I know….. I know where you are going with this friend. We will miss you.” Quietly adds Sugga.

“…And I must. I must see him again.”

“You wish to… return to…Sharn? Then…. I too…. Will go to the City of…. Towers.” Answers Zig’s fiend.

In the background, unheard by the changeling are explosions and cries from people. In the background, unseen by the changeling are fires and fleeing people.

Yrlag has lost it’s heroes and protectors once more.

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