• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The hidden



A sharp rap on the door stops Persia from swinging with her fist. “What? I thought I made it clear no one was to bother us!” Roars the Lecherous Captain.

“A ship- sails down, adrift ahead of us.”

CREEEEAAAAK! Groans the first board as Truth begins to remove the cover of the box the dead son is stored within. A few more boards and Truth can see his body now. He looks like he died just that day. He gently pulls on the eye lids and indeed the eyes are blue throughout. Hoping to find something related to the Draconic Prophecy, Truth pokes and prods the body. Under the cupped hands of the dead boy is a small stone. Looking it over, Truth decides it has a permanent Gentle Repose spell on it meant to preserve the body for the long trip at sea.

“What do you make of it sir?” asks a crew member of the ship.

“I don’t like it. There are no colors even. We don’t know if it’s a pirate ship or a lost navy ship. But we can’t ignore it either. There may be people on board that require assistance. We need to send our mooring ship to it to investigate.” As he says this he looks to RAF.

“As a warforged I doubt it would be wise to send me but my allies….” The overly large warforged fighter offers.

Rolling their eyes, they gather where the sailors and crew are preparing a boarding ship.

“I don’t want our ship in that mess!” the captain calls out. “Keep off the seaweed until we know what is under it.”

Witt looks up as the ship goes down. Under the mask he gives a stern look of we will return if you leave us. The others do the same but lack the masks to hide it.

Cy, Tom Garvin, Witt, Malachai and Persia set over along with Roadie. Truth remains below unaware of the events above.

As the ship begins to enter the thick seaweed Malachai and Witt watch the water under the seaweed while Tom scoops up some to look at. “Looks normal.”

The seaweed drags down their progress but they reach the ship. They toss a grappling hook and line onto the ship and anchor their ship to the side of it. RAF and the crew watch as they climb the lines except for Persia whom is going to watch that no one messes with their one way back.

The ship is empty.

There are no people on board, no product useful to pirates. The only valuable left is the ship itself. Roadie and Malachai climb the ropes to the top to look from the high vantage point here. Witt goes below hoping to find something missed by the pirates that obviously took the ship. He never considers that pirates want the ships also due to use and worth.

Persia spots something in the water. It looks like three bodies close together within the seaweed. She calls it out but the others cannot hear her. Then she hears a splash behind her. She turns quickly but sees nothing. The seaweed has blocked the surface. “Guys….” She begins now wishing she boarded the ship and someone else stayed behind.

Then she spots it- a large dorsal fin. “SHARK!” she calls out. The fin surfaces and drags a clump of seaweed before submerging again. This time Tom has heard her and looks. He sees nothing however…. The seaweed masks everything under the surface.

The catfolk whispers…. “I don’t like this…….”

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Unseen by Persia as she scans the seaweed for Sharks or more dead bodies a dagger slowly and quietly emerges from the water between her boarding craft and the abandoned ship. It cuts the line and submerges.

Another fin is spotted by Tom which gets Persia worried. Malachai and Roadie are attempting to set the sails to see if the ship is run-a-ground or drifting.

Persia catches her balance as the craft suddenly pushes away from the ship. “What the…?!?” Nothing.

“Reattach the line!” calls out Cy not understanding the line was cut.

Everyone on board the original ship is calling out. Then several sharks appear below them. RAF remembers his last experience with fish in deep water but doubts this would go so well. A crew member calls her a stupid Quim and landlubber while next to RAF. Mistake. He grabs a line used to bring the boarding craft to the water and hands it to the man. He has a stupid look on his face as he holds the line. RAF grabs him by the back of his neck and trousers and says act as a diversion- we’ll pull you up quickly enough and tosses him over.

He makes a great deal of noise by splashing then shouting at the warforged. He has also let go of the rope.

“Damned Creation- pull him in!” calls out the captain.

“Once he grabs the rope I will.”

The sharks that were bothering Persia suddenly leave. The sailor in the water is diverting their attention as planned.

The sailor splashes to the ship and grabs the line even as a shark emerges and bites onto his leg. “Hold on- I’ll reel you both in!” calls down the warforged.

Meanwhile- behind him on the other side of the ship, five creatures scale the side of the ship. They are humanoid but not normal. They have a shark fin and a bit of tail. Their hands end in talons and where their head should be is a sharks head. A sailor spots it and calls out a warning.

At this very moment, the three “dead” bodies floating in the seaweed begin to scream and rise from the water. They are on three foot long necks.

The captain hears the noise from a safe distance and gives a quick prayer before helping RAF pull the man (minus a leg) up.



The captain swears and pulls out his dagger. “damned land lovin’ machine…..” The crew member is roughly pulled over the rail with a loud thud. “I will be sure to aid your wife an’ child. You were a good and loyal mate.” And wide eyed- the sailor is cut across the throat by the captain.

Many of the other crew members try to block the shark men behind him. “RAF- deal with them- Now!” and he carefully lays the dead man down on the deck. The sharks continue to circle within the water below.

The crews’ weapons do little to the creatures. Even RAF’s weapon seems to do little. The deep cuts heal quickly. Two men are bitten but continue to battle on.

At this point Smead and Truth hear the beginnings of battle above. They go to climb up onto deck.

The three headed round crab-like creature (Crab Siren) begins to attack the boat directly. Everyone is having difficulty concentrating on anything as the siren’s call is maddening and loud. Malachai calls out to Persia. He has a new rope and throws it to her. “Hold on! We’ll pull you in.”

The creature and the seaweed make this difficult so Persia decides to do something stupid- she considers leaping into the water. Then two sharks swim between the two boats. The aberration begins to tear up the bow of the boat.

Back on board the original ship, the captain sees what they are facing and runs into his cabin. RAF can’t wait until he gets his hands on him. Truth pops up a ladder and joins the battle. Then the captain reappears with a rod in hand. A fireball destroys one were creature. RAF takes down one by overcoming its damage resistance.

Persia leaps into the water as arrows rain onto the sharks. Everyone without a bow pulls hard and she thumps against the ship at water level. She narrowly escapes being bitten by a surfacing shark. “Now what?” asks Cy.

Another shark goes down from a fireball and the creatures decide to leave. Soon all the sharks are gone leaving only the monster that is tearing the small boat apart.

The captain secures a line to his ship and fires the line onto the deck of the abandoned ship. Why was it abandoned? Were sharks don’t need a boat except for bait to lure in more food, recruits and treasure.

Carefully they cross on the pulled tight line while the crab finishes destroying the small craft.

“I hate the sea.” Is all Witt has to say as they pull away and avoid the ship.


BARRAKAS 23, 999

At the port it takes a few days to unload the ship. The widow asks Smead if anyone disturbed her son and he swears no one did.

Truth goes on sure and visits the market area. He finds a booth run by Talenta Plains halflings. They tan and work leather and also create silk from the area plants and animals. He finds one silken scarf that has a shade of blue that resembles Silvermane’s eyes. He must have it. He haggles and barters. In the end it costs him money AND a minor mending spell on some tools they use.

Weapons and tools are scarce and still too expensive to purpose. Unhappy, they return to the ship. A new load has been placed onboard and the ship will set out shortly.

RHAAN 11th, 999

The ship pulls in and the group unloads after being paid. There is a quality in the air that seems strange. Fear and excitement.

They pull a stumbling merchant aside- what is happening?

“The swamp…. Its changed…. Its like NEW WATER.”

So I have both Hidden Storyhours at roughly the same place and time now. More surprises coming.

I was wondering if anyone is reading this and if they would care to reply.

Good or bad



Lady Silvermane returns from the local market. She sets down the back with food and castes a spell onto them to make them easier and better for the body to absorb in this form. She doesn’t want to change shape constantly at this point.

She waves off part of the illusion. Her stomach swells and it is clear she is with a child.

BARRAKAS 20, 999
It is time. Time for the next stage. How does child bearing work with a polymorphed dragon and a polymorphed warforged? Who should she contact? House Jorasco? House Cannith? By the three dragons- even House Vadalis is a possibility. This will be her first- as a dragon or otherwise. She dares not to tell anyone as Reddox will destroy everything in his fury.

BARRAKAS 28, 999

She tries to get out of bed…. Maybe attempt a spell to communicate with the warforged scholar. How could this happen? It was not part of the plan. She slides off the bed and sits against the wall. Pain that is…. Moving but subsiding. Then pressure. The very air is being taken from her and she hurts below. So much pain suddenly then water mixed with blood.

It’s happening!

She gets light headed then pushes once more. There is a soft thud and she nearly passes out. No. She does pass out.

RHAAN 1, 999
It is late. Perhaps 2nd night bell. Her clothes feel sticky and slimy. She burdens herself to get to her knees using the bed. Then she sees it-

Behind her is an egg-like metal object. The texture of it reminds her of some warforged plates.

She dries up the area and wraps a blanket around it, both to shelter and keep it warm but also to hide it should anyone enter the room.

She locates her spell book and looks for an invisibility spell for the egg.


BARRAKAS 18, 999

Lord Vollax is researching a tome that strangely enough moans as he turns pages. The tome itself is an artifact that is several 1000 years old. He is trying to research the magics used by certain aberrational lords in the area. There is a knock at the door.

He ignores it once but then frowns deeply as the knock returns. He closes the book causing it to grunt. “Will it not wait Quintos?”

“Sir- it is about the Cronoshar Stone.”

“Very well enter-“

The sadistic servant enters. Behind him is a large humanoid with bat-like wings and a hulking figure. It has a bag and a package.

“Deckix- how nice for you to return. I hope this intrusion means you found it- the Stone?”

“Yes. You never mentioned a few Morgrave idiots were looking for it also.” Snarls the possible ½ dragon creature.

“What is the package?”

“Book he had. Thought you like it. Gift.”

“Pleased. And the bag?”

“The stone and the three heads of the Morgrave guys.” He dumps out the bag. Three heads of humans roll out.

“Just the heads?”

“After what I did to the bodies…. You wouldn’t want them.”

“Where is the stone?”

“Check the blond girl. Her screaming was giving me a headache.”

The Emerald Claw Lord gives him a sideline look. He then rolls the only blond haired head over. Smashed into her mouth is a white engraved stone. “How …. Charming.”

“Quintos- will you be so kind and pay the…. Man.”

“Yes sir. And sir- what of the warforged artificer and his friends?”

“The gnolls failed? I had guessed as much.”

“Warforged Artificer? Was it from Morgrave?” says the creature over his shoulder.

“What of it?”

“I knew of one there- Books was its name. Played by the rules.”

“Truth is his name.” says Quintos.

“Sounds like a name one would plays by the rules may use when on the run. Dear Deckix, please have a seat. We may have something to talk about.”

12/ 14 /14

RHAAN 11, 999

“What is their problem?” wonders the group as they disembark from the ship in Yrlag.

RAF, in his overly assertive way, demands information from the closest merchant laboring by pulling his cart. “What is happening?”

“The swamp is cursed! It has disappeared and been replaced with…. New Water!” The merchant hurries past the warforged warrior before he can take in what was said.

Truth sees the map maker’s booth and finds he is not there. Moving deeper in the town towards the main market they hear people mumble about something that has happened to the swamp overnight recently. The words “cursed”, “aberration”, “beautiful” and “godly” are heard several times. There are few boats in town.

“We need answers.” Declares Witt.

“House Tharashk could….” Begins Persia but is cut off by RAF’s glare.

They continue to march down the docks. Ahead of them there appears to be a large group moving their way.

“Riot?” asks Tom.

“Whatever it is, we’re headed directly at it.” Says Truth looking down at the blue silk scarf he bought and wishes to give Silvermane shortly.

Before them is a group of orc, ½ orc and human druids. One, possibly the leader, rides a large Dire Boar. They point at the group and proceed directly at them. RAF draws a weapon. “Remember- we did kill a druid before leaving….” The others ready themselves for conflict.

The two separate groups stop about twenty feet apart. “I believe you are Truth and RAF. I have been searching for you.” declares the boar rider.

“What makes you think we are them?” asks a suspicious artificer.

“I was told the group I seek were led by two warforged. There are only three of your….race in this town. I met the other yesterday. He is quite unstable.” Truth suddenly realizes he is speaking of the catatonic Nines. He is up and running around!

“I am William Leafturner. These are my fellow druids and Gatekeepers. We came from the Eldeen Reaches immediately when we heard of the events within your swamps.”

RAF and Witt share mocking nods at the druid’s name.

“We need guides into the swamps to investigate this “New Water” we have heard of…. And pray it is not the harbinger of worse things to come. Will you lead us?”

“Lead you?!? We just arrived ourselves. We are no guides. I hate the swamp. And where is the area you are looking for? Do you even know?” RAF fears the evil druid they killed was summoning more than a Chuul.

“And what kind of payment are we looking at?” adds the cleric.

The druids look at the cleric closely now. They had not seen him before as he was in the back of the group before. His black robes and skull facemask concerns them…. Greatly. “We are on a mission brought to us by the land. In dreams were told of the arrival of the new lands and the dangers that would come. Then we heard of the events beginning and we rushed as quickly as we could.

“Dreams?!?” exclaims RAF, as a warforged, he has no dreams and thinks little of the notion of dreams having any meaning or purpose. “I don’t see how this concerns us in any way. We don’t go into the swamps not knowing what to do or what we are looking for with no payment beyond following a dream. Next you will say this is a mission from a god.”

The druid remains quiet. His anger and frustration building. He knew this warforged would be a problem. But the other one seems…. Distant. “What do you have to say Truth?”

“My allies and I may not agree on everything but they have a point. Payment would be required.” The artificer thinks about the notion of dreams and wonders if they are part of the Draconic Prophecy. This drives his thoughts directly to Silvermane. He doesn’t understand his need to see her.

The boar rider looks down to a ½ orc with unusually large hands and feet. This druid goes to each druid and collects potions from each one. Fifteen in total. “I offer you our healing potions as payment.”

“It’s a good start.” Quietly says RAF to the others. “What is required of us again?” asks Malachai.

“Led and aid us in exploring this New Water.”

“Okay.” Say RAF, Truth and Malachai together.

“Good. We leave at once!”

The group look to each other. “Hold on- we just spent three months on an ocean ship.” Declares Cy. “We could use some supplies and rest.”
“We go now.” The group notices he and the big handed druid remain while the others turn and leave.

“Where are they going?” asks Roadie.

“As you have already perceived- it is a big swamp and we are uncertain of what we face. I am creating two search groups.”

“Looks like we are walking in the swamp…. All of the pilots are gone.” States Truth.

12/ 14 /14

RHAAN 11, 999

Now late in the day, the group and the two druids have traveled roughly a mile into the swamps.

Persia walks up to Truth. “Do you think the druid was talking about Nines before?”

“Must be. As he has inferred- how many other warforged are within Yrlag. We will look for him when we get back to the town.”

In the near distance, the moss covered trees seem to end. The druids see it and alert everyone else. There should be no large clearings at this point.

Birds suddenly take to the sky nearby. Something is coming at them through the brush. Weapons and magical energy are readied to face whatever comes out.

It is a young man. No more than 16 years old.

“Help me! My parents are dead!”

The druid leader watching as the group seems to not care. They are all thinking this is a trap.

Finally Malachai steps forward. “Tell us what has happened. Does it involve this New Water we have heard about?”

“We woke up and found the swamp changed over night. You are right- the New Water came to our lands… our home. It changed things. Something came into out home……”

“Show us.” Suggests Truth.

The group move through the brush the boy just burst through and the sight before them stops them in their tracks. For as far as one can see, the dark heavily vegetated land is gone. Instead, it is a dark blue expanse of water with small occasional islands of a lone tree or two. It must be over two miles deep.

Ignoring the boy, the group walk to the water ‘ New Water edge. Half of the home and grain tower remains are on this line. Peering closer, Truth sees small egg-like dark blue beads on the bottom of the water. Ignoring the others, he pokes and prods the beads with a staff. He lifts it out of the water regularly to see if anything is happening to the staff.

“What did your family grow here before?” asks Roadie as he checks out the yard.

“We collected roots, flowers and animals. The animals were once…. Out there. They either disappeared or ran into the swamp out of fear. If only my family….had.”

Truth sees a foaming bubbly area appear about thirty feet out from shore. It appeared with no warning and disturbs the beads. Looking back and forth from the water before him and the bubbling he slowly stands up and looks over his shoulder. RAF shakes his head and looks down. He knows what is about to happen- as does the Death priest whom smiles in anticipation.

Truth steps out into the water. His foot hits a very solid bottom about 18 inches deep. Carefully he collects a few blue beads and begins to move towards the bubbling. As he does, he sees a few random none blue colored beads. He carefully collects one of each color he sees- red, yellow, green and orange.

“Stop playing- we need to find the kid’s family.” Calls out the disappointed priest.

“Just. A. Moment. More.” Says the artificer as he slowly works his way to the bubbles. The bubbles stop as he nears the half way point. Not allowing this to disappoint him, he goes to the spot and tries to kick the resettled beads away. They resettle before he can see much below. The surface below the beads is hard and shiny…. Like glass. He turns around and walks towards the ruined grain silo. Roadie meets him there as the others walk to the house.

Looking at the ruined tower they find lose and rotting hay and grain on the broken stone floor. A stairway leads down. Curious if the New Water is there, Truth peers down the stairs. Roadie is with him but wishes to catch up with the others.

Looking down he sees hay and puddles of normal water.

“Com’on- we should be all together….” And Roadie leaves the warforged as he begins to poke around in the rotting hay. Suddenly the hay is alive with activity as mutated Dire Rats erupt and attack him. Where bony protrusions once were, crystalized edges are now. The rats attack and try to keep him below. He strikes them on the stairs and at his feet. Roadie has already left and thus he must defeat these creatures on his own.

The creatures bite off small pieces of his wooden ankles and shins as he drives them back. When he finally defeats the last of the attacking ones, he decides to repair himself rather than to answer what happened to his feet. As he is doing this he can hear the others calling out about an attack!

Like Truth, Malachai is curious about the New Water and follows the edge of the water. He is certain he saw something move ahead of them within the water. But staring at the area provides no clear answers. He decides it was his imagination and continues along the edge.

Now about twenty feet from the main building, he pauses to look around again. Suddenly, a dark blue large frog leaps out of the water and with TWO tongues attacks him. RAF steps down with his large sword held over his head. The color changing mutant frog has no chance as the first strike nearly cleaves it in two. The second hit splits in in two.

Once more ignoring the boy and his concerns for his family, the group investigate the remains. The stomach contains a handful of blue pellets and something red and decomposed. Not a human.

Truth catches up with them as they enter the round building shaped like a shallow dome. There is a fifty foot long enclosed entrance ramp. Malachai and Roadie both note how defensible the structure is. The house is ransacked. Shelves have been emptied and dumped. The pantry destroyed. Roadie notes the dock that remains half in the New Water and half on normal land.

Among the scattered furniture and personal belongings are the bodies of the two parents. The necks have been broken on each of them.

“What happened again son?” Inquires the lead druid.

12/ 14 /14

RHAAN 11, 999

“What happened again son?” Inquires the lead druid.

“Somehow, something got into the house and into our living quarters down stairs.” The boy points to a heavy trap door in the back of the room. “We tried to flee but only….. only I escaped.” The boy kneels down next to his mother whom stares with open wild eyes to the ceiling.

Malachai opens the door and looks down into the darkness. Nothing.

“We should check it out.” Suggests RAF hoping to avoid the uncomfortable scene between the boy and his dead parents.

Before the Marshal reaches the bottom step he is attacked! Something grabs and squeezes his head and neck savagely. RAF tries to hurry down but cannot move quickly in the constrained space of the trap door entrance. Tom gets directly behind him with a drawn bow and arrow. Persia also while using the trap door for cover. The others, including Rutkin Big-Hands (the druid aid) encircle the entrance and ready themselves to attack.

With light provided by the boar rider, Malachai can see what is attacking him. A larger than normal Choker with a purplish color to it. Its movements are quick and fluid. It squeezes again and the Marshal finds himself unable to breath and his skull feels like it is being crushed. This choker is extremely strong also.

RAF strikes it as he hops off the last steps. With his large form no longer blocking the view below, the archers fire down onto the monstrous choker. Screaming, it attempts to kill him first but is taken down by Cy’s magic missile attack.

They search for any other threats and find nothing. Roadie talks to the boy. The boy is uncertain what to do. He cannot run the farm by himself. What product they had is destroyed.

Roadie has an idea. He talks to the boy as they clear some of the damaged furniture. The druid leader researches the water some. He castes minor spells to detect poisons and magic. He communicates with local animals.

“Enough. I wish to return to Yrlag now.”

As they walk back, Malachai asks Roadie what he was up to. “What does the name ‘Sinking Tavern’ sound like to you?”

Voidrunner's Codex

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