• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The hidden

12/ 14 /14

RHAAN 12, 999

The group returned to Yrlag without incident. The town is still busy with excitement of the New Water. Many wonder just how deep the New Water goes? Two miles? Three? Over five? Is there anything HIDDEN within it? If so- what?

At this moment several of the party don’t care. Persia has left the group to look for Nines. The main group doesn’t seem preoccupied with the disappearance of the unstable warforged barbarian. Persia isn’t surprised by this but is surprised when Truth suggests he will help later but first wishes to do something in town….alone.

Most of the group is fine with this go about their own business. All except for Roadie whom is curious about why the artificer isn’t helping with Nines. He thought Truth was responsible for him somehow.

Truth spends most of the day in seclusion. He is at times looking at the newly purchased blue scarf. If he didn’t know better, Roadie would have figured the artificer was having his first crush on a young lady. But he is a warforged. They are incapable of deeper emotions like love…. Right?

The changeling uses his race’s ability often to follow in secret when Truth does get up and move to a different dock area or quiet place. It is obvious he is waiting for something or someone….. or darkness?

Evening comes and the warforged suddenly becomes animate and looks around for anyone watching. Roadie ducked back and changes form again. His clothes, as normal, are a very common and dull décor so to blend in with people better. He follows the artificer as a dwarf, several humans (once even as a female) and a half-elf. He even went as a serpent folk once to persuade the local thieves from trying anything. The whole entire time the warforged is distracted and doesn’t see him. It may be a good thing he is watching him as otherwise he may prove to be a target from a group of goblins or worse- the return of the Emerald Claw.

They enter the part of town where the rich live. There is solid earth and even bed rock here. The buildings are even sometimes made of stone and wood instead of merely wood or even reeds. Truth seems to walk with purpose. He knows where he is going.

He reaches a long straight away to a ruined dock. Truth stares at it for several moments before suddenly running ahead. Due to the long and open dock way, Roadie is unable to get much closer without exposing himself. He is forced to watch from afar.

The warforged artificer stops at the edge of a ruined building. Pieces of the wooden building lay on the ground, dock and embedded into the mud of the shallow water. He shifts through the debris. There is nothing intact. There is barely anything even recognizable. Small shreds of clothing, bits of furniture, an occasional page or cover of a book. All ruined.

In the center is a crater with exposed water. Truth goes into it and moves beams of wood around as best as he can. He seems to be looking for something. Then he peers up from the hole…. Directly at the reptilian form of Roadie. He rapidly climbs out with little personal care to his safety. Roadie waits for him. There is no reason to hide any further.

“Why did you follow me Changeling?!?” demands Truth as he grabs the rogue by the collar. His form melts into the traditional human form he uses when traveling with the group.

“I was worried about you. You were acting strangely. I wanted to know why you didn’t help Persia look for Nines.”

His crystal eyes stare into the changeling’s. He lets him go and turns away. “I seek many secrets. Some that are a secret from my kind only.”

Puzzled and having clue what the artificer is getting at, Roadie waits and hopes for clarification.

“Do you see this ring? It is magical.” Roadie looks at the raised hand. He had seen it a few times but it blended in with Truth’s metal and wood fingers. “It allows me to change my appearance… much like you do.” The warforged leans on a railing with his elbows. He looks blankly at the muddy water as fireflies begin to blip in and out of view.

“ I studied magical lore with a…. friend. A female friend. We spent days on end talking about historical and arcane theories. In time, we agreed to travel together. She thought it would be easier to travel if I hid my …. Appearance. Warforged were not always appreciated at the end of the war.”

Sensing the warforged is about to say something profane, the rogue listens carefully.

“By changing…. I became human for short times. Flesh and blood. It was wonderful and… queerly strange to me. I felt something that I had never known before. Emotions. Over the past few years I had always wondered what separated our kind from the makers. It wasn’t flesh vs wood and stone. It was emotion. I wished to study it more…. And deeper.”

Roadie listens patiently even when he becomes aware of what may have happened.

“I began to experiment with emotions. I came to learn more about happiness, sadness, hope…. And yes- love and hate. I never understood the function of hate but I began to wish to understand love more. As did she.”

Here it comes thinks the changeling.

“Our pretending to be a human couple became real. We didn’t pretend anymore. It was…. Amazing.”

He thuds his metal head against his crossed arms. “As you can guess, we understood that most would disapprove of this. Especially her people. So we remained in the shadows…. Hidden by magic.”

He looks to the changeling and abruptly stands upright. “I fear this coupling has led to her destruction. I killed her. Even if I didn’t caste the spells involved…. I am responsible.”

The warforged is overwhelmed with new emotions he cannot comprehend nor control. “I….. I must leave and take this in. Don’t follow me…. Please.”

Roadie allows the artificer to go. He watches him until he disappears in the night. Then he turns and looks at the building ruins. With a grimace on his face, Roadie straightens up and heads to the ruins.

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12/ 14 /14

RHAAN 12, 999

Debris has blown from all sides….. meaning the explosion occurred inside the building. The amount of wood suggests it was a two story building. Wood destroyed but so was stone. A VERY powerful blast of energy. No burns. Powerful magical explosion.

He wanders in a slow and lazy circle being careful not to trip or disturb anything. “What did he get involved in for this?” he wonders to himself.

He explores further on the top then decides to enter the hole in the center. Pieces of furniture, pottery, mundane stuff. Nothing to give clues to who or what Truth’s lady friend was. He picked on Truth referring to the woman’s “people”. This suggested she was not human either. Most likely a highly magical person.

Spotting something behind some timber he checks it out. Truth’s careless climb out has revealed something. A small chest. The rogue looks for traps. He finds none but sees blood on the chest. Hers? He also sees blood on a timber nearby. Complete with a small clawed hand print. This is when he hears something nearby.

Hiding, Roadie listens carefully.

Two bumbling goblin scavengers appear. That is why nothing of use is here. The local thieve’s guild has sent agents here to scout and loot the ruins hoping to find things of value. Roadie scares them off and returns to the chest.

Seeing no traps…. He carefully first touches the chest then picks it up. There appears to be no lock which surprises him. He carefully gets it out of the water and the hole onto the dock. Looking again, he questions whether to open it. He decides to. It seemed heavy but not for treasure. It is filled with water. Warm water.

He carefully pours it out and looks at the water logged pillow that remains. He removes it and notes the glyphs on the bottom of the small chest. Uncertain what this means, he decides to bring it to Truth. It belongs to him as far as the changeling is concerned.

It takes time but he finds the warforged. He is sitting in an alley holding the scarf. The warforged is clearly taking this very hard. The rogue feels badly for him.

He slowly and patiently waits for the warforged to notice his standing there.

“What is it?” demands weakly the mourning friend.

“I found something…. In the building. I thought you should have it.” He brings the chest to him and sets it on the ground. Absent mindedly, he gazes at it. “Blood?”

“I think it belongs to a goblin.”

“I doubt a goblin did this.”

“I doubt she was attacked by the goblins. I do suspect they ventured to take the chest which was trapped.”

“Did you look inside?”

“Yes.” He waits hoping the answer did not hurt the artificer. “I took nothing.”

He looks at it more. Finally he opens it. “I can feel the magic inside.” He removes the soaked pillow. Roadie swears in his mind the pillow is drying quickly. “Hmmmmm” says the artificer as he notices the glyphs below.

Clearly he is thinking something. Whatever it is it has startled him.

“What are they?”


He waits. They both know this. Truth is hiding something.

“Thankyou. Can we keep this a secret between ourselves?”

“Certainly.” And the rogue moves away.

The artificer wonders silently to himself….. “why would she create an incubator?”

05/ 31 /15

RHAAN 19, 999

RAF, Truth, Roadie and Malachai are walking the docks listening to the stories of the “New Water” and what may lie beyond. Cye, Tom and Witt are investigating another rumor. It is said where the water bubbles violently people disappear into the bubbles and not seen again. They fear this is what happened to Persia.

Several ½ orcs walk up to them. They wear the colors of House Tharashk but have no dragonmarks that can be seen. Each are armed. One wields a double axe and seems to be the leader.

“I am Totuskin d’Tharashk. These are my cousins Kordaan, Jukaar and Prew. We have been looking for you.”

RAF looks at Truth wondering what he has done now.

“We feel our facilities in the area that is now covered by the New Water is in danger. There have been reports of our equipment being seen in the water away from the buildings we have there.”

“Why have buildings in the middle of the swamp?” asks Malachai.

“I can answer that,” offers Truth, “They harvest the Eberron Dragonshards that can be found in the muddy waters and soils of the swamps. The buildings he speaks of would be used in the collection and care of these treasures.”

“Intelligent for a creature built.” Remarks Totuskin. “You are correct.”

“And why should we help you?” asks RAF.

“We can make it worth your time ….. or make you lives harder…..” and the ½ orc lets the threat hang there.

RAF is surprisingly quiet. Perhaps because he knows the ½ orc is correct.

“Okay. Agreed.”

Smiling…… “And one other thing…..” begins the house member of the Finders guild.

RHAAN 20, 999

They head out in the morning. All five of them. Totuskin, with his double axe blade, is joining them to ensure his family’s property.

All of the boats that could work in New Water are out. Many are missing along with the users. This means they will walk in the New Water and to the sites Totuskin d’ Tharashk wants to investigate.

The ½ orc hesitates for a moment as they reach the edge of the strange water that magically appeared overnight two weeks ago. The water remains the usual bluish-purple color with a slightly oily feel. The water is between 1 ½ and 2 foot deep with strange somewhat spongy blue pellets that rest softly on the bottom of the water. Occasionally another color can be seen.

No fish, insects or even birds are around. Some birds can be seen in the far distance or sitting safely on the mainland. Truth watches warily as a section of water bubbles about fifty feet away. The pebbles lift to the surface and are pushed away to resettle a foot or two away. After a few moments the bubbles stop and the water calms and becomes still.

Come the afternoon they are still walking but some large figures can be seen in the distance. They redirect their route towards the figures.

Four large ogres are walking through the New Water. They are very entertained by the colored beads that they kick up as they walk. They do not notice the group even at fifty feet away. Totuskin spots something sticking out of a bag and recognizes it as Tharashk property.

“STOP THIEVES!” He shouts even as he charges through the water to intercept their path.

The lead ogre turns to see what is in the water. The others seem entranced by the beads in the water and how them pop out between their hairy toes. “Ugh?”

The others fan out uncertain what is about to occur. They are not even certain if this is a worth while battle.

“Where did you get that?!?” the ½ orc demands as he points at the bag kept by the ogre. Truth spots a wand sticking out of the bag. It has a dragonshard on the tip. The ogre closest to Malachai wanders towards the group while still looking down at the water. Roadie and RAF take note.

“That wand belongs to House Tharashk and most likely everything else within those packs. Hand them over to a rightful owner. Hand them over to me. NOW.” Demands Totuskin.

“Sigh. And thus it begins.” Quietly suggests Truth.

The distracted ogres were merely trying to surprise the group. They suddenly move quickly to attack even as their leader begins to attack the ½ orc.

RAF is not having a good day. Perhaps it is the New Water and its beads. ( rolled several natural 1’s) A battle hymm is recalled and sung as the group begins to defend themselves. The double axe wielded by Totuskin makes short work of the ogre leader.

The battle ends shortly. Looking into the stolen goods they find most of the goods are basic statues and little worth items…. Except for the wand. Truth suspects it is a Siberys shard wand. These are attuned to specific dragonmark houses and enhance their special magical talents. In the case of House Tharashk-it aids their natural ability to locate things.

“Now we must find the facility and secure it.”

The four adventurers look to each other and shrug their shoulders in dismissal.

05/ 31 /15

RHAAN 21, 999

The team has discovered a small thickly bushed island with Dire Boars living on it. They defeat the boars and use the island to safely sleep and rest overnight.

They travel most of the day seeing little of interest. They find another smaller island and rest there again.

RHAAN 22, 999

“I don’t understand this- it is like the very building has been moved!” growls the ½ orc.

Truth and the rest are convinced he is lost and won’t admit it. (Truth has been having a corrosion problem as of late- his metal parts are flaking)

Continuing to walk Truth notes the sun does seem slightly out of place. Maybe the guide isn’t as crazy as first thought. Maybe.

It is the afternoon now and finally the ½ orc spots something that seems right. He moves faster towards the item in the distance and sure enough- a man-made structure can be seen. It is a raised dock with two one-story buildings on it.

As they move closer they spot a Dire Crocodile. It slowly moves as they move. Clearly the crocodile will not let them reach the building. Starvation or mere malice- the creature attacks. And dies.

They reach the dock and climb up. They look around and find the building has been looted and stripped of everything- even furniture. The only thing they find are a few water stains on the dock. Large footprints like those of an ogre are found and also smaller paw marks which they can’t make out.

There is a hatch leading to under the structure that they check out. Truth opens the trap door and they spot a dead body of a nude woman floating there. A large swirl of something swimming under the structure catches RAF’s attention. He jumps in to investigate and at the least retrieve the body.

He is attacked by a Dire Catfish. He and the group make quick work of it.

With the body out of the water, they see it is something of a dryad. Truth suspects it has died from the loss of her tree or at least related to the unnatural change of the swamp.

Malachai brings the body to a fallen tree he had seen from the dock hoping somehow it will save her. He is rewarded with an attack from a viper using the tree trunk to get out of the water and sun. It is quickly killed.

Looking out from the dock, they spot something in the distance. Dragging the body with them, they head out from the dock.

05/ 31 /15

RHAAN 22, 999

It takes time to catch up with the moving object in the distance. When they get close enough they discover it is a large barge being pulled along by an ogre. There are several gnolls and a large over filled crate with a tarp covering it on the barge. The ogre ignores them but the gnolls all eye the group with malice.

They draw bows and the ½ orc decides to rush them. “Here we go again” comments Truth as he was hoping to charge his rod with explosive power first. Malachai drags the fey creature’s body with him into battle. (strange things PCs do  )

The straps on the ogre keep it out of the battle. No shots are fired as the group rushes the barge. The gnolls quickly switch to melee weapons and the leader barks out commands (literally) to defend the barge and the goods on board.

Totuskin fights his way to the crate and climbs quickly onto it to proclaim it his and to have the advantage of a higher position to fight.

Malachai and Roadie face the Ogre. The ogre has little interest in the fight and the group somehow convince him that they are representatives of the Daughters of Sora Kell. They explain that they are here to stop the illegal activities of these gnolls whom are traitors to Droaam. By time they convince the giant-kin of this fact (convinced or if he is willing to go along with it is uncertain) the battle is over.

The crate contains more Tharashk belongings that have little value though Truth eyes a small chest that he wonders what is within it (Shards maybe?)

They find a map on the gnoll leader but it is extremely crude and the few notes written on it are in an unknown language. They take it to the Ogre who only helps to decipher it when offered some boar meat from the island.

The gnolls are setting up a station to loot all the area’s Tharashk stations. It is located a few days away along the edge of a black glass wall.

With the offering of more meat, the ogre is willing to bring them to the area.



The half-elf quietly strolls through the public hallway of the Durran Tower at about mid level. He stops and looks at a notice on the wall and quietly says “Hurrm” before starting off again. Oddly he turns at the end of the hallway to access stairs leading up instead of walking out onto the open bridge connecting to the next tower and a Sky Coach landing spot. He walks past a series of sculptures (some damaged by vandalism) and pauses near the top as if waiting for someone or something. Then he continues on to a new hallway.

He passes an old tavern popular with dreamlily dealers and users and a temple to The Fury. A female overweight human stands outside its entrance and offers promises of new experiences and sensations that no dreamlily can provide. The half-elf ignores her and is given curses instead.

He continues about this way with no clear path or destination in mind. He goes up and down stairs and stone ramps. He ignores the one lift that exists here and numerous other means of easier transportation. Then he pauses as he looks at a group of dwarves having a heated discussion about the Mirror Lake earthquake and what it will mean for the dwarven economy. He then breaks off and takes a lift.

At the 78th level he steps off and looks about both ways before setting off. Shortly he comes to a door marked “ ART 238 “. He looks the door over before knocking and reaching for the knob. He steps in and finds a rather strange looking warforge. It is tall with two pairs of arms.

“Tyson Murray…. Exactly on time. Excellent.” States the warforged. Warforged are hard to place due to accent. The half-elf guesses it is ex-Cyre but it really doesn’t matter.

“I am.” The Master Inquisitive states as he looks about with his eyes only. Table, two chairs, two shelves, plant.

“I wish to hire you for a job.”


“no…?!? Wha….” Exclaims the startled warforged whom begins to sit upright then relaxes. “Yes I do.”

“No. Your boss wants to hire me AFTER he tests me. Your boss whom is behind that shorter shelf.”

Trying not to look nervous, the warforged clears its throat before beginning. “Why would you say that?”

“For you- a strong hunch that was supported by your reaction. As for where your boss is, the books are perfect on the taller book case. However, on the shorter one several books have fallen over. The plant on the top is leaning to the wall. Plants generally want the sun light so they grow leaning to the window. Looking at the floor, you have been careful to avoid scratching the floor but the dust has been disturbed just the same. To avoid wasting any more time, let me go by you now before the goblin and human come in the door.”

“I… er… now just wait a moment there…..”

“4…..3…..2….”, and Tyson points to the door with a walking cane the warforged failed to recognize before, “… and 1.” The door slowly opens and the cane stops it leading to a curse in goblin as the person entering stumbles into the door.

The shelf opens up and a gnome steps out. He is dressed in a flashy bright green with gold trim suit. A three point hat on his head with a peacock feather in it that nearly reaches the floor. “Impressive. How did you know? I gave them rings to create illusions. You should never have known this. Do tell.”

“One spoke in perfect goblin when he spotted a damaged statue of a goblin version of the god of Mockery. The other spoke poor goblin. The accent was Brelish however. When a madame spoke to them, she referred to one as female. Either human, elf or hybrid as she took some of the steps two at a time by my count while the goblin had to climb some steps at a different stairway. Do you need more proof?”

“No no. Your skills are proven. Though I wonder- how did you know when they would reach the door?”

“I established a count of 89 to 90 steps behind me. They are persistent at least. Now… what am I doing here?”



“How is the steak?”


“It cost 5 gold pieces!” frowns and growls the gnome from across the dinner table.

“Relax. It is fine. Now let me recount this as I understand it…..” begins the Master Inquisitive as he sets back holding his glass of Aundarian wine.

“You have sent two groups to this new “Center of Supernatural Activity”. Both stopped communication within a short time. You expect me, a city inquisitive, to march into the back water swamp and learn of their fates. You want me to contact you regularly.”

“Yes. Would it matter if I were to say one of the missing persons is my daughter?”

“It’s about the agreement. Finder’s fee. What kind of proof will you require? Is it only her fate that matters or the others also?”

Embarrassed, the gnome looks down at his duck seasoned with Aundarian spiced corn rub. “I care for the fate of everyone but she is the most important.

“If I take up this mission, I will require more information about the groups, the members, the route they took, their talents and resources.”

“Oh….. Oh! Yes Yes. Forearm has a pack with files on each member with everything I know about them and their actions.”

“Hurrmmm.” Tyson forms a triangle with his hands, fingers to fingers, thumb to thumb. “Then I am not the first inquisitive you have sent over to search for her.”


“Who and with what results.”

“Boo Topplers, Sass Rembers and also Quirt. Neither were heard from once they entered the Eldeen.”

“Bounty Hunters…. Not Inquisitors. Though I have met Quirt. She was good. She was very good.”

Tyson allows himself to be lost in memories for a brief moment then sighs and stands up. “Get me the files and notes and I’ll give you an answer the next day.”

After leaving the restaurant and being clear and certain he is not being followed, he takes a lift down. He calmly pulls a medallion from his pocket and looks at it. “Quirt…… what have you gotten into?”



Eleven adventurers. Many talents and skills involved. The group with his daughter, Gussa, looks suspicious at best. IF this mission is undertaken, more information will be required.

A soft knock is heard at the door. It startles him. Three of the twelve steps are loosened and warped to creak. The person at this door is floating, incorporeal while traveling the stairs and landing or……. “Come in- it’s not locked.” But he places his hand on the repeating crossbow hidden under his table and a trigger switch on the floor that activates a pollen pepper spray that causes most to cry and sneeze to the point of being helpless.

The door opens and a woman dressed in black leather armor steps in. Gentle steps that place her feet in a way to dodge or charge easily. The leather is pristine, magical, the trench coat shows subtle signs of weight. Her eyes move about locating details and possible foes much like he would. She has confidence, money, beauty and…. Yes…. Special talents.

Sliding the folders aside, he leans back and once more places his hands in a triangle before him. “How can I help….. the Crown today?”

“I was told you were perceptive. Yes- I am here on the behalf of Breland and its King. Breland and all of her people. Motioning to a chair, “May I?”

He waves to it. “Chairs are meant to be sat in.”

“I am sure you are aware that sometimes the government….”

“The Dark Lanterns, sorry- go on.”

With a tight smile more akin to a grimace she restarts. “Sometimes the Breland Government, through the Dark Lanterns, will hire outside talent.” She closes her eyes as if in pain. “Sorry…. I seem to have a headache.”

“Sorry. In my profession, much like yours, people will try to charm and persuade me to do things and say things I do not want. Sometimes this is through magic. In your case, psionics?”


“A gift I found when dealing with a Kalashtar. Any charms through magic are blocked painfully. I have discovered that psionics are blocked but not as thourghly. The enchanter only gets headaches instead of nose bleeds.”

With a glare that declares a line has been crossed, the Dark Lantern tries to intimidate him the old fashioned way.

“There is activity in Eldeen and the Shadow Marches that makes our government, and others, uncomfortable. We have agents investigating it but we someone to investigate the way a commoner would travel. The best spies may use this as a cover. We would like details. You are a detail person.”


“Sorry. Was it something I said?”

“Tell me more.” Tyson sees a very good payday coming from doing two jobs at once and maybe even see an old “friend”.



“Is there any other way Brother David? This…. This feels like an act of blasphemy.”

The older senior cleric of The Keeper looks sadly back to the younger cleric. Even in the bad lighting of the deep crypts the senior member sees the true fear and trepidation on his face. “Yes. For Karrnath to survive we must do this. The Cyrans are closing in and the Aundarians are testing our western borders. The cold winter has devastated the crops. We have fewer soldiers than each country. The dwarves push back more each day. The government fears their separation within the next few generations if this war were to continue. Our best soldiers lay here, deep in the earth…. Waiting to fight for their country’s honor once more.”

They continue in silence for a short ways then the young cleric speaks again. “Do you trust them sir? Do you trust the new people? The blood of Vol?”

“King Kaius does. That is enough for me.”

“…and Sister Vessa?”

Frustrated by the endless questioning and his own hidden uncertainty the senior member whirls around on the younger cleric. “Enough! Enough questioning. We do as we are told. This is war. Hard decisions are made…. Must be made during such times.”

They continue in silence until they reach crypyt #387. Most of the soldiers from the early battle of Misty River at the Cyran River separating the two countries were nobles and children of the generals. Due to the use of magical fire , many bodies were not identifiable so all of the bodies were given an honorable burial in the state crypts.

“Set up everything as Sister Vessa instructed. She will be here soon.” Scented candles are lit a circle drawn from chalk is carefully drawn. Other clerics (Blood of Vol) arrive and drawn runes within the circle and at each of the crypt resting sites. Several bowls that have what smells and looks like blood are set up next. Then the six Vol Priests kneel down and begin to chant. Twenty minutes of chanting has gone by when a new source of torch light comes down the hallway. Sister Vessa has arrived. She wears a long hooded green robe with dark green and copper high lights. Her long black hair hangs onto her chest from under the hood. She says nothing but asks the two clerics of the Keeper to step forward and hold a candle each.

She chants and recites a ritual spell not used within Khorvaire in centuries. Then suddenly twin swords appear out of no where…. Through the backs of the Keeper’s followers. The youngest gurgles a confused sound. The older man manages to declare “For Karrnath” before dying.

“Sister” Vessa cannot help herself. She laughs and giggles as the blood seeps out of the two men. The blood to drawn to the crypt shelves where the dead bodies of the warriors lay.

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