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The hidden



Dan the barbarian sets up a room for Payback. It is directly next to his. The orc stays back as he goes to sell the Mask and strange shirt Gern wore.

He goes to the Museum first. He feels they may have the most money available and willing to buy goods found in the Hidden. The curator, Jassa, is here looking into damage done by thieves the night prior.

“The thieving bastards came in through three separate areas. One stole a Crystal rod. The others were driven away by our security. Orrrrrgh…. It angers me so.” Growls the woman dressed in scarves and a light silk robe of stars and star groupings. “How can I help you?”

“I heard you buy goods found in the Hidden. I have these two I hope to sell. I got them within the place.” The barbarian pulls the shirt and mask out of the pack he was carrying.

Jassa barely even notices the gambeson shirt. The Mask is not of The Hidden but it still interests her. “Where did you find this?” she asks while looking at the outer face of it.

“Underground. In tunnels.”

“It is not of Xoriat or The Hidden. Do you know what it does? Or is it strictly ceremonial?” As she checks it out she finds a drop of dried blood on the chin of the mask. She flicks and scraps it off with her thumb nail.

“I do not know. Found with wearer…. Deceased.”

She flips it over to look at the interior side of the mask. More blood at the nose and mouth area. Damned barbaric adventurer she thinks to herself. “May I?” she asks weighing it before her face, readied to place it on.

“Yes.” Says the barbarian hoping it doesn’t meld with her or disfigure her skin with yellow and brown.

She places it on and feels nothing. She looks at a few magical items she has on display but nothing. Then she feels a slight headache from the center of her brain. It grows then explodes. She doesn’t call out or scream but she does shudder and become unsteady for a moment. Dan watches her, ready to catch her if she falls. Then she straightens out and speaks in a confused mix of languages. The Crystal Mask of Languages has fed her the knowledge of five languages. Draconic which she only knew a few words of before, Elven and Goblin, some orc and sadly Xoriat which she already knew well enough.

But draconic…… “I will buy if the price is right.” She pulls the mask from her face and smiles warmly at the warrior.

“ah…. 3500.”



“I have repairs to do here. The thieves did much damage.” She looks at the front of the slightly golden with silvery sheen mask again. Draconic. “I can do 3100.”

“Very well” says the barbarian.

It takes a moment for her to collect the gold and silver to equal 3100. During this time he looks around some. There is a small bowl of the glass beads. The sign says something he can not read (he is a barbarian after all) and a few non weapon items.

She returns with a good sized bag of coin and places it on the counter with a prolonged rattle and shift of metal coins settling. “Do you want to buy the shirt?”

“No good sir. And that is not a shirt as you put it. It is a weave of strong silk that makes for light armor. I however , do not generally buy armor.” She says politely enough but with a tone suggesting it is time for him to leave. And he does.

He leaves the Museum and heads to the one area that sells armor. Maybe they will buy it. As he goes he walks by docks loaded with crates and barrels. From a dark space between, a small gloved hand grasps a corner. “Tinkle Twinkle Dee- How much gold have thee?”

Nice lady thinks the barbarian. I should try to find who broke into her place for her. [DM NOTE: Azzime was one- he took a Crystal Key Rod ] He has to stop as a bunch of ½ orc and goblin children run before him playing “Kill the Ogre”. He watches as the innocent children scurry off declaring that each has the other where they want him. He smiles. In his village it was “Kill the Hill Giant” same idea.

Feeling exposed with his new money, he diverts from the arms idea and goes to the sad settlement referred to as The Kundarak Bank. It looks much like any other building but better kept. However, compared to the average House Kundarak bank it is a ruin. This branch doesn’t even contain the magical vaults that connect bank to bank.

Going in, he spots several dwarves dressed in gleaming golden armor with perfect looking war hammers and sledges. Another dwarf with glasses stands at a counter. “I would like to open an account.” States the barbarian.

“Saving or General?” says the bored and business like dwarf.


“Saving gains interest and is protected under Kundarak from theft. General is not guaranteed nor is there interest. Either way, there is a 1% processing and holding fee for all monies and appraisals from our staff for non-monatary items like art, pottery and wonderous items of importance.”

“Oh. General.”

“How much?”

“3100 Gold in mixed coin.”

A bushy large eye brow raises sharply and the cold calculating eye under it twitches. “Very well- Akkudos!” A young dwarf hurries over and stands at attention. “Count and verify”

The young dwarf hefts the bag up and brings it to a small table. He begins to count and stack the coins in full view of Dan whom watches intently. Stacks of ten are made of gold and silver and after twenty minutes finishes and recounts a third time.

He hurries over to the senior member and stands erect once more then reports. “3050 Gold from the five nations and 500 silver from the five nations. 3100 gold total. “

“Agreed?” asks the senior member to Dan. Dan nods and agrees. The young dwarf slides the coins into trays that are more manageable than the sack and begins to take them to the back.

“As agreed…. 1% is required for the services rendered”

Dan looks at him blankly.

“31 Gold”

Dan pulls out his gold pouch and finds 30 gold. He then reaches for the pouch he places his silver in and finds an empty space. “My silver……..”

The brow raises and an eye twitches violently. “Do you not have the money?”

Dan angry and perplexed pulls out his copper and hopes he has that much. He does…..barely. Akkudos verifies it for the two of them.

Dan, now staring at all shadows intently, moves towards the armories. He does sell the cloth armor at his last shop. Most of the shop keepers did not wish to buy cloth armor as it would degrade in the swamp very quickly.

He brings his money to the bank again. Akkudos verifies it and he has to use enough money from the cloth sales to pay his service fees and have some spending money on him. He wants to drink tonight and show Payback a good time. There are two more brow and eye twitches before he finally leaves.

Another group goblin children race by him but he holds his hands to his pouches as a precaution. Before reaches Grotto’s Place he meets up with Payback. Whenever goblin children run towards them the large orc growls and makes like he is going for his weapon and they eep and run away. Dan checks his coin pouches. Intact each time. Nearby, a goblin with black gloves spits out a quiet curse and settles back into the shadows.

It is late now and Grotto’s Place is busy. The goblin barkeeper, Weirdwage, is making many mixed drinks using his alchemy skills and his spirits knowledge. Gretta, Dana, Celeste, Jassae, Zenith and Assorta are working the tables. Jorge and his chicken familiar are cooking steaks and wrapped hot swamp pig and pepper sandwiches. Grotto watches it all with his arms crossed and smoking his cigar from the Valenar plantations. It is loud and rowdy but under control.

Dana, a bar wench with “missing” buttons on her blouse spends extra time around Dan and Payback’s table.

Dan, laughing at something he didn’t understand but laughs anyway, looks to her intently then to the orc. “Did you have healing done for your eye? It looks much better. And I like the eye patch.”

Payback did have a minor healing spell done to stop the oozing of his eye and bought an eye patch made of leather. Sewed into it is strange lettering of orcish design. Aye! Aye I did. The flies and maggots are a turn off to the ladies.” He laughs.

A half-elf woman wearing a medallion of Dol Arrah looks at Dan and smiles. The gleam in her eye and slight curl of her lips promise many possibilities. This is a good day. It may be a better night.

Within two hours, Dan has the half-elf sitting on his lap laughing and unsteady. Payback also has a woman hovering around him. Dana, one of the wenches here, has taken a liking to him.

Dan and Xena go to his room for the night. The orc and waitress remain below. Drinking and working.
It was a very good night for Dan whom begins to doze off with the half-elf in his arms. Suddenly there is a scream and a roar at his head. No- not at his head but behind the wall where his head rests. A woman, presumably Dana calls out. Payback snarls out “I’ll all orc!” and the sounds are obvious. A picture falls off the wall in Dan’s room and the water shifts and nearly spills on the nightstand. More snarls and sounds between ecstasy and pain come from the room. A crashing sound of a bed breaking and mix of laughter and happiness come. Followed by Grotto pounding on the door for them to be quiet.

At first angry and embarrassed, Dan begins to shift to get up but Xena awakens, snickers and kisses him. He will hurry up and quiet them…. Later…. In the morning.

BARRAKAS 17, 1000

After rest, the bar maiden, Dana, returns to Payback’s bed. Loud but not destructive, they enjoy each other’s company.

Dan also meets up Xena again. She is more aggressive this time. Perhaps stirred on by Payback and Dana…. Perhaps just more alcohol is in her system.


Dan looks at his spending money. “We need to find more money.”

“That reminds me….. Grotto wants money for the bed.” Adds the Orc.

Dan regrets inviting the orc to stay here with him paying.

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Dan and Payback are walking towards the docks to see if they can spot a certain Map maker and Guide. They find him selling a map to a shifter and a dark skinned half-elf. Azzime smiles as they leave then turns to see who is next in line. He stiffens in an attempt to close but remembers his mission. “Hello Dan. Hello Payback. Looking to buy a map?”

“Azzime!” calls out the Orc in a loud voice. “We have missed you!”

“Yes Azzime. You worked well with us last week. We think we could work well again this week.” Adds Dan.

Azzime remembers his spy masters mission. Use a group of adventurers as cover and protection. None that can become wise your actions but still able to survive. These two fit that but will HE survive being with them?

He thinks quickly about the mission. “Very well but I wish to travel to the western side and far down. Further than anyone has ever traveled before.”

“I like it!” declares the orc nodding sideways to the barbarian. He is smiling like an idiot…. Well more than usual. Azzime then looks at the orc’s face… especially the eye patch. So childish. “Cute…. The patch.” Payback smiles.

“What is there?” asks Dan.

“Unknown. That is why I want to go there.”

“We’ll be the first! We’ll clean up on everything. I should buy a bigger pack to fill!” declares the orc to anyone and everyone in ear shot.

“If you feel you should.” The rogue, ranger, spy agrees.

“With your own funds.” Finishes Dan.

“We go today.” States the enthusiastic orc.

“No. We go tomorrow. In the morning. 7th bell. Meet me here on the dock.”

The two look to each other and agree. One more night.

Dana is a no show which is disappointing to the ranger. Xena shows up but is acting strangely. She watches Dan but never comes to him. She instead flirts and clings to a young human male fresh from a ship from Sharn. A new conquest. He thought he was using her….. not the other way around. He is near saying something when several of the human’s friends show up. Enough to be a problem.

He drinks long into the night.

7th BELL

Azzime has his goods packed and waits for the two warriors.

8th BELL
They will be the death of him yet.

9th BELL
Payback awakens and sees the sun. Pain.

He gets his goods together and bangs on Dan’s door.

Azzime is setting up his Map Booth now when he hears the commotion. The two warriors are hurrying down the dock. Birds and people spread out to avoid them.

“We are ready to go!” calls out the blood shot one eyed orc.

Dan looks ill. Running directly from bed was not wise.

It takes a few minutes to close up and lock the mapping booth.

“Due to the long way to travel through New Water we can use my boat.” Begins Azzime. From there we go down directly south then to the other side near the Shard Bay.”

“Shard Bay?” asks Payback nodding to his side towards Dan.

“It’s a place on the NW corner of The Hidden. A pocket several hundred feet deep. Shards of obsidian grow out of the bay bottom. It is dangerous to walk there. There was a group that traveled there. A warforged , a half-orc and a goblin were part of the group. They stayed at Grotto’s also. I remember that day. A large bar fight happened and House Deneith stopped by with ogres. Grotto was furious. There was little damage done to his tavern until the ogres arrived.”

“Kewl.” States the orc.

Dan attempts a nod and smile. He fails miserably.

They walk towards Dragon Road. This raised road connects House Tharashk to the swamps to collect Eberron Shards. Or at least that was the case until The Hidden occurred. They follow the commoners path below it for several hundred feet. Then they go off the path and go overland through the swamp. “My boat is hidden this way.”

They reach a clearing with a long stretch of high grass that leads to New Water. Azzime suggests his boat is on the other side of the grass. As they enter it Azzime spots movement to the right. “Look out!”

Beetles the size of wolves are scurrying along the grass towards them.


BARRAKAS 20, 1000

The beetles charge through the tall grass. Azzime draws his two clubs and readies himself for the possible attack. He can not identify these beetles. Though they appear to be non-mutated they are clearly dangerous. The beetles reach Dan and Payback. They try to claw them and reach out with their long tube like mouths.

Suddenly everything goes dark.

Azzime, with a good sense of direction and location steps backs a few steps and exits the area of magical darkness. He thinks he caught a glimpse of a goblin dressed in dark grey within the tall grass but can not confirm as the beetles follow through unperturbed by the darkness spell.

A beetle sticks its mouth into Payback’s. He tries to chew on it while hacking it up. He kills it before anything further happens. Dan also has a similar experience. He burbs out a gout of fire that destroys the fleshy mouth piece.

Despite the darkness, the battle goes toe to toe. Fire and stalling through by death stops any of the beetles from beginning to digest the warriors. Azzime. Azzime is not so lucky.

He doesn’t have a flame attack or the ability to do massive amounts of damage before the proboscis can eject digestive acids into his body. He dies almost instantly from the inside out.

The goblin, if there was one to begin with, leaves.

Dan burns more of the assassin bugs and Payback continues to overwhelm them with his massive double axe.

The darkness lifts leaving two beetles exposed. They last a mere 12 seconds.

“Now what?” Asks the ranger. “He’s dead.”

A moment of silence. “We loot the body.”

One club is dissolved, the other bounced away from the body and the acids pouring out of it. The leather is dissolved. The coins are nearly useless as melted goods cover them and are beginning to harden already. There are four rods, two red, a yellow and a blue. He also finds two sets of magical gloves on the body that survived. A longsword, a wand, two rings and a necklace. Everything else is destroyed (including the Kundarak notes, traveling papers and many of his maps and lock picks.

“Oh. What have we here? Dead bodies. Two dying. Need help you do.”

The barbarian and ranger turn to look at the source of the voice. They see an older goblin. He has bushy eye brows but a bald head. He is dressed in grey armor. “Where did you come from?!?”

Looking at the many deep cuts on the orc, Dan considers the suggestion. “He needs help (has 23 / 80 HP). Payback would answer but his throat is raw. He was “probed” three times.

“Oh. Here, There Goblins Everywhere.” He answers then adds, “I know one that can help. It would cost money. Gold that is.” Says the goblin coyly.

Spending more money on the orc thinks Dan. “Who and how much?”

“Why me of course. I aid all I can.”

“So its free?” asks Dan hopefully.

“Your patch speaks the truth mighty orc. No. Not free. Even I need money.”

Dan looks at the orc and his eye patch that can not be read. “How much?”

“ A bit or the complete package?”


“For 30 gold I can seal up a hole. For 60 gold I can make him whole.”

“My eye !”

“No. Just the cuts in your guts you orcish nut.”

Payback, feeling the injuries finally, stares at the goblin in confusion. The bard is going to heal him?

“Seal the hole…… seal the deep cut near his heart. It is bleeding.”

“Gold to make the deal sold.” The old goblin puts out his hand and wiggles his fingers greedily and impatiently. Even with the effects of the alcohol wearing off, the barbarian fumbles for his gold pouch.

“Need insight? Gold on the Right.”

He stops, looks at the goblin. The goblin is correct. His pouch is on the right side. “Sharp eyes little healer.”

“Sharper is my wit. Complete healing then?”

“30 gold.”

“Ah…. Poor orc. Khiis is my name.”

The goblin has the orc kneel down. He calls on healing powers of his god. Dark blue energy washes over the hand onto the orc’s chest. He feels better. So much better he never felt the wandering hand checking for hidden goodies in the belt.

“For 30 gold the deal was sold. For 30 gold more the orc will not mold.”

The thought of it makes Dan feel guilty. He pulls out the last pouch and as the goblin watches with raised eye brows and an anticipating smile, they count out the gold together.

“Would a Kundarak note work?”

“No! No deal with House of dwarves. No. Gold is the way to make the pain go away.”

The thirty additional gold goes onto the goblin’s small outreached hands. The coins disappear somewhere on the body without Dan seeing where. “Now he will be healed since the deal is sealed.”

Several healing spells are caste and indeed, Payback feels better soon. Dan takes potions fearing the costs involved to be healed by the mystery savior.

“I think today we return to our rooms and relax.” Suggests Dan.

“return to the Grotto. Yes good idea to go.”

The goblin watches them walk back towards Yrlag.

“Praise the Keeper. Praise Spyder Byte.”

Poor Azzime. Deep Throat with acid..... adv 30.jpg


RHAAN 10, 999


“Yes. I agree. It is not natural and may be dangerous. But that is why we are here.”


“Good idea. Let us get closer.”

A very large frog leaps about from large mangroo root to mangroo root. The small trees grow up from the dark marshy water on exposed roots. On frog rides a small slender person. His fine and delicate facial features show great and growing concern. Something has happened to the swamp here. The pixie paladin, Cous-cous had a dream about this. A disturbing dream. The images were boxed in by slithering wet, even slimy, tentacles. It whispered to evil aberrations in the nearby village of Yrlag.

Dol Arrah gave him the ability and strength to hear it…. To eavesdrop on it.

Now he and his faithful stead- Thor-ruck, a giant frog, are investigating the dream and its dire implications.

They cross the mangroo and then cross a wide stretch of tall grass. “Thor-ruck!” the mount croaks.

“Yes….. we are near it. A trees are ahead of them then nothing. Dark but clear water spreads out before them. In the coming days the merchants and fishermen will call it “New Water”. Now, Cous-cous can only call it one thing…. An Abomination.

BARRAKAS 15, 1000

Somewhere deep into the hidden, a mindflayer is within a large cavern chamber. Eerie blue light reveals crystals with images playing on them.

“The Master of Hidden Secrets is pleased.” Comments a floating ball descending from high in the chamber to be revealed within the strange blue light. The Beholder’s name is Garrizon. “The key artifacts were retrieved. We have new test subjects also.”

The mindflayer is silent as he watches the images. “I would hope but my expanding mind says to be cautious. There are forces still active within our home lands. Forces cgreat enough to stop him. Maybe stop his dreams.”

The beholders tentacled eyes all droop in concern…. And fear. “Are you sure my brother?”

“It is in our nature. Chaos. Not all of the players have been removed or revealed. The TRUTH yet hides from me.”

“The Eternity Crystals you mean? You have watched them long into the week. It will mess with your mind.”

“Perhaps…. But it reveals much to me.”

“Such as?”

“The first wave of the orcish druids. We saw them coming and dealt with them. However a new orc has arrived. He is related to the druids. There is no fear in him like the others.”

“I can see to his death if you wish.”

“He is not worth the energy but he is a problem. He will delay or aid others in ways I can not track.”

“What else? Who else?” asks the large tentacled orb as it takes new interest in the images on the glowing crystals.

“This one, a human dressed in black. He will come and there will be incredible unbalance and chaos in his path. He will be here soon.”

“I will suck the marrow from his bones before his eyes.” Comments the Beholder as he spots the image of a black dressed man with a red tattoo on his body. He is surrounded by others within the New Water. Adventurers or persons with purpose?

“This one bewilders me the most.” The ithillid’s feeding tentacles twitch and sway in irritation. “He is small but I sense power within him. Divine power.”

The Beholder looks at the crystal. A pixie, dressed in colorful armor, rides a leaping large frog. It is attacking Dolgrims and defeating them easily. “I will eat him as a snack if you wish.”


A sigh.

“I wish.”


BARRAKAS 20, 1000

Khiis the goblin follower of The Keeper has returned from reporting in to The Web. He has waited for the curtain of darkness to fall before going to the area of Grotto’s Tavern. He climbs onto some crates he had arranged through The Web to place under and around windows to Grotto’s. Inside he watches people drinking and carrying on.

He sees the two buffoons doing exactly what he expected. Payback and Dan are drinking and trying to impress women here. Several “women” are making their rounds tonight. He is not impressed.

“Hey you. Yeah you. Crap! It’s a goblin!” calls out a man slightly drunken. He fumbles backward trying to pull his short sword from his scabbard on his belt. The goblin rolls his eyes and slowly climbs off the crates.

“You are making this simple mission more difficult. May the Keeper have mercy for you I would never offer you.”

BARRAKAS 21,1000

Late morning the two would be adventurers finally leave their rooms. While leaving the orc is pulled aside by Grotto. He owes money and will evicted soon if he is not paid. Dan has stopped paying for his room and board.

Just outside of the busy dock area of Grotto’s Place, Dan becomes frustrated. “We Need Allies! We Need Adventurers! Who Is Unafraid?!?” Nothing. Many stares of disbelief and distrust. Then Dan spots someone staring at him. A woman. A tiefling woman. She was sitting on a few crates but now gets up and begins to walk towards them. Few miss her advance. Her skin is dark red, her hair is short but curly. It is black with waves of dark red. Red leather hip boots and long gloves go with her bodice / corset top and bottom.

“Maybe I can help boys.” She says with while flashing a seductive smile.

Dan and Payback watch her advance. The barbarian then asks her “What can you do?” She gives a pouty hurt look then smiles with a friendly giggle.

“More than you.” She says and fingers his nose gently. Dan goes to smile and hold her hand but finds he is frozen. “And ….I….Can….Do……So…. Much more to you.” With a new giggle she moves to the orc. “You look….. big. Are you big?”

Before he can answer, Dan finds he can move once more. “You can join me….us.”

“Do you need more…. help?” The three (four counting the ever-watching goblin) turn and their sights settle on a strangely garbed person. His armor is a mixture of metal bands and leather that covers most of his body. Metal spikes protrude from the combination of armors. “I wish to travel into The Hidden and test my magic.”

“Magic? Yes. We could use a magic user.” Declares Dan without clearifying the type or use of magic the stranger has use of.

“Names?” asks a fifth member only now presenting himself.

“Oh. You.” States the barbarian with obvious disapproval.

“Yes Me.” States Khiis.

“I am Xena.” Says the Tiefling as she leans down as if to pet the goblin. The goblin sneers and steps around Dan’s legs blocking her reach.


“Yes. Don’t wear it out.” She says to be cute.

The goblin dislikes her instantly. Keeper will have her. Soon.


BARRAKAS 21, 1000

The new group decide to begin the next morning. That night Dan, Payback and Xena drink heavily at Grotto’s. The strange armored “mage” wanders outside (Payne) away from everyone. The goblin once more spies on Grotto’s Place.

Payback has won a few arm wrestling matches. It is enough to buy some drinks at least. Dan tries his best to seduce Xena. She smiles and flirts back as she clings to an elven bard she discovered earlier. The goblin looks for easy marks exiting the tavern. He spots two.

Assuming the appearance through magic, the goblin becomes a female halfling. “She” gets ahead of the one target whom has had plenty to drink. The man can barely walk and stumbles even while holding onto the rails of the dock area. She begins to sob from her place in the shadows. The drunk is startled and thinks he is about to robbed or worse. Then he sees the innocent crying girl. “Ou shod not be ut here a nite wid’ one.”

“I’m scared.” She looks up innocently and pleading.

“eh?” His breath nearly sickens the goblin/halfling.

“An’ hungry. Do you have any food I could have?”

“nah’ ood.” He fumbles verbally.

“coin?” The halfling’s innocent face begins to smile with menace.

The man pukes. Only the extreme reflexes of the goblin / halfling keeps itself clean.

“oorie.” As the man wipes at the right side of his mouth (puke clings to the left side) “I don’t…. uhhh….. don’t…..” he turns and lauches once more over the rails. He passes out leaning over the rail.

“Too easy.” Says the thief as she takes his coin pouch….. then frowns. A single copper remain. He drank himself poor.

She leaves the man there passed out. Five minutes later a strange stranger happens by. Payne looks at the man passed out and can smell the new puke….. the very puke he has stepped onto. Frowning he curses and grabs the man’s feet and heaves him over the rail. The drowned body will be found by a fisherman the next day.

Khiis spots a second mark. This man is a dwarf in merchant’s clothes. Once more, as a homeless innocent female halfling, he goes to this mark. “Sir…. Sir- do you have coin for a hungry person.”

The dwarf looks her over then smiles. “Aye little lady. I can give you a coin or two. You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were one of them stinking ugly goblins. The thieving little rasts are a menace in this town. They need to be rid of. All of them.”

“Say true. Anything else?” asks the halfling as she slides a dagger from her back.

“About the evil creatures or coins? Are you selling yourself? For shame.” Before he can say anything more a dagger imbeds itself into his neck. Khiis quickly gets the coin pouch and looks for other things of use. A shiny ring. Taken. In his beard are beads made of metal and cheap jewels. There is worth here with the right persons….. he cuts off the hairs to take the dwarven family history beads.

Payback goes to his room with a mild buzz. He knows he needs to get up early. Dan also goes to bed. No buzz….. no company. He concentrated so much on Xena he never attracted another woman. Xena continues to cling and caress the elf. At 1st bell they go upstairs…. Together.

The elf enters her room. She winks and steps behind a changing curtain. She hums seductively to herself as she begins to caste spells. Her body responds as a greater twinkle in her eye appears and a much more charming smile and glow comes. Then she concentrates on her target…. The elf. “I hope I am all you want…. And more.” She steps out from the curtain now without the gloves and boots. The strings to her top are loose. But the elf doesn’t see this. He sees flowing…. Almost floating silk veils that hide little but leaves only brief glimpses of his idea of heaven. “My goddess…..” he whispers.

[GM NOTES: I try to use ALL books I have and well….. avoided the infamous book of Erotic Fantasy…. Until now]


BARRAKAS 22, 1000

The five of them meet up outside of the Grotto. Without speaking, they march towards the entrance to the swamp trails that lead to New Water and eventually to The Hidden. Dan takes them to the place Azzime had his boat hidden. It is gone (taken by goblins of The Web as instructed by Khiis days ago.)

“I can’t believe this! There was a boat here before…..” begins Dan.

“Walk?” asks the tiefling.

“Like this.” And Payback steps both feet into the strange water.

The goblin hops to him and waves for the orc to stop. He hops once more onto the back of the hulking ranger. Using his dreadlocks, the goblin climbs up onto the top of the head and waits. “Don’t pull my hair that way. Ever.”

The goblin smiles. “sure. Whatever.”

The five of them continue to walk on through the New Water. They began around 8th bell and now it nears 19th bell. The sun is near down. There is no land in sight. They continue with a forced march.

BARRAKAS 23, 1000

Still finding no land to rest on they continue on into the water. They spot an ominous sign in the near distance. A body floating face down. The cloak appears to be of Cannith design. It blue with gold and silver trim. Seeing no threats, Hkiis has Payback roll the body over. An elf with leather armor and a “x” shaped dagger and potion holding suspenders. There are six MW daggers and a few minor potions. A few coins for Spyder Byte and the Keeper.

Little else interests anyone as they want dry land most of all.

BARRAKAS 24, 1000

Late morning the next day they continue. Xena’s strides are slow and weak. Dan yawns and wishes there was sleep last night. The mighty orc and the mage (Payne) seem unbothered by the forced march. The goblin slept well enough once securing himself within the orcs dreads.

Then they spot land. Xena is first to see the reflection of the sun’s rays on the obsidian shards. They the goblin, with his high view point looks to where she is looking and sees a good sized island…. 100 x 30 feet. Sleep.

Moving to it they reach its shore when the goblin hears something. Sobbing. Mournful sobbing. Easy Mark?

The goblin hops off of Payback and motions for him to be quiet. The quick witted Orc turns puts his finger to his lips and “Shhhhhh! BE QUIET! GOBLIN GOING IN FIRST!” Someday, thinks the goblin, I will kill him.

Peering around the corner of a large and very sharp obsidian shard the rogue cleric of The Keeper peeks around. A slender woman (elf or fey?) is sitting down sobbing. She is drinking a jug of liquid (wine?) Her hair is dark red with lighter streaks of dark red within it. The color of wine. She wears a traveling robe and wine stained blouse and riding pants and boots. “Why?!? Why has it gone away? Why has nature been replaced…. With this?” She wails then takes a very deep hit on the wine jug which looks immaculate with blue and green runes on the polished white pottery surface.

“The land was so pristine with its vines and slimes. The moss on the trees…. Hello?” The woman suddenly knows there is someone here. The goblin has turned invisible since the orc had to “tell” everyone to be quiet. Xena has gone wide while Payne has gone around the glass she is next to. The others walk behind Payback onto the dry land thankfully.

“Who are you? Did you do this?” She takes a deep shot from her wine jug. “Answer me!” she calls out in a panic filled with fear.

“Where…… wha? I don’t follow you lady. You drunk.” Declares the orc. Dan steps to his side ready for action.

Suddenly, the woman’s fear becomes frustration then anger. Her features change. Talons and fangs grow. She bulks up slightly and hair becomes visible on her forearms. “Arrrrgh! I should kill you for destroying my home!”

Xena lets her have it.

A beam of pure sunlight shots from her hands and barely misses. However (nat 1 on ranged touch) , the light strikes the glass behind her and flashes violently. Only the orc and barbarian fail to turn away quick enough.

The “magic” wielded from Payne erupts from his hands as elderich energy strikes the woman from behind. A second beam of focused sun light sears her and she drops screaming a curse to the aberrational invaders and their agents.

Little remains of the body as the goblin becomes visible. He pours out the jug by knocking it over. The 24 inch tall goblin can not carry the jug. Dan picks it up to keep once left behind by the goblin.

“Sleep?” asks Xena.

Payback is already out.


BARRAKAS 26, 1000

Travel is long and with few islands for shelter. Dan is beginning to understand why Azzime wished to go this way. Few have gone here due to the inconvenience of it. There are fewer patches of exposed land but plenty of shards.

That night they find a very small island. It is about 8X8 round. Khiis has to sleep on Payback’s lap like a child. Its okay with him and the orc is out cold quickly.

Dan tries to flirt with Xena whom doesn’t rebuff him but has no intention to play with him tonight. This human is too easy and not worthy of her attention.

BARRAKAS 27,1000

Late morning the next day they are once more walking (zig zagging They need a ranger or a barbarian that uses his skills). The goblin spots something nearby and recognizes it immediately from rumors and stories he has heard of.

The Colossal Red Dragon Skeleton.

Dan insists on going to it. Though no one knows of it, he is from Argonnessen. He is a Seren barbarian here to explore The Hidden since it is said to be poison to dragons.

There are several adventurers here talking and laughing. Two human fighters (Karl and Narl), a warforged (Two), a bugbear (Ba-rak) and a female human rogue (Sue).

As the group approaches these new adventurers the Warforged steps up to stop them. “Hello.” He states in a monotone voice.

“Hello. We have come to see and pay our respects to this great warrior.” Replies the barbarian.

“Well…. Here I am. Give me your respect.” Quips the bugbear merrily (with his hand inches away from his heavy mace).

The goblin thinks of three ways to kill the scarred Bugbear.

The bugbear has no hair from his knees down with heavy burn scars.

[DM NOTE: this is the second time “this” bugbear has been seen here. Each time as a different person. One player knows this bugbear from a prior campaign- Piik from Eldeen Heroes. WTF The player is confused but keeps that his character (Khiis) doesn’t know this]

“You are no dragon.”

“Well, no. But I am a great warrior.”

“Enough Ba-rak. These people have traveled long as we have. They deserve some slack from your idea of humor.”

“I am hurt.”

“Must be used to it by now.” States the orc.

Sour looks from the bugbear and two humans.

“We came in peace but if you want a fight…..” Begins Dan looking at Sue, their leader, whom has now stepped away from the dragon bones clearly wielding a dagger.

The warforged shifts to be between the barbarian and his leader. “It is okay Two. They are tired.”

Dan looks up at the dragon remains again then stats it is time to go.

“Well…. That was disappointing.” Says the scarred bugbear once they have left.

“We have things to do yet. Like finding your “twin” in the ruins.”

BARRAKAS 28,1000

“You seemed truly taken back by the bones. Why?” asks Xena.

The barbarian barely shrugs. His mind is elsewhere.

Payback is just happy they found a small plot of land to sleep on.

RHAAN 1, 1000

It is late in the day before they reach a large section of glass. They find an opening with the remains of a ruin there. Only the stone floor remains and even this is cracked and crumbling at the corners. Still, it is enough to comfortably sprawl out to sleep.

Dan rolls over and whispers to Xena. He wonders if she is the kind of adventurer that is active at night. She looks at him in a mix of approval and distain. As a follower of The Fury, she is okay with this but quite frankly, she is tired and annoyed he ignored her all day. She is not here for sex. Well…. Not just that.

She rolls over and tells him to go to sleep.

Voidrunner's Codex

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