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The Infamous [M&M] The Evil assemble.

Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: Well, unless Hybrid doesn't want to wait for his vengeance using the prototype, stonehenge seems a decent option, since it lets Einar finally get all his powers, yes?
OOC: Hybrid is fine with waiting. His plan isn't really finished and powerful allies would be helpful if his enemy calls her team (Teen Titans) for help.

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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
OOC: Unfortunately Einar have quickly marching deadline on his power-regaining ritual. And two necessities sit at Stonehenge. For now we could do mundane stuff like making some money. Or getting Einar's ritual stuff from the Post Office. Making some sort of smoke-screen would be enormously helpful too. White Sorceress and Trapmaster seem to keep tabs on Fist and Einar ... wich gives us certain pressure. Before posting anything I wait for Graybeard anyway.


Lady Grey

Lady Grey finished surveying the cave along with the others. It was an unremarkable cave, not much different from others in the area. It would make a suitable base for now. The mansion was a possibility but required more money than the group currently had. It was possible that Khonsu could do something about that. Simple theft was something she had avoided.

"Einar, is there a particular location in Europe you need to go to help facilitate in the recovery of your memories and abilities? My contact at Okamoto Industries should be able to provide transportation. Mr. Khonsu, what is the probability of you being able to obtain significant funds for our endeavors? This cave requires remodeling and the future purchase of the mansion on the cliff would be desirable."

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Cave Hideout


Einar leaned against the wall of the cave, and for several long minutes observed his new allies as if deciding on something before speaking up again. First he told them all about the ritual necessities of Stonehenge and the professor residing there and the ingredients he ordered and should be avaible to take at Post Office and provides informations on what is necessary to acquire them. He asked Fist of Khonsu to dscreetly check hospitals and if they wanted viper poisons to make serums ? He also asked Lady Gray if her ninja clan wished to acquire animal poisons ? Then he turned to Hybrid and asked if he can transform his arm into viper capable of producing real poison ? Finally he turned back to Lady Gray and asked her to prepare the flight, and announced intent to pay back this major favor he'll ove to her and her contact. Then he knelt in the dry mud and started, consulting his Runebook, writing something in the wetter mud that looked like spiders making breakdance. Or ants in the midst of epilepsy stroke.

OOC: Einar sacrifices next 24h to develop Ritual that will change Brick from Heated Mud to Gold. I'll provide details once DM okay's my try.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Meeting place

As the thugs hand the money, and Yuri hands the vases, you hear a faint noise, as if something has been thrown towards you. The Witch Hunter recognizes that sound. It's the Bat! But where? You can't see him yet.
Soon one of his bat shaped boomerangs hits one of the thugs in the head, knocking him out. The woman reels back, one hand looking for her gun, the other for the door handle behind her.
"Treacherous rats!" she shouts.

Alexeij is able to see Batman now, somehow he had avoided the cameras, or he was too distracted speaking with the man of the vases that he didn't notice him. The so called hero is standing on the roof of his Antiques shop, and is taking out another bat-boomerang from his belt. Apparently Batman has not noticed him yet.

OOC: Your turn boys.

Outside the city

As Grey travels back to Okamoto Industries to arrange the plane and the logistics of the trip, Einar researches his book to develop a ritual. It looks promising but would require the viking to push his limits of concentration.
Meanwhile, Shane and Hybrid decide to make some easy cash. With a few phases in and out of the path of Khonsu, Shane and Hybrid reach Gotham city again. There are banks, as well as a famous antiques shop, said to have the finest most valuable pieces of antiques in Gotham.
The sun is already falling into the horizon...

OOC: Well: Einar needs at least 4 rolls above 15 of Knowledge Arcana to develop his ritual. He can't take 10 of course.
Shan and Hybrid need to pick a target.
Grey will need 4 Diplomacy rolls above 15 to cover her tracks and not rise suspicious. A Gather info check could do some magic too.

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Cave Hideout


Old Viking spends time as if in a trance, scribbling with a stick all over the place ... pausing for a moment to light a bonfire from leaves and sticks, then use the coal to scribble on the walls.

OOC: Okaay, I'm suspicious when rolls go so well. I'll post the Ritual later as promised. Is 1 result of 15 enough to suceed ?
Kowledge:Arcane checks 1d20+6=17, 1d20+6=15, 1d20+6=24, 1d20+6=23


First Post
Meeting Place


Alexiej cheeks have hurt so badly as the lack of skin has made it impossible to smile wider. With the sighting of Batman he tossed aside petty thoughts about money and vases...now, a greater prize arises. He was so gratefull to that Bat, no matter the outcome, he made now a win-win situation for Alexiej!

The probability of russians to run away were pretty high...about 59%, but Alexiej have hoped that Russian pride will stop them and the urge of revenge will propel their hands to meet Batman's face.

Alexiej's battle plan operates on how russians react:
-if they bolt away he will also withdraw, invisible he will trail russians to their hideout, flying.
-if they will try to carve bat, he will use his powers to aid them

Alexiej still has his DataLink power enabled and will do these things(if russians will fight):
-if he sees police cars incoming, he will use his datalink power to size control over them and make a terrible mess, on second thought he will also do it with traffic lights and make sure police is occupied with huge accidents around the block.
-if possible his first move will be to SIEZE CONTROL over BATMAN'S equipment, be it mechanical or electrical, and will try to make them active all at once! From movie I know Bat has a lot of stuff, like wings, magnetic boots, pulley guns, batarangs and if I'm not mistaken few explosives(!), if all of that stuff goes online at once...well, I just want to see it. What rolls do I require to do?

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: From Datalink description, you must first contact with Batman's computer/machine with a search check, then you can use your computer skill to interact with it. You can't trigger explosives nor shoot weapons as they are not capable of doing it by their own. You can activate every activable devices Batman has on, once you have "found" his computers and "convinced" them to do so (with a computer skill check)
You can mess with traffic lights at will (like turning all green to generate car crashes), since I assume you've done those checks ahead of time.


Lady Grey

Lady Grey aka Haruko Okamoto returned to her office to make some calls to arrange the use of the corporate jet. One of the people she needed to discuss this with was her father. For that discussion, instead of a phone call, she went to visit him in his office.

The negotiation took quite awhile and when it was done, her father was undecided about letting her use it for a research trip to Europe.

[sblock= diplomacy and gather info checks]

Diplomacy= 1d20+4=20, 1d20+4=12, 1d20+4=17, 1d20+4=24
Gather information= 1d20+4=23 [/sblock]


First Post

OOC: Alexiej searches then area in 10' diameter around Batman. From description of search such task require about 10 rounds or minute to complete. Batman is in Alexiej's line of sight so Alexiej just probes area around Bat. Alexiej's DataLink power enables him instant connection with every electronical/mechanical device in continental radius. Does it have influence over how fast he will be able to perform this search check? I read that some powers enchance speed of search, but dunno how expect datalink to work, if it does so of course. Alexiej tries to do that in one round increasing DC to 15.


And in next round(if datalink will not enchance his speed) Alexiej 'chats' with Batman's stuff friendly asking it to go online all at once. DM, by computer I understand that every digital stuff Bat can have, right? Also If I remember correctly his cape can be make rock hard by sending electric currents thru it...if Alexiej has control over that he also want to cape to wrap around Bat, like a cocoon. In case, Alexiej would just fly over to incapacitated Bat and kick him over to Yuri and Ezekiah...it's like giving sweets to children! MWAHAHAHAHAHA


Alexiej waits for russian to make their first move.
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