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The Infinite Player questionaire! Help Contribute


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Seperating from another thread into its own bohemoth. Its up to us all to make an ultimate survey. Subject all your players and new ones to the test, match up methods, or look for ultimate conflict!
Dont let me down ENWorld, help extrude pure silly hypotheticals from the minds of all!

Heres a nice survey:

1; You enter a 10ft by 10ft by 10ft room, are you:
A) The Orc
B) The Treasure Chest
C) Hiding in the shadows to kill intruders
D) Hiding in the Shadows to steal all the treasure quietly to share
E) Hiding in the Shadows to steal all the treasure quietly to keep for yourself
F) Whispering amongst party members and tricking the Orc into giving you the treasure, as you are the new Treasurers for the BBEG.

2; Over the last two weeks you have been beset by a Troll Sorcerer/Barbarian (it rages, attacks and disappears). What do you do?:
A) Carry a bag of flour
B) Buy Goggles of Seeing
C) Declare all Trolls to be spies and murder any on site, Good or Evil!
D) Fireball the entire area, including party, within its permisable area, even if you dont know what it cast
E) If applicable, have a contingency that goes off when a troll appears to cast Power Word: Kill. Or spell to such effect.
F) We're all still alive right? One day he will suffer, his methods are annoying, and Im sure he's an underling anyway, we will meet him with his boss.

3; You happen across a pride of lions, you are level 5, travelling to a oasis and on to a city. The pride has caught 3 springboks and are eating, you are upwind and not seen. You...:
A) Plan the best form of attack, those evil Lions are attacking poor innocent and defensless springboks
B) Watch as they eat, admiring the pack order and how they eat. For natures beauty is not just the happy side.
C) Track clouds, and move on. You may be able to take them on if they hunt you down but for now they are simply keeping a balance in nature.
D) Dominate one and have it wander off, so the whining barbarian can have a pelt but not threaten you all running in. Preferably an old one.
E) Wildshape into a lion, waltz into the pride and have your way. Opposition will not be able to compete, you have spells after all.
F) Lions? what are these strange new creatures I have never seen ever before?

4; You notice a ring is magical, but it looks plain. None of your companions have noticed. What do you do?
A) Keep it till you can have it identified, use it or sell it for yourself.
B) Show the party what "Cool new toy" you found.
C) Keep it from the party, then sell it later, indulging your friends to their share in fineries and epicurial delight.
D) Donate it to a church that needs it, or could sell it for orphans, not telling the party at all.
E) Keep it for later when you reveal it as something you bought for an emergancy just like this one! Use the money its worth on beer and hookers.
F) Destroy it. It was obviously owned by an evil evil person to have you get it, therefore it must be destroyed!
G) Point it out for the Warforged with no gender/immunity to X/etc to pick it up and carry it.

5; A king has been kidnapped/captured/poisoned/or otherwise indisposed. You...:
A) Assume the position of King, my plan coming to full fruition!
B) Track down the culprits/cure to save the kingdom.
C) Leave the nation, things are going to get messy and theres not much you can or want to do to help either side.
D) I belive in a democracy, This is a chance for the king to die a matyr for his deathwish to be enacted to make the nation a strong democracy. Even if you have to forge a will.
E) I have finished my last god forsaken quest for this man, I will not endevour to save his life so he can send me off to usurp some other kingdom in revenge! Damn his tough hide for even still being savable, he shouldn't have sent you after every villain to his nation every time it came up. OH SURE! You were dependable, and had friends in the church of Fultys which raised you a few times. But something about the endless tyrade of missions versus just settling down back home seems to make you sway to settle down.
F) Wait, someone kidnapped/captured/poisoned/or otherwise indisposed me?

6; No one else saw it, but a star fell last night into a remote forest. Thinking nothing of it you went to bed and had a horrible nightmare. It seemed to be fortuitous, you awake the next morning to...:
A) Bed in breakfast like you ordered. The girl serving you also asks if you need a sponge bath.
B) Order a party of under-experienced adventurers to investigate.
C) Are ordered to investigate odd occurancies in a remote forest.
D) Ride out alone to take the stone of power.
E) Gather your old comrades from your assault the evil temple from last year to investigate the meteorite.
F) Generate a myth of great proportions about an old stone. Eons down the road of time a party of adventurers will take care of whatever happens.
G) Play something other than Dungeon Crawl Classic #10. You've played this before and would like something Different.

This ones annoying to read, and annoying to code/write
7; Favourite colour?
A) Green
B) Blue
C) Red
D) Crimson! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! Now where did I put my Defiler
E) Black, but its really a shade
F) White, but thats also really a shade
G) Pink
H) You forgot to list...

8; If I could be any animal I would be...:
A) Lion, like I said before. Wildshape!
B) Bird (Crow, Eagle, Sparrow, whatever)
C) A Pony!
D) A seahorse
E) A bear
F) Marsupial
G) Dolphin
H) Shark
I) Other, the ___________! (Ocelot)

9; If I had to give up all but one thing in my life it would be:
A) My computer
B) My friends
C) My health
D) My job
E) A 1956 elderado convertable, with big baby fur seal eyes for head lights.

10; The most time wasting thing I did this year was:
A) Make a survey for new players to determine their play style.
B) Read a survey for new players to determine their play style.
C) Answer a survey for new players to determine their play style.
D) Add on to a survey for new players to determine their play style.
E) Actually liked question 7.

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Teh Rules

I thought I'd lay down some rules for the questions:
Keep it clean... enough.
No less than 4 answers, no more than 26... dont want anyone using weird alphabets!

Players who treat this as a "Waste of my Time!" are sticks in the mud who shouldn't be in your game. Not so much a rule as an opinion.

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