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the Jester's OLD story hour, UPDATED AT LAST!

the Jester

There will be more coming soon.

Yes, it's the hat! :D

Sorry it's taking so long to get the updates posted- I'm going back through old notes, comparing info with the players, etc. I don't want to mess the tale up that badly if I can avoid it.

Plus, I have to work on the NEW story hour too- btw, did you check it out Welverin? You'll find at least one familiar face (Horbin) and occasional references to others. In fact, it's not impossible that some of those others will make an appearance sometime- that group is the catch-all combo mixed-up party made from pieces of at least three different prior adventuring groups....

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Originally posted by the Jester Sorry it's taking so long to get the updates posted- I'm going back through old notes, comparing info with the players, etc. I don't want to mess the tale up that badly if I can avoid it.

Not a problem, I'm actually capable of waiting. It's the not finishing of things that bugs me, like the LotR PC games by Interplay in the early nineties, no RotK!

Plus, I have to work on the NEW story hour too- btw, did you check it out Welverin?

Of course! I said I would after all. Not all caught up yet though.

You'll find at least one familiar face (Horbin) and occasional references to others. In fact, it's not impossible that some of those others will make an appearance sometime- that group is the catch-all combo mixed-up party made from pieces of at least three different prior adventuring groups....

Yep I recognized Horbin and caught the reference to Clambake as well. Is it a new group of players or the same ones? What was the impetus for changing games? If the answers to these questions give anything away don’t tell me! Well not yet at least.

the Jester

Welverin said:

Yep I recognized Horbin and caught the reference to Clambake as well. Is it a new group of players or the same ones? What was the impetus for changing games? If the answers to these questions give anything away don’t tell me! Well not yet at least.

It's the same players for the most part. The reason for the change was that things finished up at a good ending point and I was gone for months (what with my trip around the country and all), and when I came back it just seemed like a good point to mix things up- something I'd been planning for a while. All the pcs (except Grumpy Fluffbottom) were around for quite a while in one game or another that I'd run previously- Sheva, Angel, Sybele and Zeebo came from one party, Lester is an old 2e character brought into the "modern" era, and of course there's Horbin.

Anvar and Krunkshank may make an appearance sometime, as may King Malford and his buddies- Lester is an old friend of his. There'll likely be some more connections drawn between the two story hours before all is said and done; we may eventually revisit the Bastion of Law too... >fiendish grin<

the Jester

SeldomSeen has pointed out that I left out something between the fight with the clockwork servitors and the new updates. Instead of editing it in, I think I'll work it in as a flashback.

Darn that 6-month hiatus...


First Post
the Jester said:
SeldomSeen has pointed out that I left out something between the fight with the clockwork servitors and the new updates. Instead of editing it in, I think I'll work it in as a flashback.

Darn that 6-month hiatus...

Stinking passage of time, will it ever leave us alone!?
Last edited:

the Jester


Captain Clambake's limbs are stiff and his vision seems foggy. He slowly unties the ropes that hold the creaky rowboat to the side of the Sea Wraith, then lets it drop into the water with a cold splash. Slowly he clambers down to it. As he settles in and takes up the oars he feels faint and weak. As he slowly starts to make his way towards shore he keeps glancing avariciously over his shoulder at the ship. I'll be back soon, he promises himself mentally.

The rest of the party walks across the waves towards the cursed ship. As they move over the waves, Krunkshank points. "Look!" he cries. "A rowboat!" Indeed, the rest of the group realizes that there's a single rickety boat holding a gaunt figure approaching.

"Is that...?" Horbin starts, and Droidi gives a cry of surprise.

"Clambake!" the elementalist cries. "My friend, are you all right?"

As if from a thick fog, Captain Clambake hears the voices. His head snaps up and for a second he doesn't seem to recognize his old friends. Then a veil lifts from his eyes, and he speaks. "Well, hello, friends... Arrr! I've just set out to go take on supplies, get some more rum for the ship, and a few men to crew her. Arr!"

Horbin and Droidi exchange a glance. "So you've been on the ship the last couple of weeks?" he asks, trying to seem casual.

"Oh, yes," Clambake replies. "She's a fine ship, entirely seaworthy. Arr! I can't wait to get back to her! Perhaps ye'd all like to sign on? We'll be taking to sea as soon as we're outfitted, and p'raps there'll be considerable booty in the near future. Arr-arr-arr!" he laughs, and then it turns into a foul coughing spell.

"Umm, maybe," says Horbin.

"Come, friend," interrupts Krunkshank. "Let's get back to the Drinking Dwarves and we'll talk there."

"You missed out on some crazy stuff," Droidi adds. "We found Anvar."

"Oh, really? Arr! Good, maybe he'll sign up as well!" Captain Clambake smiles at the thought. Yes, all his old friends would make good crewmen... and soon they'll all be sailing the seas together, taking other ships, raping, looting and pillaging, drinking rum and dancing atop the waves. Yes, things are going well now. It should be easy enough to persuade them, especially once they see just how glorious and powerful the ship is....

Next Time: Can our heroes persuade Captain Clambake to go adventuring in their caves before he leaves on the ship? Will they join his crew, or will they dissuade him from taking the cursed vessel out? Who was that halfling in the bar- don't worry, I haven't forgotten about him! And what did they find in the tomb of the Last King of Dorla? Find out- next time!

the Jester

Back to the Drinking Dwarves

Our heroes find it easy enough to persuade Captain Clambake to return to the Drinking Dwarves with them; after all, where else could he find such an easy supply of rum? He smiles to himself as he sets up a major purchase. After, Horbin inquires, "So are you buying food?"

"No, arr! Rum be enough!"

"Well, uh, don't you think-"

"It'll be fine, arr! And ye should all sign up and join me crew!" Clambake sways on his feet, his head light from the rum he's been drinking since arriving at the dwarves.

The party tells Clambake about their adventures. "We were investigating the caves we bought from Longburns over there-" Droidi gestures at the barkeep- "and we found Anvar and Titus."

"But they were all messed up," Krunkshank picks up the tale. "They'd been fused with some sort of clockwork. Anvar had some kind of lightning-thrower stuck in his face, and Titus had some sort of... I don't know what it was, but it threw slugs of metal at us with terrific force."

None of them notice the halfling sitting at the bar. His shaggy hair shifts as he glances in their direction. He wears furs and bears a shortsword, and something about the way he carries himself makes him seem ready to jump into action like a cat at any second. He sips at his mead and listens to their excited talk.

"We had to kill them," Droidi continues.

"But I raised Anvar from the dead," Horbin adds. "He seems pretty shaken by the experience."

"And we found really good loot." Krunkshank's face bursts into a smile. "Beyond where we fought Anvar and Titus we found a tomb."

"The tomb of the last king of Dorla," Horbin says with relish.

Next Time: The Tale of the Tomb of the Last King of Dorla! What was the loot? What do all the magic items have in common? And who is the halfling?

Voidrunner's Codex

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