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The Lamentation of Lolth - Chapter IV

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Trond has no response to this. His gaze drops to the table where he stands, as his fingers drum incessantly on it's surface, a multitude of emotions obviously running through the mayor's mind.


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Teleri grins at Mayor Trond. "So even did the elves once think as you do Mayor. We thought that evil would over look us. Evil did come. And it did not over look us. Now we are trained to fight evil face on out of necessity. You said that this organization is newly formed. We may not be able to fight it directly. But every organization has weaknesses. And we can exploit them,"

She shook her head. "Even if there are a few well-meaning members, the organization itself would corrupt those members. For father Earnest's sake, we have to at least investigate this organization."
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Trond heaves a heavy sigh and sits down hard in his chair, his fingers rubbing his temples. The rest of the council's eyes are upon him, all of them remaining silent throughout the conversation thus far...

"Newly formed may be an understatement. As far as religious organizations go, newly formed could mean up to decades old. The established religions that make up the White Brotherhood have been around for far longer. There may be members of your faith involved as well, who can say? Their intelligence network is no doubt vast and long-reaching. There could be agents in this very room right now!"

At this the other council members gasp, and glance back and forth at each other nervously, the seeds of mistrust beginning to take form in their stares. The mayor notices, and forces a smile, silently waving the notion off as silly as he regains his composure.

"Miss Teleri, I beg you to not become overzealous, and to not take this matter too lightly. I can't put it any simpler. You cannot win. At least not right now. If they are anything like the others, which I'm positive they are, their influence is too great. No... you must bide your time if you ever wish to supplant their power."
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Teleri smiles. "You may be right. And even if we elves do wait and retreat... We do so only to strike back later when we are better informed and better equipped to handle it." her voice is wintry cold at the last, the memories of being imprisoned within her own mind too fresh. "I at least do not take this too lightly. Nor am I going to make the mistake of being overzelous. Forgive me if I sound so."

She grips StormArmour's hilt. I don't know about you, but any organization with 'inquisition' on it's agenda is on my 'not very happy with' list. she tells it privately.


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Trond sighs again, this time, one of relief escaping his lungs. He says nothing more though, a glassy look forms in his eyes, as he seems to be looking off in the distance into nowhere.

Yer ta give that man a heart attack me thought! the sword scolds. Ye've got rocks in yer head, me swear, girl. Ye'd do well ta listen ta yer friend's advice from time ta time, and this man be yer friend if'n he be anythin' else. He appreciates what ye all have done fer his town, and he has yer best interests in mind.

The sword grumbles a bit and adds, W'out proper guidance girl, yer liable to have brought us both before the Questioners. These types, they oppose all things o' an arcane nature. They think it a twisting o' the god's good graces. Now, like it or not that is what me mostly be now, and they would not take kindly ta ye if'n they saw me in yer possession, and knew me fer what I was. Ye'd be as bad in their eyes as that witch here in town that Ernest fellow hated so.
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Aye. You're right. But if nothing else. We can take this to someone who can deal with it. I'd hate to see innocent people burned or hung simply because the gods granted them gifts they do not understand. And as I said, I'm not going to go haring off and dropping alchemial fire into this White Brother-hood's lair simply because I do not agree with them. That would just add fuel to their misguided beliefs. She chuckles mentally and ponders. Perhaps we could simply scout out their belief system by asking Father Ernest. Politely of course. If it sounds nefarious. We could contact the Harpers. They have a good reputation. At least from what I know about them.

Teleri coughs, embaressed at her own high-handed speach. "Forgive me mayor. We both agree that this organization is very, highly likely of being suspect and that I and my friends lack the nessisary skills to combat this group directly or even indirectly. So. I propose that we ask Father Ernest what exactly the groups agenda is. Unobtrusively of course."

She grins slightly. "If we then feel that this organization poses a serious danger to innocent people, we can bring it to the attention of the proper authorities. Or even another group that is good, equally strong and opposed to it, if you know of such," she adds.
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Trond listens then shakes his head, not really seeming to agree or disagree with Teleri's suggestion. "Ernest has already left for Dagger Falls. Where he'll go from there is anyone's guess. The Brotherhood may have a recruitment center in Dagger Falls but I wouldn't be able to tell you where their base of operations was located, if they even have one."

"Either way, it is incredibly dangerous. To simply inquire innocently about a group like that is too call undue attention upon oneself. You could quickly find the roles reversed and yourself being the one answering the questions."

"As for the Harpers... Yes they are respected by many, but there are plenty that mistrust them as well. Also, of course, there is the possibility of spies within their ranks as well."

Trond shakes his head again, this time more sharply, as if deciding. "It is too big a risk. I cannot tell you all what to do, I could not tell Ernest what to do either. It was his decision to go off and join them. I knew of his conflicts with Mother Grundy for some time, it had to be the driving point behind his decision to leave us. The Brotherhood must have offered him a solution that Yondalla alone, could not..."
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Teleri sighs, feeling very helpless. "Worse and worse. We cannot handle it ourselves, as much as we would like too... And there is no known group that could oppose them if what you say is true.

"What can you do to protect those with magical abilities in the town itself if they cast their eyes this way?" she looks grim and echoes the sword's thoughts. "In their eyes, anything that even hints of magic is suspect and evil and they will do what they can to stamp it out. Legally or illegally most likely,"

"What do you propose Mayor? I'm out of ideas..." she said, feeling tired and helpless, not likely either sensation very much.

And I can do very little about this. I am neither a celestial or chosen of my goddess. I am just a simple priestess... she grumbles to herself, frustrated.
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"Mother Grundy is far more capable of taking care of herself, than we could hope to help her any. She has not grown so old without knowing a bit about survival. As for the rest of us, I would like to say we are safe, if I did not know better. There is little other arcane magic in this town save for what you found concerning Osborne and his men," Trond says, eyeing his battleaxe nervously.

"As for what I propose to do about it, well... I don't think there is much we can do at the moment. Sometimes the challenge is not running head on into the storm, but laying low and hoping it does not pass directly over you in it's wake," the mayor says, frowning.

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