D&D General The language of flowers

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Interesting concept but in my opinion your DCs are off.

Elves - DC 20? That's way over passive perception range for most folks, which means unless someone is Specifically looking for it, they're not seeing it. And if they are? They saw a flower arrangement, and actively assessed it for meaning? Even if they're 5th level, proficient in Survival, and Exceptionally perceptive and wise (say Wis 14), there's a 75% it goes over their head. I would do it as DC 13, Nature or Survival, your choice. After all what's the point of creating this work of art if no one ever even realizes it's there?

Gnomes - DC 25? For something meant to warn of danger? That same exceptionally perceptive, proficient in Survival, low-mid level character who is already more skilled than most "common folk" would totally miss the message 95% of the time. I would do it as DC 10 to spot it, requires Gnomish background or a DC 20 Insight check to discern its meaning, basically what you have for the Halfling one. It's critical the target audience Spots it, and also critical that others overlook any real meaning.

For the Halfling one I'd probably go no DC to spot, no check required if you know Halfling, DC 25 Investigation check for others to spot whatever the 'hidden message' is as it's akin to trying to discern the meaning of a word in a language you don't know with minimal context. Just my 2 cents, it's your concept to do with as you see fit of course, but as it stands my biggest fear would be you incorporate this into your world and it just doesn't matter because no one ever sees it or interacts with it without you having to do some Heavy prompting. Regardless, again a cool concept, thank you for sharing.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Interesting concept but in my opinion your DCs are off.

Elves - DC 20? That's way over passive perception range for most folks, which means unless someone is Specifically looking for it, they're not seeing it.
Working as intended! ;)

Gnomes - DC 25? For something meant to warn of danger?
The gnomes know where the signage is. No one else is supposed to see it. This is a people where a significant portion of them are natural illusionists. Being hidden is a key part of their culture. There is no gnomish version of OSHA putting up signage labeling the pit traps they are going to lure pursuing goblins into.

Voidrunner's Codex

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