The Mésalliance. Part 2. (Updated 11/28)

I guess if Sep is asking rules questions, that means the game is still continuing on... and it was already backlogged 4 months ago, wasn't it?

So... that's good, at least. I just hope we hear about it sometime... this story is so very excellent, alas.

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Donate to who? To Sep?

I don't think it's a good idea. People would be reluctant to keep this thread living if it costed them money, and Sep would wait as long as possible if the greater the delay, the larger the sum he's awarded is.

Nah, we should make a fundraising, then, once finished, for each day that passes without a Sep update, every contributor gets to reclaim $1 of the sum he gave. :)

You guys and your positive re-enforcement...

Every poster pledges a dollar amount. For each day that goes by without an update, that sum of money goes into an account. When Sep updates, each poster may inflict that sum's worth of damage on Sep's new home. The money in the account will go to housing Sep's family while he spends his time fixing things. So, the faster he writes, the less time he will have a leaky roof and exploding toilets. :D

Felix said:
You guys and your positive re-enforcement...

Every poster pledges a dollar amount. For each day that goes by without an update, that sum of money goes into an account. When Sep updates, each poster may inflict that sum's worth of damage on Sep's new home. The money in the account will go to housing Sep's family while he spends his time fixing things. So, the faster he writes, the less time he will have a leaky roof and exploding toilets. :D

You've obviously been spending too much time watching Distraction on CC. I'm prescribing a course of Babylon 5 episodes for the lack of grandure and long term plotting, with once a week administrations of Black Adder for a better sense of humor.

Rackhir said:
You've obviously been spending too much time watching Distraction on CC. I'm prescribing a course of Babylon 5 episodes for the lack of grandure and long term plotting, with once a week administrations of Black Adder for a better sense of humor.

Ahh Black Adder. Anyone have a source for getting all of the TV episodes? I used to be able to rent them at the Hastings music store here.

Oh, and patiently waiting for an update.


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