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The Mésalliance. Part 2. (Updated 11/28)


The appearance of Hellfire wyrms in Afqithan prompted Titivilus to go to Dis to find out what was going on;

The Adversary has decided that the balance of power in the Abyss is to be maintained; Graz'zt is *not* to be overthrown, and so Murmuur and his troops are to support Graz'zt against Soneillon, Nhura, Eadric etc.

Shomei had petitioned Bathym to send some real Hellfire Wyrms (and other support) against Graz'zt- this request was denied.

And Titivilus's license to tempt being revoked... Eadric is no longer a potential ally to Hell. If anything, he is going to be terminated, not recruited. That's my read of it anyway.

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Cheiromancer said:
The appearance of Hellfire wyrms in Afqithan prompted Titivilus to go to Dis to find out what was going on;

The Adversary has decided that the balance of power in the Abyss is to be maintained; Graz'zt is *not* to be overthrown, and so Murmuur and his troops are to support Graz'zt against Soneillon, Nhura, Eadric etc.

Shomei had petitioned Bathym to send some real Hellfire Wyrms (and other support) against Graz'zt- this request was denied.

And Titivilus's license to tempt being revoked... Eadric is no longer a potential ally to Hell. If anything, he is going to be terminated, not recruited. That's my read of it anyway.

That makes sense... but is that the way the andates for temptation work? I thought it was more in the grand scheme of things that people would be tempted. Perhaps it's the idea that Sonellion is closer so someone else needs to be appointed? Someone better at it than Tivilitus?!?!? :eek:


I can't imagine that Devils would be so unselfish about the task of temptation as to allow a chthonic demon to take over the job. From their view-point I suspect temptation is like recruitment- but for some reason Eadric is no longer desired as a potential ally/recruit.

Hmmm. An alliance between Graz'zt and Hell. That is definitely a misalliance, isn't it?


Cheiromancer said:
I can't imagine that Devils would be so unselfish about the task of temptation as to allow a chthonic demon to take over the job. From their view-point I suspect temptation is like recruitment- but for some reason Eadric is no longer desired as a potential ally/recruit.

That's my point - maybe because Sonellion is doing a better job than Tiviltus, the perhaps job is being given to a devil that is better at temptation than him. Maybe Asmodeus has a chief tempter? Glasya, perhaps? If you use her Sep.

So Eadric is still desired as a recruit, but they know Tiviltus is never going to succeed.

The idea that there could be a devil more eloquent than Tiviltus is unlikely, but perhaps they've decided that some sort of sexual temptation is what's needed? That would make sense given that Eadric is responding far more to Sonellion's advances than he ever did to Tiviltus. And the fact that he was smitten with good old Lady Despina.

Or maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree entirely! :D Maybe they fear that Eadric is too good and too likely to kill Graz'zt, and needs to be taken out of the picture.

Regardless, the role of Azazel in Afiquan is pretty serious for the PCs' desire to use that demiplane I sould imagine. If Hell's power is backing Graz'zt, and Hell's standard bearer is going to be in Afiquan, I suspect any attempt to reclaim for Nhura will meet with considerable problems. Bitten off more than they can chew part 3?


First Post
I wish I was as good as Sepulchrave at telling a story ... :(

Olive said:
So I looked up Bathym in Sep's old infernal heirarchy rtf that he posted.

Can anyone tell me where I can get this? Please?

[Edit] Please visit this Yahoo Group for your Wyre-related needs. Check the files section for a few tidbits, including the Infernal hierarchy document. [/Edit]

Eadric's player must be much more compassionate and patient than I am, because I would've finished off Soneillon when I had the chance. That would simplify the equation.

In other news, Ninit seems cool. I'm guessing she is some sort of epic barbarian or frenzied berserker type? The pleasure of the being the DM is that you get to design as many twinked-out NPCs as you want. Go, Sep!
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Joshua Randall said:
Eadric's player must be much more compassionate and patient than I am, because I would've finished off Soneillon when I had the chance. That would simplify the equation.

Would it? Does the truth change because you eliminate its advocate? To Fall is to reject that which you have experienced to be true, in favour of that which you know, in your heart, to be false.

Do we believe in Soneillon's Choice? Slay me or bed me, Eadric: you will need to choose sooner or later, in any case. Is this the meaning of Saizhan? Must a truth be bedded to be fully accepted into one's paradigm? My own paradigm tells me there are other options.

Eadric's role is the Ahma... he exists to be tempted. The Adversary exists to oppose Oronthon. Can the temptation of Eadric still oppose Oronthon? I'd say yes, but only so long as the reason for Ahma is not being addressed. A risky venture, to say the least... perhaps the risk became too great.

Eadric feels guilt and sorrow. Does this tell him he is on the wrong path... or the right one? What does Oronothon feel toward the Adversary? The feelings might well be close to guilt, or sorrow.

These random philosophical speculations brought to you by the letter "P" for "procrastination".

. . . . . . . -- Eric


Dragon Lord

Great update. It made me think of a few other movies like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings with a few of those lines of dialogue.
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