D&D 5E The Monsters Know what they are doing $2.99 in ebook format!


I crit!
This is a great book and not only is it good for the info in it but it'll spark your imagination and it'll teach you useful things to carry on to other monsters.
The Monsters Know What They're Doing

Here is the Tome Show on their twitch channel talking to the Author Keith Amman

Sly Flourish's interview with the Author here

And I stumbled accross this channel that, while I haven't listened to the whole thing yet, is talking about solo D&D using this book as a resource.

Saw it from here
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Lowcountry Low Roller
That‘s been the biggest benefit of the book, IMHO, providing a method of monster analysis so that you can devise an effective plan of resource utilization. Especially good for solo boss monsters.

I’m running the final battle of my 1-20 5e campaign and this, plus GiffyGlyph’s Monster Maker (and @dave2008‘s epic monsters - specifically a modified dragotha), has allowed me to create a memorable battle scene that will finish up at our next session.

One of my players remarking, at the end of the first session, “that was epic!” Music to a DMs ears. Thanks Keith et al. :)


I crit!
And for those of you who are not super enthused by mechanical details he is very interested in verisimilitude.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
My Public Library has the physical book on the shelf. I recommend it for DMs who want their monsters to be different from each other and not just another obstacle in the PCs' path.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
If you are running something that is 90%+ of familiar D&D settings this book is wonderful. It brings more life to every monster, right as your players kill them.

For the most part it increases encounter difficulty just a touch


I wrecked my PC's after perusing the beholder tactics in the book. I'm a big fan of what Keith has done with the book and his blog - it's helped me run much better tactical combats. Definitely very good if converting monster stat blocks into ready-made tactics don't come naturally to you.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I wrecked my PC's after perusing the beholder tactics in the book. I'm a big fan of what Keith has done with the book and his blog - it's helped me run much better tactical combats. Definitely very good if converting monster stat blocks into ready-made tactics don't come naturally to you.
I haven't see this book, but I once ran a beholder who lived in a network of tunnels - basically tubes, vertical and horizontal. It could rise up out of the floor and disappear up into the ceiling in a 3D environment. Oh, and it wore armour.

Li Shenron

I love the blog, if the book is a compilation of the blog articles for all MM monsters, I should get a copy. But I'd rather buy the print version of it.


That‘s been the biggest benefit of the book, IMHO, providing a method of monster analysis so that you can devise an effective plan of resource utilization. Especially good for solo boss monsters.

I’m running the final battle of my 1-20 5e campaign and this, plus GiffyGlyph’s Monster Maker (and @dave2008‘s epic monsters - specifically a modified dragotha), has allowed me to create a memorable battle scene that will finish up at our next session.

One of my players remarking, at the end of the first session, “that was epic!” Music to a DMs ears. Thanks Keith et al. :)
Glad I could help.

Voidrunner's Codex

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