The name "Xi"


First Post
That's a bit vague, shawnsse.

Do you mean it's pronounced the same as the name of the letter "C", i.e., the same as "sea" or "see"?

Or do you mean it's pronounced the same way that "C" is in English, in which case, which way? The letter has multiple ways of being pronounced in English (hard, soft, silent...).

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First Post
That's a bit vague, shawnsse.

Do you mean it's pronounced the same as the name of the letter "C", i.e., the same as "sea" or "see"?

Or do you mean it's pronounced the same way that "C" is in English, in which case, which way? The letter has multiple ways of being pronounced in English (hard, soft, silent...).

Just 'see' will do. It is close enough.

Shawn Su Si En

Voidrunner's Codex

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