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The New Epic Chronicles

James McMurray

First Post
Its been a while since I posted here. Heck, its been a while since I ran a game. But anyway: here goes. We start up with a party whose exploits occur shortly (within a year) of the previous party's destruction at the hands of the demi-lich Acererak. Those who are interested in te prelude may followth link in my sig to the Return to the Tomb of Horrors story hour.


Dramatis Personae:

Brian: Elven Cleric of Corellon Larethian
Jonathon: Human Samurai
Michael: Elven Paladin

Note: These are not the characters' names. I can't for the life of me think of them, but I'll edit them in later

Our three heroes have journeyed long together, fighting for good and justice wherever they could. Their most recent adventures involved a journey to the negative material plane, hunting down the dread necromancer Acererak. Although they found and destroyed many great evils along the way, they failed to find the demi-lich, which has seemingly disappeared without a trace. What they did find, however, was a magical pool. Reflected in the waters of this pool were past exploits of heroes. A few of the scenes even featured the trio's current activities.

After studying the waters and working up their courage, the group decided to bathe in the pool. As they did, the waters rose up around them, encasing them in the past glories of the multiverse. A moment or a day later (none could tell how long they had lain there, viewing heroic deeds) the water rescinded, leaving the group unharmed, but changed.

Each of them now had a light golden glow about them, and they could feel their bodies and minds had been strengthened by the pool's power. Never again would they feel fear.

Returning to their homes in Greyhawk City, they realized that no one else could see their glows but them. As they contemplated what (if anything) to do about this new development, a scruffy messenger came up to them.

"A message for you sirs, from m'lady Agamina."

The party accepted the message (an invite to adventure) and tipped the messenger handsomely. The messenger promptly went to the bar and spent hi tip, while the party prepared for their meeting with Agamina, the sender of the entreaty for aid.

When they met her, they noticed about her a dull blue glow, which felt similar to their own golden auras. Introductions were made and the party learned several new things about this Pool they had found.

Almost two millennia ago the gods locked away the heights of mortal potential in pools scattered across the multiverse. These pools are each tied to an emotional extreme or an ideal. The pool the party found was the Pool of Glory, made to give tribute and strength to all mortals. A side effect of bathing in the pool is that they are now freed from the chains that hold back the rest of mortal men. They are capable of truly Epic exploits.

In the city of Union, the location of these pools has become a bit of a commodity, to be bargained, sold, and stolen. Agaminia’s brother, Regalin, was recently journeying to where he believed he had found another pool. He has not returned, although he did send a message telling Agamina where to meet him. She journeyed there (to the Tower of Khaerleth on the Plane of Fire) but was forced to flee when Khaerleth's guardian dragon appeared.

Fearing for her brother's safety, and knowing that anything capable of harming or capturing her more worldly sibling would certainly be able to do the same to her, she went into the world in search of aid. On a stopover in Greyhawk she saw a trio of men, two of which bore holy symbols of Corollan. What sold her on the need to get their aid was the telltale glow of the Pool of Glory.

Introductions were made, and it is learned that Agamina has bathed in the pool of love. If the party will help her rescue her brother, they will be rewarded with a share of the findings. Should those findings prove to include the Pool her brother sought, even better. Finally, after this matter is attended to, she will happily trade the location of the Pool of Glory for the location of the Pool of Love. She regrets that she is unable to give a full disclosure on the trial she underwent at the pool.

The knowledge of a possible trial is new to the party, as when they found the Pool of Glory, it was completely unguarded, in the center of a vast dead city floating through the Negative planar void.

The next morning, the party headed out. Agamina took them through a back-alley portal into the city of Union, where they saw demons and worse travelling down streets, seemingly peacefully coexisting with angels and men. The sight of a Balor flying overhead was ignored by the vast majority of people walking on the streets below.

A long walk to the far end of the city brought them to another back alley portal, this one opening into what appeared to be the Elemental Plane of Staircases. (anyone who has seen The Labyrinth will know hat it looked like. Staircases leading in all directions connected platforms. many of the platforms held portals of various colors.

During their trip up the stairs, they were assaulted by a band of very large demons. The demons did not know what it was they faced though, and were quickly repulsed. Agamina informed the party that the demons were minions of a powerful Infernal, the bastard offspring of a God and a powerful Demon Lord. The Infernal had not been seen for some time, and it seems her brother had unpleasant dealings with it. The reemergence of its minions did not sit well with Agamina, who feared even more for her brother's safety.

The party continued on, until they were met with a voice from the stairways, "Greetings, it seems you are searching for the same thing I am." A short prayer to Corollan later, the massive Infernal stood revealed.

The party conversed with him, and although they were loathe to accept his aid, Agamina was more concerned with her brother's safety, and it seemed that his aid might be necessary. He offered them an Egg of Abominable cold, with which they could weaken or kill the powerful dragon guarding Khaerleth's Tower, where the Infernal knew Regalin to be holed up.

Continuing on, the party finally stepped out onto the plane of fire. Travelling through a dark and hot cavern they came out next to a massive lava flow which plummeted over a cliff. Dangling out over this cliff was a magnificent solid black obsidian tower.

The party headed towards the tower, but was surprised as a colossal dragon, larger than any they had ever seen, leapt out of the lava flow and attacked. Agamina fell instantly to its breath, as did Brian. Michael leapt forward and attacked, only to be killed moments later as Jonathon threw their weapon. Hitting the dragon, the egg burst, sending out a blast of cold. The cold staggered the massive beast and froze the paladin solid.

The brave Samurai moved forward to fight, and was soon joined by the Infernal. The two managed to drop the deadly Wyrm when it became obvious that its attacks could not harm the divinely spawned abomination.

Chiding the Samurai to be more prepared next time, the Infernal returned the group to Union, where they managed to get themselves raised. Lucky for the party the Infernal is incredibly interested in seeing Regalin brought forth from the tower.

Regrouping and returning to the tower, the heroes work their way past the corpse of the dragon and towards Regalin's prison. Agamina went ahead to scout, but moments later the party heard her screams. They rush forward to find her wrapped in a Balor's whip and help close to his fiery body.

The group rushes into battle, and the Cleric finds himself hurled across the room. Another Balor is summoned, and Agamina wriggles free. As Jonathon holds off the second Balor, the remainder of the group destroys the first. When its explosive destruction rattles the walls of the tower, the one it summoned teleports away, no longer feeling the need to be there.

The party moves into the tower, and the next room is a plushy decorated game room, whose central figure is a Go board on a raised pedestal. In the back stands a pair of obsidian doors next to a huge bronze gong. Ringing the gong (which radiated Conjuration magic but was not trapped), the party is met by a large, two-headed flame-haired giant who introduces himself as Ignition and Inferno.

Ignition explains that Khaerleth and Regalin are both currently unavailable, while Inferno manages to get a couple of games of Go played with the Samurai. Although he is mildly familiar with the game, Jonathon is unable to beat the Ettin, who has presumably had quite a bit of practice against his "brother" during his time of service with Khaerleth.

As the two games wrap up, Inferno trades places at the table with Ignition, and Jonathon trades with Brian. While the Samurai and Paladin attempt to talk their way past, Brian plays a game himself. Although he has never seen the game before, he proves to be a quick study and actually manages to beat the Ettin. This results in Inferno issuing a challenge, and beating the cleric readily (complete with a snide "that's how you play" to his brother).

Unable to talk their way past, and unwilling to imply attack the doorman, the party decides to wager the Balor's treasure on a game of Go in an attempt to get past. Given that Brian is the only one to have won, he is chosen as the team's champion. Inferno is chosen to play for the Ettins. The group then decides that kibitzing will be allowed, and the game begins.

Inferno / Ignition handily trounce the cleric, and the party hands over the magical belt they found on the Balor. Another game later, they also hand over the 13 gems.

Further discussion reveals that there is a Thorciasid infestation in one of the rooms, and that Regalin fell prey to a trap in that room. He is apparently now imprisoned within a mirror. Even at the hopes of getting the Thorciasid removed, Ignition / Inferno can only allow the party to send one person. Agamina is chosen to go, since she is the best scout. Should she be able to clear the infestation, the party will be let in.

This is just a ploy on the party's part, and they meet Agamina later, who teleports them into the room after telling the party about the huge alien cockroach she saw in a large chamber. The paladin is a bit put out by the idea of sneaking in, but feels the chance to rescue a man outweighs the wrongdoing of avoiding a duly appointed gatekeeper.

The party teleports into the central chamber where the monstrous life-draining cockroach lives and spies cocoons everywhere in the room. Although the beast is incredibly difficult to damage permanently, and its touch saps the strength and vitality from their bodies, the party finally manages to kill the bug. They free Brian from the cocoon the Thorciasid trapped him in, and then notice another being that was freed when the cleric destroyed the room's cocoons with a Firestorm: an Efreet.

The efreet does not detect as evil to the paladin, and in its gratitude offers to grant the cleric a single wish. After debating what to do with the wish, the cleric decides on freeing Regalin from the mirror. With a simple wave of its hand and a "your wish is my command" the Efreet frees the trapped ranger from the mirror. Standing unashamedly naked in front of the party, Regalin gives his gratitude and explains to the party what has happened. His dull blue glow shows him to be no stranger to the lore of the pools. Brian hastily offers him a spare set of clothing, which he accepts.

"I worked my way to this tower in the hopes of finding the fabled Pool of Pain, and I succeeded! It is here in this very tower. Having studied long and hard in the City of Brass, I know all of Khaerleth's passwords, and am therefore free of molestation from his guards and wards. Unfortunately, the day I found the pool I was so excited I forgot to breathe the word 'pyrotechnics' while passing through an archway and I found myself imprisoned within that mirror. I'm not sure where my clothes and gear are."

"The Pool of Pain is upstairs on the top floor. Unfortunately, its presence or some other event has ripped a hole in the world, through which a great amount of flux slime seeps. I was unable to get past the slime to the pool. I headed towards the library in the hopes that Khaerleth's lore would contain some explanation of what this slime is and what can be done about it."

At this point, Brian speaks up. His extensive training in religion has taught him the history of Flux Slime. Several hundred or more years ago Boccob, God of Magic, and Ehlonna, Goddess of Nature became romantically involved. Of course, when one mixes up with a deity known as "The Uncaring" it is hard to expect a pleasant outcome. But expect one she did.

When the inevitable happened and the two split, it was not a friendly parting. The more common green slime found in the caverns of Oerth are the tears Ehlonna shed. The less common, but much more deadly, Flux Slime is the blood that Boccob shed. For when one breaks the heart of a deity known as "The Huntress" it is hard to expect a pleasant outcome.

Unfortunately, there is no explanation in the history of how to avoid the perils of Flux Slime, but the party agrees that the library is a good place to start. Regalin tells them that the password to the towers is "Pyrrhic Victory" and if they encounter a guardian they need but speak that phrase to remain unmolested.

They retire to the library, where Ignition / Inferno meet them. The ettin is at first quite upset at their presence here, but once they speak the password he is more than happy to remain friendly towards them. He even helps them in their search through the books. Several hours later the party finds a reference to Flux Slime in a musty old tome. Between Regalin and the book they piece together the following information:

1) Flux Slime appears as a viscous clear liquid that seeps from an invisible origin point. This point is extra-dimensional, and often appears in midair. The slime flows and settles into its area equally. In areas where no gravity exists, it forms a spherical blob.

2) Flux slime is highly destructive towards those who use magic. Having been cast out of the body of Boccob, the only way it can survive is to drain magic from the world around it. As such, any magic that comes within 10 to 15 feet of it is immediately drained. Untrained observers believe this to mean that the slime exudes an anti-magic aura, when in fact it is actually feeding on magic.

3) Such is its hunger for magic that it can devour the bodies of anyone capable of using magic. This includes spellcaster, creatures with spell-like abilities, and even supernatural beings.

4) Extreme cold, heat, or sunlight can destroy flux slime. When destroyed a patch of Flux Slime releases its stored magical energy, sometimes with disastrous results. This burst causes random magical effects to spring up momentarily in the area. It also closes the extra-dimensional hole, stopping the further seepage.
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James McMurray

First Post
Fearing the slime, the party sat back in Khaerleth’s library and thought. Several possible methods of destroying it were brought up, including using alchemist’s fire, some form of alchemist’s cold, destroying the outer wall of the tower, and even just diving through it in the hopes that the pool would heal their wounds afterwards.

The group, with the help of Ignition / Inferno, found 6 flasks of alchemist’s fire and Toshiro volunteered to throw it at the slime. While they talked, they also explained to Regalin the path they had followed to here. When he heard of the Infernal awaiting him, he knew he could either hide within Khaerleth’s tower forever, or return to the creature what he had stolen, the legendary Codex of the Infinite Planes. He had sought out the artifact in the hopes of plumbing its secrets, even though many that had previously tried had been driven completely and irrevocably mad by the book’s mysteries. Now though, he knew his only hope of returning to the world outside this stronghold’s walls was to return the Tome to the misbegotten son of god and fiend.

The blood red Pool of Pain sat in the middle of a large chamber at the top of the tower. Dripping from a point in space some ten feet over the pool was the clear viscous slime. It seemed that something prevented the slime from reaching the pool, as it draped over the pool in a 5-foot dome.

In the hopes that whatever the dome was would break the flasks, Toshiro and the group went up. Everyone except Agamina threw their flasks at the slime together, but it just splashed straight through. It did burst into flames when it touched the Pool of Pain, but the momentary burst only destroyed a small portion of the slime, which was soon replaced by the remaining goop.

More thought was given to how to get past, and Regalin came up with the idea of using a table as a sort of trough to redirect the slime away from the pool. A curtain rod and tapestry proved that mundane articles were immune to the slime, and a table from the laboratory was procured. One leg was cut off, and two others trimmed down to form a makeshift ramp. The table was manhandled up the stairs and placed under the flow. It did move the new slime aside, leaving only a small amount on the floor.

Being the hero type, Aust volunteered to be the first to squeeze under the table and into the pool. Although it was a tight squeeze, he managed to get by without brushing into any of the slime. The moment his fingers touched the crimson waters, razor-tipped whips of blood lashed out of the pool and wrapped him in their harsh embrace. Kicking and screaming he was dragged into the pool, while his blood splattered the walls of the room. Fortunately he managed to avoid kicking the table into the pool, where it would presumably burst into flames as all other objects that reached it had.

Wholly nonplussed due to the Pool of Glory’s gift of immunity to fear, Toshiro was the next to step forward. Although he failed to slip past the slim without touching it, it did not seem hungry for his non-magical flesh. He too was ripped into the Pool, where he joined Aust in the Pool’s agonizing grasp.

Farlight then moved forward. He was not so dexterous in his bid to bypass the slime, and his hand went in. Before the pool could even grab him he began his horrific screaming, for the slime had completely devoured his hand. What he thought was pain turned out to be as nothing once the pool came to life and pulled him in. He too found himself caught up in an eternity of suffering.

Agamina, seeing the horror of the pool’s hungry razor grip, chose not to go forward. Her brother, having searched the planes for this pool, was not going to be deterred. Without even waiting to see if his rescuers would survive, he slipped past the slime and into the pool.

What seemed like decades of torment later (but was actually only several hours) the group was flung one by one out of the pool and into the room. Hurtling through the slime proved to be devastating to Aust, but he saw that those areas of him still wet from the blood of the pool were immune to the slime, and he quickly wiped it off. Farlight, perhaps because his magic was stronger, his body was weaker, or his luck was lower did not fare as well. His passage through the slime deposited his armor in a heap on the floor, sans its prior occupant.

Toshiro was again spared the pain of the slime, but Regalin too was burned. Knowing they needed to get themselves out of the tower and back to Greyhawk where they could hopefully return Farlight to life, they decided to return the Codex to the Infernal. Aust carried the large tome tot he front door, and as he opened it, he heard the demon’s raspy voice call out. “Have you found the elf for me?” Before he could answer, the voice spoke again and the tome was ripped from his grasp. “Never mind. This will do nicely.”

Casting about for any sing of the beast, all Aust could find was the lingering aura of evil it left behind.

The group gathered up what little was left of Farlight and returned to Greyhawk City, where the temple of Corollan returned him to life. Taking a few days to rest and recover, they examined their new auras, now gold intermixed with red for those who had touched Glory, and blue intermixed with red for those who had touched Love.

Once again ready, the group traded locations of pools. They first chose to take Regalin and Agamina to the pool of Glory, for they knew exactly where it lay, and that it was unguarded. However, when they gated there they were met with the sight of a 9’ tall solid platinum figure with wings rising from its back. In a pure crystalline voice the figure spoke to them, “Welcome. You wish to bathe in the pool of Glory.” Its featureless face scanned the group. “I see that some of you have bathed without fully bypassing the trial of virtue. I assume that you wish to bathe again with your friend, that you might retain the powers granted you by the pool?”

The group agreed, although they were surprised to learn that the pools’ powers could fade. They were relieved when told that only those who bathed without proper trials would see their unearned gifts revoked.

“You who wish to prove yourselves worthy of the pool of Glory must complete a task of Heroes. Gaze upon the pool.”

Looking down into the golden waters, the constantly shifting scenes of battle and victory melted away. They were replaced by an aerial view of a large city. The view panned downward and dove, rocketing towards a huge palace, which it entered through a gold-encased window. Before them, in the center of the room, they saw a great pile of pillows. Surrounding the pillows were human men and women waving palm leaves to fan the room’s most dominating feature. A bright orange snake lay coiled atop the pillows, but its head was that of a beautiful woman. From a hallway entrance, the heroes saw two more humans bring in a crying chest, held aloft with long poles. The crying got louder as the chest was opened and the Ha Naga’s head lashed forward, returning from the depths of the chest with a wriggling baby in her teeth. A toss of the head later and the baby was devoured, swallowed whole by the colossal tyrant.

“A’strich has enslaved this city for millennia. Step into the pool and return to me with her head.”

As they looked, they began to prepare themselves for battle. A’strich, the Ha-Naga, looked back at them and she too began to prepare, first by completely disappearing from sight.

The group stepped into the pool but could not see her anywhere, even the invisibility purge of Farlight would not reveal her hidden form. Toshiro felt something lash past his head, and the remainder of the group entered. As they began to search, A’strich hurtled out of her hiding place under the pillows, and enhanced the dry desert air with her magics. The heroes’ skin dried up and their lips parched as the Horrid Wilting took effect.

Aust charged forward and gave the beast a powerful smite, but was soon chased down himself by Agamina, whose mind had fallen prey to the Naga’s charming gaze. Toshiro’s warrior shout chased off many of the humans, and his sword felled several more, while Regalin’s bow took small chunks out of the scaly hide. Farlight unleashed a magical assault, but it was reflected by the scaly skin.

Again A’strich’s magic struck out, and again the group attacked. Aust ignored the weak pulls of Agamina’s attempt to restrain him, and continued his attack on the beast. But every time his sword rained down his arm was shot through with a numbing cold and he was soon forced to stop and call for Farlight’s healing.

Several more of the humans fled, and the room thundered from the mighty magics unleashed by the party and her foe. In the end, Good once again stood victorious over Evil.

Returning to Greyhawk and then to the Pool, the guardian met the band. “You have proven yourself worthy, you may now Bathe.”

Farlight, Aust, and Toshiro once again dipped down into the Pool of Glory, while Regalin and Agamina took their first bath. Once again they saw the annals of the history of honorable combat revealed to them, and their auras were strengthened.


First Post
Since no one has posted any messages besides the author I'll be the first to say its very good. I'll keep my eye on this storyhour to see how it devolps.

James McMurray

First Post
Once again back in the city of Greyhawk, the Agent Retriever Regalin attuned himself to the Pool of Love. He then Plane shifted the party to the Beastlands, where they wind walked over a vast forest. Down in the clearings below they saw a strange sight. Predator and prey were living together in harmony.

Ahead another clearing arose. In it center was a crystal blue, calm pool. Beside it was an incredibly tall Oak, easily taller than the other trees of the forest. As the party landed and reformed their bodies, the Oak opened its eyes and turned towards them. “Weeelcooome,” it said, taking its time around the words it so rarely needed to use. “Yoouu haaavve coomme tooo baaathhe innn theee poool?”

Toshiro stepped forward and slowly spoke, “Haaii.”

“Arrre yoouu moockiing meee?” the treant asked.

Before the samurai could answer, a bark-skinned female stepped out of the treant and spoke. “Forgive my friend travelers. He is slow of speech, but not of mind. I assume you wish to Bathe in the Pool o Love? To do so you need only answer one simple question: Why are you worthy of the Pool?”

In all their years of battle and glory the group had never been asked such a question, and they were taken aback. Regalin thought back to several years prior, when he first journeyed to this pool. When asked the question, he had responded by telling the dryad of his sister’s sacrifice for him. The two had been sailing when a storm drew up. The young Regalin (then only 32) had fallen overboard. His sister, herself not a strong swimmer, and younger even than he, had still thrown herself overboard to save him. Although she managed to push him back aboard the tiny vessel, she wore herself out doing so, and rapidly sank from view. She was Regalin’s only taste of love, for he never again allowed himself to feel for another.

Having proven that he knew the meaning of love, he was allowed to bathe in the pool, where he was reunited with her sister. The sibling pair strode from the waters, his benefactor returned to life to become hi new charge. At the time, she did not have the blue glow of having been in the pool, but they parted ways after a couple of ears, and when they met back up, she had it. Like him though, he assumed she had been charged by the guardian of the pool to not reveal her experiences there, and so he did not pry.

The dryad’s greeting interrupted his reveille. “Welcome back Regalin. I see you and your sister are still together.”

Looking up, he noticed what he had not seen before. Although the giant treant was encased in the soft blue glow of the Pool’s Gift, the dryad was not. “Yes, we are, thank you.” He replied, and then he broached the subject. “I see you have not bathed yourself, lady.”

“That is true. I have yet to answer the question to my own satisfaction.”

Before he could inquire further, Aust spoke up. “I am ready.”

The dryad excused herself from Regalin, for her duty called. “What is your answer, sir?”

Aust drew himself up, obviously unaccustomed to such words. “For the love I have for my Deity and for the love I have for my fellow man. I risk my life every day for that love, and the pool can assist me in that.”

Although not enthusiastic about the apparently selfish reasons for entering the pool, Harangia the dryad was not unfamiliar with those feelings herself. The answer and her glimpse into the paladin’s soul showed her that he truly understood love, and that he realized it to be a thing worth dying for. “You may enter,” she replied.

Aust walked to the water’s edge and stepped in. The moment his toes first touched the water he felt forlorn and lost. He kept walking, and as his head went underwater he felt a presence. Looking around, the feeling grew until he suddenly found himself staring in the face of Corollan himself. The love he felt both for and from his deity nearly overwhelmed him.

Corollan turned away for a moment, and Aust followed his gaze to a figure at the bottom of the pool. As the figure floated upward he recognized it as Arethia Shareese, the Elven priestess who first introduced him to the world and love of Corollan. He had not seen her in decades. “We will travel the world together if you wish, my boy-turned-Lord.”

Up above, Toshiro steps forward. “I am prepared.” He takes several deep breaths and then recites his impromptu haiku.

Epic Pool of Love
Sacrifice for, by others
Bathe for blue aura

Harangia is thoroughly confused by this. Although her glimpse into his soul shows the value of his words, their meaning eludes her, and for the first time in decades, she replies to a Questor with a single word, “Huh?”

Unashamed, Toshiro repeats his poem. Again Harangia is confused, until the treant Thousandrings drops his mouth towards her ear. Ten minutes of slow but purposeful mumbling later, the dryad nods her head, satisfied with Thousandrings’ explanation of the haiku. “You may bathe.”

Toshiro follows Aust into the pool, and he too feels forlorn and lost, until he spies below him a dull silver glow. As he goes downward the glow brightens and he recognizes it as Chien Shay, the symbol of honor in his native tongue. The word flows toward him and embraces him, becoming one with him. When it fades, he sees an ancient woman standing before him, dressed in the blue and white robes of the Crab clan. He instantly recognizes her from the ancestral temple of his youth, where her picture hung in hallowed reverence: Tsura Shinechi, an ancient Wu Jen and Priestess of the family ancestors. “I am yours o command, my Daimyo.”

Farlight took his turn stepping forward. Looking into the dryad’s eyes he answered her question. “Because my love of the good people of Greyhawk, and of all the planes, is what drives me to battle evil and suffering daily. This love is what keeps me from being corrupted by the evil I battle, and inspires my good deeds.

“You may bathe.”

The cleric stepped into the waters and also felt forlorn, until he saw before him the object of his love. High above the city of Greyhawk he flew, slowly dipping and gliding, while the city itself gazed up at him in approval and love. As he neared the tops of the buildings, one small business’s roof opened itself to him and he was drawn inside.

Before him stood a man dressed in the colors of the city itself. A stone gray cloak and tunic matched the man’s earthen brown pants perfectly. Looking into his face, Farlight was surprised to see the features subtly changing. Eyes would change colors, but it would then appear as if they had always been that way. Even facial hair might grow or fade, and yet once the change was complete, Farlight was left with the feeling that it had always been that way. He recognized the being before him as the personification of Greyhawk City itself.

“I am Greyhawk. And I will follow and protect you as you have protected me.”

Returning to the surface, the party introduced their new companions and thanked the woodland pair. The introductions are interrupted as Greyhawk speaks, “You have protected me well, but time is wasting. Your truest test awaits. To save time you must find time.”

When asked what he means, the man called Greyhawk acts as if he does not know what they are talking about. The party also notices that his features have solidified and no longer does he seem to have the weight of ages in his eyes. The gray and brown clothing still stand in testament to his origins though.

Talking it over, the party feels that perhaps it was a message from Oerth itself, given to them through its momentary avatar. They do not believe in coincidence, and when asked about a Pool of Time, Regalin says he has heard rumors, but they were supposedly merely that. He has never tried to track those rumors to the source, but if the party will return to Union with him he will do so.

They do, and he does, and a mere week later he has arranged a meeting with a man that claims to have bathed in the pool of Time. Regalin goes to meet the man, and when he sees the 13 different colors swirling in the aura, his doubts begin to fade.

“The pool of time is hidden in time. I can direct you to its portal, but you must face the guardian yourself. Be forewarned, for the pool is never in he same time twice.”

“You mean we may find ourselves back in time?” Regalin asked.

“Back, forward, or even sideways.” Once you have bathed in the Pool, you will come to realize that time is not as straight forward as you believe. Would you care for drink?” Before Regalin can even answer, the still unnamed man disappears from his chair, reappearing next to the bar in the back room, and then once again appearing in his chair, holding out Regalin’s favorite drink to him.

“If you wish to know the location for the portal, we shall trade. I see by your aura that you have found the pool of Love. Tell me yours and I will tell you mine.”

Regalin agrees, and describes exactly how to get to the pool of Love. In return, the Bather tells him, “You must travel deep into the Crystalmist Mountains, where you will find the tribe of goblins known as the Marshanki Charuk: the Reverent Ones. Beyond their caves you will find the silvery portal you seek, and its guardian. Beware the Phane. It is a timelost abomination, living beside our clock. Its delight is in taking and enslaving creatures of our time stream, which it feeds off of and uses as its minions. This Phane is truly powerful, and has even managed to capture itself out of time. Such is the beast’s strength that you will require weapons forged or pure good to even harm it.”
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James McMurray

First Post
Note: the previous post has been edited because I accidentally said that Toshiro and Tsura were Crane clan. They are Crab.


Armed with their newfound knowledge, the party goes in search of information on the Phane and the Crystalmist mountains. They learn that the Crystalmists are mostly governed by humanoid tribes in the far North, the mid-North section is ruled by an Orc Kingdom, and the South owned by Dwarves. Ten years ago a huge was waged between the humans and the Orcs, and although it seemed that the Orcs' tactics were easily stopped, their numbers never seemed to drop, until abruptly the war was ended by the combined efforts of a half-elven diplomat and her half-orc husband. Indeed, the tactics of the orcs were so poor that they actually tried to scale one keep's walls by charging it, then climbing the bodies of the dead. currently there is a truce on between the Orcs, Humans, and Dwarves which has lasted for ten years (despite minor infractions on all three sides, mostly in the form of trespassing adventurers in Orc lands).

About the Phane they learn the following:
  • Its touch can trap a person outside of time, not unlike Temporal Stasis.
  • It feeds on the temporal energy of those it has captured.
  • It can only be permanently harmed by good weapons.
  • It can somehow make short jumps back in time.

Regalin, using his powers as an Agent Retriever, attunes himself to the caverns of the Marshanki Charuk, and the next day the party heads out, Wind Walking thanks to Farlight's magic. As they approach the caverns, they see a single figure below them on a slope look up and point, then run in the direction they are heading. A few minutes later, they arrive at the caverns. Regalin directs them down to a slope opposite the Marshanki mountain, and several of the tribes' members begin to point and talk amongst themselves.

A small group of Marshanki Charuk (blue-skinned and straight-backed goblins) begins to walk across the valley towards the spot where the small group thought they were well hidden. Although the goblins carry swords and bows, they do not have them drawn, and do not seem offensive. Aust awaits their arrival, preparing to search their auras for signs of evil, but their slow pace makes him head down to meet with them.

Once the goblins are deemed non-evil and friendly, he waves the remainder of the group forward, who come somewhat cautiously.

"Welcome Seekers," the lead goblin hisses through blue lips. "Welcome to the halls of the Marshanki Charuk. The Portal you seek, and its guardian, await." At this range, the party notices that the goblinoids have a weak gray flicker in their auras, like the one seen by Regalin in the Bather who directed them here, but not as strong. When asked, the Charukai replies, "We are the Children of The Pool." When asked if they are its guardian, the Charukai states simply, "No, we are the children, the Phane guards the portal."

Friendly talk ensues, and the party, fearful of the abomination, enquires about its capabilities. They learn that it can never be killed, and that some have tricked their way past by sending forth sacrificial victims to draw its attention. One Seeker once ran past the creature, but he was very fast.

Although this news brings a small amount of talk regarding trying to sacrifice someone to get past, that idea is soon shut down. The paladin, hating the existence of an evil abomination, votes to attack it. The remainder of the group is uncertain about that course, as they know how powerful Abominations are, and are fearful of being captured by it.

Additionally, the party fears that if they do somehow manage to sneak past the thing, it will simply jump back in time and place itself in position to prevent that. However, the fact that others have managed to bypass it without fighting assuages that concern.

Tsura tells the group that she has the capability to create duplicates of herself outside of her body, and that she could send those copies in to hopefully distract it. Meanwhile, everyone else would attempt to run past. This idea is agreed upon to be the one with the most merit, and the party returns to talk with the Charuk.

When asked to draw a picture of the room that the Phane guards, a Charukai asks in a puzzled tone, "Draw? What is thisdraw?" When the paladin points to the room around him and then draws an outline of it in the earth at his feet, the Charukai cries out in shock. "He places rooms in the earth! Truly you are the most powerful Seeker I have seen."

Aust replies that the creature could draw if he wanted too, but does not realize that these beings are children of Time itself. Although their understanding of time and its flows, their spatial awareness is greatly hampered.

Tsura steps forward and draws forth a small square of paper. With several deft movements, she creates a near-exact duplicate of the cavern in which they stand. The Charuk are all quite awed at this, and one of them bravely steps forwards. Pointing to the origami room he asks in a fearful and reverent hiss, "May I?"

Aust has no idea what he means, but Farlight is quite perturbed at this point by what he deems to be useless chatter with pathetically inferior creatures. "Yes you may," he gruffly says, then turns to the group. "These creatures are obvious idiots. Let's go."

A short bit of talk later and the group goes forward. When they think the are near, they begin their spellcasting preparations, the last of which involves Tsura creating four duplicates of herself, and casting haste on the entire group.

The party rushes forward, but it is farther than they thought due to the Charuk misinterpretation of space, and several of their defenses drop or nearly drop before they get there.

Aust moves into the room first, making a wide berth around the Phane, a horse-sized creature made of shadowy black, with two pinpoints of emerald green light for eyes. He is followed immediately by Toshiro and then Tsura's duplicates. The duplicates charge the Phane, and it lashes out at them, freezing all but one of them outside of time. The remaining one moves to block the creature as the rest of the party pours into the cavern.

The Phane, sensing they are about to run around it, move to block them off. He is driven momentarily aside by a Blade Barrier thrown up by Farlight. Meanwhile, Agamina and Regalin dive through the portal. Less than ten second later the remainder of the party dives through, having seen that they cannot even hit this beast with their weapons. Although it manages to touch Aust, Toshiro, and Farlight, they all shake off its temporal trap.


On the far side of the portal, the group appears in midair. A 1-foot drop onto a plush carpet reveals them to be in a large courtroom, at the head of which sits a crowned man on a throne, flanked by several guards. Beside him stands a small (perhaps ten years old) boy. The boy rushes forward to Aust, the closest party member. Aust, clumsily regains his feet and the party notices that their clothing and gear are drastically changed. Even more so, several of them have changed races completely! Farlight is quite distressed by his new human body.

"Are you the great heroes that we requested?" asks Cutter, the small boy. "Truly only great heroes could appear out of thin air floating on carpets!" It seems that Aust and Toshiro's boots (both Winged Boots) have transformed into large carpets, and left them barefoot. It seems quite odd to them to have bare feet in full Knight's Jousting armor.

Aust replies, "What request?" and the king (actually Duke Cornish, or ) waves his arms. The guards all drop their hands to their swords and take a single step forward.

"What be ye doin' appearin' in me chambers if'n ye not be the heroes?" He asks.

"We're looking for the Pool of Time," is all Aust can think of to say.

"I'm not knowin' a thing about a Pool of Time, but we are havin' troubles with waters. Perhaps th' two be related," Cornish replies.

Cutter steps up onto Aust's carpet and says in an enthusiastic and youthful tone "You've just got to help us! I can tell you're great heroes, please help my village!" His tone displays all of the enthusiasm and hope of youth.

Unable to turn aside a child's pleas, Aust agrees.

Meanwhile, the remainder of the group listen and investigate their new forms. Farlight has become a human, and his mithral armor is now mere iron. At his side hangs a mace, not the Longsword he is accustomed to. His haversack has apparently become a bag, and is draped over his should with a rope.

Aust too, although he has not realized it yet, is a human. His Full Plate has been replaced with an even more elaborate suit of jousting plate, and his spiked shield now sports several sword blades, jutting out in a triangle around its outer rim. His boots are now a flying carpet, and much of his remaining gear seems to be gone.

Tsura seems to be the least changed. The bundle of scrolls at her side, from which she prepares her daily spells, has gained a binding and is now a large tome. Her form seems to waver and shift, even though the duration of her Displacement spell has long since worn off. A single scroll tube is tucked into her belt.

Greyhawk, once a tall human male, is now a smaller elf. His Full Plate is mostly unchanged, although its glamour is gone and it stands revealed as armor. The sword at his side is also changed, but feels fashioned to his grip when he reaches to grab the sheathed hilt.

Toshiro is the most distressed by his change. His ornate Crab Clan armor has been changed into jousting armor, and his precious ancestral katana has been replaced by a large (yet seemingly familiar) bastard sword. At his side where his Wakizahsi once lay hangs a crudely fashioned Westerners' short sword. His boots too have become a carpet, leaving his feet bare.

He slowly draws the short sword from its sheathe and looks it over. Wondering if he would be allowed to commit seppuku with it. Although it is unclean, it is apparent that he has lost his family's sword, and there is no other recourse for him. Tsura sees this in his eyes and places a hand on his wrist. "Patience my lord. I believe that the blades you see before you are still the same blades you hold dear, merely changed to match this new land.


Out of Game:
At this point Brian (Farlight's and Greyhawk's player) asks to make a Spellcraft check to see if he can recognize what has happened to them. I reply, "Spellcraft, what the heck is that? Recognize spells, that sounds like a good idea. Maybe we'll put it in a future version of the game." Brian groans aloud as he realizes now why I sent out an email several weeks ago asking if anyone still had their Old D&D (Basic through Masters) books. Nobody did, but I told them I had found them online for fairly cheap (svgames if anyone's interested). The group thought I was converting forward from an old adventure, not converting backward from current characters. :D

Several confusing minutes later, the new character sheets are handed out. Kismet (a.k.a. Aust) takes his Adventure record sheet and begins to fill it out with character names, GM names, etc. When he reaches the blank that says "Campaign Goal" he fills it in with a loud "to return to 3rd edition!" :D

This should be interesting! Now back to the action:


As the group tries to figure out what is going on, the room grows dark and a chill wind lifts the wall hangings. A huge skull materializes out of thin air and floats in front of the heroes. the eye sockets are inky black, and water drips from the nose, ears, and mouth. When the water hits the floor, it runs to blood, staining Aust's and Toshiro's carpets and feet a dull red. A stench of dam rot fills the air, and the skull speaks:

The blood of Men grows pale and weak,
The land rots while you search and seek.
A blight on earth for all to see,
So civilization can never be.
The cure you seek is in your hand
Even while you search the land.
No man can change this evil's course,
Unless you seek the curse's source.

The skull vanishes as rapidly as it came, and the light level returns to normal in the room. The only signs on its passing are the bloodstains left behind.

Cutter, his tongue held by fear while the skull was there, cries out after it vanishes. "You have to take me with you now! I'll take you to the Seer! He told our village 'when words of water turn to blood, seek me.' This must be what he meant!"

The group agrees to go see this Seer, and they ask for shoes to cover the warriors' now bare feet. Shoes are brought and the party moves into the courtyard, heading towards the stables to pick up the horses that were offered. As they cross the yard, horrible screeching is heard in the air, and several large hairy flying creatures appear in the skies above them. Their fur is a slick, greasy black and their wings are hairless and leathery, like a bat's. Their eyes glow a feverish red and their right arm's end in bone extensions resembling a saber’s blade.

Springing into action, Tsura hurtles a fireball into their midst, but it seems to have no effect. Farlight creates a cloud of insects, which are ignored by the beasts. Attempting to slow their advance Greyhawk creates a wall of fire. Unfortunately, his attempt to create it inside them causes it to appear behind them. Meanwhile, Aust charges forwards on his carpet, heedless of the fact that young Cutter is still aboard. His sword slams into one of the beasts' hides, and he is soon surrounded by several of them.

The rest of the Saberclaws charge the remainder of the party, all but Tsura (who is encircled by her group-mates) is attacked by at least two of the creatures. Swords and maces block and parry, and only Greyhawk and Farlight find themselves mildly hurt.

Again the party lashes out, this time everyone but Tsura trusting to their weapons. The beasts are all hit hard, but none fall. Indeed, they merely grimace and screech, ignoring the pains of cuts and broken bones. The Saberclaws again lash out and strike Greyhawk and Farlight. Toshiro and Aust remain unharmed, easily batting aside the sword arms of the creatures.

Tsura calls forth a Power Word, and one of the Saberclaws drops several feet to the ground, stunned. The cleric and fighters again lash out, and when Greyhawk slams his sword into the belly of one of the three beasts surrounding him, each and every Saberclaw screams as a hole appears in its belly. as one the foul creatures fall to the ground, where they slowly dissolve into water whose touch kills the grass beneath them.

Cutter, again seeming to be a font of useful information, tells the party, "Those were Saberclaws! I've managed to hide from them in the past, but they sometimes come into the village and fly off with people. My father Korse... actually he's my foster father, I don't know who my real parents are, but I love him just the same... anyway, he was almost killed just last week. He didn't want to let me come here, but I'm so good at avoiding the animals and 'claws that he decided I might be able to make it out to get help."

When prompted for details about the troubles at the village, cutter explains. "During the waxing or the waning of the moon, our crops are stunted and our animals (and even some villagers) turn savage, attacking anyone that gets near. During the full moon the villagers and animals fall into a deep sleep. At the new moon, those who slept die."

"I hope the Seer can tell us what to do. But we've got to be careful. The Seer's advice always gets you what you want, but sometimes not quite as expected. For instance, a farmer whose fields were dry and barren went to the Seer for help. The Seer promised him fertile fields for the rest of his natural life in exchange for the farmer's service until the sun rose. The farmer agreed, reporting for service that night. But he waited in vain for the morning, and it was twenty years before he saw the sun rise. He then went back to his farm, and he truly did have good crops the rest of his life. But he had aged twenty years and died shortly thereafter. Only a single night had passed for the rest of the world."

"I can take you to his island. We should leave as soon as possible, the full moon will come soon, and after that more people will die!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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