The New World (offline - near West London, UK)


First Post
A 5e campaign/sandbox set on a remote island chain a long way from the old world. Meet the natives and the new arrivals. Explore the islands to find a new home, a path to fame and fortune, and some mysteries.

I'm a fairly experienced DM. The setting is homebrew with homebrew classes and naval combat. I've been working on this world for a long time and I'm ready to take adventurers there again.

I am seeking consistency from my players if possible. I want to play at least fortnightly with the same group of players, and I want your collaboration to create great stories in this world.

If you're a beginner that's fine. All you have to do is register interest and we can talk.

Suggested times
Tuesday 19:00 - late
Friday 19:00 - late
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