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The "No-Flame-War" Pledge

This is rather an empty gesture for me, since I've always politely avoided edition warring and have never* been red-texted on a game-related message board anyway...

I, Blacky the Blackball, pledge to not make ENWorld's forums (or any other forums for that matter) a hellscape of flame wars. I will respect my fellow posters and will not dismiss their opinions out of hand because they're on "Team 4E" or "Team Pathfinder" or "Team 5E" or any other "side" they may have chosen. It is their choice, just like it is my choice to prefer a different game. I will not call someone a disrespectful name nor question their intelligence because they made a different choice than myself. There is no reason to fight. Sure I may disagree with someone's choice, but if that is the manner in which they choose to have fun, I can wish them well in that. We're all in this for fun and fighting helps no one.


Blacky the Blackball

*Okay, so I was once red-texted on RPG.net for starting a new thread on a topic when there was already a thead on that topic - but that doesn't count because it wasn't anything to do with being rude to people.

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Crazy Jerome

First Post
I'll do my absolute best to avoid flaming and to avoid Edition Wars. But, being human it's hard to promise that 100%.

No kidding. If I were feeling particularly New Years Resolutionist, I'd pledge to give up sarcasm, as a concrete step towards those ends. But I know me better than that. :angel::-S:blush:


I, Kitsune9, pledge to not make ENWorld's forums (or any other forums for that matter) a hellscape of flame wars. I will respect my fellow posters and will not dismiss their opinions out of hand because they're on "Team 4E" or "Team Pathfinder" or "Team 5E" or any other "side" they may have chosen. It is their choice, just like it is my choice to prefer a different game. I will not call someone a disrespectful name nor question their intelligence because they made a different choice than myself. There is no reason to fight. Sure I may disagree with someone's choice, but if that is the manner in which they choose to have fun, I can wish them well in that. We're all in this for fun and fighting helps no one.



But if any of you state that you're in the Operation! Camp when it's all about the Hungry Hungry Hippos, it's on!! :mad:


Let's remove contempt from our discussions

I, Kannik, pledge to not make ENWorld's forums (or any other forums for that matter) a hellscape of flame wars. I will respect my fellow posters and will not dismiss their opinions out of hand because they're on "Team 4E" or "Team Pathfinder" or "Team 5E" or any other "side" they may have chosen. It is their choice, just like it is my choice to prefer a different game. I will not call someone a disrespectful name nor question their intelligence because they made a different choice than myself. There is no reason to fight. Sure I may disagree with someone's choice, but if that is the manner in which they choose to have fun, I can wish them well in that. We're all in this for fun and fighting helps no one.




First Post
I, Primal, pledge to not make ENWorld's forums (or any other forums for that matter) a hellscape of flame wars. I will respect my fellow posters and will not dismiss their opinions out of hand because they're on "Team 4E" or "Team Pathfinder" or "Team 5E" or any other "side" they may have chosen. It is their choice, just like it is my choice to prefer a different game. I will not call someone a disrespectful name nor question their intelligence because they made a different choice than myself. There is no reason to fight. Sure I may disagree with someone's choice, but if that is the manner in which they choose to have fun, I can wish them well in that. We're all in this for fun and fighting helps no one.




I, FireLance, pledge to only mock editions that I have played and loved.

Which pretty much gives me carte blanche to say anything I want about about BD&D, 1e, 2e, 3e and 4e (but not Pathfinder). :p


This pledge is too much like an MMO and not as good as the first edition pledge....

In all seriousness good idea and I sign my name as well and make the pledge.


I like the idea of pledging a no-flame war in keeping with the launch of a new edition. In fact why don't we give this initiative a name; a name we can all rally behind with a spirit of unity and harmony; a name like:

A New Hope

What? What are you all looking at?

I prefer "Piratecat's no dink initiative"

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