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The Order of Initiative in: "Just a Simple Escort"

Feng the Mighty

First Post
Gut wrenching boredom

How civilised folks ever bother to get out o' bed mystifies me. But I guess you have to get out nice and early to get thru' all that cap doffing and forelock tugging. Even my companions seem to be unduly influenced by this city. However, as I hope I shall demonstrate, it takes more than a high wall and a few effete knights to make a power-bloc. I must take note of any weak places in the cities' defences whilst I am here - you never know...

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First Post
A New Opportunity

Whilst the party debate about treasure a scribe approaches them. "If now is convenient, Lord Hawklin will see you now". They once again head to Lord Hawklin's manor house. Inside they recognise the handsome man as he greets them. "We have a little problem and we thought you might wish to help us out. If you don't mind some travelling and maybe giving a few brigands a good drubbing, this should be a nice outing for you. The crown is short on manpower at the moment, and we received a report two days ago of some brigands or trouble makers north of here, near Tilverton". He grimaces, "What used to be Tilverton. Anyway. We need you to go there and get rid of the problem in whatever way you see fit, give the local area a look round, then come home. That's all there is to it. Shouldn't put you out overly much. You'll be rewarded and all that. Are you in?"

Beltain looks at the heap of loot on the floor "We need to decide how to split this up fairly" he says "But there seem as many views as there are people in the party. I suggest that for the moment we treat all unsold loot as party treasure and let the most appropriate person use it or carry it. If you like" he takes a piece of paper from his backpack, " I will keep a note of who has what, so that when we decide we can split things in accordance with whatever we agree. In the meantime we can go and adventure".

"Ahh.." laughs Lord Hawklin, "Treasure distribution - a difficult thing at the best of times"

Belatin turns to Lord Hawlin "I for one appreciate your offer and would like to take part. Can we assume that as we are acting in an 'official' capacity we may be spared the need and cost of registering as adventurers?"

"Indeed." Agrees the Lord "If you agree to take up this particular foray I will have it arranged that your first year of registration as an adventuring band is free. We can sort out the details later"

Beltain smiles "You are a very fair man. I look forward to carrying out this task for you!" he turns to the others "Are you prepared for this new adventure?" he asks with a boyish grin.

Lord Hawklin looks round at the rest of the party "What say you all?.. Interested?"

[Master] I am away from the keyboard.

Beltain shrugs "Until we can agree on treasure distribution, I think that you are the most appropriate person to have these" Beltain says to Cole and hands him the Fifth Wind.

"I would be honoured to perform this service for you Lard Hawklin" chimes in the kobold "So lets get going right away, Beaker could use a good run after being couped up in the city. Bob can you not use this leather armour? I suggest Col takes the poison for his crossbow, Bob the spider-climb potion for scouting, Feng the 'See Invisible' in case he needs to hit invisible stuff, Mr Nosnibor the acid and I will take the last spider climb if that's ok"

"If nobody wants it I will buy the book for 100gp" says Beltain

The Wizard Nosnibor protests "Rizzit I have no wish to have the acid.. It is a foul substance that I would have no use for."

"Thank you, Rizzit," Biba tells the kobold "This leather armour +1 would be most useful to me. I will take it if no one objects?" He looks around at the other party members. "I have been itching to get started, I will take you up on your offer, Lord Hawklin." He smiles broadly.

"A Fight? Great!" grunts Feng "Better'n sitting around here borin' my arse off." he adds rather discourteously.

"Its ok," says Lord Hawlin, sounding a triffle weary "I will wait until you have finished dividing treasure. I'll arrange some refreshments"

"Lord Hawklin" says Feng thoutfully "I Know civilised areas set great store by pieces o' paper n' suchlike. Please draw up our commission so we can show it to any purple dragons who might mistake us for the bandits we hunt."

"How much is this leather armour worth?" asks Biba "I feel I must contribute to the party fund as I don't deserve to take this, especially as I did not earn it."

Feng looks anoyed at Biba and the dwarf flinches

"Take it and be done. with anyluck you won't die next time and have to be carried out. I for one think that a small price to pay." Bibabobalobalos looks quickly from side to side then strokes his beard avoiding Feng's eye. Then quietly moves toward Beltain.

Feng takes a flask of acid and slots it into his potion belt "This may be useful to extract information from any prisoners. I hate them strong silent types. Only one thing now lacks. My Lord, I am a brave and great fighting man, tho' poor in material effects. I wonder if you could use your influence in order to obtain magical aid for my closest comrade? If "Laskur's Bane" could be magically enchanted I would hold myself deeply in your debt."

Bibabobalobalos says quietly to Belatin, "Are we to introduce a party fund because I would like to contribute 500 gold to pay for this leather armour. Or, is it too late to get a lot of healing scrolls?".

"Until we have decided how to split up the treasure fairly Biba, we can't sell you the Laether+1, so spend the money on what you will". says Beltain politely "But the party has, I think agreed that you will have the use of it until a decision is made. In the meantime I will record who is looking after what. I advise you to spend your coin profitably, who knows when we will see such a large city again".

The cleric turns and smiles weakly at Limara before addressing the waiting Lord "Sir, I apologise for this unseemly scramble, we are better at fighting than in apportioning our winnings, it seems. Perhaps the heady wine of your fair city has dulled our wits. I think it would be well to give us any further information you might wish and let us out into the cool night air to clear our heads and on our way to complete your commission"

Rizzit taps his foot, bored "Well I am off to get Beaker, meet you all outside for the off" and starts to head off to prepare his mount.

Lord Hawklin looks at Rizzit "Not so fast Mr Kobold.. I have more to say, I am merely waiting for your group to finish their discussion about treasure. Unless of course you want no part in the quest I am about to give you"

Rizzit sighs, "I already said it would be an honour" looks a little exasperated at the lord's obviously poor hearing or memory

"So then you had best stay" says Lord Hawklin "To hear the rest of what I have to say"

Rizzit shuffles his feet and stares at the floor mumbling in draconic "Ooo more of them snacks" he says biting the top off the candle, sits back down as he munches happily, he munches a little longer then flosses with the wick

Lord Hawklin smiles "Firstly there is someone I wish you to meet" the door opens, in walks a woman. "Elinor here will be accompanying you. I'm sure you will find her most amenable, skilled and brave." He smiles warmly at Elinor. She stands silently as he continues to talk. "When we finish here, you must each swear a loyalty oath to Cormyr and an oath of secrecy, and you will each receive a writ stating you are on the crown's business and are not to be delayed. You should enjoy that, the free food and all. The writs are only good for a month, but I doubt you'll need them that long. There are a few things the crown would like you to keep in mind, of course, as you go your merry way. Forgive me for stating the obvious, but you are not to interfere with the Purple Dragons at.....at the Black Crater. Im never going to get used to saying that. My third cousin lived there before the disaster. I think she's dead now" Lord Hawklin is silent for a moment.

"As I was saying" he continues "We are counting on you not to have to request the assistance of the purple dragons, as they have their own mission watching over the Black Crater and assisting our other forces in the area. You are to report to Captain Dunman when you arrive--ah, I forgot to say that you will be travelling to Tilverton by magic, as we don't have time for you to ride or walk there--and you should report the results of your expedition to the captain when your work is done. A verbal report is all that is necessary, although you may have to go into some detail for her. You will give a similar report when you return here, to me, and please give me all the details you gave the good captain. If not more."

"In addition......", Lord Hawklin pauses again, his expression hard to read. "In addition, you are not to discuss your mission with anyone other than myself, Captain Dunman, or a higher representative of the crown. You are not to talk about anything unusual you see at Tilverton with anyone in this city or anywhere else. The kingdom does not need a thousand new panicky rumours flying around about what happened there, we have rumours enough already. We have just completed rerouting the Moonsea Ride around the Black Crater so that travellers will not be able to see much. We might soon have to build a wall around it to keep the heroes out of it as well. What you see of the Black Crater must stay with you alone!"

Lord Hawklin studies the faces of the party "Further, you are not to approach the Black Crater under any circumstances. The soldiers and War Wizards there are under strict orders to kill anyone who tries to get to the Crater without authorization. Your Writs do not authorize any business with it. You might not wish to draw near the crater anyway, as we have good suspicions that those who enter the pit are slain, and their souls lost forever. No one who ever went into the pit has come out, and we have been unsuccessful in recovering them or even divining their fate. They are simply gone. Just do your job and let everyone else do theirs."

"There is another matter" Lord Hawklin sighs and shakes his head, a faint smile coming to his face. "You might actually see this as good news, I suppose. The brigands in the area appear to be using some ruins as their hideout. We have reason to believe the ruins are quite old, possibly Netherese in origin. You are to explore those ruins and see what they contain in the way of threats to our kingdom, remove those threats, and report back on them. That assumes any threat exists, of course, which might not be the case as the ruins have been very quiet for over a thousand years. If you do find anything there that would be of assistance to our realm or of interest to the crown, we would be pleased to know of it, of course. Otherwise, you can keep what you find, as always. Just mop up the brigands."

He looks directly at the party "As for rewards In addition to having your Adventurers Tax paid for a year, we are offering two payments. One will be paid immediately after the mission is successfully completed, and one three months later. Each payment comes to 6000gp per person in gems." He folds his arms "That's about it. When you are ready I will get your Writs, sort out your Adventurers Charter, take your oaths and then you can depart before nightfall"

"Go finish off any buying/selling, treasure distribution and come back here when you are ready"

Rizzit jumps up "I am ready to serve my Lord" salutes rather badly but with sincerity

Feng "Feng is ready to swear, and to act! I go to collect my horse and effects, then I am ready"

"So Captain Dunman is a woman?" Feng muses to himself "Cormyr must be weak indeed to press the women into service. However, for the riches in Gems, I'd report to a donkey. Feng is ready."

The Wizard Nosnibor, who had been silent up now now, speaks "Lord Hawkin. If I may ask a question of you? You say that we must 'Remove those threats, and report back on them'.. Which are we to do? Report on them or remove them? For if we remove them they would no longer be threats. Do you mean that we should remove them if we can and report on them if we cannot remove them? Or should we report on them whether we remove them or not? Also there may be some clarification or quantification upon what constitutes the nature of a threat to the Kingdom of Cormyr. This is purely to assist our assessment process you understand your Lordshipness."

Lord Hawklin sighs looks at Nosnibor, then Rizzit. He sighs again "I think I prefer the candle muncher..."

The Wizard Nosnibor continues unabashed "It is not my intention to insult your Lordshipliness, however I find clarification upon these issues early to save a lot of trouble at a later date. If we can get a base line for what is constitutes a 'Kingdom Threatening Situation' or KTS, then we will be more able to deal with said situation and certainly more able to report it. I myself have problems in the threat determining sciences and am rarely able to tell the difference between a close knit family of lovable subterranean chaps and say a 'horde of evil goblins'. Not that goblins aren't lovely in their own way. Indeed in the same ways as Kobold are lovely." He prattles on, helpfully gesturing towards Rizzit to clarify his point.

Lord Hawklin thinks a moment "Well, I will allow your group the freedom to determine the aforementioned ..um.. KTS.. how about that"

"So we have absolute discretion to assess and quantify threats to the kingdom in this area?" persists Nonsibor.

Limara breaks in " Lord Hawklin please excuse our kobold friends lack of etiquette he is not used to the ways of city life, he means well. I am sure we would all be delighted to accept this mission you mention. Unfortunately, as some of our group were 'unwell' we had not discussed the treasure situation before we arrived in town. Still I'm sure it won't take long.... "

Lord Hawklin smiles at the lovely cleric "Well. Prepare yourselves. Meet on your mounts in the outside courtyard when you are ready to go"

Nosnibor looks around wildly "Mounts? Mounts!" then turning to the others "I say! Have you chaps seen my Horse Robinson?" "Err, yes" responds Limara "I am afraid that Robinson suffered terminal temperature reducing symptoms outside the mine... it would seem that he was sensitive to the cold..."

The Wizard Nosnibor Bursts into tears and runs out of the building but ten minutes later he comes back leading a Piebald Light Riding Horse "Look what I just bought! A Pony - And his name is Robinson. He's going to be my very good and loyal friend. Pussy Meet Robinson. Robinson meet Pussy." Says the ever so slightly demented Wizard as he hold up his cat to the oblivious Horse. Are we going on an Adventure now? I do so love to go on adventures. You meet so many lovely green skinned people. They're all simply marvellous."

Limara ignores this outburst and addresses Lord Hawklin's addition to the group "And greetings to you Elinor and welcome to the party" she studies Elinor, and notices that she is a Paladin and looks for the obvious signs of her deity. On Elinor's armour is a right hand gauntlet held upright with the palm forward...Torm. Limara smiles... "Greetings ally.." she says

Rizzit marches out to fetch Beaker, returning as fast as koboldly possible

Elinor and Feng follow Rizzit get their mounts and make their way to the Courtyard to await the others and Lord Hawklin

"Greetings Lady" says Beltain to Elinor "I welcome you to our company." he bows to the paladin and then turns to Lord Hawklin. "I am happy to swear and oath of loyalty to this land but you must appreciate that I have existing oaths of fealty to my god and people. I hope that your oath will not be at odds with these? Your assurance will be enough…" he raises an eyebrow in query.

Meanwhile outside Rizzit approaches the paladin "Hello pretty young lady. I don't suppose Torm is allied to Sune is he?"

Beltain picks up the wizard's nature book and put it in his backpack. "I will carry this for the moment, if nobody objects?" he says and looks at the others

"You wanna carrry it, Fine" agrees Feng "Don't arsk me to shift it for ya."

"A Feckin' Paladin." Feng says as an aside to Rizzit "I thought I wouldn't miss Spar and I was right...for five minutes. Do we attract prisses or what? So we got you, whatever you are - two women, two old women, a Dork n' a bard. I must start wearing my helmet with it's visor shut." And then more loudly "OI! WE GOIN', OR WHAT?"

"Lady" says Beltain addressing Elinor "On what basis do you plan to join our company? If you join as an equal then you should have your say too in the method we will use to determine treasure... I would also be interested to know what skills you bring to the party and any feats that you can perform which may aid us on our mission for the noble Lord"

"We need to be off" he tells the others "Lord Hawklin has told us that time is of the essence. So let us swear our oaths and set out, this city makes me uneasy, it feels to ordered to be right..."

Limara picks up a potion of see invisibility "If no one else is going to pick up a potion I will carry the rest, but these are useful and we should spread them about evenly to maximise their usage.." she turns to Beltain and gives him a huge hug and a rather lingering kiss. "Thank you so much Bel, .." she winks.

Limara turns back to the paladin of Torm "..Elinor, I apologise for Feng's rather tribal attitude, you are welcome to join our group 'The Order of the Initiative'. I have no doubt as a Paladin of Torm you would be an asset to our collective. If there is anything you need or need to know, please don't hesitate to ask.... " she offers the potion of see invisibility to Elinor..." As a future member of our frontline, this potion of seeing the invisible may well come in useful to you... would you like to carry it?"

The Limara turns to address Lord Hawklin.."In accepting this quest 'The Order of the Initiative' swears an oath of loyalty to Cormyr and the oath of secrecy. I bid you farewell your Lordship, we thank you for entrusting us on this mission and will do our best to return victorious. We will recount our findings upon our return.". Limara curtsies and takes her leave. "It's one hour past midday already lets move. She picks up any unwanted potions and goes with Bel to the horses.

Elinor turns to face the party. "I thank you all for your kind welcome. I am Elinor, a paladin of Torm. I have been selected by Lord Hawklin to accompany you on this quest. I look forward to forging a strong alliance." she smiles at Limara, and steps forward to accept her offer of the potion. "Thank you - I will willingly carry this potion on behalf of the group. You are generous with your riches."

The paladin takes a step towards Beltain. "What can I do? I am a swordswoman, and you'll see my horse out in the courtyard. Apart from that, I trust in Torm to furnish me with the skills necessary to combat evil. And he hasn't let me down yet...". Elinor turns and bows to Lord Hawklin. "Farewell my Lord"

Beltain inclines his head to Elinor "Well spoken my Lady, Paladin of Torm, I hope that you enjoy your time with us. Please pardon my straight talking but it is important that we are clear. This band has been forged into a fighting force by combat. We have little interest in petty rules and have a reputation of getting the job done. Sometimes this will mean taking action that we all might find distasteful. That is why, I surmise, the noble Lord has entrusted us with this mission, rather than sending his knights, or maybe it is because we are expendable. I hope that your high moral code is not so stiff as to impede us in our quest to aid Cormyr?" he smiles at the end to take any sting out of his words and studies Elinor quizically

Beltain bends and takes up the remaining potions from the floor then follows the others out to the horses, eager to be on his way. He smiles, remembering Limara's kiss.

When he goes outside Beltain goes off to the side and fetches a small, sturdy cheerful looking Alsation dog. He hands the lead to Limara "A little gift" he says "The man in the shop says that she has been fully trained as a guard dog and that she is a friendly little mut" he ruffles the dog's fur and looks expectantly at Limara "I hope that you like her?" he asks hesitantly.

"Arr, monsieur with these gifts you are spoiling me...." she smiles.."What is her name?... and what commands does she know?..." , Limara crouches down and hugs the dog, strokes its head and smiles at her.

"Aaargh..." complains Nosnibor "Keep the horrible doggie away from Pussy. Pussy don't be scared of the horrible beastie.!"

"Oh, and by the way Elinors church is a strong ally of mine." Continues Limara ignoring the wizards outburst "Torm is one of the three that formed The Triad, Tempus, another of the three sponsored the divinity of my god, The Red Knight. So I am sure she will fit in as well as I have....after all, we all have our own idiosyncrasies and we've done ok so far..." she turns to the wizard at last "don't worry Nos, I wont let her harm your pussy... maybe they will get on fine... In fact it would be a boon for your cat if my dog is guarding her...... "

"By the way." retorts The Wizard "Is it me or did the noble Beluthian just say that Lord Thingy had picked us for the job because we're a bunch of amoral dungeon hackers who don't mind getting our hands dirty? I hope he didn't says that. Because I'm a highly moral Wizard who takes great care to ensure I'm always nice to strangers and passing goblin hordes. I think we're nice people."

"Err, I like to think that its because he is confident that we have those Extra skill needed to succeed" replies Limara a trifle bemused.

The Wizard Nosnibor appears satisfied and turns to Elinor "I for one am pleased to meet you Lady Elinor. I am the Wizard Nosnibor, formerly Court Magician to the Duchy of Rhoesone. Formerly of the land of Cerilia. Winner of the pointiest Ears Prize of Deepling Wood Community College of Magic and Druidic Dabblings and Proud Second Runner up in the 'What's My Cantrip' competition on no less than one and half occasions. And also may I introduce you to Pussy, formerly Minister of Cat Affairs and all round imperiously important Puss." The Wizard Nosnibor lifts Pussy up in one hand to greet the Lady Elinor and bows while doing so. Which is no mean feat until he stumbles and nearly trips up.

Belatin thinks 'Netherese, Netherese' now do I remember anything about this from my history lessons? But he can't recall a thing. "I have no idea what a Netherese is" Rizzit assures him.

"Well, arn't we all formal? Lar-de-dar." Interject Feng and nods to Elinor "The name's Feng. I kill my enemies. I do it because it brings me wealth and fame, and because I like it. Don't get in the way of my axe, and don't force me to carry your dead or unconscious body, and we'll get along fine. Oh, an It don't matter what a Nethersee is, 'cos it will die if it makes a wrong move around me!"

The party gather their mounts (and assorted pets) and assemble in Lord Hawklins courtyard. He instructs the party to leave their mounts and pets in the courtyard and ushers them back inside "The paperwork is ready for you to sign. Firstly here is the Adventurers charter. Your band has been registered as "The Order of Initiative" and as promised it is fully paid for a year.. He then hands each of the party a scroll, the Writ. It states the party are on business for the crown. He turns to the kobold "Rizzit, I have managed to put off your meeting with the Royal Magician Caladnei untill you return from this quest. Once you are back in Suzail you must see him though" He hands each of the party a inkpen "Lets get this paperwork done, then you can get going"

Beltain reads the paper and, providing there is no conflict with his religion, he signs, as does Rizzit and with disguised cynicism, Feng makes his mark

"In answer to your question." Lord Hawklin tells Beltain "The Netheril were an ancient civilization that existed on Faerun over 5000 years ago. They were destined to become incredibly powerful and doomed to overwhelming arrogance. I'm going to give you a parchment with the symbols of the Netherese alphabet. If you find any symbols or writings that match these in the ruins please inform us." He hands the party a parchment.

"5000 years is a long time" retorts Feng "I'm guessin' them old-timers won't be interested in us, however arrogant they got. How long with this feckin' spider poison last? Feng is still feeling weak after his last fight! Ladies? You want to lay hands on Feng?"

Elinor] signs then looks at the parchment of symbols, and passes it on to Beltain. "The only preference I have for any loot that we find is to distribute it to most benefit our mission. There's no point carrying a packed spell book if you are a dead warrior. On return from a mission I would expect a fair wage for all members."

Lord Hawklin escorts the party. He leads them down the promenade, Suzail's main street, to the western end of the court, the gigantic government building in the centre of Suzail. There, he leads them to a broad set of double doors that appears to be a service entrance for taking large deliveries, as from wagons. Opening it he takes them inside a brightly kit room resembling a small, empty warehouse, 60 feet square and 20 feet high. An identical set of double doors stands on the far side of the room, the sides of the room have piles of empty crates, straw, and minor debris pushed against them. The room smells like horses were recently stabled here. Bright illumination comes from a few globes suspended from the ceiling, radiating magical light. Lord Hawklin ushers you inside and closes the doors behind you. He motions for you to wait there.

"Nice pad" mutters Rizzit

Beltain takes the paper and thanks Elinor "He studies the paper and commits it to memory, he leans over and passes the paper to Limara

"The dog ,or rather bitch has no name as yet, Princess" Beltain tells Limara "Perhaps you could choose one that matches her personality? The man in the shop did tell me her skills. I think that they were Attack, Defend and Guard but I wasn't really listening. She also is able to play dead and roll on her back to have her tummy tickled… She also seems, much too likeable to trouble herself with Nosni's cat".

"I love having my tummy tickled to but no-one ever offers" says Rizzit plaintively but there are no offers.

"I think having a Paladin in the party will be just lovely" exclaims The Wizard Nosnibor "Especially with all the clever word games. I just love words that are spelt the same way forwards and backwards. Or is that a Palindrome? I can never remember. " he looks around "Did someone say we're going to be Teleported somewhere? I do hope nothing goes wrong in the spatial / thurmaturgical vortex. I've had bad luck with those."

Limara reads then signs the paperwork ignoring Nosnibor's rambling discourse.

"Well now that we each have a writ we'd better be off" exclaims Beltain "Lord Hawklin indicated that time was of the essence, and I for one have had enough of the big city. Although I know I will miss the good food and warm beds."

"So what happens now?" says Rizzit impatiently

Bibabobalobalos finally comes out of his sullen, silent mood. "Are we off then? I've been getting quite bored. Are we going through a portal or are we to be Teleported?"

Lord Hawklin turns to face the doors on the far side of the chamber. "In the name of the Forest Kingdom, and of Alusair, the Steel Regent, I bid you open" he says in a loud, strong voice that echoes in the large room. Swiftly, the doors on the far side of the room vanish, replaced by a whirling, sparkling pool of grey light about 6 feet across, hovering about a foot above ground. The pool of light then slowly sinks into the floor until it is only a half-circle, 8 feet high and 16 feet wide. The grey light filling the half-circle fades, and you see a landscape beyond it. The scene is of a rocky wasteland among high hills, at the same time of day as it is now in Suzail. Several dozen armoured men with drawn longbows, obviously Purple Dragons, watch you through the magic portal. Other soldiers behind them gaze at you with mild interest that is quickly lost. One yawns, and two others continue a conversation after only a brief scowl in your direction. One soldier in a Purple Dragon officer's uniform walks over to the portal and peers through without entering. "The sun has not set on the forest kingdom" she says stiffly. "Nor shall it so long as we hold it in the sky" replies Lord Hawklin. "Captain, please see that my companions here get food and rest. They've come to clear away the vermin you reported. Their paperwork is in order" He pauses. "All is as before?" "No change, your lordship", says the army captain. She looks tired and grim, old beyond her youth. Her eyes have a dark, haunted look "Our friends from Waterdeep are preparing a report for the reagent. It should be ready by tomorrow." "Thank you captain" says Lord Hawklin "We will be ready to receive it. The gods be with you." "I pray that they are, your lordship." The captain's weary voice and expression make it plain that she has her doubts. She looks expectantly at the party. Lord Hawklin turns and solemnly waves you onward, through the portal.

Feng touches booted feet to horses flank and spurs his steed thru' the portal "C'mon you heroes, Fortune, Glory and bloodletting await!"

The Wizard Nosnibor gulps loudly and watches the others go in before him. He doesn't seem to like Portals much. Perhaps he's had one too many bad experiences.

"I'm with you Feng, it is obvious that there is more to this than we have yet been told" calls Beltain "Let us go forward and show our mettle! Come Princess, our destiny awaits!" and Beltain moves forward...

Beltain turns and smiles at the others "Time for us to earn our rather hefty fee I think"

Elinor rides in front of Nosnibor. "Come with me, mage. There is nothing to fear from the portal. Just slip through behind me and my war horse." And Elinor's horse walks calmly towards the portal.

Elinor and Legend pass through the portal, and pull up beside Captain Dunman. Elinor turns to look back at the party and beckons for them to join her.

Rizzit spurs Beaker on and rides through "yeee haa"

Elinor turns and studies the kobold "Nice mount" she says Elinor. Legend raises an eyebrow and snorts as Beaker scoots past

"Are you eager to be off seeking adventure Elinor?" Rizzit asks "Yeah, my mount can be a bit grouchy and likes biting shiny stuff but he is good fun"

"Pretty much ready" agrees Elinor "I need to get some more battle-miles in order to progress. Hope you can keep him away from my shiny stuff" Elinor's armour and shield glints in the sunlight. I'll give you a race when we get a moment. But for now I think we need to seek some guidance from these battle-weary troops". Elinor dismounts and salutes Captain Dunman

"Greetings Captain" she begins "Lord Hawklin has sent us to deal with some brigands. Can you offer us guidance on where to find the ruins that they are occupying?"

"Its still early so we should head straight there" interjects Rizzit, ever helpful.

"When we have the time, Elinor," Feng suggests "Perhaps you can tell us what you know of Hawklin. Anyone who would pay so much to despatch a few brigands is either stupid, or not telling us everything."

"Who cares" says Rizzit "It's good money and we can take anything the world throws at us Bud - well I can, you get your head pulled off"

"Yeah, but I'm just cautious" agrees Feng "Between you and me, Rizz - If he's expecting something that he says he will pay 12k for, I guess it might end up costing him extra?"

"What's cautious mean?" Rizzit looks quizzical

"I have better armour, now" says Feng ignoring the interruption "Something tries to rip my head off, will lose it's own! Hmmmm"

Limara rides through the portal with her dog 'Gypsy' beside her. As she passes the Lord she bows her head and wishes him a good day.... "Good afternoon Captain" she dismounts, briefly stroking her dog to comfort her new pet. "My name is Limara, I too am interested in what knowledge you give to aid our mission.."

Beltain gives a slight bow to Lord Hawklin and urges his horse through the portal at Limara's side. He smiles at Feng "Twelve thousand to get rid of some bandits? I think not! There is great adventure to be had and great fame to be won. Apart from the size of the payment I also wonder why it is to be split into two with the second part to be paid much later. However our noble captain will no doubt give us the full story, will you not?" he says turning to Captain Dunman.

"Nice camp guys, anything to eat before we ride off and smite evil?" asks Rizzit forever hungry "what are these things?" he says looking at something by the horse trough.

Beltain addresses the Knight's captain "Forgive me if I speak plainly but in this matter there is no room for fancy words or lack of clarity. It is plain that Lord Hawklin has given us only the bare bones of the situation up here. It is clear that there are worries beyond the bandits as he indicated that there was a threat to Cormyr that should be neutralised. If we are to succeed then we must have all the information that you know Captain. So tell us clearly what is going on, who or what is involved and where they are to be found. We would also be interested to know what your suspicions are and how you think it would be best for us to proceed. Remember if you only give us half the story, then there is a high probability that we will fail and you will be left with this mess to clear up. So speak up – the whole story, if you please." He finishes and smiles at the troubled captain of knights.

Feng nods approvingly "Yeah! What Beltain said."

"what a load of bollocks?" says Rizzit under his breath

Beltain grins pleased at Feng's approval and dismisses Rizzit's jealous remark

"Come on you stragglers" calls Rizzit through the portal.

"This gate will not stay open for ever, it takes strong magic to maintain it. Hurry or it will close before you can come through!" calls Belatin anxious that the group does not get split up.

The party ride trough the portal. Suddenly a scribe comes running into the warehouse, he rushes up to Lord Hawklin and whispers in his ear. Lord Hawklin sighs a deep sigh "Nosnibor and Coleridge.. I'm afraid you will have to wait, there's a problem with the paperwork regarding both of you, hopefully just a small matter that can be rectified quickly." He turns to the rest of the party that have ridden through the portal "We will have your friends back quickly" he assures the party. Just then the portal closes. The warehouse from whence they came...gone.

The army campsite is on a ridge about 150ft high, overlooking the western end of Tilver's Gap and providing an excellent view of the region and approximately 3 miles from The Black Crater.. The party notices at least 40 purple dragons here.

"Ok, follow me" says Captain Dunman as she leads them to one of the tents. There the party's paperwork is once again meticulously checked. "You may stay at camp till dawn should you wish to, or you can leave now. I have a map here that shows the location of the ruins that you are to investigate. The ruins are about 20 miles to the south west. You will see a stone cairn, from there travel south east to the ruins" she states flatly. "If your friends come through the portal we will direct them to the same location" She turns to face the party "Be warned, any spells cast within a five mile radius of the Black Crater will not work, or will malfunction, I suggest saving your magic until you are out of the area." She looks to one of the Purple Dragons who has been looking at the party's papers, he nods at her "Well, it seems all in is in order"

"Let's go now! I am keen to be off" mutters Rizzit impatiently.

But the party will hope to learn more from the worried Captain of Knights before they set out!


First Post
In the dark

They have only just started but as yet two of their number have not come through the portal. The setup in Cormyr seems overly bureaucratic and Belatin is worried that they haven't been told the full story.

The pay is generous, too generous for just a few bandits and the concern of Lord Hawklin and Captain Duman, although real, does not seem justified unless the 'Threat to Cormyr' is the real reason for the expedition.

Perahps the Captain will reveal more? She must have some idea about the strength and composition of the brigands. Are they human? Are there any spellcasters? What have been their targets? And more important what has indicated that such low life are associated with a clear and present danger to the realm?

Such a large group of knights to watch the crater and from so long away –why couldn't some of them be detected if this is an important duty?

Belatin ponders and hopes that the Captain will reveal more!


First Post

The Warehouse Portal


The Purple Dragon camp near the Black Crater

Feng the Mighty

First Post
Yeah. It's tough in Cormyr. Everyone worried that somEthing would prevent someone else tellin' 'em what to do. The Lord is worried, and the Captain is uncomfortable. I havn't checked to see if her lance is missing, but they all seem uptight. It looks like this is another job for a cohesive group of combat hardened professionals. But they got me and a travelling glee club. Somehow I think that not everyone will be claiming their reward on the way back.


First Post
Into the Stonelands

Beltain sighs "What is it that you are so trusting of paperwork?" he asks the captain "Now, can you brief us on what we can expect in the way of hostiles in the area - you must have some idea! Also what this 'threat to Cormyr may be, we don't want to fail by going in blind..."

Elinor turns to Feng. "Lord Hawklin is a fine and honourable man. I know no more of this mission than you do, but I trust Lord Hawklin. There is no treachery in him. I agree with Rizzit- we should set off for the Cairn as soon as we can."

Feng looks heavenward and files Elinor away under "Trusting and Simple"

Bibabobalobalos looks back at where the portal was. "Portals, been there, done that. A most civilized way of travelling." He adds wistfully, "If only I knew where they all were."

"Humph" he says "Well, we got about 3 hours of daylight. I can see in the dark, but I'm not so sure about Limara. I reckon we should stay here until dawn, and make our way out and travel in such a wise that we can see well around us. This is outside of my patch, so I have no idea what lives out there in the waste - perhaps the captain will oblige with some intelligence? Since there's only six o' us, we won't have any scouts out - so speed and seeing stuff in time will probably keep some of you in yer saddles a little longer than otherwise."

"If I may interject, Feng" interrupts Biba "I am impatient to get adventuring. It seems like an age since we were all on the road together."

"More haste less speed" Beltain argues "It is clear that Lord Hawklin has not told us the full story. Now Elinor before you protest, I don't say that this is for any dishonourable purpose – he may have his reasons, but we should get a brief from the captain on the current situation before we set off. Out job is to eliminate the brigands and the threat to Cormyr, it does little good to die gloriously through hasty action and a lack of information. Now Captain Dunman" he says turning to the worried looking commander of knights "Please tell us what you know of the situation and why Lord Hawklin thinks that they may be a threat to Cormyr. In a shortened form, if you can, as we are anxious to be on our way"

"Did someone say owt?" Feng continues "Limara and Elinor are Humes - I don't see the point in handicapping ourselves in the dark is such a good idea. A full days travel in the light will see us to our destination more quickly. It will also allow Cole and Nosni to be with us as we set out. Relax, eat someone else's vitals for an afternoon. And no, Rizz. Feng does not feel any fear about this expedition. I'm just doin' the obvious thing."

"Hum" says Beltain "If we could reach the Cairn today then, we could have the daylight to explore the ruins. There appears to be a track to the cairn but we will have to cross open country to reach the ruins"

"It just seems to me" says the dwarf with a glance towards Feng "That we could get to the hideout and then immediately reconnoitre if we leave now and camp halfway."

"The ruins are over twenty miles away across wasteland." Replies Feng annoyed "We ain't gonna do it before dark. Or does yer 'orse have wings?" He glances towards Biba "Shhhhhsh. Grownups are talking." - Bibabobalobalos flinches yet again!

Feng ties up his horse and strolls over to hear what the Captain has to say.

Bibabobalobalos in a moment of bravado, yells "You're a bully, Feng!" after Feng who turns and "Not yet." Feng says with an evil grin.

"Have you thought about being nicer to people? You may find you get along better with them." Bibabobalobalos responds bravely (if foolishly).

"I get along as well with you as I can be bothered to" says Feng in a weary voice "Now mop up them tears with that rag of a beard, 'Cos the nasty warrior will take the piss if you carry on." And mutters something approximating to "Cupid Stunt"

"That is just the sort of thing I was talking about. It is just not necessary." Persists the dwarf "Then we'll talk about this later" replies the barbarian "Perhaps when we are on watch together. Out in the wastes." And Feng smiles thinly.

"Back to the work in hand " says Beltain interrupting the pair "I agree with part of what you say Feng. But I would prefer not to stay too long with these purple knights after their captain has given us the briefing. The open road and the stars above my head and all that..."

"If these bandits are human then it is to our advantage to raid them at night where those with dark-vison will be at an advantage and they are unlikely to see us coming" interjects Rizzit.

"Fine. I Don't give a Kobold's chuff!" says Feng annoyed "You want to head out and have the ladies blind, so be it. Let's hope their horses will be able to see the cliff edge in time. One things for sure, you won't be able to blame me if :):):):) happens in the dark and the ladies wont know what's happening." And he tries unsuccessfully to curb his impatience as he waits for the Captain's briefing. ":):):):) me!" he continues to nobody in particular "Do I sound like I want to read? It softens the brain. If I need anything read to me, I'll pay someone to do it. If I need to send a message, I'll pay someone to do that too! Let's face it, being able to read is not the mark of a great warrior now, is it?"

"Jeez didnt think I would see the day Feng lost his nerve, I guess you never can tell" says Rizzit partly to himself as the barbarian kicks a vaguely dwarf shaped rock wrathfully. "You never will Rizzit" Feng growls "But if ever you do, I doubt you will be able to tell anyone about it. My my! It looks like everyone under 4ft is trying to prove they got balls by windin' up ole Feng. I got a long memory, boys - so keep the smart stuff behind yer teef, alright?"

"At least Bob has 2" says the kobold with a grin while Feng grinds his teeth in frustration "But for how much longer?" asks Feng and stamps over and remounts Shinegami.

"I applaude your attitude Feng" says Limara attempting to defuse the tempers "It's wise to let the cleric see you if you need healing.... Rizzit .. behave and stop trying to wind up Feng.." Rizzit attempts to looks innocent.

Limara looks at the kobold failing to look innocent, and grins at him...

Captain Dunman addresses at Beltain "Cormyr has enemies, everything must be considered a possible threat. You have been given all pertinent information. Lord Hawklin's judgement is impeccable, I assure you. If you have doubts about the mission, feel free to stand down. Now. Will you be leaving now? Or do you wish to camp the night and depart at dawn ?"

"If we are to get no further briefing" Beltain glances annoyed at the Captain "Then we had better be on our way. I'm sure these gallant knights don't want us around and I will be far happier in an area where magic works and I can play my part fully, if needed. I agree with Rizzit that we might have some advantage at night if we battle against human bandits. But" he glares at the captain again "We have not been given any information regarding who we face, although human or demi-human does seem more likely if the term 'bandit' is used...". He pauses "So I say let us ride out, not as far as the ruins but follow the path, to the cairn. We should have little danger of mishaps with cliffs if we follow the path" he adds for Feng's benefit

"We were told to report back to you captain, but when this is done, are we able to return to Suzail the same way as we came?" He asks the captain as he moves Salix towards the rough path to the cairn.

"Lets go then, as the windbag says" interjects Rizzit eager to ferment dissent Beltain gives the kobold a withering look, but Rizzit looks decidedly unwithered

"If we are going to have to stop and camp for the night further on " says Limara "Then only the people with night vision will be able to watch the group, everyone else will be at a disadvantage if we are attacked. If the attack is from range then we won't see them. I can light up small areas, but not the whole landscape....my vote is to rest here until first light then move out... but I will go with the majority "

"I was not trying to antagonise anyone, though I doubt Feng would believe an honest dwarf." Grumbles the dwarf "I say go now. We have spent too long growing soft in comfort! Of course, I will follow a majority decision." And he looks around at the others, awaiting their votes.

"I may believe one, if ever I met one." Says Feng with a wry laugh "I have proposed the correct course of action. Limara has shown the wisdom to agree with me, however if everyone is in a hurry to go, Feng will not stay you. The stink of sanctity from these knights is turning my stomach anyhow." He looks around and seems to reach a decision "C'mon all. Lets head out. I'm bored, and even an ambush will offer some diversion."

Bibabobalobalos smiles a small smile (which he hopes is hidden in his beard).

Rizzit "That's sounds a good majority. Let's ride"

"I'm eager to go," agrees Beltain "We were told that the task was urgent, so I'd not want is disappoint Lord Hawklin. Further I feel nervous with that black hole leaching away our magic while these paragons of law sit here for day after day just watching it. Fair gives me the creeps!" and Beltain shivers as if to give emphasis to his words.

"I need to be somewhere I an use my magic," seconds Rizzit "Here I am just some weak gobby kobold"

"I see you have decided to set off now. I wish you well." Captain Dunman tells the party, then she looks at Beltain "The Stonelands terrain is quite naturally enough... rocky a cart would not be a very good idea. And yes, you will be able to use the portal here to return to Suzail"

The party set off using the map given to them by Captain Dunman.. Elinor draws her lance and rides to the front of the party her eyes scan the route ahead, watching for uneven ground and for any sign of life. She listens- are there the usual sounds of the great outdoors? Can she hear anything above the constant bickering of her new travelling companions?

Beltain urges Salix forward weaving in and out of the rocky boulders that dot the landscape. Like Elinor his eyes dart from side to side looking for the slight movement that could indicate foes and an ambush.

"Let us ride hard and be gone from this evil place" advises Rizzit, unhappy to be in a zone of no magic and urges Beaker forward

Beltain spurs Salix into a trot, so as to be in a position to support Elinor if she gets attacked...

"Ah ha, see how Beltains allegiance is starting to shift" says Rizzit to Feng with a wink

Limara glares at the kobold and follows on behind Bel and Elinor, guiding her horse along the trail they took.

Beltain glances over his shoulder and smiles warmly at Limara.

Elinor spots movement behind two of the large rocks ahead, she recognises the creatures...Orcs.

This will be the first time that the party have faced foes without their magic to help them...


First Post
Of Orcs and Scorpions

It was a harder fought battle than the odds suggested and the orcs did heavy damage to Elinor and Beltain early in the battle. However ist is soon over with Bibabob downing the last orc.....

"The sooner we get into an area where magic works and we can heal wounds the happier I will be" says Beltain with a sigh. "I agree" responds Elinor "Let's move on"

She looks across at Beltain. "You look a bit worse for wear. Let's hope we can travel some miles without incident"

Beltain returns Elinor's scrutiny and smiles "I could say the same about you too. Still there is a mission to be completed, I agree that we should be off!"

In checking the dead orcs equipment Limara spots the Eye of Gruumsh crossed over by two lightning bolts on their breastplates. She examines the Orcish symbol. "These orcs are from the Thunder Peaks. In the recent Dragon's War they were scattered all over Cormyr, so it is not unusual that they are in The Stonelands region." she tells the others.

"The vultures are already starting to circle" Limara cautions "We should not delay. I suggest that Feng and I should lead... we are uninjured. Bel is right, we are vulnerable at the moment.... and we don't have a wagon for the fallen either.." she pauses.." which also means we cant carry heavy loot either, I think we should leave the armour. In fact we should destroy it, so it cant be reused against us.."

"OK" she continues "We must assume this is all hostile ground from now on. We should be in formation ready for attack. I suggest a 2 by 3 column in close rank. As we cant heal anyone yet it would be logical to have Feng and myself in the front row, followed by Bel and Elinor in the middle and Rizzit and Bob 3rd row". If we keep close together we can protect each other...... "

"I like to be at the front" chirps in Rizzit and loads up his crossbow ready for action.

Belatin dismounts and collect the axes and bows

"I agree with Limara" says the paladin "It would be better to destroy the armour and leave the pieces here." Elinor takes her position in the party, ready to move on "Does Beaker want to peck it a bit?" she asks the kobold.

"Rizzit" calls Limara "Beaker is the fastest mount here, so I am expecting you to come charge into the action as soon as something happens. But, the formation I suggest is safer for the party as a whole... please play your part and guard the back, your keen eyesight is needed there. .. please" she smiles at Rizzit kindly.

"Ah well if I am needed at the rear in an important roll, that's a different matter" says Rizzit grandly.

"Let's trample the armour" laughs Elinor "Pas de deux Limara?" Elinor rides Legend over to, and indeed over, the armour. His hooves are the size of dinner plates, and he seems to enjoy the noise it makes and Limara joins in the fun. Gypsy watches curiously as Limara guides Venomblood back and forth squashing all the armour into weird shapes...

"Let's be off then... " says Beltain cheerfully "Magic area (with cures) here we come"

The party travel on... they travel for over 3 hours. Then they spot the stone cairn described to them by Captain Dunman. They turn off and head for where the ruins are supposed to be, they should arrive soon. The rocky landscape is bleak and the cold air cuts to the bone. Suddenly the party spot something... Two large whip scorpions!!... The giant insects raise their pincers and arch their tails.

"These look fearsome foes, lets hope my magic is working again" say Rizzit flexing his fingers.

"Hmm, bugs! I do not like bugs." mutters the dwarf. "These might be fine creatures in their place but right here and now they are fish bait!"

"Hardly creatures to test our mettle" scoffs Feng "Can we outrun them? It seems stupid to take casualties fighting beasts we can easily best."

Elinor grips her sword, ready for action. She bites her lip and plans her next move. An orc fight is one thing, but she's not sure what Legend will make of a giant scorpion. "Do you really think we can out-run them? We'll need to head right between the two of them, and I can't imagine they here for the grazing."

Beltain looks at Feng and then Elinor "I have never seen such creatures before" he says "So I will have to take your word that they are too powerful for the party to face. We should not attempt to gallop between them as such a move would be inevitably noisy and attack the attention of the bandits, if they are close. We would then be faced with bandits to our front with these beasts falling upon our rear. Indeed" he sweeps his arm around, indicating the rocky terrain "In broken ground such as this a gallop could well result in a broken leg for our mounts. I suggest that if flee we must, we do so back the way we came, and then work our way around avoiding this place and trusting that other ways are free of such foes. In any event, in fleeing the one on the slowest mount will be at the greatest risk" and he looks significantly at the short-legged fell pony.

"Bunch of poofs, lets be at them" says Rizzit disgusted at the suggestion that the party avoid the monsters. "I cant believe you lot have lost your spines. I shall be riding forward to get a good shot with my mighty magic"

"Well what's it to be fellows, cut & run or fight?" say Beltain and his eyes twinkle with amusement.

Belatin pauses "If I might speak plainly, both of you counselled to tarry longer at the knight's camp despite Lord Hawklin's urging us to haste. Perhaps you share my concern about the motives of this noble? Certainly the Dunman, the captain of knights knew more about this situation than she revealed and such lack of openness about the bandits and the threat to Cormyr must raise questions in all our minds. When we started I thought that the generous pay was because Hawklin was hiring us for a dangerous mission, now I am wondering if he was only being so munificent because he thought that he would never have to pay our fee…?"

"You are so full of crap Beltain" Rizzit tells him undiplomatically "The noble Lord Hawklin raises our friends from the dead, offers us a huge sack of cash to kill a few bandits and all you do is winge"

"Bel.. the purple knights are not going to give out information they are not asked to reveal, they are soldiers. As for Lord Hawklin, I have seen nothing in his actions that gives me reason to distrust him....

"You are probably right about Lord Hawklin, Princess. As Rizzit says he did have our friends raised and has been generous on the reward. Perhaps he has his reasons which we will discover by and by"

Limara continues "I am getting the general impression that certain people have not been reading the local papers, rumours... or Cormyrs recent history chronicles in the churches... does anyone here have an idea what the big black hole is ?, you know where Tilverton was..."

"I haven't read anything in papers that might give a clue, Princess" says Beltain with a shrug "I would have guessed at some trans-dimensional rift but that wouldn't explain the anti-magic field, or would it? I also can't see the point of stationing a whole load of Purple Knights to watch it, or guard it…"

"Well the latest rumour in the church was that the Netheril City that was sighted in Auroch earlier this year had something to do with it. The City of Shade has returned from the plane of shadows were the Netheril ran to all those centuries ago. Who know what populates the cities streets up there now, but the Netherise were immensely powerful mages. The hole that was left after the attack on Tilverton is a breach in the weave... specifically the shadow weave.. it is now a gateway to the plane of shadows . Anyone who enters is lost forever. I is told in history that the most powerful spell ever cast by a Netherise was 12th level.... apparently it was the last spell he ever cast too !! " she smiles

"And we are heading into Netherise ruins, it fair makes my blood run cold." Beltain replies "You know my god is one of magic as well as war, perhaps I should spend some time in study of the arcane arts too..." he muses "I'm not sure I remember much about the Netherise people from my history learning..."

"Whats a Netherise?" asks Rizzit

Rizzit rides forward and a scorching ray springs from his hand severely wounding one of the scorpions.

Beltain turns his gaze back to Rizzit. charge "Well done that kobold" he exclaims in admiration "He is nothing if he is not fearless"

Elinor kicks Legend into a canter and heads towards the frazzled scorpion slaying it with a blow from her longsword.

"Nice work Rizzit" she smiles

The other scorpion moves quickly towards Limara, as it gets near it releases a spray of noxious vapours and Limara is enveloped by the spray but she and Venonblood resist its effects.

Beltain casts Spiritual Weapon but it misses the second scorpion.

Feng's horse misses the second scorpion too but his axe strikes true and damages it. "Wow!" he exclaims "Good armour these things have! Perhaps not such a cheap victory after all!"

"Nah" retorts Rizzit These critters are no match for my magic"

Both Venomblood and Limara miss on their attacks "Damn.." she exclaims mildly.

Bibabob rides into position and fires his shortbow at the remaining attacking scorpion but misses.

Rizzit rides Beaker over to the last Scorpion, growling and squarking as they go

and eager to taste some scorpion but strikes only air, Beaker frowns in disgust

Rizzit fires his crossbow but misses the last fighting scorpion.

Elinor turns Legend and canters over to the second scorpion.

More poison is spayed and Limara, Venomblood, Salix, Beaker, Rizzit and Legend are all find their dexterity has reduced, fortunately the poison was not that strong but the beast follows through wounding Feng.

Belatin and Salix attack the monsters raining blows on it until is sinks to the floor, dead. Beltain leads Salix out of the acid area. "How are you Princess?" he calls over to Limara in a worried voice.

"Nice little fight, at least it cleared away some of the boredom associated with Cormyr." says Feng looking around for more targets "I'm just getting into my stride, and the action finishes. Just like a brothel with only a dozen girls in it. Hey, look! No one dies! Not even the Dwarf! It thought it was kinda a rule or something. On come the hostiles and stumpy gets rigid. and not in a nice way. Weapon Practice with Feng must agree with him." and grins at his own wit, oblivious as to the effect on anyone else

"I agree we should set off now, but it is 5:30 already and not many hours of daylight left. Perhaps it would be better to find a place to rest so that the poisoned can recover their dexterity and then set off, when we humans are able to see, on the morrow, with a full complement of spells?"

"Well done everyone," says Rizzit "Let's not delay we need to push on"

Elinor leans across and rests her hand on Rizzit's scaley brow, then on Beaker's feathery shoulder. She frowns and then sits back, pulling her hand away. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can treat this poison. Let's hope it wears off soon. Let's move on to the Ruins. We can make a start with our investigations, and perhaps we'll find some shelter there"

"Thank you for your kind concern m'lady," says Rizzit pleased at the attention "I shall be fine, it should wear off in time"

"I'll lead. Nightvision is the only other worthwhile thing apart from my toughness that my father gave me."

Limara heals the wounded Barbarian then addresses the rest of the party "OK, I agree with Elinor... we should move on to the ruins if we can make it... keep the same formation until it gets dark, then I will swap places with Rizzit. His darkvision will be needed at the front. That way we dont need to stop until we are weary". She gets a cigar out: lights it with a tindertwig and .... after a moment .... blows smoke from her pouting lips. "Anyone else want a cigar?" she asks, offering them around.

"Thanks for the healing Limara" says Feng, now fighting fit again, "I still think your wisdom is doubtful if you want to led into the dark by Rizzit. I have Darkvision too. I won't lead you into a Red Dragon's lair just to look at the pretty fireworks. Just so we are clear. I intend to collect my reward from his lordship. I can't do that if I die. So lets start gettin a little smarter." and he grins in the darkness, "I think a real extended period of violence is called for. And I'm the one to deal it out!"

Mesmerised by Limara's pouting lips, Beltain unthinkingly accepts a cigar and starts to smoke. He quickly realises his mistake and, coughing and spluttering hands the cigar to Rizzit "S-s-moke it or e-e-eat it" he stutters, his eyes streaming.

Rizzit moves to the front once its dark and keep a careful eye out for more trouble

Beltain wipes his eyes and stands up in the saddle, scanning the area land looking for more scorpions waiting to attack the party.but sees no further enemies...the party carry on toward the ruins..

"I'll second that Mighty Feng." agrees Beltain, his eyes still smarting "Let cut the talk and be on our way again"

"Now that is wisdom. Come then." smiles Feng

"Keep your wits about you Feng, the others are relying on our eyesight this night" Rizzit tells the warrior "So watch the way ahead and stop fondling that axe"

"We has better advance with caution and in silence" whispers Beltain "We are, I think, close to the bandit lair, but skulls on strings do not seem to be conventional behaviour for brigands, they are normally secretive about their hideouts...".

And sure enough the skeletal ruins of a once proud city start to loom from the darkness.


First Post
The Ancient Ruins

The party approach the area, strung between a series of rocks are sets of skulls strung on rope and clattering in the wind. The approach them with caution.

"I think a couple of us with darkvision should sneak ahead and take a look around"

says Rizit softly "I suggest myself and Feng, we are good at keeping out of trouble"

Rizzit dismounts and moves forward while Wizzy sniffs about ahead

"..Rizzit..." councils Limara softly "Stay with Feng at the front of the formation.... do not move ahead and leave the rest of us sightless , teamwork , remember?? "

Rizzit already moving forward ignores her "Shhh, I am trying to sneak here" he replies in a low voice "Feng take the other flank" he whispers to the clumsy oaf, then he tip toes away into the darkness

Limara looks skyward then adds in a whisper "If you want to look ahead, use your weasel to do it... it'll be better than you.... and Feng, don't leave the formation please.. I wont be able to protect or heal you if I cant see you"

"Hehe," chuckles Rizzit "You better do as the girls say Feng, stop where they can look after you" he chuckles quietly to himself

Limara tells Feng" Feng we need your help here, we cant see in the dark... unless i light the whole area up, that is..." her voice barely above a whisper.

But neither Rizzit nor Wizzy see anything else unusual.. The skulls clatter in the wind... "Someone lead beaker," requests the kobold softly "I am going ahead with wizzy"

"Wizzy" the sorcoror calls quietly "You hear anything? All I can hear are these damn skulls"

"So are these skulls on a rope a warning for intruders," muses Elinor "Or an alarm system to warn of intruders? Should we avoid them? Or can we silence them while we pass?"

"Lady Elinor" Beltain responds in a whisper "I think that the skulls would be better concealed and made of something more noisy if they were to give our foes warning of approaching intruders. We can and should avoid them but take heed of their message - we are close to the enemy's camp..."

He turns to his right "I admire your perseverance, Princess" continues Beltain in a low tone to Limara who rides by his side, pausing to admire the play of moonlight on her hair, "But your words have little effect on Rizzit. He is courageous but is as empty-headed as those skulls, I fear."

Feng scowls at Rizzit's retreating back "I'll stay. Plate armour is not the thing to go sneaking in. I reckon the skulls are a warning. Someone out to prove how tough he is. Let's hope the Braggart come to prove himself on Feng - that will be one enemy less."

Feng looks about but spots nothing, all he can hear is the howl of the wind and the clattering of the skulls..

Rizzit advances quietly, he sees the stonelands stretching off in all directions but he spots nothing unusual.. Bored he returns to Beaker, "Let's ride closer. I don't think we are at the bandit ruins yet. Stupid place to leave skulls" and he rides on into the night

x[Rizzit] "Please try to keep up" he calls to the others.

"Looks like we are off again - but cautiously..." shrugs Beltain and urges Salix forward.

Feng Snorts contemptuously but urges his horse forward with a "Giddiyap" He restlessly grips Nibbler's worn haft between his clenching fists

"You seem a little nervous of late Feng," chides Rizzit "Still not recovered fro your recent death? Stick with me bud and I will help you recover your nerve"

Low ruins appear to their front and Rizzit dismounts and moves quietly forward using rocks for cover

"I suggest we tether the horses here" notes Beltain quietly "And attempt to move up from the side rather than walk directly forward", so saying he sheathes his Longsword and draws his dagger

Limara dismounts and moves south taking cover behind a boulder, while Beltain strokes Salix mane reassuring his mount before silently dismounting and moving forward silently to shelter behind another of the large boulders. The two clerics gaze South in the direction of the low rubble marking site of ancient walls.

Ahead, in the darkness they see some ruins. Only the foundations remain.. No walls but Rizzit spots something "Something looking dead up here maybe undead" he whispers back to Beltain

"Hum" the cleric ponders "Whatever ruins those are they look better defined than the rest - and a body means that someone, or something, is active in this area. We must proceed but with caution. Feng and Elinor seem strangely silent...?" Beltain replies in a low voice. Tethers his horse, Shinegami, to a large boulder, regretfully leaves his Greatsword and Greatclub tied to his saddle and moves up to take cover beside Limara. "Everyone ready?" he whispers.

"Looks like someone crawled out and died" Rizzit relays back to the others in low tones "Maybe the bandits disturbed something down there"

"I See an Orc" Feng tells him, the barbarian's keen eyes probing the blackness "Lets get ready to rumble!"

Elinor dismounts and creeps forward to join Feng and Limara while Bibabobalobalas creeps forward also, moving to the same rock Beltain is sheltered behind.

Up ahead, in a the area of the ruins behind steps down, is the orc that Feng spotted. He cannot see if there are anymore from his position, it is just too dark..

The orc hears Feng's approach and points in Feng's direction. He then mutters something in Orcish to his hidden companions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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