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The Orville will never be, to me, GREAT MUST SEE TV.
In that way, the show will never reach the heights of the other shows we have now that are "Golden Age" television.
ST:TOS and ST:TNG are great, amazing, wonderful family watch shows. Get the whole family together and watch it- and it's great for young minds, too. Get them thinking outside the box.
And the Orville is ... almost ... that as well. But ...
But maybe that's just me. Does anyone else have thoughts on this? What I'm thinking about, by the way, is not whether or not the inclusion of more adult themes is "good" or "bad" per se, but whether or not this is good for the show in the future?
I remember watching the first season of Criminal Minds several years ago. Well, the first couple episodes of the first season. I thoroughly did not enjoy the opening scenes of each episode, which just felt to me like the show was reveling in the sexual torture of young women. It was like, worse than porn, and I wanted nothing to do with it.But maybe that's just me. Does anyone else have thoughts on this? What I'm thinking about, by the way, is not whether or not the inclusion of more adult themes is "good" or "bad" per se, but whether or not this is good for the show in the future?
So, I was going to post this in the general "Orville Two Thoughts" thread, but this is an issue that has been deviling me for a while.
Let me start by giving my general thoughts about the Orville (current through S2E05, All the World is a Birthday Cake- I'm catching up on the Fox streaming right now).
I think it's the best, high-budget, fan service of ST:TNG ever. That's not a bad thing! To quickly explain- I love complex, amazing television. The Orville will never be, to me, GREAT MUST SEE TV. Simply put, it's not even trying to be. In that way, the show will never reach the heights of the other shows we have now that are "Golden Age" television.
And that's okay. Because I've found that it provides a valuable service that we often overlook- it is good TV. It is the type of enjoyable TV that you don't have to worry about too much, but delivers some good (and sometimes funny) sci-fi on a regular basis. And we don't really have that anymore. Every show can't have unreliable narrators, or sweeping political dramas (the Expanse) and so on. It's good to have a solid, enjoyable Sci-Fi "concept of the week" show that shamelessly apes Star Trek.
So here's the issue I have.
ST:TOS and ST:TNG are great, amazing, wonderful family watch shows. Get the whole family together and watch it- and it's great for young minds, too. Get them thinking outside the box.
And the Orville is ... almost ... that as well. But ...
Well, in addition to the jokes (which, you know, whatever), sometimes you get ... more. I know Seth MacFarlane loves his jokes, and I'm happy that, for the most part, they are serving as occasional breaks instead of annoying distractions, but then you get episodes like S2E02, Primal Urges.
So, in a certain way, I understand the appeal of this episode from a classic science fiction standpoint- it's taking a current issue and extrapolating it into the future. I also know that the show is rated TV-14. And it's not like there isn't a lot of worse stuff out there on television.
...and yet, while I thought this was a good episode of the Orville, it was not necessarily the most enjoyable family watch ever. Two years earlier, and it could have been very, very bad.
But maybe that's just me. Does anyone else have thoughts on this? What I'm thinking about, by the way, is not whether or not the inclusion of more adult themes is "good" or "bad" per se, but whether or not this is good for the show in the future?
Or am I orville-thinking this? (HA! PUN!)
Depending on the director's interpretation and presentation, A Midsummer Night's Dream may well be family unfriendly!“Cupid’s Dagger” was not much more family unfriendly than something like A Midsummer’s Nights Dream.