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The Otherworld


They say the world is full of frightening things. CNN, NBC, ABC... they all show you more than your fair share. Detroit, Los Angeles, New York... these are 'scary' American cities, places where you shouldn't walk alone at night, or let your kids trick or treat by themselves. People, are the problem, people say. It's true, people can be pretty scary, but I'm not afraid of them. I'll have tea with a serial killer now, and sleep better that night because of it, because there is no human evil that can match what I've seen.

It was six years ago. I was strolling through Durham Park in North Philadelphia just after sundown. I had just finished some late night work at St. Philip's Church and decided I would get some air before heading home, and into my bed. I came across something that looked like a man, stooped over a lifeless body. I was scared then, because I thought he was a murderer. Just a murderer. But when it saw me, it took off, and the strangest compulsion to give chase came over me. It was fast, much faster than I would have expected. It could have outran me, but I realized after that it was toying with me - leading me on. It ran into the Old Cathedral Cemetery, and soon I was dashing over top of the dead, tripping on gravestones, trying to catch this thing. In an abandoned corner of the cemetery, there was an old mausoleum. The thing slipped inside. Maybe I should have turned back there, called the police or something, but I know now, that would have been useless. The compulsion led me inside.

It was dank and musty, but another smell, something so unfamiliar there were no words for it, permeated the whole of the dark air. An intense fear was growing in me, and just as it was about to overpower the compulsion that led me here, the thing spoke to me. He said his name was Incubus. He was glad I had come, because he was going to show me his own 'little corner of chaos'. I was too frightened to speak, but something, something I didn't know then, made me feel I was going to be safe. Blackness deepened in front of me, and I realized I was looking at a door. A most terrible door. Incubus led me through, and of the things I saw there, I shall not speak, but I had to see.

"I am commanded to show this to you, Puero." he said. Child. In Latin.
"By who?"
"It is a pact I made with Eidos. So that you should know what you will be fighting."

I said nothing. Then, I had no idea what it all meant. Before I knew what was happening, I was back in the mausoleum. Incubus, and the smell had gone, but knowledge from where I had been had seeped into my consciousness.

Now, there's no going back, and I know what I must do. There are others. Other doors, other Children.

One mission.

And believe me when I tell you that you won't be hearing about this on the news.
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Act 1, Scene 1

It is a warm, clear evening in Philadelphia. The fall session of classes started up less than a week ago, and the campus is bustling with students. The evening's soccer practice is coming to an end; the aspiring athlete Enrico Contessi is rushing to the locker room. His friend Lex Cole is nearby waiting to pick him up and go work on Enrico's '69 Dodge Charger. Not far from where Lex is standing is Trey Doyle, a part-time janitor, sweeping the floor with a far away look in his eyes.

Franklin Field Men's Locker Room, 7:00pm
Enrico: As you move to open your locker you realise it is stuffed full of more than you remember. It feels like there is a weight pressing against the door from the inside and there is a single drop of a flurocent green and black oily liquid leaking out of the vent near the top of the locker.
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First Post
Come on. I'm a Junior and a starter in the team. I should be the one doing the hazing. With an exaspirated sigh, Enrico opens the locker, careful to do it from a side and not get dirty with whatever foulness had been used. I bet it was Mcallister. He's never liked me, specially since I took his spot in the squad.

Speaking out loud to himself, Enrico peeks into his locker "Let's see what they've....."


With a wet thud the body of Professor Francis Carey slides from your locker and lands at your feet on the floor.

The young professor had made a name for himself in the fields of cultural anthropology and religious studies early in his career with some ground breaking papers on the shamanistic traditions of several African tribes. More recently however, his work has become more esoteric, and the few papers he has published have been received poorly by his peers.

The Professor's clothes are quite rumpled, and his face is unshaven. There is no blood or signs of a struggle. There is two drops of the sickly green and black liquid beading on his white shirt collar


First Post
"...Vaffanculo!" All other thoughts evaporate from Enrico's mind as he sees the body. As panics begins to rise in the young italian lads mind, his thoughts begin to race.

Without concious thought, Enrico finds himself outside of the locker room. Spying his friend outside, he shouts in a panicky voice: " Lex, call the police. There's a dead body in my locker!!"

The sight of a familiar face seems to calm the young athlete somewhat. Catching sight of Trey, Enrico realizes that his outburst was overheard by more than his friend.

[sblock=Possible actions]Enrico will wait by the locker room entrance, and will only reenter if someone else accompanies him. If not, he will await for the arrival of the police outside.[/sblock]


First Post
At Enrico's shout, Lex looks up stupidly from a notepad in which he's doodling design ideas. He drops the notebook on the hood of the green Saturn he was leaning on and walks toward his friend with a quizzical look on his face. "What are you talking about, 'Rico," he asks incredulously. As he gets closer and sees how shaken Enrico is he looks more concerned. "Enrico, did you say a body?"


First Post
Trey had watched enough subtitled foreign films on a 'borrowed' satellite signal to know an Italian expletive when he heard one. That wasn't the sound that caught his attention most. The "dead body" was more disturbing to him. He knew from experience: if it really was dead and had been there a while, the smell would just be impossible to get rid of.

Trey sighs heavily and takes a few steps towards the two young men. "Show me." he says to them, calmly and tersely, gesturing towards the locker room.

[sblock=Possible Actions]Trey will either follow one/both of them into the locker room, or go by himself if they choose not to. After examining the body to determine if it really is dead, the cell phone in my pocket will be used to call the police.[/sblock]


First Post
Looking at his incredulous friend, Enrico responds in a shaky voice "Of course I said body.".

At the janitor's approach and calm demeanor, Enrico visibly takes a hold of himself. He points at both Lex and Trey and in a much calmer voice adds, "Follow me."

As he moves into the locker room, Enrico begins to explain what happened. "When I went to change after practice, I realized that someone had tampered with my locker. At first I thought it had been someone's idea of a prank. When I opened the door, this body tumbled out."

Now that he found himself in the company of others, Enrico took the time to examine the body. "Hey, I think I know this guy. It's proffesor Carey, from that African Religious Studies I almost took last year."


The body of Professor Carey appears to be have died recently. His skin is still warm to the touch, but there is no pulse. [sblock=Untrained Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences)]
Trey 19 = 15 + 2 +2
Lex 16 = 13 + 3 (aid another)
Enrico 3 = 1 + 2 (aid another)
[/sblock]Over the phone the police assure you that help is on the way, and ask you not to touch the body until they arrive.

PPD Cruiser at the corner of Baltimore ave. and 43rd St., 7:06pm
Kimberly: Your first night solo on the job has been pretty slow so far. The peace seemed to be keeping itself tonight; Your radio crackles to life. ”Come in car #213 this is Dispatch. We have reports of a 430 at the Franklin Field Men's Locker Room. Please respond.” A dead body on university grounds. Looks like the night couldn't stay quiet forever.
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My first call, Kimberly thought to herself, not sure whether to be excited or frightened. She grabbed the radio. "Ten-Four, dispatch. This is car 213, responding to Franklin Field Men's Locker Room, Code 3." Kimberly flipped on the lights and siren, and stepped down on the accelerator, heading towards the university's locker room.

Voidrunner's Codex

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